Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 26, 1919, Image 2

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    Page Two
Penn State .ollegian
Published aeehb during the College t eat In Mudente of the Pennby hauls.
State College In the interest of the Students, Pacultt, Alumni and Ft lends of
the College
0 s Wykof TO--
D C Dlrtladell '2O--
It H Deck '22
Richard Lincoln '.Z
Dualnes4 Manager
Ulsertielng and Circulation Manager
R. B l'axuon . 20___
I(. R Sein '2O
Tho Collegian Invites all LoininunWaltons on and subject of college Inlet est
Lotter. must bone signaturei of or tern
Subset iptlon price 51 00
Entot ett no the POSLUIIIe, State Colkge Pa, to second class :natter
°Mee, Nitton3 Minting and PoldPililog Co Building 0111ce Bouts, I 20 to
5•20 over) afternoon e‘cept S unpin)
With the publication of this issue, a new year has begun for the
COLLEGIAN A new staff,has been elected, and the old stiff, which
has had charge of the paper for the past year, now leaves it in younger
hands. Following a long established custom, it is with a great deal of
pride that we add to the "Collegian Roll of Honor" the names of four
members of the Senior class These men are: G. \V Sullivan, A. R.
Leinbach, G V Glatfelter, and W. L. Eisler. To these four retiring
members of the staff credit for the success of the paper the past year
belongs. Handicapped by a small staff, they have nevertheless worked
long and hard, and they have been successful in making the paper even
better than it has been in the past.
Never has the COLLEGIAN hnd to face a crisis more crucial than
the one which has been before it this year. With the disbanding of
the Student Army Training Corps, the subsequent return of the col
lege to normal conditions, and the outgoing and incoming of a large
number of students at Inc beginning of the second semester, condi
tions have naturally been unsettled. But tins crisis is being safely
passed and much of this success can be attributed to the four retiring
The new staff will endeavor to follow in the footsteps of its
predecessors Its policy will be the same, namely, to give to the
undergraduates, alumni, and faculty, a true and mipreiudiced chron
icle of events, and also to reflect the sentiment of the students of the
college It shall also be our endeavor to keep the paper up to the
high standard which has been set for it in the past
Criticism, both favorable and unfavorable, will always be wel
come. Communications from the alumni and students will receive
careful consideration, for only from the comments of these can we
determine whether the paper is succeeding or not We shall make
mistakes—but we shall try to make as few of them as possible, and
to correct those which we do make.
Penn State students can certainly be proud of the manner in
which the gymnasium has been kept up in the past, and especially
during the years before America's entrance into the war- At this
time, the men in charge of the Department of Physical Education
worked hard to bring it to its then present state of efficiency, and a
successful system was devised and carried out.
With the coming of the war, however, affairs underwent a com
plete change. Those who had labored for a successful gymnasium
entered the service, and that building was left virtually to take cart
of itself. The system which had been built up after several years
of faithful effort gradually fell into disuse and was all but discon
tinued during the S. A. T. C. regime.
Now that the college is returning to peace time conditions, how
ever, it is the desire of the department tb bring the gym back to
the state of efficiency attained before the war. This can be done
only by the cooperation of all who use the building and also by the
careful observance of the rules which it has been found necessary
to establish.
There is an important matter, however, which is deserving of
a great deal of consideration. Through some misunderstanding,
locker keys were given out to a number of students prior to Febru
ary first, and no record was made of those to whom they were given.
Some of these keys have been returned; others have not. By the
use of these keys, smeral narrow and small-minded individuals have
been opening lockers and deliberately stealing whatever they have
been able to lay their hands on The Department of Physical Edu
cation is keeping a close watch for these few men, who arc giving
the entire student body a black eye, and when they are caught their
punishment will be any thing but light
Unfortunately, as a large number of keys was given out, it
places quite a large number of students in this suspected class. In
order to eliminate this, and to prevent the wronging of a great
many by one or two, the department urges that all those who have not
yet given them back, return them to the department immediately.
Ard while we are on this subject, we might state that there has
been quite a bit of petty stealing this year, a condition which cer
tainly is not adding any to the good name of the college. It is there
fore not only the duty of the entire student body, but also the privi
lege, to cooperate and eliminate this existing evil, not only for the
good of the undergraduates as a whole, but also for the good of the
few individuals who are involved.
One of the biggest sporting events of the collegiate world will
ho held in the Armory on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon,
when the Intercollegiate Wrestling Association holds its annual
championship meet. That Penn State. in only its second year in the
association, should be chosen as the place to hold the championships
this year, is a well-deserved tribute to the prowess of the Blue and
White matmen and also an honor to the popular wrestling coach.
That Penn State, the baby member of the association, should win
the championship in her first year of intercollegiate wrestling, is a
fact that has added tremendously to the prestige of the college in
the wrestling world.
just who will win the championship this year is not known.
Last year, with a veteran team on a foreign floor, the 'varsity matinen
came through in great shape, winning six bouts, and failing in the
seventh only because of injuries. This year, with a green team, but
with the meet on the home floor, last season's feat should be dupli
cated. Coach Yerger has moulded a strong team out of green ma
terial, and it can be counted upon to do its best in the coming meet.
It is therefore certainly the duty of every Penn State man to get
behind that team and to support it as it has never been supported
before, for to this way the Blue and White wrestlers will have nn
advantage which none of its opponents will possess
The final concert of the Sunday afternoon concert series will
be given this coming Sunday afternoon by the college cadet band.
For some reason, these concerts this year have not been supported
as they were in the past. The older students will remember that
last year and virtually every year before that, it was difficult sometimes
even to find standing room in the Auditorium.
The concert on Sunday afternoon will undoubtedly be one of
the best that has been rendered this year, and proper support of
it by the student body is urged. The band is one of the various
musical organizations at Penn State which has always added to the
prestige of tho college and wherever it has gone it has created favor
able comment.
--Atislslnnt Editor
WIIIInrn Dt.cicin '22
C C Scher, '22
+ i f E On the Corner
T.w..i.tvi, NOT 11:T lIAD TO . .I.
Dent le.nlee.
We wine not Ili ed.
AN you might hose nunno 4 ed
Instead, ge were to-filled and re-11l
111 the language 41' the Lag Unlit, uu
lun e been before the Judge stud be hoe
Olsen us another year at hat d labor
And Incidentally, x e elude Ye cel ram.
our pay thlt teen rubles I)4me he n eft
back to the Mtn. quarry
Hence, no liboll utill be Inflicted upon
you Von Too, our tbonottbN
Anil lest 11 e tut get It. let its announce
that Ali Plill-up Spite, his un
uot ll* staff, SIN still be In dititge of
i.o mile col) um
(fore Signs of Sorliair
No 1111)119
linll hoe•k..
13 uteholl ittuLtlee
Mule nettet nunnetn
Tlmt it ell-Itnon 0 ht.* feeling
The nonool pllgrlinagett of State Penn
stuilts 11* 1)0)1)11 locomotion) to 13.1.
hung. Llahltop,l3elleinnte. ',eh Haven.
.111)1 110011)) lotto.;
And nhilst none patting outseltes
on the bad< leg:lading no finals, 'midnn
us nhile ue digress long entgt to re
mind enriches that me onll have ton
recitations the lost day thh. semester,
inn] an inlet t<nnn ne'ro going to lane a
final ruin in all of them
Some Jungle ue'te going to have nest
Fold.* and Shturdto But then, .)Ott
knoo, the LION alnayn mar the ItMg or
the ',canto
And Ode beau-1.-on-Val apt lug
oreathet Mitre do l °mind uM of ghat
Dean pulses said not March after the
21vt 11 al Larne and sent ror the bene
fit of the poor Drosh, alto can awn eel.
ate but not 0,131,1 !motif, ate here quote
the balm "In the muting a oung ntalt'a
fano lightl3 turns to that %%Melt the
I oung ladles think about all the time"
Thu I) 11-ers. (tom the hamlet 0
Ag 11111, hale organized a he lethal
team and limeb) Issue a challenge to al
departmental teams to play a champion
01111 i NCI lea The D. II team lam a non
deiful I mead, not hinlng last a alma
genie thin Cason, uhlch Is due In
hake measure to the tact that they ban
not placed any
The numerous Inquiries coneernin
Me new Vol let) of sill lagflower 2e
contly discovered on the campus but
led as tor pubhoh , tho fwilowlng We".
Harry Swimmer
Save Your Junk from
Spring Cleaning
Paper, Books
and Rags
Bell phone 23 W
700 E. Beaver Avenue.
Nothing adds charm to the
dressy person as a dainty jewel.
Walderon Vest Chain
or Handsome Tie Pin
Shuey's Jewelry Store
1 1
g Li
g Li
I Have you tried that Egg Sandwich for I.oc 19
or Hamburg with Onion for 10c
C. E. SHUEY, Prop.
Fine Salary Paid
10 Good Men to Do Summer Work
who are able to qualify
The good man is the one who grasps an opportunity
when he sees it.
Do you wish to earn anywhere from $BO to $2OO
per month this summer? If so, call at once to see Mr.
R. L. WARNER at the Nittany Inn, any time during
the day and from 7 to 8 in the evening.
tication and description secured thiouiih
the courtosy of tho Botani Departmont.
fZentpus Bose
Iloso sin Wormn. snr. clanulorlbus
Pet 01111141 Mal or mood). elect. 1-5
(vet high, sometimes slightly cents,-
bent: steins free, branches aimed pith
sultighthilt delicate atomics entwining
tendrils, liput usually delicate, sal tool)
larely' comae and it tegUlar.
vat eat viii lug light gray to dark brown
sometimes anwst black, lioisent usually
Penn State Cheenhouhe.—seal Into,
atilt at Penn State, must lie cultivated
to llomish
Dent 1,141.1. NA one mew 111111011.0.
ment 'nun old elstem In now pumped
MN. Len; hope It ennui berme next
week and mu) Junket Pinelux chop n
feu Ideas down on no
ZE.lumb} trim Ipr.. (1• S This 1. Mg.)
shittlan fin. .11),e-bye.")
Little by little IN being
gittliet ell concerning the names of Penll
Stale attidenta Lho hate been (Meerut.'
tot Waver). !dried., null It it hoped to
compile lint conibliell Heine dine
in the near futtn e
The latest Petin State man to be dec.
umted In Phst Lieutenant Ilat old L
Reese. of Mehallo) Cite, Pa Lt Reese
nits a membet of the class of 1919 bo
nne Ids enlistment. and 01111 e In col
lege he was - emetic,' lit the coot.. In
education anti je)elteltog). In the School
of Llbesil Aim Ile Ni or also active In
musical 00111Itles, singing on the Pt esh
-1111111 1111111 /Of In his Met )011r at Penn
State. and In Ills SOIIIIOI.IOIO year he nns
a membei Of the Oec dub
Tile citation In as follow;
'Wind. Lieutenant Unsold L Beene.
Tinaloth hammy Vol extrnordinam
hetoisint In action neat Mery, Pinner,
July it lilt. During the unptece
dented nrtillory bombardment preparn
tot) to the gie it Cetnutn offensive of
July It, Lieutenant Reese maintained
liaison betneen different signal units Its
shilling positions during the bombattl
must. It seemed utterly impossible tot
runners to venture throm.ll this Me.
yet Lieutenant Meese suluntatily led a
den I tin ought the barrage and thus
established cemintanitation, also clients -
aging his men to greatest effuttn"
i Myers! Barber Shop
Modern Equipment
• •
55--A4' J
( 4 40, 1 0 r 0),
• vrti:
- ro . iispect to pay a high
I price for talc perfumed,
with an odor that cost
• thousands of dollars to
produce would be natural.
But to be able to obtain
such a superb perfume at
a low price is a delightful
surprise. This surprise
awaits you In the Talc
perfumed with Jonteel—
the New Odor of Twenty
- six Flowers.
The Rexall Store
State College, Pa
The Sophomores held an important
clam meeting In 11th Chemistry Amphi
theatre Toelday night • tshen tour mall
aorta flit the various sports and ono
mutt for rise Inter-class sports council
I WI, elorted The treatment of Fresh
:nen man also discussed and the
molt." neve or Red to sou that the Fresh
nom customs roe strictly alum, t ed In the
Ilaartgeas 0.0 elected fat nark, hose.
ball, nod lawmen, and many applicants
were put op no each VONIIIOII The I
cults shooed Mat R C. Church wax
elected tract. manage!. R. 11 Gibbs base
ball manage,. natal P 11 Trout lacrosse
mongol 1 . D. Giles twin elected to the
Inter-class sports council. All that Soph
omores wet e mated to turn out for the
"tic-up scrap" on Atarll Gth
The hat committee made Ito !Nla
and the elates bat was selected The
design Ix in the loran of an X nith a bar
above atoll one below It Is expected
that the hats mill be here by the
vacation Shell they ran he um n In the
1921 mon
Tile 1,41 Nal Illgei ballk Ix a War Sas
lags Cm tllleate
`II• 11 11 hltlelnle. I 11 . 13. unto
%hiller Int the noncom lost nook Mr
Shields lone been null the White Moto:
Compton) In Fiance elm. 1914. He ex
peony to make his beadquat tem In thin
canon) lemalnlng Inn the export dep nn t
moot of the company.
Pr ofeneont It. Diemen. Demo anent of
Indium Intl ramineen Ing, attended tine an
nual convention of the Society of In
donna Intl ramlneolo Inn Nen Yon It lent
Captain John C Fiance, I. E. .15.
vielted State College haat Satui day and
Sandi*. Cal/Mill Fiance Ma been alth
the American Expeditionary Forma in
imppei Moth In the St :Mallet salient and
Sanitary Plumbing
Highland Ave.
How about that
:1: • New Pair of
Shoes for Easter?
Let us show you the new
Spring Styles—prices are : 1 1
T reasonable. $6.00 to $lO. . 1 .,
if . . M. HURWITZ i:
+ Allen Street X
Best Quality
Wholesale and Retail
Special rates to
Clubs and Fraternities
200.202 W. College Ave.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
, o7At.
...--',./ •, .. 1 1
/ 0 'S r ..i
/r ) 4 , , 4 i„....
7 N > i . l ii i '6, k i
r ( FL litli- , qc
6- li).f.„ vii,,,-,
- i.-.
Vii, ..
I 111 W
1. 1 1- . 1 • "
1"...rj.' • .
' CIELV 21414 e. 4 L'AW-Ei
Comilen. Inl.l /latt 5.:11.1: , cr C. Max
finest offerings in
Men's and Young
Men's Suits
at $4O
THE latest new spring models in single and
double-breasted young men's welt-waist models;
smart form-fitting models; with the new style lapels,
flare skirts, stylish 1, 2 and 3 button models; curved
hip effects; military effects, as well as the more digni
fied styles.
We show all fabrics and weaves; tweeds, silk
mixtures, cassimeros, cheviots, soft worsteds, browns,
oxfords:greens, plaids, checks, stripes; in all sizes
and models for men of all proportions. Unusual
values $9O
State College, Opposite Post Office
returned on the George Waehington at
tho same time President Wilson and his
party t Ottllned.
The new woodworking machinety In
Unit Id was started last week for the
(inn time. More maeltinet3 is being
coma... Led up to ttnn ItleCtllP tablet unit
now machines will be placed In (meta-
Unit In in Yew days. Ptactleally the en
the w O.IW/thing equipment. Including
all 1110 WIN. Is 111.1 W (ICI
nevl SIII-kat attVilded the banquet
of the llittsbnigh alumni bold Mulch
2100 mid Runge 001100111111 g die plans
for the lllrwin...Hug grout, of building.
Iscot Noelet!. Notes or Peon Slate
Vol Savings girders Notes. Watch
387 Teachers Needed In
Three Days
Mina 26-28, 1918, wilt
ed on to recommend 387 teachers for
the best schools In twenty states and
Munk. Define and after this date
the most pimp weave Colleges mid
Schools in forty-two states and four
foreign countries used inn intake
because they have learned to apin 0-
elate TIM: BEST We teem: mind
B YEMPLOYERS This Ia .113 OUlt
'MEMBERS ate trio illy chosen, They
e annted Na ern °Mama fee
necessaly Reghttet toilav for the
best salaries Ask for a copy of
712 Scaritt DuIIIIIng
Kurinv CIO. 31.1450url
Baked Goods
and Ice Crean -1
Quality and Service Guaranteed
220 East College Avenue
i Just Received a New Lot of
Dal Tamborine
Dancing Oxfords
.r-:-:-:-.÷:÷x-,...:-:-.÷:-::-:-:-:-...:-::-.:.:-..++.:-:-.:F:-H-H ti:
I When You Want a Baseball Bat ±
7.: Get a "Louisville Slugger', 1:
f The Big Leaguer of . them All -
A Full Line of
• T
I: Baseball and Tennis Goods J
, iiiiaiToooooooo ,
Wednesday, Mardi 26, 1919
Poverty le a crime when there a
War Sas, huge Stamps
Thurs., Friday and Saturday
Turkish Caramels
Try our Cream Cocoanut
Easter Eggs in all Sizes
Home Made
Ice Cream
Vanilla and Chocolate
40c Quart
Maple Walnut and Strawber
50c Quart
Anything that you might expect from
a real first class confectionery
Gregory Bros.
State College Bellefonte, Pa