Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 26, 1919, Image 1

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    Here's Hoping the Championship
Belt Deddee to Remain at
Penn State Another Year
VOL. XIV. No. 12
Many Candidates Report for Daily
Workout—Sprint - Men Given
Special Instruction
With the coming of ideal track
weather, Conch Leafs la hating the
mon, who reported for the squad, work
out daily on the cinder oral on New
Ileaer field This was put In shape the
past week and the fact that tfie men are
able to obtain on opportunity to practice
outdoors so early in the season will add
arm]) to Penn State's cluttices In the
meets a Well have been scheduled
A huge number of candidates have
reported fo• the work outdoors, and
Judging ham pi c.ent prospects, a
slums tram should be picked from the
1111101.1 t of tnntei Coach teals was
mailed away Lola few days but Man
ger Clarke took charge of the men and
practice went un as usual
Following the system which was In
augurated recently, the sprint men were
given special workouts last week Vir
tually genii day they were closely
watched by the coach, their faults no
ticed and pointed out, and under the In
struction which was given them they
showed decided Improetment In their
work There Is on meedingly largo
number of men out for the sprints, and
tldv I 4 especially true In the 100-yard
and 220-partt (Witte, Quite a few of
th,ne seem to be showing up especially
well and ale almost certain of securing
berths an the 'varsity team.
Among these may he mentioned Hock
cc TO, oho ocui on his chum team the
pout too yearn and nho also ran In the
sprints last y ear. Boehm seems to have
a slight advantage on the rest of the
field. although Lille 11 and Demming
TI, oho also run on their Class team
lust season. cure nut for positions in
the dashes and It Is difficult to decide
Just oho alll moment Penn Mate in
these ments Taylor TIY, who cons a
Liar on his prep school team last year.
Is muncher candidate oho has been show
ing. cop cell in the dashes and he too
will he a anon,: contender for a place
Oil the team ,
The distance men am -Woo hard at
work its welt as the pole soUltern and
the high Jumper', The wkight men are
abui practicing daily and competition
for the various ponitlone will begin noun.
"Charlie" Way . 20, the Eger broad jump
er and 'varsity football man, was back
at the college for a few days' visit re
hut It in ,ely doubtful if he will
L. able to re-enter college before next
motet. ,
No additions have been made to the
schedule on It was announced a few
weeks alto Tho year's activities will
consist at whirl Is done this spring. as
the only event of any importairce last
fall, when the S. A T. C wan In foice,
was the cross country meet with the
University of Pennsylvania, when the
Mee and White runners metedefented
by a oar tow margin
The only dual meet ithlelt has been
arranged this year IS the one with the
thlhnill) of Pittsburgh runners, which
will be held on Now Beaver Held„ Mon
day, June 9, during the commencement
week festivities. Teams, however, will
be sent to the Penn relays, April 2Lth
and 26th, and the Nieridowbrooks, on
May 3rd, both of which will be held In
Philadelphin. The mettle of the Penn
State team will be tried In each of these
contents, an a huge number of the best !
athletes lit the suite and country will
compete In these meets
The strength of the Blue and White,
however, will receive the supreme test
on Nfay 30th and lint, when the teen
will be sent to the National Intercol
leglates at Mu tard University, Cam
bridge Virtually tho pick of American
track stars, us well as of those of Eng
land and other countries, will be pres
ent, and the standing of the Penn State
team In the citaler-path world will ho
determined In thase events.
Despite reports to the contrary, the
Inter-fraternity meet will be held, as
was previously planned, on April 12th,
on the name day as the Inter-fraternity
relay. As the custom has been In pre
vious years, virtually every fraternity
will enter a team In this meet, and a
number of interesting events can be
looked for. The annual Inter-class meet
will be held on May 10th and it promises
to be closely contested At the present
time, however, It Is probable that this
meet will ho won by either the Bopho
more or the Freshman class teams. As
announced some time ago, the inter
scholastic meet will be hold on May 17th.
Already a great number of normal and
preparatory schools, as well as several
academics, me planning to send teams
hero on that data IL is quite probable
that there will be two classes, class A
for the normal school and academy
teams, and elms B for the high school
teams If the contact of former yenta
Is followed, tile Freshman team will
also be entered in class A.
Dr. Sparks Is
Rapidly Improving
Recent repot to concerning the condi
tion of Dr. Sparks :date that hie-condi
tion In Improving rapidly, and it will
not be very long until he afinin regains
his normal health. Dr. Sparks la still
located at the University at Ponnoyl
vont& hospital at Philadelphia, whore lie
was taken nearly too weeks ago. While
there he in under careful observation and
treatment. and It will not be long until
he will ho abbe to leave the hospital,
although no definite ditto can be sot
for his departure
Dr. Sparks will then go to some health
resort, probably hi Virginia, whore he
aSI spend a year In recuperation and
resting up, before returning to Poen
State to resume his duties as president
of the college. ha has been granted a
year's Mare of absence by the Beard
of Trustees for thin purpose, so that he
may completely recover his health, as
the Dement breakdown came largely as
the result of overwork.
fret i t a r i(..;_zi3A).sei;-i''
Winners of Well Contested Bouts
Are Year's Champlons--Benney
Wins by Default
The all-college chemplonship boxing
tournament, held in the Armory last.
Friday evening, closed the boxing sea
son at Penn State for thin college year.
The meet nits exceptionally nell at
tended, the largest crowd for this sea
son being present. Splendid examples
of Ilvtio skill and a keen ability to ad
minister as meg no receive punishment
were exhibited by the contestants. Tim
hum weight bout was the only ttite that
was not fought, the title going to 'Ten
ney by default.
Many of the men who would have
been contenders for the titles wino un
able to participate In thls meet dun to
the inhales received Ulthlo the past
few necks. McFadden 'l9, Routh '2l,
Stein, Rosen, Roman, Brubaciter,
Licitenstein and Mare. '22 were all
Unable to participate men In the pre
iintlnuries for thin meet. No doubt
better and at least as spirited a meet
would have been produced had these
men not been injuted, but the tourna
ment held last F'ilduy was satisfactor9
In every way both to those more closely
Interested in the sport. and to alto epee
tators, who shoned their appteciation
by loud exclamations and applause
The meet opened with the 116-pound
bout between Reeve '22 and Priedfnan
'2l. These men had fought each other
before. In the Sophomore-Freshman
scrap meet and Reese again proved his
mastery over the second year man
800/10 Ilan a ntrOlig straight left Jab and
he used it effectively. The first two
rounds were rather dove, but In the
Mild round, Reeve t , ttined such an aut.
kindle of blows on his opponent's face
that Ito won the decision
The 125-pound bout wax fought bc
tueen Jenkins '22 and !Miley '22-- This
was a neil contested bout and the men
note fairly evenly matched Both are
good boxers and they produced an ex
cellent tpo of lighting By the effective
use of libt body punches, Jenkins more
out lON oppbrient during the first two
ounds, and then hammered him In the
last round, thus - whining the decision.
The next bout URA in the 110;pound
chi. betneen2Parthemei 'l9 and Aiken
'2l. and this - was greatly, en,loyed,,by.the
crowd The first round nos Nory
ee Parthemer inflating a slight, ndvan
toga user Aiken by the use of heavy
face and body poncho.. The second
'round %as seri amusing, each man
striking a great number of Omen but
%inanity miming :44 , ann....1 , 0- Thertbit'd
round decided the contest This round
Alkett's In a Ride margin, Pantie
mer Wing quite e‘lintisied, and ho nag
forced to reecho the Sophotnore's heavy
straight-face punches, which gave the
latter the decision.-
The heat vu eight (lila, neat to Ken
ney 'la by .default no candidate
presented himself to dispute the Senior's
right to tho title, he remains undisputed
heavyweight champion. The 135-pound
bout followed and wax n splendid con
test between Laney '2l and Shaffer '22.
This bout started with a great deal
of snap and the contestants mixed
things throughout the three rounds
Latin' pros ed himself master through
out the context and used trio uppercut
with great effectiveness. but ho neter
hod enough force In his blows to sin
a knockout Shaffer displayed a con
siderable amount of grit and ability
to take punishment. and he also gate
a number of bard blown.
The 146-pound bout betueen Cooper
'2l and "hobo" Elledmen '2l .as a
lively bout. Cooper cos effective in
(Continued on Page Three)
Campaign Here Will Be Part of a
Nation Wide Movement—Meet.
ing To Be Held Tomorrow
Neat Thursday e‘onlng xlll math the
Innovation of a new Idea at Penn State,
NOM a meeting will ho held in the
Auditorium at seven o'clock for the or
ganication of the Penn State War Sav
ings Society. The meeting will be ad
dressed by Dean Blaisdell, of the School
of Liberal Arts, and Dr. Douche, of the
Economics Depat tment, who will give
the details of the plan. Assistant Post
master Glenn V. 111 also aprak as a repre
sentative of the State College postal au
thorities. •
The Penn State War Savings Society
will be only a small part of a nation
wide plan fur saving, and v,lll be the
beginning of a ..Tin Ift Can;Paige for
this college, The ' , Muni Government
In conducting a campaign throughout
the gauntly to arouse the twines' Inter
est In War Savings Stamps, and to en
courage savings an an Investment. In
fact, a subdivielon of the War Loan Or
ganisation has been named the War
Savings Glendon In turn, each of
these units In composed of smaller units,
Ituoun as groups and counties, and the
Penn State War Saving, Society will
be a part of these smaller groups. Up
to date, nearly 200,000 War Savings
societies hate been organized, tunny of
them centering in industrial corpora
tions or other business planbi, and quite
a number In educational Institutions.
E‘ory student Is Invited to be present
at the meeting on Thursday In order
to got the details of the plan and find
out just what is to be done to make
Penp State a leader in this movement.
Tho advantaces of the Thrift Stamens
offered by the Federal Government are
mldent. and this Is an ncellent °poor.
'Amity to become nett Informed con
cerning. them.
AU Freedmen dotting to try out for
the editorial Waft of the COLLEGIAN
should report tonight (Wednesday) in
room GM Old Male. at seven o'clock
Three Day Campaign Gains Many
New Members for Local Y. M.
. C. A.—" Blues" Win Contest
fine of the largest 1 C A mem
bership campaigns root. conducted at
Penn State ended last Saturday after
noon tit G o'clock The campaign was
launched with the Intention of adding
at least 1,000 new members to the local
organization. The Cant count showed
tin addition of 1,110 new members Tito
Interest shown lit this campaign was.
paranlutlnt rind the clod It placid at the'
main gitewny Itt Allen street Wore
I watched with keen inlet, at. nut only by
' the members of the two teams. but also
by the student bod) ns .0 whole. The
campaign wag conducted under the
leadership of the 1. M 01. A Ws:rotary.
S L. Dorset, who unit assisted bo the
captains of the to tins, trsimll 11 Clark
11, of tho "Reds," and It, 11, McDuff 'lt.
of the "
The campaign opened at nine o'clock,
Thursdnl thenlng March 20th 'he
llions to the launching of the drive,
Picifessor J. T. Marshmt.n spoke to the
members of both teams Ito emphasized
the Stork of the Y. M. C A at Penn
Suite, speaking of chit It hod done
,ind %shot it had tet to do Ile sold
'There 41 no depa: tment of the college
that lion gtohn as much as the, Y. M.
The tomtit of this il.ut days work
gained each team 340 pew members
On Prida,l, the "Reds' . surged ahead and
maintained their lead throughout the
In) On Pawed* the content swayed
aack and forth, one al le leading and
thou the other. until when the Ithal
count was taken at G p ln, It 0118 found
that the "Blues" were the victors of
the ...test. Raining 590 now members,
wale the "Rode obUt ned 660. The
total membership added. therefore. won
1,150, which was vet.) gratlf,7ing to
OHM conducting tier campaign. A total
cunt of OM 00 ti n s been. collected,
011101, 011011 1111 the mendierrhipa are
Old, will aggregate in, eleven hon
ked clonal a
The ./teds" alined ei,ito u lead over
their opponent. on Friday night when
they nwept down 011 tile tine of Fremit
men paying their dna, dues at the Co
op, and thin feat gave them GO new
members. The "Blues" also executed a
little bit of strategy, when they de
scended upon the Track House and
gained a number of new members. The
campaign won tilled 0.111. loot such little
foam on these, wideh addetLeansitleialdY
to — th - F , eeeltement The ,fact' that the
"nine." gained a greater membernhin
than Old the “Itetiv,“ wins for them
banquet nt the expense of the losers,
which will he held thin week
The. T. r C. A. Ls a strong Sector
At Penn State, and its Influence hi-be
coming greater Students are 'avail
ing themselves of the opportunities
presented lA the-local organization. and
are making tine of the hut, and the "T"
Is helping them hi•et cry tiny' It lo also
Prot Wing entertainment along various
lines to the uhule college. Tha "free
movies" limo been a success and Sec
retary Donor has plans for added at
tractions in the near future. -
Y. W. C. A. Almt Conducts Catnpulgn
Tito Y. W. C. A campaign, launched
In connection nith that carried out by
the Y 31. C A , nan alno a success. The
campaign was undertrtken by two teams,
the . .Whites." headed by Miss Adeline
ilurkholder '2O, and tho "Blues." cap
tained by :111S5 Florence Wilson '2O
The "Whites" mon the context, gaining
thirty-nine members, tt hits the "Blues"
obtained thirty-two.
In spite of the fact that the numbers
are small, the campaign was quite a
1111C.39, for there was a total of set onty
ono new members added to the local
organization, out of a possible hundred
The contest began at 9 14 Thunulay
mewing, and closed at 10 p. m Friday.
The seml-trinis for the Senior girl's
Play have been held and eight girls
halo been chosen for the live speaking
parts. The play selected for this year's
pettormance Is nßonutncers.. by ROH-
Lrnrid, and It will be. staged In the Open
Mr TheaUe some time during the fleet
Week in May.
The Department of Industrial and
Fine Arts has brought to this college a
lemarkable collection of drawings by
Joseph Pennell, illustrating the wonders
of war stork In America. The display,
comprising, over tit ty prints and draw
ings. Is note worthy for the examples of
the art of Pennell, and also for the hi
mimic intermt of tile group as a pic
torial record of Ameritan War Crtort.
The collection Is at particular interest
in Penimivania because a large number
of Ow lithographs ore of mines and coal
gelds and ship )ards of this Mato
Such subjects us coal breakers, bat
teries of blast furnaces, the launching
of ships, Interiors of munition factories
and steel mills ma handled with repo
artistic instinct.
The exhibition will be on dinplay for
two weeks, with the opening date.
March 30th (Sunday afternoon) from
1.30 until 5 o'clock. During the fol
lowing two oceho the galleries of the
Department of Industrial and Fine Arta
win ho open front 0:30 to 5 o'clock. No
inlinholion charge.
Professor A. L. Kocher, who Is act
ing in charge of thin department, has
promised it aeries of art exhibita of a
similar character during the opting of
thin year.
:11'. Z. Young 19 W.. 7. Kidd TO
.7. A Kurtland TO D. L. Schlottore TO
C. W. Lclby TO
O. IC, Wallace 10 A. R. Ely 10
"The Magistrate" Will Be Given
In Five Cities—To Be Presented
In Auditorium April 12th
The Annual Thespian trip xhieh
he taken by the club clueing the neck of
April 20th has Nen delinitely arranged
hi Manager K II Kirk TO. and Is non
rnady for announeemeri,t. Thu trip nal
include ishowings_at litter! prominent
cities in the eastern ivrt of the suite,
and will clone nith thilresentation of
the iday nt liellefonte 00 Prlday, April
Atteinpts WMn node pre, [aunty to at
outgo dates at Scranton and Lancaster
also, but oning to - pH tious cognac
ments, thme could not 1 . necured An
other slim t trip to oL"er Tyrone or
Huntingdon tsar ht arrm.g..l. The spun
' ing night still be, of .worse, lit thi.
Schuab Auditorium, and 7 the dote which
has been set for thb Bret home prat.-
Hon In Saturday, April If " The play will
also ho shown during rommencement
Week on Tuesdat et , ening June 10
Beside the cast, nn orchestra of ten
titers ss 111 bo taken Mops. on all trip!,
This orchestra...lll he mulu tip entirely
of students, and will be under student
le idershlp
The cant W holding regular rehelrimln,
And the moduLtion nem. to be working
up In line shape under the tutelage of
.111 n E 11'. Miller. -No clmngoo hate
been made in the original cost, as it
oar unnounced recently.
The Itinerary of the Alp which han
been arranged hi us followv
April 21, Orpheus Th, .ter. Harris
Aplll 22, Otplleum Thuutel. York,
Awn 23, Claud Okra. nouse, Wilkes
April 21. Clivennut Strut Opera
flutist, Suitbm y.
.I.prll 25, Garirtun Operci Howie, Bello
As COMM , . fulled to Nnenl the dal-
light saving law ' before. its adjourn-
;tient recent!), it. will a 4:1 be neces
sary to turn the cloths femora ono
hour Tit , time !WI for th , Is nest Sun-
day mottling, Man.h.aigh.,./tt the ••000
smolt hour of two o'cloole• Do not
fall to attend to this ma er. as under
such circumstances, you will be just
getting to thane' as th orb are leav
ing It
- It oill.he rentembeted it too yearn
ago the C.‘ilpisert. nat. . . =Ma.
of` furnlnethe local clot a ahead one
hour, In order that there "odd be one
hour mars of daylight in the evening
for the playing of gnme, such as base
inn, tennis, ere Pot a number of
re•itons. hoe ever, It ow; found Impos
sible to put the plan into effect • Unto
' user, the r,overnmont adopted the non-
tern last year. but. college , closed too
em1) , ,,,f0r the organisation of any sports
A.fact ultich to also worthy of note
in connection With this daylight easing
plan la that nt tho annual Farmers .
Wont., held at the college recently, user
one thousand represent/Ith° farmers of
the state neat on record nit being op
posed to the law, since in their moo,
they stele compelled to lose more time
than they saved
Mr. Charles M H Atherton, son of
the late Dr Geolgo W. Atherton, for
mer president of the college, spent
several tints last neek at the college
Mr Atherton Is a graduate of Penn
State. class of 1802. and In his under
graduate da>s stun a member of both
the football and baseball teams
For a number of years past. Mr
Atherton has been engaged In settle
ment work among the.nohetrdans In
Moo York Clt.l In September, 1917,
ho left for Russia to engage in 1' M.
C. A malt, but on account of the no
tlvltlev of the resolutionhas, uns able
to get only as far rw Moscow- Ile then
Joined the Cosecho-filmak army and was
an °Meer in the first regiment tie
returned to this country last Nmember,
utter having Unversed Siberia. and
crossed the Pacific ocean. During Ms
few days here tout week, he dethered
a lecture In the N. /Mist church on
the Caeelm-Slovakt
There Is quite a number of excellent
teaching positions open, and the Board
of Recomnrendations of the college Is
at present In correspondence with school
ollielals throughout the state In toter
once to teaching positions for next 3 ear.
This Board of Itevommendations Is au
thorized by the administrators of the
college altich It serves to encore teach
ing positions, and during the year and
a, half that It hos been 131 operaUon.
It hem been very successful in placing
Its candidates in desirable positions
These touching Position¢ aro open to
all members of the graduating class
and the alumni t‘ho are qualified to
ketch, irrespective of the scoot from
%Inch they will ot Intro been graduated,
However, tut these wattlene will soon
be filled up, it is urged that all these
desiring - to register should nee ,Dr. D
A Anderson, head of the department of
education and dlrefun of the Dotted of
Recotnntendatlons, at the earliest pots
nible date, In order that positions may
be secured through this agency of the,
An members of the Freshman class
desiring to try out for the business
Mott of the COLLEGTAN report to
night (Wednesday) at room G3G, fifth
_floor of Old 3faln, at ala torty.flve
i ) a
Large Number of Alumni Expected
To Return in June—Plans for
Program Almost Completed
Although the past neck has brought
forth fen nen developments In connec
tion With the commencement program,
It Is becoming more nod more apparent
that the Ilnol WtYlt of the present se
:nester is to henne full of interest for
111 and one ninth will bring to State
College the largest number of alumni
and friends of the Institution that ever
returned for any commencement. Of
the many alumni and undergraduates
sho ale term niug nom overseas and I
are being dischan god Ilona the service, I
acerb all stem to be planning to re
lUtll June
The a lit Or the dim.ussion In several
large alumni meetings recently hold In
Philndelphia, Pittsburgh and other cant
ern titles Indicated that a large number
if the members of these associations
acre expecting to Nasal the week of
June sixth here Cse:i thing Indicates
.but. the 1919 commencement tout Sur
pass all others In the number of vinitors
and that the scope of tine actit hies will
nuke up for 11l that Iran been missed
in the abineviated ceremonies of the
past two bears.
The pi ngram for the week mill be es
;entlally as published In last week's
ZOLLIZGIAN. Negotiations are now
acing made bith Di Nehemiah Boynton
and It in quite probable that he will de
ll•., the bwralain e•.ate sermon 00 1110
Nat Sunday before commencement
Nothing iv Imobn let as to the pos.
slbilit3 of hosing former Dean Holmes
no the commencement speaker It Is
expected that Di Holmes will be In
State College in the neat future and at
that time It will be determined whether
or nut he can In lone fur graduation
The week's netleitli, will begin on
Priday night. June shah, when the ail
college play. ••Tho fortune ITunteriV
will be iitegenteil In the Auditorium.
Satus day will he • too, ing-tili dal" and
the Preglitinit will bury the clink and
1048111110 the rtelpullelbilltlCi of SOpllo
m.ll OH Tice last ntllluno et en( of the
year will be tla nosiest of cadets to be
held on New Belo or held on the morn
ing of tile MA entli On Saturday after
noon there will be a limeball game with
the Carnegie Inalittne of Technology
and in the evening the combined mus
ical clubs of the college will lender a
concert in tho .Attilltutium., The_ nest
-• Au tateculauirate aunaY and
In the afternoon there•Wlll he a con:
vett un the front campus and in the
setting the C A. and Y W C A.
.111 bold a meeting In the Open Air
Mond, will be Class Day and In Ott
forenoon the ceniorn .111 bold theta
exerclsec , in the Open All Theater Tho
limier °mimic:its .111 be held ht the
atoning Townie, will be Alumni Day
and It will be mat Iced by many features
of Interact to old Penn Stato students
In the naming the Theeplans will pre-
Fent their HenHoars offering. a farce
comedy entitled ''The Magistrate . '
Wednesda3 .111 be graduation day
and the legular commencement eser
duct .111 be bold In the Auditorium be
ginning at ten o'clock In the forenoon
The Junior Prom will take place In the
Tilals for the cast of the All-college
(lob, "The Fortune Hunter," will he held
In the Toter of the Auditorium tomorrow
evening at eight o'clock, under the di
rection of Professor Ifarshman
Lacrosse Team To
Meet Navy Soon
t`tont nn utmost obscure spurt N-
I ermine has again come into prominence
this string and the past feu %seeks
hate HMI 1111 Inca e cued Interest in the
gamy At least slot> candidates. the
majority of them ri oilmen have turned
out and Intensi‘e practice tutu begun.
Manager W. L. Cisler has scheduled a
game with Navy and set eml other
games are being arranged (or Inter in
tile season.
The v.eather during the past week has
been vert favorable to practice with
the result that the men are had at
twilit, getting them/wiles In /dame for
the coming gam., Scam Sonibre, four
Juniors, fifteen &glimmeres nod aPertlk
imately thirty-11N° l'reshmen have re
pot ted for practice and acrimmage of a
mild natter has been begun. 'rho Net
-01111111 Or the pant three leers have been
teaching the ,Nontilwr men the rudi
ments of the game and the new• men
aro responding rely nen to this instruc- '
Eon. "lint," Loa's In giving as much
of hie thee an 110,11,1“ ill aiding tile 1 - 11011
ill the Mole complex pollall Of the
The /11 , ..1011 will open with the game
against the Navy at Annnpoll.. April 5.
Lncroxse h.ui been IL sport at Navy for
seine Nears, and consequently the huN
It strung 1t..1111, 11111.1 this game preaents
the neat opportunity for the Petin State
men to 1411011 111011 . Mettle. Several
other games are being arranged mid It
Is probable that a big eastern trill will
'be . Manager Eisler In In
communication with Lehigh, Lafayette,
Slm•thmore, and Johns Hopkins, and
he hopes to at rang° 'manes Inter In the
The Wet matt I:Inlot, Lehman, Make,
Lynn, Mast and Ewing., al Seniors, con
vtltuto the nucleon around which the
3ounger men, Barnhart. Eaton, Jones,
.Flalter. Junlour, and Croup, WaHera,
Leunehner, rally, Trout, Itothrock and
Vleltorti, Sopbomoten, bill bo formed.
and Penn State bill be ropresented by a
NU Gag and voell-tralned team
All Sophomores wishing to try out for
the poshlon of aecond assistant tennis
manager should sign up at once at tho
Oraduale Manager's Mee, 118 Old Main.
Six Teams To Contest In Annual Cham
pionship Meet of Intercollegiate
Wrestling Association
Final arrangements have been completed and everything is in
readiness for the intercollegiate wrestling championships, which will
be held on the Armory mats on Friday and Saturday of this week.
Six of the strongest wrestling teams in the collegiate world will com
pete, namely, Columbia, Cornell, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, Princeton,
and Penn State, and one of these teams will emerge the victor
on Saturday afternoon. This team will then be intercollegiate cham
pion for the coming year until it is called upon to defend its title
in 1920 on some floor to be selected from among the teams men
tioned above There will be a great many visitors,here for the inter
collegiate meet and not a few of these will be Penn State almuni,
who are coming back to see whether Penn State can duplicate the
feat she performed last year at Brooklyn.
The preliminaries and semi-finals of the first intercollegiate
wrestling meet ever held at Penn State will take place on Friday
night. beginning promptly at vet en
o'clock There trill ho too mats and
one bout still be run oil after another
las quickly as possible On this cloning,
!there 011 l be approximately toentY
eight bouts, and the oinners of these
will be eligible for the seals on Satur
clio afternoon It is undecided yet us
to ohicia teams o ill tit estle against each
mbar, oi against what opponent each
num will 0062100, This matter will
la ult 1,1) be decided either tomorrow or
Frith* by ii toss of the coin of some
such similar method
The finals of the meet will lle [veld on
Sicturdus alienation. beginning at half
past too and in the, some of the
elm erest orestling (tot eeon In the
Armory should Is. o Intoned In this
match. there oil' also be about twenty
eight, bouts, tan, It Dill be necessars to
decide Orel, second and third places oil
tills day,
I bent Doubtful at Pleat
Candidates for Season's Nine
Showing Up Well—Bezdek Com
pletes Year's NVork at State
The fine weather of the put week Iron
given the bluebell aimed a good chance
tur continued outdoor practice for the
first time this spring. Tho men urn
working hard, but of course, the 0 Oath
or hnn not aartned enough au )et to
sinew them in their reel form The
squed lies been cut considerably and
now consists of about thirty men, most
Uf ...vhoin prot....ab.yfrtteelt..with it
for the rest Of the season.
In the idle/Ong squad, tub following
nien look good. 11 W Rlelielbergol
0111 TO, 1: T Orsonley . 19, J R Hun
ter '22, A J 14.)00ir '22, 11 It 2llehem:l
- L Thonuid '2l, 1 R Twlphoner
1. Wognut '2l, turd Zoller '2l On.-
1..111 In the only at hitcher boOt '
As catchers, the following eerie merg
ing out stcll• - NI, R. Craig 'l9, It B.
McDuff 'lO, Rothenberl '2l, and II
Rlebee '22 Ki'linger Is also being de
veloped for this position
Among the infields., 1) C Diadem
'2O. G S Gress 'lO, A L Nester '22,
Knapp '22. N It. Korb '2l, .1 1' Shone
nam '22, G. It Slattety "12, G W Wolfe
'2O. and 0 1.. Baublits 'lO are norking
in good shape Korb '2l Is Ovine; On
encellent game, •od is in artisan , : sure
of a position
Tho outfielders ate Ve IL Mullen '2O,
J H Detwiler '2O, I'3N:denim '2l, Long
'2l, McMillan '2l, II 11 Me '2l, gain,
Ilrq nes, and Yocum Mullen '2O is the
only old man he this list.
Tho practico hi) fat has consisted
mostly In batting and in to little sliding
A short practice game woe 1,1;13 ed last
Conch lieadek left •on Thursday.
March 20, and trill probably not be back
for the rest of the season C IV
%Vheeling 'lb han end, e Owl ge of the
coaching Mid trill be head mentor for
the Imnaluder of the year
At a meeting of representatives of the
serious fraernitles held last Monday
evening preliminary plans nere made
tot On Inter-fraternity baseball league
to be 'cry simile. In nature to tho bas
ketball league xhich braced no NUCCONS.
ful A committee wan appointed to
take care of the arranging of schedules,
to erectile fields for play lag anti to se
cure equipment.
All fraternities and boarding and
rooming clubs that luish to enter the
league should register at Nell Fleming%
ounce before lit e.thirry tonight. It Is
essential that all ',agleam at once so that
tho schedule may be finished at the
manna pi:enable date If the smaller
boarding dubs are unable to get up a
ream, several houses will be allowed to
go together and furnish men fot
single team.
The teams will be ditided Into three
tilt banns It Is planned to play three
games °my menial...and the champions
of tile league xlll recolte a trophy Cull. I
Men Ph* lag on tine interfraternity base
ball teams will be excused from drill
when the titter conflicts with tire games
With last %se•k'n home, the present
year (or the COMA:WANT came to it
close, and a new mai non elected loot
Thursday night to take charge of the
publication for the coining )ear The
members of this staff aro as follows
Editor, 0 9 IVykoll' . 20. Atadettant
Editor, D C. I3lsalsdell '2O, AHNOPIat.
nditOra. C L White In, and P. If Lea
xehaor '2l. nelson.", It II 130, 0 '22,
W. A. Brecht '22, William D.... '22,
Richard Lincoln '22, It I. Rogers. '22,
and C. n Selmer .22.
Ratline. Manager, R. II Paxson TO;
Ada °Maim; and Circulation Manager, 11
R. Main TO, AmWant Dwaine. Mena•
gem, A. n.ln 21,'P70d Ilazlawund
'2l, apd R. L. Pal Mr T 1„
Yes, We Were a Member of
the "Blues" in the Y.
M. C. A. Campaign
1.V1.,11 the colleges lesumrd normal
Omit am the disbanding of the S A
C about thuliumy tirst, thero mas
tell little doubt In tile minds or man*
that It Nlolliti be passible to hold the
t 111111111101181111111 this 3081 Several of the
m.11..4 of the Intercolisgelate Wrest
' Association had not organized
teams and did not expect to do so until
next tear It mas then the plan of the
Penn State athletic authorities to hold
11 meet bete tin 1110se menthe' of the
ie , sotsation milleh bud teams, although
110 championships mould into been de
cided In that case
limt over, ns time mcnt on. and condi
tions 111 the ,atious colleges became
mole vottivl, It man learned that the
MI !Inlet, of the league «sold all have
trlunv Tile (Malkin or Cornell and
Primeton «0.1 Juubtful, homever, but
tile fol aloe decided to oilier a team
Imo, tied the• meet was 11010 on 'March
nth land 2:lth, Instead of 2lat
and 22nd, as originally planned. This
Slits easth allanged, and snit a few
moeks ago Thinceton decided also to
outer n team
Mnu3 TlN'lore Coming.
Many Penn State alumni and a great
number of whet ‘isitors are going to
Ito 51 event for the meet Tho seating
arrangement In tho Armory mill ho vet y
stroller to that used In the moot N,lth
Penn on Washington's Birthday, and
from all Indications, one at the largest
etorods on record will be at State Col
lege the last two days of Ws IN celc,
TICICOLY, ultlelt have already been
pieced on sale. mill also bo sold tonight
and tomorrow night at tho Co-op from
1G to 8 15, and also at tho doors of
the Aimoty on l'rlday and Saturday,
Just preceding tho bouts. Tho general
season ticket of the athletic association
mill not admit the holder to this wrest
ling meet, as this Is not considered a
part of the regular season. Moreover,
because of the Intercollegiate Wrestling
Association ruling. sthleh prohibits the
use of complimentary tickets, tho ath
letic association finds that It will also
ho unable to extend this prlvilego for
this moot.
Lohlull or Stato Should Wln
From present appearances, and from
v, hat has been seen of tho teams all sea
m], it la almost certain that °nor
Lehigh or Ponn State will be [lto winnor
of the championship bolt Cornell, how
eves, a 111 also ha a strong factor, al
though the atrongth of this team is not
boon in. It lots not engaged In any In-
Let collegiate moots this year, and it will
open and clogo its season on Friday and
Satuttia3 The big red team nos se
lected star a wools ago from a large
fold of candidates.
The ineliminarien. 1;0ml-finals, and
!Maio were held In the form of an all
mthomlty champion ureatling moot,
and It can ho gathered from this that
only the beet teen will represent Cor
nell In tho Intorcolloglates. It le also
Quite probable that thorn wilt bo sovoral
old mon In the Ithacans . Ilno-up, and
Mono will add greatly to tho atrongth
of Moir team, Thoy will ho somonhat
handicapped, hoe mir, in that this le
Moir th at meet, fur 1101110 of their young
in grapple,. will undoubtedly lack that
conildtnen shirk comes only after a
lung period of arestUng. Cornell was
the Intorcollegluto champion until Bonn
State entered the longue loot year and
took that honor away from her,
The Penn Plato team, which woe ea
!retell last Saturday, will ho tho strong
telt that has reprosonted tho Blue and
WIIIIO In on, meet this nonson. it was
found advleablo not to depend too much
(Continued on lain page)