Page Two Penn State Collegian Published weekly dui log the Collese y eat by students Of the Penns3lvonln State Collo:, In the Intel osle or the Students, Pneulty, Alumni and Friends of the College 1!EM:!!!!!!! ASSOCh\TD EDITORS I=IIIII!! C L N 1 Il'te '2l II S Da, Is '2l C. V Olattelt.' 'JO IL II Pasxon 'l9 IMMII:MEM!!!!!!!!!!MI!! BM=l The Collegian incites nil conununkations on ant subject of college Intel Oct Lately nutht bear signalmen of 111 act behold 'talon price $lOO 11ttleHol at rho Postoillee, State College, Pa., no second class matter. 0111 Le. Nittany Printing nod Publishing Co. Building 011lcc boors. 420 to 5 20 e‘ely afternoon except Satutda). WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1010 News Editor For This Issue - A FAIR DEAL It has been one of the boasts of Penn State men that they stand for a square deal, in college, out of college, in athletics or in the common every day life ol the campus. Fair play has been fostered at this institution until our reputation for such is known far out side the limits of the college. Visiting teams are always sure of a line reception at State College and they always leave with a feeling of friendliness. However, for some unknown reason, there base been evidences this year of a reversal of form'at Penn State. Whether it is due to the careless roughness of the S. A. T C period or to a lowering of the character of the student bodyat is hard to determine, though we prefer to believe that it is the former Undoubtedly there is some thing wrong in the attitude of some of the students, probably in a large measure due to thoughtlessness. Attention has already been called to the remarks and poor sports manship which has been evident at ninny of the basketball gnmes and at the wrestling meet with Penn However, the action of the past week when on two consecutive evenings certain groups of students "rushed" the movies, should certainly meet with the condemnation of all fair-minded members of the student body. Fortunately, lithe damage wns done on either evening, but this wns more good luck titan anything else. Moreover, in an affair of this kind, there is always the danger of injury to the women and children, not to mention the slight annoyance which is unused. And can this action by any chance be interpreted as fair play? The COL LEGIAN feels that it cannot The management of the theatre has been abstlutely fair to the students and what is more, we have been fortunate in seeing only the best and most recent pictures—some thing of which few college towns can boast. The rush on Wednesday night seemed to be wholly a Freshman affair and it was apparently due to a mistaken idea among some of thefrst-year ,men that they ,can get away with, things of this kind. The action on' the previous evening, however, seems to be far less ex cusable It is almost time that upperclassmen should at least try to protect the good name of the college and set a better example to Freshmen, and any act such as the one in question is- a reflection upon esery member of thin student body. Penn State should have no time for a reversion to rough-neck tactics and no place for those who persist in violating all of the rules of fail play Rowdyism is not a sign of college spirit, as some would have us believe, nor is it a cloak for gentlemen College men are supposed to be the latter, particularly Penn State-men. And can we new c pect a fair deal if sin do not give one? Think it over. THIS IS THE TIME Since the COLLEGIAN first advocated the plan of erecting a Social Hall as a memorial to the boys from Penn State who have served and died in the great war, similar plans have been taken up at many other colleges and in nearly every case, they are meeting with enthusiastic support The broadening of the original plan to include a gymnasium and thus make the building an enormous Union is also right in line with the view of other colleges, and no less than three institutions are contemplating just such a memorial. And lest it appear as though the idea has been forgotten at Penn State, it might not be amiss to state that at the present time a com mittee composed of faculty members and students is at work on the pi oposition and that plans for a campaign will probably be evolved very soon. A meeting was held on Washington's Birthday when several pi ominent alumni were present and the plan was discussed from all angles. The question as to whether it is better to attempt to put up a Union or to limit the memorial idea to a Social Flail is one that has caused considerable discussion, and the prevailing sentiment seems to be that it all efforts were centered on putting the Social Hall across, some other means might be provided for obtaining the gym nasium. Flowerer, one point which is universally agreed' to is that the time to act is now This is the psychological moment if we are ever to erect the memorial which everyone seems to desire. The COLLEGIAN believes that if a money-getting campaign is begun this spring, emphasized at Commencement,-and carried through the summer, that by nest fall it is more than probable that build. mg plans can be gotten under way Any campaign of this nature least be short and intensive, not long drawn out, and if there is a goal in sight, such as the building itself within a year or so, the cam paign will be more enthusiastically received both by students and by alumni. Thu Senior Class has already expressed itself in favor of the idea by appointing a committee to consider the starting of the fund as the customary class memorial, and it is almost assured that the graduating classes of the past two years will be only too glad of an opportunity to turn the money for their memorials into the same land. That will.give the nucleus for further action and the COL LEGIAN believes that once the ball is started, there will be plenty of help to keep it rolling But now is the time, and if we fail to act, the opportunity will never present itself again. BOXING AS A SPORT doing is gradually coming to the front at Penn State and un doubtedly several intercollegiate meets will be arranged for next year. Enough interest and enthusiasm have been manifested the past few weeks, both by spectators and candidates, that it is safe to say this sport will occupy a prominent place in Penn State's future athletics. While boxing has been more or less popular. the past several years, it was not until the War Department recently made the re quest to have it introduced into colleges and universities that it as sumed its present prominence here It is a fact worthy of more than passing notice, that, of the several hundred institutions of higher limning in the country, Penn State has been one of the first to carry out the suggestion of the government. Under the leadership and coaching of "Dick" Harlow, a large number of students has engaged in this sport, and though inexper ienced, they have shown the .proper Spirit in their willingness to Editor 41,19 Istnnt Editor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!=tll I=l I=l Business Minsgei VIA °nixing Mainurei OE= _D. C. BLAISDELL learn. Certainly it is no more than right that this sport should'be supported and encouraged by the entire student body in order that it may be given n fair trial at Penn State. Penn Stole is indeed fortunate in having been selected as the location for the Intercollegiate Wrestling Championships which will be held the latter part of this month. Although the baby member of the league, the Blue and White institution was unanimously elected to stage the bouts this year, and it is a particular honor by of the fact thnt'we overwhelmingly won the championahip last year. Teams will be here from Penn, Lehigh, Cornell, Columbia and Princeton and it is also expected that many visitors will be on hand for the bouts. It is up to Penn State to entertain these visit ing athletes as only Penn State does know how to entertain and to show them every courtesy while they are here: And it might be well to add, that despite the reverses of the past two weeks, we have con fidence that Coach Yergcr's men will more than uphold the reputa tion of the Blue and White when the championships occur. And we hereby want to take off our hats to Mr. Hugo Bezdek and his basketball team! After what promised to be a poor start on the first eastern trip, the team finally found itself and there have been nothing but victories recorded since. It is unfortunate that the Penn and Lafayette games came so early in the season, for we be lieve that the result might have been vastly different had the teat• played like they did last week against the sailors. No one can den) that the season was a success and the COLLEGIAN extends congrat ulations to the team and to its popular conch. :t. On the Corner ...AND THE 11111 1 1i111 C1111:11 ' , PLAY 1111:1,”+ • -:-:-:-:-:-x-:-x-:-:÷:.+4»:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-A: At least, as thought so last tt eelt But this u cutlet Is some CHANGE Aram Just like out BANK ACCOUNT This is OW a eekl) porno lilt No, It Is not of Iglnal 'Tit oak. Insult. In oak, on tin cold grey slum es, oh sea, lint hot e to do kO?li` breaking, to he nlOlO 11110 KC nun Don't that Just shout coptcos It? Out net or feat, thane Imam both It that the SATC veterans ate to get sixty Lucks pet each Coe, aren't some people lad* , Well It It 101 1101 th SKI) to be 051104011 to It' And not belng any vcholmsllll, shark, ,e couldn't get one of 1110:11 'er mehol nrahlon, no no bellete that any Haul ee of Income In Jugtlllable Almlowly. Ye Ed srwi It seine or these sign-up subset priono In en's 011111 80011. we'll till be needing the slots . bucks That sounded like a linens, and NOO almost tut tied in our lesignation Yes. no moss >no me not r) N5O Shou era MUD - Dare-headed Seale.. Monthly 11010000. - -- ,- • Sul log minium about the campus top' We ran tho new hats lent Sun dar. Soh no KNOW Sprint; Is here Hero's another ocelot Don't toll a soul, DUT—We hear the) make 'ern themsoltev, The Naty utestlers made a mlstoke last Sattodny They forgot to throw our couch and mamma:. Quite no oser sight. But the, mill) hale some team The.° nre tax teams In the Intercolle gluten who ate glad tholdiot 11111 not be hole on the 29th SOMEONC'S ttionyv taking the 30Y out of life, Soon no Spring. turiven and no get the Neer, the) tell no theta oil' ho FINALS thin year. Roamer. after the Pay some Prof: pull thou° final quiz:" exams will bo welcome RELIEF J. C. Smith & Son Dealers In General Hardware Builders , Material, 01Is, Paints, Glass Content, Stoles, Roofing, Spouting Etc. State College, Pa. like Nature designs its beauties ---- so must your Tailor design for you. . WIHAT does made to measure really mean? It means --- your height, your weight, your stature is exclusively con sidered in the transaction. Nom fit any body---made only to fit your body. Smith - The TAILOR State College, Pa. PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Thor o n 111 be no chance Cal more Men tel o a do) ' \on•, deal leader, he can restrain ourselles no longet The Spring bug has got us and he must burst forth Into melodious song. Here goes Spring In here. Spring in here. They's e cut out making lager beer. The one hill come as the other goon— Shut up, you fool, I'm nearly froze' Yon The noather changed before {Se could get the last lino written: , And uo know that the last mold Isn't grammatically =rent, but that le chat you call "poetic license." It's diller ent ft orn otl. Ileenses—lt doesn't Cost you an) thing gee, guess It Is about time to stop. Wbs 0100 Ito trees are LEAVING' Missed me. doggone ye. ,u missed me, AGRICULTURAL NOTES The third and fourth degteeu acre confeised at a meeting of the Penn State Grange held in Room 100, Horticultural Building, on rilday night. March 7. Neu candidates were also elected After a good program had been 1 enderd, re rreThments wet c ems ed Prof Thomas I. Moire, superintendent of the emresp.mdence courses and Pro [exam of Agricultural Education, ad dressed the tae-near mpicultural bible class on Sunday morning, March 9, In Room HO, Horticultural Building. An other feature of the meeting was the discussion by the class un "The Palmer and His Religion" Prof Ernest 4 l.. Anthony, acting head of the Department of Daily Husbandry, spent the I,iit,Lueelc on a hip to Pitts 4.V.'eet where ho I:lanceted several large dairy herds It Is ctspected that. some addi tions sun! be Made to the college herd in tile near future. Best Quality GROCERIES Wholesale and Retail Special rates to Clubs and Fraternities EYE'S 200-202; W. College Ave. 1 it a r 0-IYI C.l .49 , * TALC o - ntee • . 254' TO expect to pay a high 1 price for talc perfumed with an odor that post thousands of_dollars to produce would be natural. But to be able to obtain such a superb periUme at a low price is a delight - MI surprise. This surprise awaits you in the Talc WIWI - led with Jonteel— the New Odor of Twenty six Flowers. The Rexall Store StOte College, Pa Looking Backward (Week of March 19') Teeny Tears Ago M. Atherton 11mo been outdo Filet Counciller of the American Academy of Political and Soca] Sciences On Match 9, the Senior Minim Engi neers accompanied by Prof !fent y Stock Went to Scotia to inspect the ore Ulll,ll - plant Mete Work on the hnneball team is progt es sing. rapid!). The many applicants practice tinily In tile Armory, and a suc cessful season Is anticipated. Fifteen Yearg Ago Because of many changes In the t egu laden% Captain Lnuton remganised the Cadet Battalion and t csumed drill In the spring much °tuner than usual It sins thought that then e could be about six companies, of forty-live men each. dril ling . In order to Increase the Incentive it sins decided to auard pet aninently a suord to the bonnet company, as well as the 'Mts. Lau ton budge. Teti 1 enr4 Ago The old Grand Stand on Old Beaver Field was moved up on the new athletic field where It 000 placed In Its present location On each side of it will be built bleachers so that there will be a total seating capacity of 1200 File Years Aga The Penn State negatho and allhma tive debaters won respectively from Dickinson and Suarthmot e during thin week. The question of Woman Suffrage uas the subject of both debates, the former being held here and the latter at Sum thmore A new style class hat was adopted by the class of 1916, the design being [Mee short, white bars Instead of the usual numerals FRESHMAN CLASS ELECTS MANAGERS OF TEAMS At a meeting of the Freshman Ones held last 'Wednesday evening, in the Amphitheatre, managets of the serious class teams acre elected I:tong 11110 elected to manage the baseball 10/1111. Clough to manage tile hack team, Caton to manage the tennis team, and an° a Miler was held for lact time manage, the I 01111 it was II tie and another vote will have to be held in the thane Allebach ton elected assistant cheer leader The names of the men of the claret of 1922 who have 11011 their numerals in any of the clnso spot to item lead be fore the meeting and all Freshmen aim entered college at the beginning of the second semester wore olllcially toted Into the class A mcvnago of condolence In I egard It he recent delth of Richard 111*den . 2.2. 11110 lead and accepted It) the clans These resolutions ‘,lll be sent to the pat onto of the deceased menthol Announcement V.lOl also made concern Ing the competition for membership on the committee which will design the class poster. Theta wee nu further business and the meeting arts regularly adjourned. First National Bank W. L. FOSTER, Prosident DAVID F. RAPP, Dodder Uniforms, Uniform Equipment and Shoes The best in tailoring made to measure Civilian Clothing Metric Dress Shirts High-class Haberdashery Any article sent C.` O. D. on request. Money refunded if not satisfied. PENN GARMENT GO., Inc. Fourth and Campbell Sts. Williamsport - Penna. Here ' s the Style for Spring It's the waist seam style; it has a different look, a new ± air to it; just what the fellows are after for spring. We. have a number of good I live ones like this--- Hart Schaffner & Marx make---panel backs, and mili tary backs, but each one dis tinctive. They're specially designed for the returning soldiers; but they are the styles you'll all want; well tailored in many interesting new fabrics. Satisfaction Guaranteed MONTGOMERY & State College, Opposite POst °Hike ENGINEE:RING , NEWS Ralph Hartman, who true a Sopho more in the Department of Electrical Engineering, lone recently returned form flying service In France. He left Penn State in 1917 and melted most of his training abound Hie Moot active service most mound Paris in night flying mhen tile bonito was bombing the city. Later ho was mat into the Argonne district and put in the forefront of the air ser vice On ono occasion, ho fell from a height of 17.000 feet, but landed right side up. In another cane, hie gasoline line was cut by a machine gun ballet and he UM compelled to fly to the ground, landing In the front line to enches of the Arneo lam (noses. Ile c lamed Ilona Frolics the lintel part of February toad um here Coo a visit over the meek end He mill return to college next fall, Profestior E. D. Walker spoke to the engineer lag faculty at its monthly meet ing, March 3rd, conceining kin eviler'. °neon In France On Wednesday, Ito gave the engineering lecture to the Seniors and others, and described the vitrioun types of engineering work on which he.was detailed while • Captnin of Company A, 16th Enghwers. The lec ture was Illustrated by maps and &tim ings of the railroad radiales an which ho was employed and tile ve nter works pinicet With which he wits connected Active work has been begun on the foundations and basement for Unit C, which will be equipped as a forge nod machine shop Thin unit will be com pleted by September Ist and the equip ment will be installed read) to operate Plana for a new unit, known an Engl. timing A, ate being prepared In Pro fessor Webbers odic° It will occupy the rear portion of tho burned building and will accommodate the testing lab oratory, masonry laboratory and high way laboratory, with computing rooms, class rooms and anices. Wolk on thin building will begin before commence ment and will be carried along with the work of Unit C. Plane aro being prepared by Proton nor gessenden for a new atom engi neering laboratory. It will pa obably be a one atom y atructure. about 00 feet aide, v.ith a pallety floor and a bneement to FOREST L. STRUBLE Plumbing and Heating Both Phones COMING=-"FALSE . FACES" Students desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $l.OO per hour selling America's War for Humanitiy and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F. B. Dickerson Co., Detroit, Michigan., enclosing 20c in 'stamps for mailing outfits. IMIMI : : It : : it It is time now to look over your ,:t• _ TENNIS OUTFIT ;4,..• and have your racket restrung OUR WORK IS DONE BY THE FAMOUS Wright & Ditson Co. •i• A Complete Supply of Tennis Goods Constonnly in Stock THE MUSIC ROOM =F:»3^:»:»Fi-F•Y.-}q{.{. ,-:»Iti^:-h :-:-w..•;»:••.»:ro :-}•:»:::»:^:^:~r3-:-:✓.-F{ye-}., Wednesday, March 12, 1919 PrOvid° for condensing apparatus. 'This itulltling - nill house the stem engineer ing equipment. the gas engine labora tory and Inberatceles for fuel and 01l testing rORMEIt STATE STUDENT NOW AT PEACE CONFERENCE Clue lea Coiner. ex- . IS, of Ilubiere buig, Ie 0110 01 twenty young American soldiers, ttim hate been nelected to do con% emotion wnik at the peaco confer ence. Ile left roan State In his Junior tear to enlist In the Naval Reserves, and•for Home time wan located at Now port, R. I, deciphering cablegrruna that came In code form Later he was mndo Admiral Sims pri vate societal y In doing deciphering and In the fall sailed with the Admiral to London and Sons thole scent to Patio. Shot tly before taking up his work at the pence conference, he mndo a visit to the battlehont. ISPECIAL Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Fresh Home-Made Salt-Water. Taffy 25018. Try our real cream caramels It will identify you Gregory Bros. Candy=Makers State College Bellefonte, Pa. === S==i= CO. Bellefonte 11111.