Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 05, 1919, Image 3

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    Weducadiy. March 5,1919
Annual Statement of the,laterclass
:Of Conducting.the Class Pin:
Together Campaign" Proves Fl
Tho financial statement of the Intor
claw Budget System for'tho year end
ing August 81, 1918, shows morn than
tsar. Bait the financon of the.undet
gmdhate classes ern on n. firmly este!).
lleheil, basis. 1 _
When the system went Into effect In
September 1016, t h e three classes wore
In debt to tho extent of $3,100 00,.but
under.the now spawn this amount ham
been gradually cut down and the last
wan :paid off the first semester of tho
pant collego,year.
Probably the need of an organised
basls:for class finances was never felt
no greatly as In the past_ year or two.
With' the_
at 11E., nrid students
leaving the collesio constantly for son.
-- For Year Endlog
Choecklng Account
LaVIo 1399 95
First National Bank_
Clam 300.45
Class 300.46
Intorest on Savings
Liberty Bonds •
Accounts Rocelvatolo
•10 LaVlo
Delinquent dues (In college)
Accounts Payable
'l9 LaVlo 41431 64
4Payablo Mar. 1,_1919)
Surplus DuJunco
Sopt. 1, 1917
Additional Balance
To Sept. 1, 1918
Two more Penn State mon have
'been decorated with the Distinguished
Service Cross for extraordinary bravery
in action These mon aro. William C.
Rock 'l6, of Philadelphia. and H. D.
Shallenburgor, ex- . 18, of Va.nderbuilL
Moth mon wore killed In action and
consequently were unable to enjoy tho
honor which was conferred upon thorn
Rock was a second lioutommt of Com
vany 301, Heavy Tank Service He was
1n charge of a tank on tho night of
October 16th, loft his poet and advanced
3,000 yeards to Lo Hale Minnerose, from
whore an attack on the Germans was
to be made. A heavy fog wasp, so that
by ten o'clock when the attack was
to start, it was en thick that ono could
ore but twenty or thirty feet ahead.
Rock, in command of his tank loft this
town, advanced to the end of the tape,
and immediately become lost After
wandering . around for some time ho
met an omoor, who gave him his boar
logs, and before long ho was back at
7...elllalehfinneroso again. Shortly af
ter, ho startod out for a second time,
and soon met an officer, who told him
to clean out Mohan, which was full of
"Jerrie." Tho tank crossod tho Sono
xlvor?sdocessfully hut. woo shortly hit
IF.antah3 4o 73ledt. .• - •
and hle - titnk - irew'abaniloned It and
'Wed to - ahelter thomeolvos from the dre
of mmehrtio:uun. noels which wore on
all aide( of thorn. However, there were
no ,buehee, and Me deepest furrow. In
the around wore only elf Moho. Tho
plucky Penn State man took out hie
rovol‘er and triad-to chance ono of the
enemy machine guns, but In no doing
Os received a bullet through the head
which killed him Instantly.
ll.' 3 Shallenburger, ex-'lB. was
aaardod the cross posthumodsly, the
only detail. being known are that ho
wan decorated for extraordinary heroism
In antlop In Europa. ......
Tho chaiol spanker fOr next Sunday
morning will be Dr. Charles Keyser
Edmund.. prooldont of Canton Chrhitlan
CoSego, Canton, Chinni but who ls
now In Now York- City. Ho will ad
drosa both chapol serviced and thorn
le a Probability of his spooking at tho
Y. BI C. A. vesper servlco. He will also
give a special bolero In the Auditorium
on Saturday evening.
Dr Edmunds was educated at John
Flop/dos University, Baltimore Short
ly after-Ms graduation, ho wont to Utah
and servod In the r.opanity ohne In
structor In the Unlvorsity of that state
From 1808 to 1890, ho was magnotlo
observer for the U. S. Coast and Geolo
gical Savoy. Ho shortly after returned
to John Hopkins, was general eecrotary
of the Y. M. C. A. there from 1001 to
1002, taught until . loo3, and received the
Treasurer ShoWs that New Method
cal has Been a Big Success—" Get-:
nancial Gain
vice in the army or navy, the budget
system has proved its worth, for dur
ing all the trying times since April 0,
1917, it has kept the classes out of debt,
and even added o. little
The surplus balance-in the 1918 class
Magri" last year were 9002.06 and 'the
to A. G. Fiedler, the 1918 class smretilry.
The surplus gain of the 1910 La Vie
was approximately 916000. The total
receipts from - the "Got-together Cam
paign' last'year were 9602.06 and the
expenditures $492 60, so that there was
a gain of $109.46. What will be done
with this money will be decided by the
finance committees of tEe different
Tho - financial statement of the InVer
elms Budget System is m follows
August SI, ISIS -
Sheet -
.-- -$ 28716 $ OM $ 286 78 $ 657.24
• 1700.00
_ 1700 00
42 09
100.00 100.00 700 00
169.00 180.00
25440 :Afar 226.50 747.80
276.00 306.80
744 30 144.51 013.28 1502.08
@lnce 1908 ho has been president of
the Canton Christian Collage, which
maintains a trustees' Wilco In-Now York
City. Ito Is also observer In charge of
the magnetic survey of China and lion
golla for the Carnegie Institute of
Washington, having held this position
fano., 1006. ,
In his addresses to thu chapels on
Sunday morning. Dr. Edmunds will
speak on the subjoct, ..Tho Present Sit
uation in China." In the course of his
remarks, he will toll oomothing of the
work of "Daddy" Grog' 'O7, who Is main
tained In Chinn as a Perm Plato mission
ary. The
,lecturo on Saturday night
will ho illustrated and will bo of general
Interost, Tho -subjoct of this will ho
"Thirty Thousand Mlles In China."
Dr D A. Anderson, professor of Wu
cation, Ifles Simmons, dean of women,
and Dr. W S Dye, have. Just returned
from Chicago, whoro they represented
Penn State in the meeting of the Do
partment of Sofa:intendants of the Na
tional Association
The re • lar. %eating of the Ptlall-alXl ,
grange w Sold Friday evening In
room 100 of the Hortleultire Building
At Me time tiler third. and fourth do
gmas of Initiation will be: given. -- An
Intereeting program together with the
annual food will bo held. The regular
buelnees °melon will begin at seven
o'clock and the' Initiation at seven-thirty.
'lt's a Pleasure to See
A Men With Well Pressed Clothes
It mane much to blur andsnere to.
us to be - able to prim thorn bettor
than they were ever premien before.
You can prove thin statement to your
own rattler us show
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141'Allen Street
Man's Shop •
Custom Tailoring
'cleaning, Pressing and
Agent for Footer's Dye Works
124 Allen St., State College, Pa.,_
The- College
At a meoling of the Board of Trustees,
held at the college recently, seven new
appointments were made to the facultl.
These were R. D Anthony, as profes
sor of pomology: E A. Siegler. an an in
structor in plant brooding; William A
Teller, as instructor In English; Carl
Weston Steel., oe Instructor In chem
istry; Arnold John Currier, inklnstructor
In chemistry; Gertrude 'M. Adams, as
instructor in English; William Robins
Young 'lB, as instructor In engineering
extension; P. R. Smith, as assistant in
plant pathology extension. -
The following resignation, were ac
cepted. G. C. Ohm, associate profes
sor of experimintal agricultural chemlo
try; C. E McQuigg, associate professor
of metallurgy M D. Leonard, instruc
tor In entomological research; H. Tobey
Mooers. Instructor In Englleh; .7 If
Russell, Instructor in rhetoric; A. F
Yeager. instructor In pomology; Della
M Clark, registration clerk.
The following changes in the person
nel of the Board of Trustees nem rati
fied: Ex-oMelo member., William C
Sproul, governor of the Commonwealth,
to replace Martin G. Brumbaugh, Fled
Rasmussen, Secretary of the State
Board of Agriculture, - to replace Charles
E Patton. The tenoning men, whose
terms expired 'ln 1918, acre all rein
stated for terms expiring in 1921: AP
pointed by the Governor, E 5" Bayard,
Pittsburgh ;Hon Edgar It. Ress, Wil
liamsport. Elected by the General
Alumni Association: George M. Donn
ing, Philadelphia, William H Walker,
Beaton. Bones G White, New York
City. Elected by delegates from soci
eties. William T. Creasy, Catawissa;
George G Hutchlr son, Warrioro•Mark;
Hon. L T McFadden. Canton: Chester
.1' Tyson. Flora Dale William E. Crow,
of Uniontown. Non elected to succeed
William H. Patterson, of Clearfield. who
died before the expiration of his term
of Oleo
The detailing schedule for the season
of 1919 Is rapidly being arranged and,
although there are not many teams
to be met this year. a very successful
Beason Is expected Colgate la coming
hero for a debate In April and Lafayette
will be mot somewhat later In the sea
eon In two debates, the first hero and
the other at Easton Lafayette 'will
send her affirmative team hero and Penn
State will debate with her negative team
team at Easton.
Tho only debate for the ',omen stu
dents will be held hero with the UM
' vorsity girls tho latter part of April or
the first part of May. Penn State has
signed a contract sent by Colgate which
calls for a dobato hero and a return
debate. at Colgate next year. On ac
count of the lute start of the debating
season the time has boon too short to
arrange for as-many debates us have
been schedulod In former years.
and show your E
_ To pieserve and
prevent decay use
Tooth - Paste
A really medicated — tooth paste
containing Chlorate of Potash and
Emehne—agreeably flavored and
free from draggy taste.
Double size tubes for economy. -
50 Cents.
Ray D. Gilliland
4 tm:11111111114t::1:11:":
News From
MISSISSIPPI—An extensive cam
paign la being carrlod on by the studenia
nt Misslool A. and M College, In order
to raise enough mono, to hare o. gym
noslurn built. A gym seems to ho ono
of the buildings which Is badly needed
at this Institution. but great promise of
success in this campaign la held out.
COILNELL—The twelfth annual Far
mers' Veek, which was held recentl)
at ca rn al' University woe attended by
from 4,300 to 4.400 farmero A number
of rural organizations took advantage
of tido time to hold annual meetings at
which conditions wore diecuescal.
PARIS—The University of Paris re
cently conferred an honorary doctorate
degree upon President NVl!von HO or es
the drat In the history of the university
upon 'whom an honorary degree hoe
been bestowed; authorlution for Its
granting having been given by special
decree '
TORONTO—The Univernlty of Toron
to has been Presented In the Royal Air
'Force with an airplane and nine en
gines to be used in experimental work
by tho students. Regular council in
aviation will be offered and laboratories
for this work have already been com
MARYLAND—Twenty-live men are
now enrolled In the R. 0. T. C. at Mary
land State College. The majority of
these aro Junior. and Seniors, but a tow
Sophomores Who have , been_to Platte
burg "...ore allowed to join
CORNELL—Word hue been received
from the War Department that the com
plete equipment for the Field Artillery
Unit has been shipped to Cornell Uni
versity It consists of 24 carloads of
76„mm. and 155-mm. howitzers. Brown
ing machine - guns, automatio. rides, and
a two ton, tractor.
PRINCETON—Over GOO alumni re
cently returned to Princeton Unhersity
to celebrate the first post-nor rounlon
day. Thoro has not boon an Alumni
Day fibrillar to tho - ono hold, Wilco the
Spanish-American War and oven In
DM tho Univoralty. did not undergo
such changes en have been emperienced
during the last several years of nor.
SYRACUSE—fa prosent thero aro
about 120 men onrollod In tho R. 0. T
Harry — Swimmer
Save Your Junk from
Spring Cleaning
Paper, Books
and Rags
Bell phone 23 W
700 E. Beaver Avenue.
.. ..... _ l l:li g hest Quality Food
140 - , Moderate Prices
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Home Cooking
Clean and Sanitary
-- College _ Quick Service
IF you want the best pipe
that can be made, you
can get it in a W D C—up 1/TD''
to $6. IP you want the best . a:
genuine French Briar that TIM/. • MARK
as little as 75 cents will buy,
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9ti1411111111 ,
1 .e
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in en oravn
The Athletic Store, Inc'.
Cart Ca -pie) Corner
ther Colleges
C at Syriteuse University and more
will undoubtedly register noon. The
commanding officer will arrive In a few
days and drill will begin at once. Uni
forms and equipment will he fanned to
the men nu noon tuithe work in or
CON:VECTICUT—A labor union has
boon organized by the students who are
working for the Connecticut Agricult
ural Collogo. A student omployment
agency is aloe being organized and win
be controllod by the students. with a
member of the faculty acting In an
advisory capacity.
COLORADO-s.Plans for the establish
ment of a geld artillery unit and R. 0
T. C at Colorado Agricultural Col
lege aro under consideration Prepar
ation aro also being made fora nine
weak° . summor courso of college work.
URSlNlM—Foundors' Day was re
cently Nory successfully celebrated, at
C'rsinus College. This year it woo not
only a commemoration of the work of
those who founded tho collogo, but a
tribute to Tirsinus men who gallo their
The drat half of the 1920 La.Vl° hen
gone to press and the second half will
follow within n.wook. Thin year's edi - -
lion, although smaller than the 1919
LaVia will ho larger than originally
Intended, because of the gulch return
of the collogo to normal conditions and
an Incroasod Interest In collego activi-
And the Best Quality
Dry Goods
No matter what you
need in the above line,
we have it and at the
right price.
Frazier St
tAcnossr TEAM TO
A lacrosse to= will bo organized
again this year In spit° of the un
rattled conditions In this sport brought
about by the uar A manager will bo
elected In the near future to take the
place of Managei-elect Eduard H. Dar
rack 'l9, m.lio has not returned to school.
-••• • • • .
❑lforts will be rondo to arrange a
short trip for the team but no home
games mill be played tulle year on us
went of depleted thuinelal condi
tion of the Melees° treasury An In
terclass league will bo (aimed to fur
nish lunette games at borne
Baked Good
and lce Cream]
Quality and Service Guaranteed -
220 East_College Avenue
Sa.veyour coat &vest
to in
I /VI. Htimmit
S 5 125 Allen Stre
You can't do a friend
a greater favor in the
smoking line than to say:
"Smoke a allUlll
And if your friend thinks he has
to pay 30 cents for cigarettes,
hand him one of your MURADS
—and say:
(9 04 7 - Prrul÷
-- , Page Three
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