Page Four It Stands to Reason that the tobacco store that turns their stock every few days and devotes their full time to the care and selling of tobaccos. Cigars. Pipes and confections will give you better. cleaner goods and the service :o which you are entitled. than the store that does not. Ask our patrons. GRAHAM & SONS, On the Corner CHANGES , TO BE MADE IN BISHOP DARLINGTON TALKS LIBERAL ARTS FACULTY • AT BOTH CHAPEL SERVICES there will The Right Rev. James 11. Darlington, 1.1 n-bring, in the faculty of Ilarritiburg, was the college with t he speaker at both chapel services last int tie S..t. T. C. and the Sunday. In his address at the Fresh i„ f r ny man meeting, he strongly advocated the instructors h ave policy of liberal-mindedness In religion, a number who have and out narrowness. Along this he rhetoric will be trans dep,rtment rotnanteH "Attendance at the college chapel proliably does a Mar/ more good than rig a - to gnn to a denominational church, for ike at the chapel lie hens men of all re ligions denominations. Ile can pick out t the good points in the religion of others, and, on the completion of his college course, Will be the more able to help or his' home church, and make needed 15. criticisms. It is not sacrilegious to at tend Sunday musical enterminments. etc., 0 tle• fur one of the highest forms of religious tot,n 1 expression is music. The educated man is never bigoted." r-tur Rishop Darlington's address at the :chapel fur upperclassmen was more In the nature of a sermon. After giving the views of religious fanatics who point towards the fulfillment of many Dible prophecies :IS Indicative of the •second coining of Christ. the Bishop stated that even if such an advent were near, the only way to fully prepare Is in, keep 011 doing our daily tasks, what ever or wherever they may be. f••i:. , are enme of the changes hie!: vlare: A.7,-Iter, of .. • zy ~f !wham,. will fill the Riper: Dr. It. •••,rer will teach logic and •:1.3 of Etzulish: 01'14.11 o: Columbia ritiVersitY. und noi•ei IS. of Trinity College, hone.) hPre a, an instruc tor in U. T.._.. have I.een engaged to t..h.h I:h4lish: D. K. Merrill. whn fora.,:cut instructor in rhetoric. w: . 11 r-torn a, :0,011 0, 110 is diSeha Med fr. , 111 arrnv. One of the new In- Gre,raft. of Miami ro!vor,ity. who will take up his work he, at the htginning of the F,ennd Boit" Liii:EirroN visas sTATI. Enszo I:obert li. Edgerton of the el,s of 1917 was a visitor at Penn St,r, t.,r ffqv dal, last week. Ile will i. e rein,mlK-red by the older stu dents , of the star football men riurir g Lis undergraduat.e days. At ,pre,nt 1,. i suctioned on a submarine at tv l i nden. Connecticut. A. 31, (". A. TO 1101,1) STI*NT N11:111' lIN SATERDAT •roo:ry Donor. of the Y. 11. C. \.. ha v.:me:etlA the program for the :.. - I.ioi, «•:u he held on sat- =ME .after In tig. Auditorium im m.d.,:fly after Ow basketball game. SvVenli ifit,lT , thig features are being peddtel indieations point 10 n good program. I. P. A. MEF:III.V Pet :Mate branch of the Inter -1.4.104110 Win re sit:ll it ; meetings let Modal. January . 4:30 ii. M. in Room K of the The "llicers elected at the of lost year, none of whom were during the first semester are !!,-. 4 ..•.-twl to be present, together with hinal,r of the old munition:. ( )NOVER 111cfritSti "Lora,-' Conover, captain of Penn State's :9;; football team, WllO 1135 been in the :0111Y at Camp Hancock, Ca.. has rtarn,l to college and expects to enter n.gularly next semester. Conover play rd center and also captained the team. It will be remembered that his team defeated the one captained and coached by I lowa rd I :erry, the former Penn star, in a service game last fall. Conover will be eligible for the Blue and White 'vanity e :ext. f.•tll and should be a bit; help to Coach Dezdek. N CO' 31 rriuntuv INSTRUCTOR 31, A. Knight has been appointed instruct.• in metallurgy. Mr. Knight Mines from Watertown Arsenal, Massq uhwetts. ‘vhere he has been doing (kn. - mu:tent work. Ile is a graduate of (Min rniverlity and was a post-grad uate student at the Harvard School of Mines. T 0 - Penn State STUDENTS you can save money by Inn -chasing your - - Army, Basketball and Tennis SHOES CLOTHING AND GENT'S FURNISHINGS A Trial will Convince You Fromm's Economy Store 130 E. College Opposite Campus afie i 1 AolL, - 1 a ELECTRIC SUCTION CLEAN, 11) r T :=— " ----- . „,...........; .\ A".., Takes the "Work" /4161 Out , of I lousework! \ .y 4,1 1 „ 1 , 1,... r d, a ~.... ~'\ - . 111.r 4 p t ra'c";:7l ‘l 4 :3'unn A sl'r'l l i, : ' , ~ It, carer all t i oth . tr kinds. ,v,h, "clean' _. , 21 ::,, , ,;; . ,, a. ,sell .1, around If ,nn cant the l o t tk' dlikikut dr.rnlti-is• most % buy the API:X! "':' ' State Center Electric Co Frazier Street State College, Pa ItESIDIEN MAY ATTEND .ALL•COLLIEGE DAN(} Announcement has been made by the Student Tribunal to the effect that Frshmen have been given special per 11111S,1011 to attend the all-college dance in the Armory on February Sth. This IiOIVCVOr, does nut apply to any other dances that may lie held. 3131M1E" RENTER ANOTHER VICTIM OF INFLUENZA Another victim was added to Penn State's long list of influenza victims when word was received on January 15 of the death of Sgt. S. .lames Kiester. WhO died on January 13 otter a short Illness at Vancouver Barracks, %Vashington. "JltnntY" was graduated from State itt the Landscape Gardening Course and was active in musical lines during his college course. MI.ORTANT SENIOR CLASS MEETING FRIDAY .NIGHT There will be a eery Important meet hag of the Senior Class In the Mora Arts assembly room Olt Friday night to 6:15. All members of the class tar urged to be present as important bust !Wes is to bu taken up. STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of Student Coun cil Will be held in room In Old Main at coven o'clock tonight. Groceries and Meats And the Best Quality Dry Goods No matter what you need in the above line, we have it and at the right price. Mclachren's Frazier St. tinithigThWifte Cia , Phofoplags cf ) - Qualify • SW@ collocre,llst. • TUESDAY _ Nittany Theatre BERT LYTEL THURSDAY in "flitting the High Spots" MABEL NORMAND In this Mexican melodrama Bert Lytel outwits an army of Mexican Greasers. in "A Perfect 36" also FATTY. , ARBIICKLE A taster and more humorous comedy than her In ills Newest Paramount Comedy former success "Peck's Bad Girl." "Tho Sheriff" , also SMILING BILL PARSONS Fatty as the "sheriff" climbs church steeples a la In "The Jelly Fish" Fairbanks. scales balconies, rescues his sweetheart, who has been captured by bandits and provokes as many FRIDAY laughs as usual. . CHARLES RAY AND JANE NOVAK Pastime Theatre in "String Beans" FRIDAY Ray in his usual hick character gives another NORMA TALMADGE splendid performance. in "De Luxe Annie" Dray Pictograph Return Engagement SATURDAY 'Shown here during vacation and repeated because MAY ALLISON it is one of the beet Norma Talmadge has ever eared in. trp -in "The Return of Mary" p also Single Reel Comedy One of the most fascinating plays this young star has ever appeared in. SATURDAY Pathe NewsDOROTHY DALTON ._ MONDAY in "Quicksands" Select Presents— Dorothy Dalton akes position of cabaret singer clear her husband's name. "Ruling Passions" Official War Review DEBATING RESOLUTIONS UNDER CONSIDERATION The candidates for the debating team met Saturday afternoon In the Foyer of the Auditorium for the purpose of discussing time resolutions for debate proposed at the meeting Monday even - Mg, January 13th. Each candidate had written a letter to Professor Marshman, expressing his views on one of the resolutions. The majority wrote on the resolution which proposed a national budget system, but no resolution for 1 debate will be chosen until next Sat urday. Gettysburg and Swarthmore I have asked for dual delta too but no meeting has as yet been arranged. The roster is still open and any other per son desiring to become a candidate must be present at the meeting In the Audi torium next Saturday at 1:30 P. m. FORMER CARTOONIST DEAD It. B. Hen:when 'IS. of Harrisburg, died on October 11, ISIS. at Boyer town, of the Spanish Influenza. While In college. Henschen was cartoon ist on the COLLEGIAN staff for two years. and a frequent contributor to - Froth." Ile Was a graduate of the de -1 partMent of agronomy. LOST iencLEs AT Y. M. C. A The following articles have been turned Into the Y. M. C. A. where they may be secured by their owners: foun tain pen: pair cuff links; watch crystal; two knives; two note books; two trig onometry hooks; descriptive geometry: differential calculus: "Nature and De velopment of Plants:" "Plant Breed ing:" and "Soils." A Lt'MNtS sucurmitS TO "FIX" Word has been received of the death of Edward C. Lee 'OS, on December 16 from Influenza and complications. Mr. Lee received his It. S. degree in 1908, and the degree of Mining Engineer in 191:1 and was employed as assistant to the Director of the Department of Inspection and Safety, of the Associated Companies at Pittsburgh, I'a. °Reif ESTRA TO RENDER CONCERT NEXT SUNDAY The second of the series of Sunday afternoon concerts Will be given by the college orchestra next Sunday at half past three. An interesting program has been arranged; varying from Herbert's opening march to a fantasia on favorite melodies. The next concert. on Sunday, February 2, will be In the natuk of community singing, accompanied by the college military band. Fine Reconstructed Rubies set In substantial well made mount Inas. I'ol7 HAVE SEEN reconstructed Manes containing enough bubbles to oppear as though some puppy bud been "treading water" lu them— not so, with these stones which are carefully selected as to texture, color and cutting—they are the best re. constructed stones known to science. Shuey's Jewelry Store muithitimomtuommutrimumuittmutimuitimuimmtlimmilt Tasty Sodas ;.. g • , - g Our sodas and sundaes are I tasty because they are made ! of pure ingredients. They will please your palate and 1 : satisfy your thirst. i 9. 11 Ask For Your Particular Flavor E-. The Heffner Drug Company "At Your Service" GRAFF S. STEWART, Ph. G., Manager i 1 R . United Cigar Agency 11 ziminimi............„„„.„,„„„,„„,„....„„„,..,,,,,......mniiiii.....mi PENN STATE COLLEGIAN BOXING PRACTICE IS PRODUCING GOOD RESULTS Boxing practice is being held every evening in the Armory under the di rection of Coach Harlow, and the men who are out for this sport are making very good progress. Although there are many candidates in the field the most of them are under-classmen and several Juniors and Seniors are needed for the boxing events which are planned for next month. About the middle of February there will be preliminary bouts in which men will be tried out for the exhibition tournament which will be held on Washington's Birthday. Anyone who has had any experience in boxing. may enter these preliminaries. About the middle of March there will be an in terclass scrap meet between the Fresh men and Sophomores, and an all-col lege tournament is planned for the lat ter part of the same month. BEBBS COUNTY CLUB MEETING There will be an important meeting of all students from Berks county In Room 121 Old Main Thursday, Janu ary 23, at 6:45 p. m. inmommininommunimmommumninommummoimammonnoommuniiimmummoin.......momum . : 3 g - E 1 , erpgtal Cafe E- E a (Formerly Knox) P. E IE Is the F'llace.. for 'You to Eat- P.. a g Sanitary conditions and first-class service guaranteed F.. = ri i Everything fresh and good. Come in and try it •-&• ' E i • Open until 12:00 P. M. , 3 : 2 = 1111311111111111111111111111111131111111111111311111111111113111111111111111111111111110111111111111C1111111111111U111111111111011111111111111111111111M111111111M11111111111 :^• '•• • • 111E1111111111111(1111111111111tiiiiiiiiiiitittillillintitilitillillIt1111111111111C1R and Sundaes PROFESSOR TOMHAVE WINS FELLOWSHIP IN SCIENCE A member of Penn State's faculty was highly honored recently when Profes sor AV. 11. Tomhave, head of the depart ment of animal husbandry, was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Elec tions to this body of noted American scientists are made only upon the rec. ammendation of a special committee which investigates the records of the men whose names are proposed. To be elected a Fellow of the Association a man must have accomplished some noteworthy scientific work. Professor Tomhave's election is in recognition of the valuable experiments which he has been conducting along agricultural lines. ' Distinction must be made between.a Fellow and a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Anyone may be a member of the association by paying afloat dues but only a person who has done ex tensive scientific research scoria may be elected a Fellow. PERKIO3I E N c L 1 It Meeting of the Perltiornen Club, to night, 6:30. Usual place. EASTMAN AGENCY Amateur Finishing a Specialty The S MITH 4.-XTUDIO The Athletic Store, Inc R. H. BREON , PMIENIIIMIIIIIE/1111111111111/111111111111I71111111(11(1IIIIIIIM10111111111111C1111111111111I1111111111111[111111111111it1111111111111(111111111MII7111111111111G111111111111C11111111111111/1111111111111111111111111101111111111110MM' :44 . ÷:•:••:•.:•+4•++.:•.:....:•';•+++1•I•i•ti•r+I.1.4”:•+++++++4.i•." " Everything you're looking for in Hart Schaffner le Marx clothes o. 1 7 2 E T E X g E. X 5 • a g I . Montgomery & Co. The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx BELLEFONTE - STATE COLLEGE t t+l ' FR ESII3f EN REPORT All Freshmen and Sophomore candi dates for the editorial staff of the COL GIAN will report in room 535 Old Main tomorrow night at 6:45. - LECTURES ON GEOMETRY 'air. Harris of the Mechanical Engi neering Department gave a series of free lectures on Descriptive Geometry every Friday evening during the last three weeks. ills efforts to help the students were greatly appreciated as each night the room was tilled to ca pacity. SHOES THAT SATISFY Shoes for the whole family for all purposes at the fairest prices. It is our highest aim to so con duct our business dealings that our NAME will always stand for what is honest and of the highest quality. College Boot Shop ,ka H. U. Meek., Prop. 121 S. Allen St. State College, Pa. MauUMMOUWlnnannumnanummonnilflmonumanummumunnumnunnumunuonmunnuncmounnuco •:••:-:••:••:••:-:•+•:••:••: :-: :•+•:•.:÷:" . : - :.•: - : - : ... :•*:'÷ i'i••X" ,. ...:••:' - : . ":••: .- : - : .•• : -. . - : - :• .• : - : •• : - :" . :44 - i• 5: -ri,• : 4 N17."•.,. 7.'O,.V.IiV4IIVICIatr!IT.W.X4III:•"I:;i:a.79I AFT ..' 1 .4 i., ~,,Aq.• 1 .A. , ' , ' "i • '11`: , , ~.,47 I W. 1 ' 1 • C,.. Zi - ra,> 1.1! r., ) A '; ;; " 3. p. 44 I i 'l c:- '4 . -W' 9 c:. i I '7, r-, - • C;>. i. i - 4 3 . -- - ~ 1 11 .-_,_T n_,,.-i..-z.T,,.,7,3.. rne's ot7ne n ordwn THE CORRECT WRITING RAPER] On Co-op Corner If you're young, you want style; you'll find the designs you like best in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. If you're a good bu siness man you'll want all wool quality; you know it pays; you'll get it here. If you're a careful buyer you'll want va lue and long wear; you'll get that too. Then to make it a sure thing for• you, we say, "If you dont get any of those things in the degree yo u think you should, tell us, we'll see that you get your money back." Ulsters for young men Military overcoats Fur collared coats Chesterfields fo r business men. Ulsters for business men Business suits Opposite Post Office January 22, 1919 For the Best Bread, Pies and Cakes State College Bake Our Ice Cream Has No Equal •:-:-:-:-:-:-: