Page Four 11 (Il)emorg Of those who have gone from our midst and made the great sacrifice that Liberty, Peace and Happi ness might predominate in the world, and 1111 ibonor To those who went and were willing to make the sacrifice, we dedicate this space in kind remembrance. GRAHAM & SONS, On the Corner Former "Collegian" i Man Dies In France News has been received here that Captain Frederick C. LS.% of the class of 1914. died in France of pneumonia 17, 191%. lie Was Colonel of the Cadet Regiment In his senior year, represented the college as an intercol legiate debater in 1911, was a musician of lure promise—his playing of the Vio lin is remembered by all who ever heard him—was !Imminent in dramatic circles, was on the Collegian board during most of his course. was a member of several honor sueleties of the college, and of the Beta 'theta Pi fraternity lie was graduated with honors In the course of agricultural chemistry. During the year following his ema nation Captain Dust:, served as a violinist in the Institute of Animal NUtritic.ll at the college. leaving it to accept a position in the AgricultUral Service nllll.llll of the American Agri cultural Chemical Company of Boston. Realizlng early that America must in evitably Ie drawn sooner or later into the great war in Europe. ht 1916 Ile en listed in the United States regular army and was stationed successively at Fort Leaveiswouli, Kansas, on the Mexican frontier. at Gettysburg, and at Char lotte. North Carolina. from which last point he was Bunsferred in April, 1911, with the 0 , 101 infantry to France. Ile had already tvon a captain's commission and went overseas as a member of the headouartors troop. Ile was severely wounded in Andy and Incapacitated for two months. Rejoining Ills regiment In septomber. he was in all the battles of the Saint 9lihiel salient and the Argonne forest up to the time of the armistice. From one of the Argonne forest drives lie returned the only sur viving °Meer of his regiment THE First National Bank State College, Pa. w. 1.. FOSTER, Prestdent DAVID F. KAPP, Cashler For the Best Bread, Pies and Cakes State College Bakery Our Ice Cream Has No Equal To secure your choice of a 7xlo PORTRAIT, or a reduction of $2.00 on every sio.oo order of Photographs. Better take advantage of this REMARKABLE OFFER before shedding your uniform. KEEP a photographic remembrance of the uniform you earned in being a part of the army that forced the Huns to sign the armistice. This Offer Is Good Only From January 9 to 18, Inclusive We will take and furnish FREE OF CHARGE one photograph suitable for a La Vie reproduction. You are under no obligation to order any photographs, but we guarantee to give you satisfactory pictures, of the same quality, at a lower rate than our out of town competitors can furnish them. NEW ENGINEERING UNITS CONSIDERED (Continued from film page) planers and various other toots neces sary for an up-to-date woodworking plant. The second floor will contain the thirty woodturning lathes, finish ing rooms. a demonstration class room. office. :sigi thirty ellbillet.-,takers' benches for classes its joinery. The third ❑our contains a photographic, dark room hlue print room, oilier. class resin and drawing room. From the number of old students who have called or written to inquire about returning front camp to take up their studies :main, it is expected that about tiny engineers will resume their work On January 27th. In order to provide for the soldier boys, the school of en gineering Will repeat the subjects of the first contester when they are a prereq uisite. In the same sequential subjects, usually given in the second semester only. will he repeated most fall. Thins a sudent may begin his Junior on Senior year on January 27th. 0 p.ixdo:si mu 01711 ADVERTISERS iiiii...„„m„,„,„„,.„,„,..,,,„,.........„,„„„„,„„,„„,„„„,,,,,,,.......... , :„... . Just Received a 1 5 Columbia and Victor 1 11 Records Come In and Play Them Over a I .--- Also Complete Line of E, Belle Meade Sweets 5 Guaranteed Fresh El I The Heffner Drug Company L--- "At Your Service" E . .., E GRAFF S. STEWART, Ph. G., Manager .1.- The Leading Drug Store ;1111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111(1111111111111(111111111:1111111111111111111111111111111(1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIII31111111111111111111111111117111111 YOUR LAST CHANCE MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW TO THE JUNIORS OF PENN STATE PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR BASKETBALL leantinued from first page) enthusiasm will he displayed at all games. Early this morning a telegram w•as received trout the Athletic Association of the University of Pennsylvania which will matte an eastern trip possible for the 'varsity basketball team. State will 'sect her old rival on Penn's floor on January 20 and will probably clash with Lafayette and Lehigh on January 30 and 3t. This is the first time in years that a Stub basketball team has met rearm representing Penn and as Penn was intercollegiate chantplon on the coma last year, there is no doubt that g good contest can he looked for. MORE WRESTLERS NEEDED Coach Verger of the wrestling squad is not satisfied with the number of 111011 who have reported for the great indoor game up to the present time. Material is scarce for all of the weights, lan it is particularly so in the heavy weights. -o-- SIINIi MISCN lomisTANniNG In order to remove any minunder etamboa which may exist in the minds of the students, the following points should he borne in mind with reference to the raid that was conducted on Greg ory Brothel, in November: it committee from Student Board made a full and complete investigation and found Mr. Gregory's hill of 1:190 to lie entirely fair. Ilowerer, in order to show the students that he was willing to nice! them half way. Mr. Gregory agreed to cut the bill la half and this was the thud settlement. A CORRECTION Bishop .1 urea 11. Darlington of Har risburg, will not lie at the EPlafulial church this Saturday eeening. but will come to State College on Saturday, the instead. PENN STATE COLLEGIAN College Customs Now In Vogue Another evidence that peace has been declared IS the fact that college customs are now being enforced and no longer may the "green ones" wander nonchal antly across the grass nor the sopho mores be seen with their coats off. The Student Tribunal has been elected and is ready for business and It will prob ably have a chance within a very short time to give material evidence of Its ex istence. The customs as are now being en forced are materially the same as were in vogue before the S. A. T. C. was established. A complete list can be found In ally Freshman bible and the first year men are advised to become famil iar with all of them. With many of the Freshmen wearing the uniforms issued to them by the Government, a Problem is presented whereby they may be dis tinguished from Sophomores 'and upper classmen. A plan whereby all Fresh men will be required to wear green hat cords when in the uniform is now being considered by the Student Council and if 10105011 will have the enthUslastie backlog of the Military Department. Tills will give some means of 'dentin cation which will be evident at all tmos. The customs as are given in the Freshmen bible have been handed down for years 111111 au•e not a sign of "rough Starr' as many of tile Freshmen would believe. but have been established for the welfare of the college and the stu dents and that end can be obtained only when all members of the student body observe them. We suggest this en- ror de • 6ra aration 61 t —.mos an we& ; l ide,a„ ?en V l2,Ati i, 11l II yoli q•k\l(l,,, , ~. ....ksky ilemliii, : . , 2 I 1 Athletic Store, On Co-op Corner State-Centre Electric Co. At The Old Stand • Frazier Street State College, Pa. %Mt* Theft& Go Ott C 7 -:: Li i (. 1 ) ,): .' ,- )/4 Natany Theatre TI1UltS1) tY OOLDWYN• PRESENTS: • TOM MOORE In .91i IRTV A \VEER" A Comedy also SMILING BILL PARSONS In "Proposing 11111" ARTCHAFT SPECIAL: ELLIOT DEXTER and ANN LITTLE ,In "THE SQUAW MAN" With all star cast Outing Chester Travelogue SATURDAY GARY DESLYS in "nirATU ATION't :Matinee at 2 and Evening HARVEY BROTHERS Bakers Bread, Cakes,':and Ice:Cream 220 East College:Avenue f : HARRY W. SAUERS College Man's Shop Men's FurnishinlS Custom Tailoring 1: • Cleaning and Pressing 1 : Robinson Block State College, Pa. Phofoplaffs of Qua* State eollecie, -Pa R. H. BREON Wednesday, January 8, 1919 Pastime Theatre I , lttn.tV FRANK KEENAN in writ E BELLS" Sunshine Come 4 St I, RDA% SHIRLEY MASON and ERNEST TRUEX 01 0 1:0011•BIT BILL" Olttcial \Cm• Review Ill.:MI.1Y, JANUARY lith Ottirial United States War Feature "UNDER FOUR FLAGS" Showing the United States Army and the Armies of the Allies in its latest drives on all fronts. Stirring battle scenes—The Chateau Tiderry Drive— armored trains blast the Hun lines pushing them in their retreat—Tank squadrons in action. This is the last official Hovernment film showing the conditions at the front as they really OS -1810 as no other picture has shown. 'ln addition we shall show the surrender of the German Fleet.