Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 10, 1918, Image 3

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Wednesday, April 10, 1918
A Penn State man, E 1.. Hamilton 'IA,
who was on the TUSCMIIIIa when she was
torpedoed, tolls In a very interesting
letter-to his menet of the oNente dur
ing and following the sinking of the ship
off the Irish coast. The feline Mg ate
extracts from the letter which was
printed In hie home newspaper
On active Service with the Arne: lean
Expeditionary Forcer!
February 121.11, 1918
Dear Mothea .
At last I can write and tell you some
of my ssperlencesrnffirmany and won
derful they have been. I suppose you
may have heard of the Tuscanla being
torpedoed some days ago It may in
terest you to know that I ums on board
that ship when the Beebe hit It. 'and
have survived It.
It was six p m. and I had Just
come down to my bunk In the hold from
the deck, where I hod been observing
the land which no had just sighted
shortly before dusk. I was sitting on
my bunk reading a magazine, when all
of a sudden thorn MB a bang, a crack,
a Jul. and the lights went out. I made
a dash for the compaalonwag to the
deck along with sixty or mac ether
fellows, novel stopping fot eoat, hat or
life-preserver. We rushed up ua deck
In quite an orderly manna. consider ing
the occasion, for they all knew what
had happened
- , Trouble Lonerlng Benin '
wax one of the twenty assigned
from It cannier* to lower lifeboats at
'No 12, and bad to climb to the highest
deck to gat-there. When I got up there ,
I saw the ship was stillerflord. but had
a slight list to starboard (she wan tor
pedoed on the starboord aide, formers]
of the englneroom) There were only
three or four of our clew up there, no
I thought I would go back and get my
coat and life-preserver 1 climbed down
a ladder to 13 deck, but the men were
still pouring out the companionway
from below no I could not get down I
went back up and welted for some of
the ship's crew to come and direct no,
as they were supposed to Nobody com
ing, I went down again, and got my
life-preserver and hairnet.
The men were orderly +rind lined up at
their respective boats as they had been
taught to do at the daily boot
We started to let down the find boat,
got It loaded and In the wet.. but the
felons In it did not know how to un
hook the Mlle, so some one cut the rope,
rendering one end useless There were
three other boats yet to be let down,
ha we hod no nay to get thorn over
except to throw them In These other
three were sort of mfts, with Niro:mons
around the gunwales, and having sides
which could be raised up Someone
suggested tying a I one to each end and
tumbling it down We bled that and
bad an awful job getting it near the
edge, as it weighed nearly a ton We
got her to the edge, then over but the
rotten ropes broke and the bout fell
upside down In the water and floated
off. We then tried to get the other
two, but they had nut been moved since
the ship wan built, I guess, and me could
not move them
\ Company Sung Popular Songs
By this time someone had been shoot
leg distress rockets, and the other boats
ere getting away with more or less
difficulty. Fellows„mere jumping mei
board, but as a rule the officers con
trolled their men very well Ono com
pany stoat at attention and sang 'Wall,
Hull, the Gang's all Here" Then one of
the destropers of our convoy steamed up
on the port side and gradually Made its
way alongside, (hue putting some hope
Into me. It looked 'natty hopeless be
fore IV6 tin ow a bunch of lines on to
her and the fellows elld on dock But
some mined and went into the water
and got squeezed betwoen the two shire.
I saw ono follow go down a tone and
the destroyer rolled Pat as ho was
down to her lifeboat a.. It hung In the
davit.. and the boat hit him en awful
Landed at nil Irish Tema
We landed at a cot twin town In the
not th of Ireland and wore taken to a
13ritlah camp where they fed us Wo
went to sleep on the Boot at 2:30 a., m ,
wondering whole the rest of the fellows
wet a In the morning we saw a large
number of our companions who had
come In on other bouts We were then
taken to another camp where theme were
a tot of convalescent Scotch soldiers
who had all been in the front linos and
were t °coveting. We exchanged Mild
yams In plenty. They treated us royal
ly everywhere in Iteland No one could
have done bottet 0 , We wets cortainlY
the queerest-looking clew you ever saw,
Hardly any wore hats, some wore bath
rolies, some sailor uniforms, all needed
a shave Ono man woto slippers, a cap
taln's overcoat, and a sailor sou'wester
on Ills head We stayed at this•camp
some time, leaving theme at 6 a. m. on
Sunday We art Iced at a certain Irish
city, got abroad a boat to cross the
Irish Sea for Great Britian We wore
accompanied by an American torpedo
boat end smiled without mishap and In
good condition. We entrained again
and rode most of the night, arriving lit
11110 camp, which Is very large and con
tains many American soldiers We
don't booty how long we will be here but
espect to leave soon for Franco •
'nein Me two Airierlean Y. M C. A
buildings hem. and It anyone says any
thing disparaging concerning the Y
C A to me, I will shell him. Please
don't wotry about me, erel)iilina Is
going tine.
Co C. 6th Bettelion, 20th Engineet•
Anich Icon Expeditionnt) Force, N A,
tin NOW Yolk
On Active Salvias
With AMelialll Expeditiumy Fame
Sunday, March aid
Mt dem Dean Watts.—
I believe that ft is about time that I
MIDI(' you a few linen just to let you
know that I hale not fotgotten the old
school and to tell you bow we State
men one getting on in this part of
France Seven al days ago I wrote Pres
ident Spanks and I wae neatly ashamed
of the letter as at that time we were
pretty w ell tied down by the censor, or
thought that we wet e Now, howevet,
they have let anon the bate. so to speak,
and have given us mots explicit Mame
tions to follow.
The letter rent out by Di Sparks,
together With the pictuie to the melt
vas gloat, and could not help but cheer
tie up. Tou can not begin to leans. how
much we all appreciate the Internet
which the home folks take in ue. bite
letter won awaiting me one evening
when I came In from the woods, wet
to the neck and chilled through from
the cold wind Needier!, to say, I sea.
Rett) grouchy and mean, but after
reading that letter and erring the pict
ure I surprieed nil the fellow. 'ln the
tent by going out and cutting enough
firewood to run the old Sibley Move
until tape. They couldn't may anything
mean enough for the rest of the even
ing to get a tine out of me
told you In a previous letter that
---- 1
I had taken a trip over Now Tomos, and
now I am permitted to toll you more In
dotal! Three of us, John Howe, A. H.
'ld, John B. McClelland (Woostei Col
lege) and I Remised foul-day' Pantie. to
Bayonne We got to Bayonne at one
a m. and went to the Grand Hotel
whole we bunked during our Bedouin in ,
the thy. a Getting up early in the morn
tog we started out to taco the eights
As wo more oolong the lire Americans
to visit the city, you could hour the
natives on all olden, on we passed. any,
"American" or "Americans " Incident
ally, it Is a meat advantage to be among
the first Americana to vielt a town. Fat
OHO thing, the prices of at tides and food
are as a rule cheaper Ulan they are
latter on, The French have a false Idea
that we are all rich and It does not take
them long to boost the price when they
nee us coming. Another unfortunate
thing Is that num° few soldiers, sooner
as Intel, overstep their privileges and
MP spoil Mingo for the many who know
a Id want to conduct themselves In an
as des ty and iespectable manner
To retain to the sights of the city
We only the exterior of tile St. Andrew
Cathedml and St Copra le semparx
and Lachepaillet. Font-Neuf, Le Cha
teau-Vieux, In Croix and le Fontaine de
St, Leon On the following, day, Sun-
al ty, we went Into both cathedrals and
t was well worth our time. They were
onderful, and you could not 110110 but
ender how they could build such large
and spacious structus eta at tho time
hese buildings were erected I was par
, enlist ly Interested In the old city . wall,
nioat and drawbridges, which were still
t banding though the city had expanded
far beyond the original limits The Cit
a lel, bunt way hack In the time of Louie
I yr, with Its narrow, barred window's,
s ould still strike tersm In a person's
I east. The Cll/11100.0 of Napoleon I is
coo partly hi talon and Is extremely
beautiful with its 11.1Xl1s loon masses of ivy
and other vines climbing over it
011 Monday we took a side nip to
1 011 iltz, n rely fashionable summer
cool ton tile Ilea ethane In peace time
t se natives say it Is "treat jolt" for me
Though It Is only a small place. the
Ram eta Neese la fie and wonderful, the
hotels stay large, and the "boardwalk"
(winch happened to be a broad road of
anacodum) WIN full of gaily dressed
women and men. Flom one of the high
omontosies °restocking the bay we
saw what we we: o told were the Span
ish I•yrenee4 I believe that view, lust
before contact, wan the prettiest of any
that I have seen in France.
Tombs) , the first we spent roaming
about Bayonne and in the evening we
came back to earop.
Tom Duelelgh, Forest. 18, and 7 took
a long walk dorm to the sea today
Cornell University Medical College
Admits graduates of Penn State
College presenting the required
Physic., Chemistry', Biology, Rut
tish, and Rodent Language..
INSTRUCTION by laboratory
methods throughout the course.
Small sections facilitate personal
contact _between student and in
Gindeate roars.. loading to A
M. and Ph D also offered under
direction of the Gradtutte School
of Cornell Ilnivoraity.
Applications for adminelon are
preferably made not later than
Next eeeelon *pone thiptember
311, 1913
For Information and *Malaga.,
Cavell University Hedlesl Came
First AT. And NM Street.
Der 469. New Tart City.
ihf(Do . " - A - 6 -
One is not lon
when by himpelf---
MURAD, The Tut.)
Ifil xi a ri k g s Maws err/. &gutCadeada
aid Egyptian Raman ntdiakrni
While walking along tho road wo passed
through American soldiers and much to
my surprise when I looked them over.
one Con Jerry, .14 Foiestei
Surely neither of us ever dimmed when
we sold goodbye On Commencement
Day hi the spring of 1914 that our next
meeting would bo In Southern Fiance
Jerry Is the same Jolly fellow and Woks
fine. Some of the boys at school now
will remember him. i • i his home
at the Beta house on the cameo° Ito in
a private In Company LI of the 2010
regiment. 4th battalion.
The twilit here Is Mogi caning tepid!)
Our big mill, capacity 20 m pea tenet,
made its first cut on Match that, and
we etcpect to be running two shifts of
ten hours, or three shifts of Innen hoots
each day by the end of the week It In
likely that I will work In the mill an
00011 no the next shift goes on
I expect you are getting tired tootling
about what we aro doing bete so I will
stop and write a few linos w Psoftwor
Boat regards to Mrs Watts and any
of the other people whom I knew at
Very tray YOWL ..
IV 0 Edwuhn
Company I 10th Engineers, Folentr3
A. P 0 705—A E F
P 8 Tho YMCA lo fully olgunized
here and in doing a gloat noik
February 23, 1913,
153 Aero Squnda on,
Somowhei e In England
neat Cterybody at . 21f."
Arta: a few data of Hovel° petspira
Hardware; Store
;==11:! , ,1!
Headquarters for
Everything Electric
Store Closes 6 p. m, Frazier Street
Pay Enough . for Quality In Your Spring Clothes
"Pay enough" refers to the good of you men who buy—
not the man who sells It moans the price of all-wool fabrics,
line tailoring, good style—those things are absolutely necessary
for long wear and satisfaction.
In Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
you get these qualities you need for
less than you can get them anywhere
Montgomery & Co:
T 'e Home of Hart Schaffuer & Marx
Opposite Post Office
State College
tlon over thin Englinh coinage eyatem,
and after many delightful hikes thru the
beautiful %anon of thin country. I fully
realize that I ant In England And Eng
land Is ti illy a beautiful country—no
monde. the iota slog no 1111:01 of th
"Angel-land " /•
Out squish on left ennnila en: ly I
Fels unt 3 and spent fifteen days on tit!
Atlantic Wu Intil quilt tees on IL liu a!
tt tutu Star Linen and spent
delightful Cot [night on the waters. hav
ing but one stottny da) No, I nan not
000,1elt But out no, weather stilted
the onem) flubmitrhies Juxt tine, no an
Wei° kept busy changing our course
We sight.' eight subminines and tired
at tisu but there note no tomtits Out
.11%0) consisted of nutny item/ ships
and munition bouts, a warship amt Rev
el/11 I.[-boot ehosets
The In ittill Omernment has been
nett good to us Americans In the Rest
Camps ]eaten day, for Instance, Clem go
Wahhington's Mitt:day. me hud a tour
hot:: coneek t by an full Mum Band
uf the English Army Service Corps
English ladles ore behind the counters
of out V M C A, and into almt)s sug
gesting little things mhich malt. fur our
coinfo: t
Vol time nude months he shah be In
I:IngI sod. nut Est 11.% latlon training. cumuli
At ImeNtut he Este Is the moot Matt. lad
pas t or England, and at nights sun heat
the (Ad mad ish raldd ON er London
England Is now In mourning Lust
Sundt* no mete hiking past an English
Our Prescription Dept.
Is Our Special Pride
Despite war conditions—
and they have been severe
for the drug trade—we have
been able to keep this de
partment up to its pre-war
standard by know ing
n here, when and how to buy.
Rexall Store
church Just as the services mole cats-II
chided No men %tillt shipped. only l‘otn- ,
en and children and they mere Messed'
In black Little children In block and
v Otto mum:ling in e seen et et i. is hew
Men inn at Stat. The women cettalitl3 ,
ninnifest a noble sphlt or eacilike
I often think of Penn Stole and all It
moans to mO, and emieel,tllt Pk howl
tones we hail I suppose 'Cult . 101 111
de ahead) dug foi lull and
f, 11,011 Ia mooing Ito mostighe bowie
wanbating life With kind it.gtidl to
all, and hoping to see ton all soon 1111 n
:shaman II Thompson iToitilW
Otte to the feet that Ito suitable th am - 11111 mete submitted Is the eunitutition
for the positionof La:lmmix,. on till
CtELLIMIAN the tilet.tion of sold t
tonlal mill be postponed until Ile, tun
YOUNG 'Wu «w luts 0 Ito Slmm
MEN amine the e:lntim oult
tblo fin tom:betel ot mu
wANTED de.v., .1., .1411 tO Mill tid
then tat t do. in ont ad)
Inollo of the eltlenn ',lnto 0131
I enit. Nome
tut auto ate locatttl N% not. i'i Intel -
ening, the Hutt outline 4 On Li tel, the
1101115 I egulot and the in IN J.ooil II
Inlet ested, 111110 at outt. to
Call Around
And see our selection of
New Vest Pocket Kodaks
We can finish your films the right. way
, c s .
l~bc i 6)
Come In Early
For Those Songs You Are Gont.4 . to Tahe
Don't Forget to T.:Le Along
And a Fen Copies of the Nco, Stole Sang .. i
-.... 1.
,s , The riusic Room
S n
Must Be _So .d
at Once
If you are in need of shoes now is the time to sine
money as it is absolutely necessary that we dispo,e of our
large stock of Shoes and Oxfords within .t short time.
Shoes are advancing in price and you will not get en op
portunity to get high class shoes such as we ate offering at
these low prices for a long time. Eseiy pair of shoes and
oxfords in our store has been marked doiip to cost—
nothing reserved—every pair must go at a s,,iritice.
Ourline consists of such footwear as Nettleton, Bos
toniun, Crawford, Bass, Dayton, Bones;lalc, Etc.
Come early ns the sale Mill not last long
Stock Will Soon Go
Buy Early
Allen Street, State College, Pa
, :wnmilwniwniwm4im4i:Awnwx.?v,m*m4i:
Page Three
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