Page Two Penn State (Sollq3iart Publlulled weekly' dozing the College your by students of the Pennsylvania State College In the laciest. of tho Studentx, Faculty, Alumni and Friends of the College A 31 CI eqemell 'lB G L. AN light 'lB . :11 W Allomplo 'lB ASSOCIATLI L'DITORq I=l A IV nance '2O Kenneth Kith TO S. .1%1 Loury IS T N Keelan IS I=l Tice Collegian incites nil communications un on) subject of college intmest. Letters must be, signatures of tilt. Subscription price S 1 DO after Nov 1 Entered at the PosteMee, State College, Pa , nn second class matter Omen. Nittnny Piloting not Publishing Co Building 0111 en home. 420 to 5.20 ctely afternoon except S ttordss WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 1917 Neus Editor for this issue ANOTHER HOUSE TO BUILD A call will be issued during the next few weeks for candidates to take up the task of carrying on one of Penn State's most important student activities. The debating management is this year confronted with the double task of meeting a formidabie array of opponents with only a small numb , of e,porienced nien to select the teams from :yin veteran of the last few debating campaigns is back in college and only a very small number of last seasons's squad arc here, The need is greet for men of debating ability, and for every man who has any power of argument whatever, there is a wonderful opportunity to help maintain the cherished position State holds in the debating world and to secure, for himself, an invaluable training The schedule ns so far erranged should be particularly attractive because the number of interesting trips included Georgetown Uni versity will be met at Washington and another team will tourney to New York to debate New York University There is also a trip to Franklin and Marshall and one to Bucknell University. The appeal for men to try out for the teams during the ne‘t few weeks should there fore be well received by the members of all the classes There will be an equal chance for all There are no veterans this year who have their places already won It will be an impartial contest for the position with ability and personality as the only factors influencing the choice There will be at least thirty nien in the squad and this number will serve to admit a great variety of What. As a matter of history it might be added for the benefit of the new met' that two years ago Penn State 'secured the permanenit pos session of the championship cup of the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Debating League Last year was an unfortunate one in that State lost both of her league contests The championship of the league is de cided every three years and in order to keep in the race for the cup it is necessary that State win both of her league contests this season from Franklin and Marshall It can be clearly seen, therefore, that the need of new men from all fhe classes trying out for positions on the debating squad is par ticularly urgent this year State has maintained a high standard for many years on the debating platform and it is largely up to the new men to continue the successful efforts of the past It is our belief that no college man can receive the fullest benefits from his career un less he affiliates himself with at least one of the colleges many activ ities. There is plenty of debating material in every class entering Penn State—let us sec it come out Everyone gets an equal chance to make good. THE SAME OLD TROUBLE Penn State's athletic coaches and managers are once more "up against" that old annual occurrence that unfortunately mars the furtherance of true sport and the physical development of perfect manhood as regularly as September comes around Day after day during the past three weeks underclassmen have attempted to dodge patriotic military service on the pretense of "going out" for nn nth.. letic sport, Just for the sake of "getting out of drill" It is to be regretted that such conditions exist at Pcnn State, and at the same time it is to be hoped that as few as possible gain that goal Men, this is no time to play around with such selfish notions! If you have the merest ounce of athletic ability in your system, give it a chance Give it to your class, your college, and most of all give it to your country In the present war crisis the Notion bleeds for want of physically perfect manhood The college man has the greatest opportunity among all classes of men to fulfill this want Yet because of a mere selfish whim the Nation is being cheat ed. Uncle Sam wants the soldier.tithlete and Penn State is splendidly equipped to supply a portion of the demand The football conches have made an appeal for more 'varsity candidates, there is plenty of room on the baseball squad, any num ber of track men can be cared for, 'varsity soccer has begun and 'cross country is being developed There is an opening right now in almost every line of sport. It is easily seen that Penn State has in no way abandoned her sports. On the other hand, she is prepared to go into it on a broader scale than ever betore Let nothing hinder her progress and ultimate success Whether or not those students who are athletically inclined succeed in getting e',cused front drill in return for service rendered, they should at least make an effort for their college The sacrifice of a little time will repay tenfold for the effort. You, your class, your college and your country will benefit. THE PROPER SPIRIT Last Thursday evening at the opening mass meeting of the year, President Sparks in his talk, naturally dwelled upon the subject of athletics in colleges this fall, and he spoke with pride in the fact that Penn State is to be represented by a football team as in former years. Moreover, Dr. Sparks brought out the fact that among the vast num ber of eastern colleges, Penn State had been selected to play the first game for Red Cross purposes with the United States Ambulance Corps team. The scheduling of this game was indeed an honor for Penn State and it was a reward for what the Blue and White has always stood for—good, clean sportsmanship, either winning or losing. As Doctor Sparks so well e‘pressed it, it is not necessary to hays a winning team, so long as we are good losers, but it is essential to play fair regardless of the consequences. The game last Saturday was scheduled spins° the better judg ment of the coaching staff and players, because the Penn State team had had but little practice to prepare for so hard a game. They did not seek to dodge the conflict, however, with a view to keeping the season's record untarnished, but instead, they were willing to play, and if necessary, to lose. And what was the result? The 'varsity, although playing against a team that man for man was far superior, showed the character istic Penn State spirit and fight, and by playing clean. hard football, Editor -In-Chief 'Managing Editor suniot Associate =l3 BEE= I r !Coll '2O 41 D MacKinnon '2O Business Manager Advertising Manager Clt culation Manager I=l A. R. LEINBACH they won a well deserved victory over their famous opponents. It is this spirit that will usually carry an inferior man to the top, and if the team that represents Penn State on the gridiron this fall can continue to show the some grit and determination, the student body need have no fears that their team will be beaten until the final whistle blows. What is the use of having college customs at Penn State if they cannot be respected'; If a Freshman made his appearance on the campus wearing a gaily colored tie, a mild mob scene might be the result. Yet when Sophomores with military coats unbuttoned from top to bottom lounge about the campus entrance, and others appear,' minus any semblance of coats to their uniforms—scores of upper classmen pass them by without a word. Such an instance as the latter actually occurred one afternoon last week. After twice being warned to button his coat, that particular offender of the college customs reluctantly did so. Scores of others in uniform constantly' appear with collar fastenings loosened. Penn State's class and college customs have been made for a purpose. They should therefore be rigidly enforced with that pur pose in view. The little things may not •be taken seriously by the undergraduate, but in the long run they serve him well. The Fresh men may not see the value of such an apparent trivial ruling that prevents them from putting their hands in their pockets, or of giving precedence to upperclassmen, but in the end he will find that the power to adopt and obey these habits will train and develop an ability to assume greater responsibilities in the future. Little things count. If the college customs cannot be properly enforced, they might as well be abolished. The "Collegian" scored a "beat" in last week's issue. Perhaps few of our readers realized that in reading the results of the Senior class elections in our columns on Wednesday morning, we printed news that was but n few hours old. The elections were not complete until after 8 o'clock on Tuesday night, yet the "Collegian" carried i, a full report of th election in Wednesday's paper. This is a "stunt" that has never be re been accomplished by the "Collegian." It lust goes to show Ilin we are making every effort this year to serve the students-witli — the best At great expense we hope to continue this service throughout the year. If you think it worth while, help us to continue it by liccoming a subscriber. 3• On the Corner is +, , ,1 burr Become of the Good Old Ilit)s of CIIIIIIIUY SloglngT tle hood a good jOtlif the other dab But to tell It Ste can't afford. The t canon Is shnltlet en you con nee, Fogy It concerned the n It roz YCS, we hums that's pretty Poo but than It, we hate to till the colyu some hots or other TIIOSLI Ambulance tonna got a. good tastc of :cal battle at Allentown lost Sat 00 to 130,11 n and Rainer 13111' BUT the worst is yet to come fat Dick's Ciell—most of the tutu", bat ties mill be of a dlffeient calibre THESE. Freshmen sure aro wonder ful Never saw the beat. One says the tennis nets In the Gsm are ••prottu WOW' ANOTIIER, Necking In "A" naked ux uheto "E.nglish A" um to be found SOON they [till Ito calling the front campus a "pall[" SINCD no started to nirlorb the all enlightening subject or Dconomics un der the able letturea or Dr Snuck°. we carry n pocket dictionary to lectutes But even that does`nt do much good some [lmes •RAIL BIRDS - are utlil ut thick as eve, on the railing 'round the corner • • • WR heard tho other day that Eve nun modo for Adam's evinces com pany But we don't belle,e a word of • • • REIS ARD DILI 300 110411 PCLOI Clink M 1 Fortune last Sunday' Yes' Well. them hetes a good opportunity tot )int to hoe.= (011101.1 T/1110 that unbolt, him of hls shout "Drucilla Plants Onions . ' and otite a declamation on It of not. less then 80,000 maids and hand It In to CH not latm thtin 3.10 111111 .MCIIIOOII POI hest eNPOOILIOII 011 11,10 theme oe 11111 01101 n pill° of ono tlik.k, he t‘ry Jitney used 004 thtee times Don't make It too sit ong. but flu ow In a few Tears • •• AS oe 11011)along to press. pa matte note of the (diet that theire Is still nothing like st 0100' ccl np luolnlng up on the idol ltml. tJNLSSS Homo mote of you tome attomt pith o bone and tan Mtn for out rimulatlou 1001101001 11110 Ppiro of non -001110 Ix !Melt. to go up the , uPota 1, 0f 0,0 1110 your In out NOW --overt body—Choral+ •'lta no good anyttio \ Cant ton to It. tool admit It. But the about Lux to have a nattily vat, e soma tt hero. and wo notch' hay° anything to do 'till tomor ltitt ("). no mu Putt Amply let tint Aug utter 10x00 SOIOCUITION we 0100 fool Gym Suits and Shoes Circulating Library Good Fiction Typewriters t Two 7-Passenger Autos For Hire : 11 Penn State Book Store L. K. METZGER 'l5, Prop. It==i PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Ilko putting e. gun mask on our type WI !ter co-ctla aro boating you to it— emur half of 'ern are on our subscrip tion list alresal%. IDLE. SPECULATION—If o Sopho• more with his hop cant unbuttoned saw a kreshmun with Ida nub, In Ida pock. et, sac asunder what mould happen. THEY'D probably just emlle at ouch other and pane on NOTICE ITI WC take groat PLEASURE In announcing the FACT that from all INDICATIONS the COTTAGE and MAC HALL arc . IV. K. and pop. this "SEAR as ever berm 0— PERHAPS mOOOOO PROSPECTS aro exceeding bright for a %sinning Freshman baseball nine next spring Ono verdant specimen actually admitted thig. Ito played 'lien national ban" all summer and is out to prove it, hosing boon excused from drill to show how it Is done BLOW, yo .Inter wlnda, blow! Subseribo now for the "Collegian.. Office open every evening from 6.30 to 7 30 The - Collegian . ' In null In need of student. and aumnl support Help It keep on It's feet all year, A Typewriter Exceptional For Collegians Change your typo In as instant Enos ens style to another—or any harm. THE MULTIPLEX HAMMOND Two sets of typo In each machine. . 7" T rghit. " % itmoth- Bcautim work—beyond compare. If not inclined to a new machine, Inquire for our Factory Rabuilts. We Rent Machines of high quality. Patrons: President %Voodrow %Mors Dr. Are ala i der " C a r= Belt Chancellor Rev. B. G.Trant Williamohn C. atereag Dean Howells also ail Colleges and tiolvesslges Our special terms to collegian will Interest you. Catalog for din asking. Hammond Typewriter Co. MS Eut 6911. Strso New Vatic CII,. N. Y. The Letter Box PROPER. VENTILATION Dditoi, Tho Collegian• Dear Sir.—l desiro to take thin medi um as an expression of my opinion in regard to what I consider a matter of grme neglect on the part of tho mem bers of the college faculty I would liko to suggest hero that a special course In room ventilation and general hygiene be °paned for the benefit of faculty members. Thin Is my loot year In college, and time after time In provioug yearn I have boon placed at no little discomfort and inconvenience through tire neglect of Instructors in tile proper ventilation of lecture and recitation rooms, ;deny times I have gone into o. class room that had just been vacated by another class, and find all windows clamped down tight and the air theroot and foul and totally unlit to brlMe No attompt•is made by a majority of Mu dents to open windows, and others just turn around and close them when they aro opened to lot in a little fresh air Thu Instructors make no effort, foe the moot part. In raga/Ming vont/Lotion, and they wonder why the students fre quently nod and actually fall asleep in the contaminated atmosphere I find the same conditions existing this year I may be a "fresh air flend" and all that, but my work makes It impossible for me to get more than five and six hairs of sleep at night, and frequently less than that. Ono would naturally be inclined to dose under such circum stances when tho air in a class room becomes hot, foul and overbearing, an I have found that it actually does Can these conditions not bo remedied? When a contractor erects a school building he Is compelled by law to pro vide auMelent air apace for a certain amount of students Classes at this college are nearly all overcrowded and that makes It oven more necessary for the health of the student to be !crooked after I would like to take the liberty of suggesting that Dr. Illonour be naked to glen a lecture on the subject of "Ventilation" at the next faculty meet ing 'lt might be of some benellt to the students Trunting that yell will take thla matter up In your paper. I tun Sincerely. "A Freak Air Fiend" o---- MANY ENROLL - IN WOOD TECHNOLOGY CLASS The first meeting of the class in wood technology, under the direction of Professor Green, of the School of Forestry, was held last Tuesday even. Mg in the Forestry Building and about twenty students signified their inten tion of entering the class at that time A number of others have registered since that date. The meeting nights for the class have been fixed as Tuesday and Friday evenings at 7 o'clock, and the course will continue for ten or twelve weeks. The entire time of the class will be devot ed to the study of the defects. growth and structure of wood. This course will prove invaluable to the chemists. agriculture chemists and engineers, as they will be enabled to learn much pertaining to their chosen work. No one will be allowed to take this course but Senior and Junior engi• neers, chemists, foresters, and those who have bad sufficient botany, math &males and timber testing. It the course meets with the sue cess that now seems assured, it will be continued next semester Contrary to on impression that was created by an article In a recent Issue, this class is not sanctioned by the gov ernment, nor suggested by any govern ment official or department Sport Suits by Hart Schaffner & Marx Young men who want their money to go a long-ways and who want live, spirited style, should see these new sport suits by Hart Schaffner & Marx. One of the many good ones is pictured above—front and back views. They're There's buy one of If you don't get all you think is coming to you, you get your money back. "Your satisfaction" is the first consideration at this store. • . • .. - -__ - - --- . - MONTGOMERY & CO. - Bellefonte GOOD ATTENDANCE AT AMBULANCE RETURNS Unfortunately, few members of the student body were able to witness the mime last Saturday beta ore the Penn State 'varsity and the U S. army am bulance corps team, played at Allen town. However, the larger peteentage of the students were on hand In the Auditorium when the first whistle sounded, and from then on, they wore enabled to follow the in ogress of the game by means of the tdlephone and the scoreboard. The returns last Saturday Item liana' led more efficiently than they have berm for some time, both at the Auditorium and on the held The mutt wan, that those In attendance were given the Plays accurately almost as noon an they store completed The Interim, lament In the game brought out many inci dents that would perhaps be ordinarily over-looked. For example, there was a deep, hearty roar when it was announced that Beck hod led tile army team on the field, and upon the further announcement that he had been elected captain, the old college yell was given with a vim that rivaled the days when "Becky" , wale the Blue and White However, , the roar wasjust as hearty, when the returns came In "Beck foils to gain." Of course, the students showed the proper appreciation of Ways long runs and Pond's touchdown. The latter came near not being announced, for the man on the phone dropped the re . celvet, began to "hurrah" and It took' ' ' fully two minutes to quiet him down sufficiently to enable him to sharepls good news, The deeper feelings of the student body were touched when the message came that the boys In the Pc", State ambulance unit were wishing that they weco back In the Auditorium with "the rest of the boys" The announcement ' was greeted with absolute silence and no doubt the men In the audience echoed the wldit of their former class mates. The humorous Hide of the afternoon was furnished at the expense of the army's star tackle, Johnson, of "%Vasil- A. DEAL Sanitary Plumbing, Steam, Hot Water Vapor and Vacuum Heating State College, Pennsylvania. +++ , ,:-:4.t. , e44+4 I I I I 1 4 1^:÷•ri-I.:-1÷2.44.H+: I I I I I STATE CENTRE ELECTRIC COMPANY Headquarters for Everything Electric Store Closes 6 p. m, Frazier Street made in all-wool fabrics and in the favorite colorings. no way to get more for your money in clothes than to these suits. The Toggery Shop State College Wednesday, Oct. 3d, ington and Leo. Johnson, by LI Played a lino game throughout, 1 fortunately, ha was injured a the game. Ho returned to nu but In the final quarter, ha WI Mere "laid out... Then came I lowing sumenalve annOUneemt the assembled students.— 'Johnson Is fatally Injured' . 'Johnson refuses to leave th and continues to play." "Johnson breaks thrtfugh and Cross for a two yard "Johnson downs Way for tho ono yard." ,At this point, thoy orldentlY • sending the plays near Johns• they probably feared that he w' "killed" and then make a tone) Am long withay last, nil back of the .. col/oginn .. will be given now subscriber, You will need a student and directory thin yenr Get ono F . subscribing for tho .Colleglan • Candy Kisses Maple Walnut Kiss Vanilla Cream Coco Chocolate Crea Cocoanut Walnut Nuget Lo The Heat of the As well as other new Gregory Br. Candymakers CANDYLAND STO Bellefonte State 1111111 II