Wednesday, May 30 1917 SUMMER SCHOOL TO CONVENE AS USUAL `Attendance 'Expected to Drop; New Courses To- Be Added - 4he summer school courses will con tinue in the same manner an in pre vious can, except tint the number of students enrolled will be a little below normal," said Dexter E. R. Smith, who has charge of the summer work, when asked concerning the prospects for the unnroaching motion The work is to commence June 25 and will be complet ed on August li. The usual extensive preparations have been undertaken and oxide from the alight drop In atten dance no change will be experienced. In fact, sevend new end distinct cours es have been added to the curriculum. namely, a ten-day conference for church workers, a war time conference of county and city superintendents end an °mei gency course dealing with first aid and military Instruction, designed to meet the need of those intending to enlist in patriotic service The nonfat once for church workers will be under way on the 10th at July and during the ten days of its dura tion addressee will be made by some noted men in theological education Dean G. D. Fiske will be one of the speakers appearing before - the church workers. Dean Flake Is at present in charge of the Oberlin Graduate School of Theology. Doctor II Jackson. of the United States But eau of Educa te'', will also - appear at that time The Training School for Continuation Teachers will add n. distinctive feature to tho session since thin phase of In struction has never been attempted here before. Five efficient Instructors will be employed In this course The object of the work will be to prepare teachers who can take charge of clam .° containing thous minors who. are employed In factories and who must be given a complete education These continuation schools well) formed after the passage of the Coy Child Labor Act in 191 . The conferences of city and county superintendents has been called mainly for a general discussion In order that the superintendents may become no qunlnted with the changes in education that must take place during the present The coins. In first aid and military instruction will be run In conjunction with the other Bummer clamses and will embrace an extensive study of fleet aid work as well as daily military inearuc tion MINING SCHOOL NOTES The present coke fired furnnces tel assaying- work are being replaced by a thoroughly modern Inettination of oil fired muffle furnaces. The new equip ment consists of ten single muffle fur nace. Additional apparatua, In the form of pulp and button balancee, has also been purchased These additions will provide equipment for lire unsay ing equal to that of any mining school in the country A small water-jacketted blast fur fume for lead and copper smelting has boon Installed which will materially ex tend the scope of the work In the met allurgical laboratory courses Tho Installation of apparatus and oil fired brick kilns for treatment of clays Is now complete, and clays are being tested for the various clay working in dustries In the State, as well as for, others Interested in such wofk The rapid extension of tho flotation process to tho concentration of low grade ores has made it necessary for tho School to Install a flotation plant which has Leon used this year for tho first time In the ore-dressing labora tories. Boyd Dudley, Jr., Assistant Profes sor of Metallurgy, recently received his' commission as captain In the Ord nance Department - of the Officers' Re serve Corps, ho has not yet been or dered to report for duty Dr. H N Eaton, Assoc.ote Professor of Qeology, is going Into practical workfor the summer with the Empire Goo & Fuel Co. of Oklahoma, as Is also G. L Tpllle, a Senior Mining Geol ogist S. J. Caudill, Teaching Fellow In Ge ology, has accepted a position as chid geologist for the Neely-Clover Co, oil producors operating In Ohio J. P. ,Itlc- Culloch, a Senior Mining Geologist, Is going Into geological work with the same Company. Summer pmetlaum work In mining and metallurgy will not be taught this summer as outlined in the catalogue substitution of practical work in mining metallurgical, or geological lines Is be ing allowed for it. AMONG THE FORESTERS The Senior Foresters, who have boon In camp In North Carolina for the past tow weeks, are intending to break comp on Juno I, In the last Immo of the American Forestry Magazine them appeared the picture and a short ac count of the tvork being done in the Lincoln Memorial University, Tennes see, by Charles Claxton, ono of the Se nior Foresters Bellefonte Central R. R. Co,. Commencement Schedule of Trains Pennsylvania B. JL fruit. from Sunburn Williamsport, Lock lialen and Moutandon via Lewisburg, connect at Bellefonte with Bellefonte Central trains for State College. Leave Bellefonte (or State Collude State College to Bellefonte Friday, Juno 8 Tuesday, Juno 12 Monday, June II 6:90 and 0:40 A. AL 030 and 0:40 A. M. 8.00 and 11.50 A. Af. 1:30 and 4:50 P. IS. 2:00 P. AL 5.00 P. M Saturday, June 9 IVednesday, Juno IS Tuesday, June 12 0:30 and 9.40 A. Af. 0:30 and 9.40 A. M. 800 and 11.60 A. M. 1:39 P. M. 1:46 P. AL 6:00 P. AL Monday, Jana 11 IVedriesday, June 18 0:36 and 9:40 A. M. 8:00 and 11:10 A. M. 1:30 and 6:00 P. M. 6.00 P. If Parlor car attached to train leaving BellofontO at 9.40 n. rn and 1.15 P.M" and leaving State College 8:00 a. m., and 11:50 a. nL, no extra charge for chairs In parlor car. Return baggage can be chocked from State College to all pointa on - "the Pennsylvania P,allread. MORE THAN THOUSAND IN TESTAMENT LEAGUE Membership In the local branch of the Pocket Testament league which had Its slur t here In the r remit Charles M. Alexander cam:ails:l, has nosy ramrod the 1000 mark and Is Will grossing, Its expanalun out of the college has been beyond expectations. Last Sat urday the total membership of the league reached 1072. Students leaving the college bate canted the idea to all parts of the sUtte, and the merit of Mr Alexander has spread the league membership from Maine to California. With the college Y. M C A.. a miter, more titan 000 Testaments have been distributed. There have been a number of calls Item points within the county. asking that delegations be sent to present the mat ter of the Pocket Testament League betel a conventions. Sunday Schools and chinches. A number of the students have signed up as manly as fon ty and fifty other persons as mends.. of the league The work of the league will be taken to the camps of tine Atomic. soldiets and there is no possibility that Penn State still have In numbet of men In the fence that presents the tenni< Wend contes from the Penn State men In the Olileeers . Training Camps that the lit tle Testaments are doing good service and are ,ery much apps °elated by the men . In one of the :elisions papers of the HUM, thanemos recently published no reproduction of a picture showing a portion of the Penn State cadets who had joined the league Pitt Tennis Team Here For Match The Penn State tennis team will Way theft last and probably the moat Important match of the season when they meet the Pitt netmen bete next Saturday at 3 o'clock The following men will make up the team R 0 Dodds, G. L Bayles, B. J. Connell and T. 31. Reed The Pitt team has al ready been defeated by the Blue and White squad The match will not be an way one for Penn State um the team from Pitts burgh In made up of several good men who intend to give the Blue and White men a stilt light. As Pitt has defeat ed Carnegie Tech the match will be In the nature of at championship one for Penn State A match with Carnegie Tech colts to be held here last Saturdas but the Tech men wee unable to make the trip FEW MEN AGAIN ANSWER THE PRESIDENTS CALL Tot the second consecutive Satur day afternoon, President Sparks matt handicapped In his efforts to clean up the athletic field back of the baseball bleachers by lack of a sufficient number of students to assist Ott the first oc casion. Once men turned out, anti last Saturday the number was incteased to twelve. Nest Battalion while Doctor Smelts will not be present In person, he is hoping that morn men will turn out to finish the work. AS ham been stated bonne, the object of the work Is first of ill, to inevent lire by cleaning up all the 1 übblsh and dead leaves that are so plentiful. A secondary object will be to plant grass seed in order to beautify that section of the campus However, the college Is not able to pay for this troth, and as the athletic field belongs to the students It to hoped that they will attend to Its care It wan unfortunate that no many athletic attractions were hero last Saturday, for no doubt the track moot and the baseball game drew bomo stu dents who would othernino have helped In the work. Doctor Sparks de sires to thank the following mon for their asslotanco last Saturday. J. W Morrison TO, 8 0 Covoney '2O, If W. Dudley '2O, Albert Green '2O, T. 0 Smith '2O, C. W Kline TO, W. Major, '2O, .7 111 /Tourer 'lO, R. Y Signorth 'l9, 13 P. Evans 'lO, F D Sites 'lB, and Elso 'l7 1920 OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR THE COMING YEAR At a recent class meeting the Flesh men elected °dicers for the coming year. A committee to formulate plans for a stunt on Friday evening, June Bth, W. appoint.] at the same time and they are now planning appropriate ceremonies for the farewell appearance of the green "link", The °Meets elec ted are on follows 1 , N. Wolf meld- I dent, A. E. Kincaid, vice-president, !W. C )Markle, secretary; W J Young, treasurer and It II Rauch, Student Tribunal representative. QUARTET REHEARSING Tho Glee Club Is lehearsing regular ly In prenaratlon for the concert to be given Commencement weekk. The quar tet le also rehearsing and consists of: Russell Moore —Font Tenor Dean C. C Robinson.. Second Tenor J H. Taylor 'lB . Baritone A. C Bright 'lB . ...... Dane CHANGE. IN CHAPEL SINGING Dean Robinson plami to change the custom of having only one choir to sing In Sunday chapel and, instead to have two different choirs, each ono singing on alternate Sundays Ho also plans having one chorus of all mon and tho other a chorus of mixed voices F. 11. THOMAS, General Mannror. 111 News from other Calegies PENNSILVANIA—Prom the final statist!. complied by the Fmm Semi. Blllettu, it In !Moan that 409 men have been sent out to farms. Eighty per cent of that number have been sent out from the Who! ton School They are dist! ibuted in tv.enty-odd states I'IIIiIiSTLTANIA—Men enrolled In mllltam Ualnlng will Mill ono hour a day. three dayn In the stock tot the balance of the college rear Some com panies have taken up voluntalS 01111 lasting two bourn dolly AILD—The football,team nisi NUM its fall practice in the middle of August if the win in over and the authot hies deem It adLisable to resume Intercollegiate athletic activities. Leary sill again be coach until the season In well under way when flaughton will take charge Catalan W110011:1. Sims, Casey, Hoi ween and Timelier me among the best men available fin the team, hi addition to some good 1 0 : esh man mato Mi. DAItTiIfOUTII—Of the 225 members of the senior chum, only about half will be !Havant at Commencement to re ceive their diploma The annual ball has been omitted and IL hop managed by the alumni 0111 be substituted YALE—After almost all of the plans for a summer trnining camp had been completed. It W. suddenly announced that it would be impoavlble to hold the camp at all The inability of the Cm moment to supply equipment Is given an the cause JOHNS HOPKINS—The memebero of the Senior Chum of Johns Hopkins Univeroity recently decided to attempt the witabilohment of a $25,000 endow ment fund for the univerolty. Ea - Ch member of the chum In to take out a toonty year life inouronco pulley mak ing the univeinity beneficial} NO ACTION YET ON AMBULANCE UNITS The Penn State men uho have ap plied for tile ambulnnee service In Prance nre apparently no nearer to leaving than they were novend weeks ago. The Inspecting oSicer uho San to have arrived dm leg the pant epoch, has no far felled to put In an appearance and, as a remelt, nothing can be done by citlan President Sparks or Doctor Kennedy toward getting the teen units slatted Some comment has been heard per taining to the feet that ambulance units Dom some of the larger colleges have alfeatly gone to France Doctor Sparks explained thin by pointing out that the unite in question were prac tically melt-equipped or else equipped by alumnrof tile le/meetly° institutions No gavel nenint unite have been sent to Eul opo as }et, and on Penn State mint wait for the government to fur nish the equipment, it in readily .ncen Alta why the delay in taking place. Sullicient men have not let been re cruited for the tile units, and a num ber of dilvers ale still needed. In or der to get these additional men. the admission to the corps bus been opened to all, whether college students or not. - See - HARVEY BROS. FOIL BARED GOODS and ICE CREAM Specloll Rotes to CLUBS mid FRATERNITIES Nittany Printing and Publishing Company Publishers of The Times Stationery Specialists "To Make the World Free for Democracy" God's Free Ocean'Loan $7,000,000,000 Have You Bought Your Bond ? gt4te - Ceriter .Electric Co. Store Closes at 6:00 P. M. IFINIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PENN [STATE COLLEGIAN RUTGERS-I'mm statist!ee complied at Rutgers College It bus been found that the percentage of each ohms mem bership tt hich ban left college to take up military and agricultural NM it is Senior 72, Junior 42, Sophomore 32, and Freshman 32 PITTSBURGII—Under a nem ruling of the Unlversig Council of the Uni versity of Pittsburgh e‘my male stu dent In tine Ilikalthtlon IN reqUlled to participate In InIlltal) drill foul hours per meek Volute. chills hate been held by it largo !nonunion of the sun denim since Caster ANYASOLIS—The prenent Met ChM at the linked States Naval Atademy all] be graduated June 28th nest one tear ahead or time There one 201 men In the elm. and all Will, PION 1111. I equired enamlnations will be immedi ate eurnmingioned us enalgrui CORNI:LI.--The United States School of Atoonnutles twitted at Cornell Unl vetslty emote.' its list netaplane last nldny from Sun Diego, Callfattila nano me about one hundred men en tailed foe training. In the School lIILOIVN—The Braun Daily lien old, the undengraduitte jUIIIIIIO of Moon Univensit), has ceased publication as a daily for the donation of the . .111 The chief reason for the chanine In the enlistment of a large pi covvrtion of the men who publish the Herald into mili tary service. PILINCETON—Ne. features In tall IGrry drill Include trench constructlo and sandbag fortifications Instructio Is also given In Cossack riding mu double sentry duty. Like other and versitles, Princeton In planning to givL exhibition drills at Commencement tint. A total of 107 men are enrolled in mil itnry co government semi,. at th pi client time At the Senior lament given at the Nitta. Meat: e on Monday night of last meek, the class gained a total of 516.31 its Its portion of the i eeelpts Thin mono will be used towards the clam; day celebration on Month*, Juno 11 Co to the "Jitney Dance" at ill Pi eahlent's Ilou4e tal Delany evening help tlfe Red Crone. The University of Chicago HOME ",-- do nbr ulna/J..4.a r ,, r , STUDY r=r2.4:: and 'km ti dC.(DIT H atkan.llL A Student's Need In Toilet Article; Stationary and Soda Water are wisely supplied at the Rexall Drug Store DATE OF THESPIAN SHOW IS CHANGED To Give Play On Friday June 8; "Feast Of Red Corn" At Same Time has been deckled by the Thespian management to Wage the commence ment per Animater of "The Naked Cloth" on l'rldaymelting. June 8, Instead of So tut thrB ef eninghos keen met lously announced This change was necessitated o hen It one decided to combine the "feast of the Red Con the pr oducton of the Rh I'm Wee Club, ith the June perfeillllllll, of the 'Yhesplans The T 11.141111 f chicle, as seen here eat Het Inthe >ear, will 1.011- stltltte the 11111111 111115 or the ef ening's monks:nonce, o hick, Irecsuse of inn di vots° and out-of-the-on dhoti 3 maul Promises to mar.e the evening's eine, taltanent something out of the °Wino.) The Tl‘e.giltanx 81111%, pr Opel and the Inlet totting timid,' of the maul, clBstll o 111 be kept as 1111.M.L tin 1/08 , 11111, 111. though sef, ral of the ict:s9 V.lll 10. , quite same alto Won Netet theless, It 1/1 1111,1111.1 ill POI tr.) once mote the anitisirm scenes Leto ern King Maim. Ids Queen and the flirtatious Manse!, Auenta. ohiel, 'mut, met louoly staged se .11 bt S Si Piee, I J Lao lea, and J II I.u, as The Into °sting hoe , cents of 14 ho ens Zeolide and Pt into I Philatnir mill also be Included en the 1 Plogram. It is intended to overcome the losses in the cart and chorus 113 the addition of is merles of musical numbtrS I,IIICII 11101111.10 to make the show of en inure pleasing than before It Is felt in the management that the aulditlon of this music will lend exult char in to plot and netting "The ' , east of the Red Cern - ono stagfcl such a HllOl t time ago that the inuntredon still lingers The itl,o , kir, en Lt the gin Is, mused, because of Its excellence, a distinct sun pi Ise rind it 14 now being t emodelled to at Into Its plane for lerithif ef nhor It also contnins much inutile and dancing and Is lather im %Ideal In natut e .11113. TIII: RED CROSS Help on:unntpt In becoming a moralei of the fled CIO. lou nmy need lied Cll/101 aid In the NCI y nem future Engineering News rpr too In the class In navlßs,tion, the Department of Commence has sent a set of ciliate of tow coast from . NOW York Hari,. to De'nat., Bay, and In cluding the Del:tame Rltot from Phil adelphia to Lila sea These charts luti.o been used In ths Oaos in stutbing Louise% lights, and othur things of that nature At n meeting Wednesday nh..111, Many 30t11, G 11 nillle, Ituntuctor In Elec. him!' Englnce:nig. sill tleocribe the It etens Appitratux Coed on Patio] 13onts, and Ito Opelatlon The lecture nlll be Illustrated and till! be ghen In Englnecilog '3". Mom 200 ant 7 o'elorlt Dean SaLitett, Menviii. Miller and (ilium, of tile Ciigineeting I:,tenolon Deunitment. will attend the Convention of tho Notional Axsodation of Cot por- Ittioll Sachuols In Duni°, June 5 to 8 Dam T C Innbefell tslll glee the Commencement ;etch eu at the closing of the Allentoun Coglneerloct School on lune 2 Ittl This is the close et the foul th ,tti of this unique reatute of englneet log hum action Atiangementa lime been made for CO Ina,',heeling I.lNtenalon School at lohnaloon. Pa . 0111(.11 0111 1,0 nupport cd 10 the at) 11111.1 the 1.611000 xteel Lunipanle4, %% oik 01114.11 has been car- Ilea on 10 one of too companies 11111 130 Wined OS or to the College, and he . , . leeted In It It ttlll Pl obabh be the 111.1 Int gust Engine. lug 11`