Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 18, 1917, Image 2

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    Page Two
Penn State Colle(3ian
Pl.lblialql Nreekly during tho Collogo .Icnr by elution to of tho P0000)10 anlo
State College In the Interest of tho Studo oho, Faculty, Alumni end Friends of
the College
D. M. Cresswoll IS
G. L. 'Wright IS.
M. W Dalrymple IS
G. W Sullivan 'l9 A .7. Porter 'l9
Cartoonist, R. B Henschen 'lB
A. W. Franco TO S F Kell TO F L Keller TO
Kenneth Kirk TO W. S Whitman TO A. D '2O
J. M. Waahburn .18
S S Lowry . 1.8
T. N. Keeton .18
Q. V. Gladfeltor 'l9 R. 13 Paxson 'II
The Collegian invites all communications on any subject of college :mere.
Letters must bear signatures of. ariter.
Subscription price 51.50 after Nov 1.
Entered at tho Postonico, State College. Pa,, us second claw mattel
Nittany Printing and Publishing Co Building Oillee hours. 420 to
5.20 every afternoon except Saturday
Wednesday, April IS, 1017
Penn State's student body has offered itself to Uncle Sam for any
service in which it might be of assistance in the greet national crisis,
the college grounds, buildings and brains have been offered in a simi
lar manner, the Red Cross service has sprung into great activity, and
finally, many members of the two tipper classes have offered them
selves for beneficial service, while the underclassmen are going into
their routine drill with a snap and sum ne‘er before displayed by
Penn State cadets These in brief arc the happenings at Penn State
since the first concrete rumors of war were broached and have become
grim actualities
But by no means does Penn States duty stop there, it has really
just begun. A Penn State student body has never vet been called
upon to face so great a crisis. And the advice for all at this time
comes from wiser heads than ours, "Go Slowly", and in a literal
sense—" Use your head."
The latest step to be taken by the Penn State students, the organi
zation of a class in the Reserve Officers' Thining Corps, is one worth
while and should be conducive to the most beneficial results It
opens the gateway for college men and will do away with the necessity
of Penn State men with military training carrying a gun in rear rank
of privates. But with all these developments, the chief duty of the
Penn State student is twofold
First, we should take advantage of every little bit of military train
ing that is offered us, that we might become even more proficient in
the art than two years of perhaps indifferent drilling on our part was
able to make us The underclassmen are particularly fortunate in re
ceiving instruction on an intensified scale As many upperclassmen as
possible should enroll in the Training Corps, or at least attend the
classes. The entire situation is far more serious than we believe.
-In the second place, we should at this time stick by our everyday
class work. The coming days are bound to bring unrest and excite
ment over unusual affairs and it will require the greatest self-control
for the average student to stood up under it and continue his work in
the customary manner. The advice of General Wood on this point
is invaluable when he tells the college men to "stick to their present
duties until such time as the government calls for men".
Word has cane to us from Harrisburg that the House Bill which
would provide for "Absent Voting" in Pennsylvania has been reported
back favorably by the committee, and will be voted upon within the
next two weeks. This bill was mentioned by the Collegian earlier in
the year as being of such a nature that if it is made a low, it would
be of great benefit to hundreds of college men in Pennsylvania in en
abling them to cast their ballots at times of general elections without
the necessity of going home to do so
This "Absent voting" scheme is of especial benefit to traveling men
and college men of voting age, and is deserving of the united support
of all Penn State men, whether of voting age or not The Penn
State Civic Club, which very creditably backed a similar measure sev
eral years ago, has undertaken the work of conducting a student cam
paign here during the next week The bill as a law would permit any
qualified voter who finds it necessary to be away from home on election
day to cast his ballot at any voting place in the state. Scores of
Penn State students last fall lost the opportunity of casting their
first presidential vote because they were unable to get home for that
purpose. This proposed measure would allow all properly registered
students to vote here in State College
By actual count, twenty-tuo young women students who arrived on
the special train at Lemont last Wednesday noon were forced to
stand there for twenty minutes until the busses could first carry the
men students to the college and then return for a second trip And
on this occasion, there was no exception to the general rule. The end
of every college vacation witnesses a similar ungentlemanly perform
ance,a mad rush on the port of the men for seats in the cars even
before the train has been brought to a standstill And each time the
discomfort of a tiresome delay on top of a tiresome journey is
thrust upon the girls. It is our belief that if four or four drivers
placarded their cars as being "Reserved for Girls" they would be am
ply repaid for the courtesy, for it is quite evident that Penn State's
Days of Chivalry" are lost or forgotten.
One Ily properly swatted now moans that them will be thousands loss to swat
In the months to come
Lot. us show a little patriotism these days and give Old Olory the proper ma
lute as mho floats downward ovary °months.
This Is the season for forrest fires and student hikes to the mountains Watch
where you throw those lightod matches, and enUnquish ovary cutup fire.
If you can not enlist In any branch of the government monde% Cart right
- now-to land a job on a farm for this summer You can help your country to a
vary great extent by doing ea
This week le being observed as “clean-up week" in the town and atudenta can
cooperate In many ways with the townspeople in getting rid of the eyesores.
And, by the way, what has become of that idea for a big Campus Cloannp?
W. not. that morn. grading operation. are under way on the proposed new
*lto of the B. C. R. It. elation a tho corner of West College Monuo and Bur-
roughe Street Can it bo that
, Editor-In-OM
\lun•tging Dlitot
Senior A+•ocluto
Dwane.. Manager
Meet Lining Manager
Circulation Malinger
Editor, The Collegian
There Is not a depart-moot and not
nsinghe Lissa or division of n depart
orient In a school, college or university
that Is not %Rally ImPortalit to the ed
uuttlmtrtl Of the institution.
Athletics. 01.10 and social functions
mu mete accidents in the educational
sum:tale of am institution of learn-'
frig They use secondito elements and
should nmer pi eponderate nor 11000
ineeedence odor the intellecatual de
p nunents of college life
One of the most offecthe mental do
%Won.s in a college cutri.lUM 10 o
the, °ugh!) o ell organized Debuting
Soci.M, and sad to arty, it receives
but meagre encouragement from the
menlists of the Penn State tomtit) and
the student body as a Miele
V. hen the blur., of vittoo. are con
tended rot on the athletic field, the
...bets of the facult)• and the slat
dent bode two out to a :non and lend
1* their pl..rr and dolor, encourage
ment and zest to their pupils and fellow
!students mho Oro struggling to bring
I the fame of Isms to their Alma Mater
On the an 1101 hand, let a debate be an
lammed or posted, and. no difference
hum shall or important the topic to be
inm be. both •faculty and
students are moat conspielous by their
aim.te the es cuing of the debate.
To plenatr a debate la 11. laborious
task The participants In it debate
spend steeps and months In serious
pr einuatlon A debate IS 0 Intellectual
emwester and tollulres both mental and
plosl.ol effort How disheartening and
disc.:aging, it is for the otudent who
de.tes so much time in study and
inepatation for Ins debate to be greet
ed 10 a thin soil:titling of an audience
instead of a packed house ,
The members of the faculty of a
Lollege should nut only attend the de.
bates. but 10 wad and example en
courage the students under them to
tints advantage of these intellectual en.
To the Cditor of the Collegian.—
In this ethical time for our country
It was 0 cause of deep grntiitoation
and pride to rood In the lust issue of
the - Collegian' . the report of the action
of the students in offering their .1 ,
ie. to the goeernment and the fur
ther action of the trustees In placing
the college ground. and equipment at
the cocci nment . “ disposal
lout there Is another wriy in which
to StOdellitl of Penn State can be of
tie it old to their counry at this time
and which in the end ma) prove just as
helpful and important And that in
(Olt now starting a campaign for the
11101e11.40 of area and more Intensive
tuitleation of that area for the produc
tion of food stuffs for the coming win
lei Nov. Is he time for eutrting ouch
in opagandit while planting time le be
ginning. t dell* ma) prove fatal
The news went out last week that
Argentina was short in her annual ha,
Neat lust finiehed and that probably an
°nano go would he declared on food
.toffs In is de: to protect her own PO.
WC In clew of the fact that Argentina
ts short in hen annual harvest Net
finished and that an embargo would be
&Mitred on food Muffs in order to pro
tect her own people In clew of the
fact that Argentina Imo ranked high
as on expos ling country, second I bo
lleee to our own, this In a very serious
I would suggest that you who ore
fat mew s write your home people
and urge large an area of planting
of corn. wheat and potatoes na It is
tameable to do I would suggest that
as many of you as are able got jobs
as farm workers during tho summer
regardless of the course you aro taking
at college Tho shortage of help on
farms Is right now very serious. I
would suggest that those who apply for
the army and aro rejected could work
tills 11.3 and serve their country equal
ly am well And finally I would urge
that you see your experiment station
ollitlals and ask thorn to send out
alarm bulletins AT ONCC showing these
Without doubt the United States will
haw.) to help very largely In feeding
Europe the coming winter regardless of
conditolns over there. And believe
me no mutter how much amunition
Lountrs may have at her' command It
she goes hungrt she loose, In war.
Yours ..ery truly,
Ralph P Martin,
Class of 18D5
!lawlvy. Peono.
11911 29,1, 1917
Among the new book. recently pub-
Ilvhed by the Macmillan Company of
Nell York City in to ho ono entitled
.. Strawberry Crowing" written by Doc
tor S W Fletcher, who is head of the
Horticultural Department at Penn State
Doctor Fletcher in a well known au
thotity on horticulture and his latent
book iv ono of the fame. "Rural
Science Seri." edited by I. H. Bailey,
former dean of agriculture at Cornell
Doctor Pletcher came to Ponn State
list fall and Imo Introduced many now
features Into the horticultural work.
Desides his now book, ho has written
one on the "Strawberry In North
America" and also a number of pant
alets and bulletins Ho newleo owns
and operates a largo commercial apple
orchni d In -Virginia.
A nmehino for testing tho adapta
bility of ores for concentrating by flo
tation methods is boing Installed In tho
01 o dressing laboratories in the Old
Mining Building The mining, metall
urgical, and mining geology Soniors will
soon have somo Individual work with
this machine, tooting =wont types
of ores.
For 1918 La Vie
H. H. BURRELLy 'lB, Student Representative, .
228 Allen Street
o Mixing 'em op—Football o
o Weather In B. B. Season 0
onclo 0000430000 n
TIIE above poem has appeared In a
prominent and proper position In a vil
large bonnets ito's domain, and It is
dollars to doughnuts that said tub will
not last tho year out
BET tho students rooming there can
hardly malt 'till Saturday nits rolls
AFTER rieklng our life on a rido in
Parker's Observation Car, wo have
roachod tho concluelon that the B C R.
R. truck., know no parallel.
BUT no observed that the ties wore
all wood and a yard aide
NOW that war htus been declared, WO
xlll look forward to the “Honorable"
Sophomorea petitioning to drop the
Deutscher lingo.
BUT wnstat use? That line of chatter
would come In handy In a German Pris
on camp (Oh yea! They speak It
quite fluently.)
THE w k, German band made Its si
multaneous appearance with the Bock
sign In our home town during vaca
tion No, It did NOT play "Die Wacht
am Rhine"
LAST Friday wee the Thirteenth—
our lucky day. All that happened to
tin wan the 10N.4 of a now three dollar
bill; flunked two quixces, fell asleep
In three classes and got bawled out in
each of 'em, got a new yellow ticket
for our large collection: received our
board bill, decided to Join the 0. R. T.
C, lost the Won on a trip to the movies,
went to bed at 0 p m. to got rid of the
hodoo, and had the nightmare In which
we fell off of the Old Male tower
In an attempt to walk to the Phya Lab
via the tight wire.
A NUMBER of postern about the
campus toll ue that It In now Saturday,
Aprll 2lth. It would look more attrac
tive If It were April 2lnd
TRUE to tradition, March came in
liko a lion, and went out like a lomb
Looks no tho It were going to be the
Immo with April.
WE had hardly shaken MT the o. f. b
before the w. it. grippe wee squeezing
the very life out of us. This life !Mum
Is liko war n in Bherms.n.
HARD bollod egg!, with coatn of
many colors, wore tho chief Items on
the private mermen offered on tho
epocial trains convoying the angry mob
back from civilization last wk.
Idle Spocalatlon•Wonderlag Jost how
many tonne cut classes on Monday to
get a lint crack at whipping the trout
70T, WI JOY!
WE found a whole 31 bill In the
Ponta pockets of our last year's num
mor toggoryl
Our Roomy proved that we owed him
that name amount.
Bulletin No 11 concerning Pennsyl
vania Trees, issued at Harrisburg.
Apply W. L. B
Nlttany Inn
Wear Shelltex
with Toric lenses
Quality Product
Mrs. Eva B. Roan
522 E. College Ave.
Nittany Inn
J. P. All:BN8 Proprietor,
M. B. SCHROEDER, Manager.
Swasihmaie and Lehigh NI Be Met On
Friday and Saturday—First
Games of Season
Penn State will open, the LaCrosse
season at Swarthmore on Friday This
will ho Swarthmore's first game and
their ability and strength are unknown.
Captain Hallowell's team has only a
few men front last year. but the new
material has shown up well and the
outlook In bright. Farley, formerly
of Penn State and the man who Intro
duced lacrosse here, Is the coach of the
Swarthmore team
Lehigh .111 bo played the following
day at South Bethlehem. The Drown
and White team hi vety strong and a
hard fought contest Is antichipated
Syracuse University will be played at
Syracuse on May 4. and a return game
will bo played hero Juno 9. The Car
lisle Indians will meet Penn State there
on May 19. Tho Indians usually have
a good team and have proved their
Worth this year by defeating the strong
team of Johns Hopkins University.
The showing of Penn Stain this year
will decide a bother they will be admit
ted to the Intercollegiate La Crosse As
sociation. With this honor at make
every effort xlll be made to win It The
probable lineup for the first game Is
. Krelbel
Point .... . Brenner
Cover Point Derichcor or Richardson
First defense. .. Smith
Second defenee .... Flock
Third defonee
Third attack
Second attack
Homo attnek
Mold° home
P 8 Baker, formerly assistant in the
agronomy department has resigned, his
resignation taking effect on April first.
Mr Baker intends to undertake the
management Of n farm
The Forestry Department has shipp
ed to thel 'Western Penitentiary over
two thousand trees which are to be
used for ornamental purposes The
Senior foresters will not return from
camp at Springholk, North Carolina,
until the first part of June A meet
ing of tho Forestry Society will be held
this ea ening
Dean Sackett and N C Miller of the
Extension Department attended the
Annual Convention of the National
University Extension Association re
cently held In Pittsburgh. Dean Sack
ett was on the program for the discuss
ion of 'Types of University Extension
Mowry's Cafe
Now located in the theatre room
in the Foster building
Clean and up to date. Come
and see me.
Our Spring Line of
. 5 2
Are Now on Display
L. D. Fye
200.202 W. College Ave.
Win Three and Lose Three in Big Sea
son—Penn State to Receive
Loving Cup
The Penn State debating team has
Just completed a arty successful season
doting which they defeated George
town, New Yolk University, and Duck
nett, both hole and nt Lewisburg, and
lost to Dickinson, Swarthmore an
Pittsburg A grafter amount of inter
eat woo manifested In debating this
sem, and the result.. ale very satisfac
tory Profeaxot F 11. Lone, of the pub
lic speaking deputtment of the Unher
shy of Pittsburgh. add—"Om students
spoke Nets highly of the it of Your
students In the debate Penn State
had ono of the best teems step hoe
this year" A letter hue also been in
celved from Nets Yolk University to
which much PrMl6lO Ix gisen the Penn
State mon fot their murk lit the debate
A debate bete.cen the gills of Lock
Haven Normal Sellout and Penn State
had bran practically arranged, but the
present notional &xis seems to ha* e
overshadowed it The question of tint
verso' milltat y set sloe wt. to 111,0
been debut d, but the students of both
institutions who had chtuge of the de
bate have practically cancelled it.
A meeting of the board of directors
of the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate De
bating League, tt Inch Includes Frank
lin and Marshall, Swarthmore, Dickin
son, and Penn State. mule held on April
7. and some changes Isere made In the
Judger It was also decided that the
cup for the Haven,' eel lee of debater,
itch ended in 1011, sould be pur
chased It comes to Penn Slate, het
teams haling 1500 live and lost one
debate during the yearn 'l4. 'll, and
The standard reference for Fraternity Jewelry, together with
individual Badge price lists ,will be mailed on application.
Novelties Medals
Badges Insignia
rou wadt
Btsides doing the usual thing of pleas
ing the taste, they do the one thing 3 ou've
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Chesterfields ke you know you are smoking—
they SATISFY"! But they're mild, tool
Pure, natural, Imported and Domestic
1 . 4 t: tobaccos blended in a new nay—that's how
it's done. And the blend can't be copied.
Try Chesterfields. TODAY.
20 farlo*
iIMPOBTED and DOMESTIC tobaccos—Blendati
ye , thevte ild I
Col. Spec. Chesterfield 1
$7.50 to $lO.OO
Some New
Double Breasted Dixie Weaves
Belt All Around and Halftßelt
Blue, Brown, Gray and Mixed Colorings
Knitted Fabrics
Blue, Green, BrOwn and Heather Mixtures
Green, Gray, Brown, Blue
Showing /Vior'e New Suite
‘,:'' A"
Wednesday, April 18 1917
Electric Co.
On Apex Electric
Is Hard to Beat
Electric Co.
Store Closes at 6 P. M.