Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 28, 1917, Image 3

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    ,~a,~;ia'~'Pr t,
.. 1 Wednesday, -- Mar. -28 .. 1917
Dy tho voto of both hounoo of tho
New jersey legislature it was decided
that in the future Rutgers College shall
be officially designated as a university
By unanimous vote the representa
Uves of forty eight classes. alumni and
undergraduates pledged themselves to
further to the best of their abilities the
campaign to raise a million dollar Jubi
lee fund for Swarthmore College by
June of this year. The senior class in
two days hod raised a sum of approxi
mately $4,00.
At a.meeting of 260 undergraduates
lnat week the Cornell Aviation Club
was organized and officers were elected.
Immediate steps will be taken to estab-
WM a course In aviation in the Univer
Reginald Deßbven, sneaking lo Col
lege Hall at the University -of Penn
sylvania lust week attacked the idea
that there was such a thing.Amerlcan
music To tack of national unity he at
, trlbuted the absence of musical charac
ter. Ragtime he characterized as "In
effectual grief . '
By vote of the student body it was
decided to Month a course in military
training at Washington and Jefferson
College. It in probable that two units
of the United States army officers corps
will bo organized.
The use of Locker Number 11 In the
gymnasium of the University of Minne
sota has been forbidden The following
is a Ilst of the misfortunes which have
occured to the men who have used this
locker In recent years 1914. Al Quist,
end, scalded under hot water shower.
N 11. Miller, President of the Carbon
dale Machine Co, Carbondale, Pa., woe
hero March 19th, to speak to the Me
chanical Engincem, and to Interview cer
lain members of the Senior class who
desire employment in refrigeration He
is prelatic:it olf the American Society
of Refrigerating. Engineers
Dean Sackett ban boon asked by the
"United Staten Covernment to nerve an
an expert in certain subjects
.7 T Harris, Electrionl Engineer, '97
and Mr Young, of the Bell Telepone Co
of Harrisburg, were hero recently to
Interview Senior Elechlealn concerning
positions with that company.
II 11 Stocker, who delivered the Sen
ior Engineering lecture March 23rd le
IA graduate of State College, front the
Hlg,hway Engineering course, In the
class of 1915 He le now an Engineer
with the Portland Cement Association
of America The subject of the lecture
was "Concrete Road Work"
At a regular mooting of the Sirloin
Club in the Agricultural Budding last
Friday afternoon, E 9 Bayard, a mem
ber of the board of trout°ea of the col
lege, delivered an addreas on the prob
lem of mock brooding. Mr Bayard la
prealdent of tho Ponneylvania Brooder.
Asatociation and also editor of the Natio.
nal Stockman and Farmer Ho email°,
:Axed the fact tat the utility aide of
brooding la the ogniential aim and more
attention should be paid to it,
At the claw of the sixth match, the
'Penn State Rifle Club now stands fifth
to Its class In tho Intorcolloglate
'Longue. Tho team has advanced from
sixth to fifth place and to close on the
Deals of Williams Collogo which oc
magas fourth place. However, when
compared with the teams In the other
closets, for her standing In that case Is
but twenty-third
Mato Collage, £4.
W. L. FOSTER. President.
DAVID F. KAPP, Cashier
Expressing Money in Terms of Shoes
When a man leaves this store with a purchase, he
has in his possession the same value he had, when he
entered our doors. The only difference is that the value
is now expressed by shoes instead of dollars bills. -
A Distinct Departure
Of extraordinriry, attractiveness are the one-eighth lined
Norfolks for Spring which arrived yesterday from Fash
ion Park.
Each styli" has been developed in a fabric woven ex
pressly for it.
To College men these styles offer all the possibilities
for securing dress distinction and quality that one could
desire. $20.00 to $30.00. ,
- Tailored at Fashion Park.
! The Fashion Path. Agency
The Toggery Shop,
State College - Bellefonte ,
- •
1915, Oil Slnclaii, guard, broken collar
bone; Berne Bierman, halfback and cap
tain, injured log 191 C, Bert Hasten,
end and captain, broken collarbone,
1917, Carl Wallace, injured knee.
Excavations near Matthews hall at
Harvard University revealed the skele
ton of a domestic pig, a large iron kettle
and a rusty cannon ball. Connections
Imo boon established between the pig
and the kettle but the part played by
the cannon ball in the animal's untimely
end has not yet been determined
oMcors of the YaM Alumni Univer
sity Fund Aseoclation are making or
=moments to meet an extraordinary
deficit In the operating expenees of the
university this year. It Is estimated
that one third of the eudente may en
list if war comes Such action would
result in reducing the annual revenue
1 by 1260 000 in tuition and rental. alone.
Action taken recently by Freshmen
and Sophomores of Washington Univer
sity seems virtually to have abolished
the annual close rush between the two
lower demos.
Bread and milk le the menu for the
annual banquet at which the Freshmen
ate entertained at the tiniversity of
Students at the University of Togas
sprang an entirely now excuse on their
professors last week. The elevator in
the main building stuck between the
lint and second floors. The students
who woro In the elevator stayed there
for oomo two hours, and were supplied
with everything from candy to maga
zines by their sympathetic classmates.
In furtherance of the campaign for
men to attend the Summer 'Military
Training Campe at Platteburg thle sum
mer, n meeting will be held the latter
pmt of to week either In the Auditor
ium or Old Chapel It le hoped that a
number of lantern elide. from Ph!Mel
phla pill ho Pete in time to be shown
nt thin meeting These eliden depict
various phtmes of camp life The meet
ing is open to all who are intorenteti.
Captain Ahrends and Colonel Roberts
will be present and explain the work of
the camp, andg Iva a general idea of
what In expected of th membre. In thin
COY .prospective attendants will se
cure . .dope" to present to their parents
while at home at Easter time
Luther Crewman 'lB a first lieutenant
In the Cadet Regiment, who attended
lust summer, was elected chairman of
the advertising committee To enroll
ing will be done by a committee consist
lug of a member of sac close, who in
turn will be chairman of subcommittees
composed of members or their respec
tive classes.
The Collegian Is now on lode at Gra
ham's on the corner, nye tents a copy
The Right Place
For the Right Goods
At the Right Price
Stoves & Ranges
Bellefonte, - Pennsylvania
Annual Classic Oa Gym Floor After Hard
Fight Goes to First Year Men by the
Score of 29.25
The Freshman basketball live last
Thursday evening defeated rho Sopho
more quintet by the score of 29 to 25
In the annual clans soma game Thoro
wan no soneational playing at any stage
of the game, but both teams played con
elstent ball. The game was a close ono
throughout, with the Sophomores talc-
Mg the lead soon after the opening
and retaining it until the beginning of
the second half. Many long shots were
attempted by both with little stuccoes
Te second halt began in much the
earns manner as the first, but soon the
Freshmen came into their own and
Played to true form During this per
iod they caged six Mild goals to tour for
the Soph quintet. A quick survey of
the game shows how the Freshmen five
took the lead during the second half.
During. the Initial period the Sepias
scored six baskets from the floor and
added one more point from the foul line
while the firm-year mon dropped three
through the netting from play and Mull
en managed to Increase this with four
one-pointere. The Boors book at the
Matadi of hoetilitles, however, give. the
Freshmen squad credit for nine betoken;
against the Sophomores' nine with the
Freshmen making eleven points from
free tosses while the Second-Year men
made seven
For the Freshmen, Mullen and Mug
chlitz were the Individual stars, Mullen
caging tour doucen from the floor and
Munchllia three
The lineup and summary follows
Freuhmen-29 Sophomores-25
Muschllt2 F. Young
!Annan Smith
Kincaid C Moore
Brown G. Elchelbergor
Wolfe. G , McFadden
Field goNo—Sophomores• Young, 2.
Smith. 3; Mooro, 2. Eichelherger, 1.
Freshmon• Muse,lits, 3, Idullan, 4;
Kincaid, 1: Wolfs, 1.
Foul goals McFadden, 1 out of 6,
Smith, 5 out of 0: Moore 0 out of 1,
Young, 1 out of 5, Mutton, 11 out of 17
Subotitutlono; Sophn• Pond for Mc-
Fadden. Mean Menrklc for Brown.
Referee Walton. Time of period,' 20
-; -7 -
__ _ _
_ • _
7. A mcsparron. master of the Penn
sylvania State Orange. delivered an ad
dream on the Value of to grange to the
college man. in the old chapel Friday
night hefote the Agricultural Society.
Mr. MOSTIRYI ell noplehted the many
benefits which the torsi population of
the county hue ilea P. ed from being ac
tively engaged In the moth of the
"Many peinonn" lie Wad 111111111 then
mnidon 'speech fi out the 11001 of a
grange. hall Purthertron aan °porton
: Ity In offered for count* peoplo to come
togeter and to demons mattorn of vital
Importance to thomnelven and to the
grange hi the fact that It gives the far
mere a chance to tat as a unle to nut
ters nhich they want to proment to the
The °Doming of Mt. Mcipurren at
this time has been u decided help to the
membership campaign which the going's
le conducting. At the close of Mr Me-
Sporren'e address. Dean Watts offered
a tow suggestion', concerning tho cam-
Paign. He ,uprenned himnolf an being
dairoun of acting IL large and active
arena. In operation here.
Owing to the fact that monitors will
not make their report until April
drat chapel attendance stundinge will
be given out only from 8 to 12 a m un
April 2, 1. 12.18. and 11 at Dean Hobnail
Social Hall and Basement of the
new Odd Fellows Building on East
College Avenue. Dancing space
63 feet x 38 feet.. Chairs, ladies'
and gentlemen's rest rooms and
kitchen in the building.
Banquets or any other kind of so
cial gathering
For particulars apply to H. E
Womer at the Postoffice
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Dr. Edward El Hnrt. Profesnor of In
dustrial Chemintry at Lafayette College,
&limed an address before the mem
bern of the chemical amclotlen on Wed
nesday evening In the Amp!,ltheatie on
the auldect "Chemical lVilineil“ 'e
lated In detail the mane: ht which
many waste products could he sullied,
and shoned that nt the pleelent time
American manufactutets ale wasting
millions of dollars annually.
Di C C Pond, Dean of the School of
Nittural Science. end Dr William nen:
head of the Agricultural Chemical Co
mm iment Wen k, delis ered short Ilti•
dresses. About -MO students nei •pc es-
Dr W. R Crane. Dean of the &noel
of Mine. spent March 20 and 21 In Mr
rinbmg attending a mining contemn.
011th the State Department of 'Mines
typ , , /, ‘ „' o f •
cl2 " r& Ce
4r43 °!Avi ,
The Evening Ledger Photograph Patrol
is the only automobile of its kind in the
world, and a distinct innovation in news
Manned by staff photographers and
equipped to make speed, it gathers rapid
fire news pictures and rushes them to press.
It's necessary to make speed when securing Evening
Ledger photographs, for the Evening Illustrated
Ledger prints six editions daily, some of which are
held for last-minute photographs fresh from the
When things happen, when there's a "news break"—
fire, accident, ceremony, procession, parade, etc.—
Evening Ledger photographers are there.
The Pictorial Section of the Evening Ledger illus
trates the news of the State and the nation each day.
-rev 5 ,,,,,TRA 7 ., „ rd .. A.
anirning Ilitugrr
..Rod" Josofoon, former star outlleld
; el of the Ponn State 'wonky nine, Atae
given n to-out by the Now rork
leoals this spring. and tine must been
roleneed to the Rocheetta team of the
Intelnutlonal League. Josefuon moor
ted lute to the Glanta because of all
onetstlon, but after his attirel he played
good hall 11110evet, there ban small
Lima e fol u l et.l lilt to obtain an out
field belth on the team this inning 11.111.1
'•lied" was (aimed out fel fin that
The Collegian le HOW on Hilt ILL Ma
!Innen on the online—the collie a cow
Forest L. Struble
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