Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, March 14, 1917, Image 3

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    Wednesday, - Mar. 14,1917
Seventy-five Cornell men established
a recordin selling aluminum ware last
summer. For several years the profits
of these men have Increased and tills
past summer found the Cornell men
leading In the selling line, having dis
posed of more ware than men of any
other Institution
Yale is rapidly perfecting plans for
n large addition to their campus to he
need exclusively for Freshmen..
DeMaw University has instituted a
course for Freshmen called "How to
Study." The course has caused a
marked improvement In the scholar-
ship of the class
Seventy live undergraduates of
Princeton and seNeral members of.the
faculty ha% e promised to go to Eng
land on the first of June to help carry
on Y. M. C. A. but work which is be
ing conducted in the 13ritish concentra
tion camps. From this number one or
more units of 20 men will be selected
More then $2400 hoe been contrib•
uted to the American Field Service
Fund by the students, faculty and
friends of the University of Califor
nia. This money will go to the main
tenance of an ambulance at the
French front
At Utah University, all sophomores
whose class due remains unpaid utter
a certain date are given a ducking on
€ooking -Zackwarb
(Wool; of March 14th.)
The Blue and White Wrestling
Team scored a 6.1 victory over Penn
on the Armory mat. Captain Leek.
Very, Shollenherger and Lamb got
falls, xhile Park and Karcher won on
decisions Each bout counted one
Point, whether won on a decision or A
An urgent appeal tram a student
was followed by an editorial urging
the students to keep dogs out of the
Chapel services, especially on Sun•
- - -
The Sophoh.are class won unani•
measly from the Freshman class In a
close debate on the question "Re•
solved, That the Fifteenth Amendment
to the Constitution was Justified."
The Mandolin Club and Quartet
gave their opening concert.
A return basketball game with Buck
nell was played In the College Ar
mory, State winning by the score of
Dr. Atherton was asked to be one
of the members of a committee to pro
pound the subject of 'University Ex•
tension Bellefonte, Lock Haven and
Johnstown were to be the centers for
State. Professor Sparks was already
enrolled for a series of lectures.
Reports have been receised by the
Military Department that place Penn
State third In Class C In the Intercol
legiate Rifle Matches at the and of the
third week. A different method is be
ing used in scoring tho teams Instead
of being pitted against ally particular
team, each team is assigned IL place in
their particular class according to the
total score attained. In thefiret match
Penn State was third with lowa State
first and Worchester Polytechnic Insti
tute second IN the second meet Bos
ton Tech 'slipped Into third place thus
relegating fourth place for State, white
In the third match lowa and Worces
ter Tech. changed places and State re
turned to her old position of third. The
results of the later meets are not a
vailable as yet.
Intho roarer meet the State score
dropped to 733 but In the nest rose
to 830 which was the highest attained
this year In the sixth match, held
lost week, the score again dropped but
this time orb to 810 This would
make State's score to date .4008 which
Is an average of 783. In view of the
gains made in the last two moots, the
State team will no doubt secure sec
ond place, provided no phenomenal
spurt was made by any of the other
teams aloe
0111 Student at Bryn Mawr College
Dow the Trick
A now record of fifteen second. for
the sixty-eight foot swinm, front, wee
established yesterday at the first swim
ming meet of the year at Bryn Mawr
College, and five records wore broken.
Incidentally, the new echlovements
brok three records •hold during the
poet foul years by Miss Jean Ewart. a
graduate student. Her time for the
sixty-eight foot swim was 13 3-t em
ends. but Miss Eleanor Dulles, Auburn
N. Y., finished in fifteen seconds flat
Mien Margery Scattergood, of Phila
delphia, covered the distance in 16 1-I
seconds. Booth aro seniors.
The Penn State Collegian to now on
ante at Graham's on the corner, live
cent. per cony
_ 522 E. College Ave.
„ _
from other
their Poet appearance on the campus.
The students of Princeton Univer
sity who enlisted In the Princeton Pro•
visional Battalion started regular mili
tary drill last Monday. Members of
the faculty have Interested themselves
In the battalion and have Joined the
movement in which more than sixty
Der Cent of the student body Is en
Realization of the plan to train the
Columbia University baseball team In
Infantry drill came recently. The ca
pers of throwing and. batting the
spheres In the cage were suspended
for half an hour while the squad was
piloted about the floor of the gymna
sium. One of the undergraduates, a
former West Point cadet, put tho
players through the rudiments of in
fantry drill regulations.
A unique method of awarding non
athletic activitity In in vogue at Colum
bia University. Charms, known no
King's Crown Insignia. are granted to
all students engaged in University pub
lications, debating. dramatic and musi
cal societies, shown and chess. The in
signia la In the shape of a miniature
King . a Crown on which Is a email em
blem according to the nature of the
special activity. each as a miniature
Spectator for the newspapei men, a
gavel for the Vanity debaters, and a
mock for the Vanity Show partial-
An extra lecture was given in the
series arranged for Engineers, on
Tuesday, March 0. D R. Mason, a
graduate in Mechanical Engineering,
1911, explained an interesting moving
picture film entitled "Prom Ore to the
Finished Steel Pipe." The film was
furnished by the National Tube Com
pany, with which Mr Mason has been
for seseral years as a sales engineer
The various steps in the manufac
ture of pipe were exhibited, begin
sing with the mining of the ran Iron
ore in Minnesota. The process of malt-
ing pipe of the smaller sizes with butt
welded joints, and of making larger
Pipe with lap welded Joints, was clear
ly presented. The Illms were of a
high educational value, as well as In.
teresting to those who are not engi
neers There are 725 students In the
School of Engineering, and most of
them were present.
Mr. Weingardner, an expert milling
engineer from Sprout-Waldron Co.,
3luncy, Pa , was here last week to con
fer concerning the milling experiments
which are being carried out on the
explosiveness of flour mill dust A
further series of experimental studies
is to be made of the causes of exult).
slon by dried materials, and methods
of preventing their transmission
through the mill to the bins where the
heavier explosions take place
On March 16th, at 4:30, in Itoom 200,
Engineering "D", Professor E A.
Hitchcock, Engineer of the Clark Man
agement Cooperation of Cleveland, w 111
address the students on "Water Power
Developments in the South." The lec
turer will illustrate with slides the
various hydro electric power plants,
which have recently been built In the
Southern States, to supply power for
the cotton industry, and for general in.
dustrial uses
Professor A. .1 Wood lectured PHo
day night, March 9th, at the Westing.
house Air Drake plant, Pittsburgh, on
"Forces Acting on the Locomotive
Drly lag Wheel."
Miss Anna Hauser, 'l4, visited the
Woman's Building last Saturday and
spoke on Home Economic.; e‘tension
work. Miss Hauser is the Economics
Extension Specialist at Bulger; Col.
A meeting of all students whose hom
es aro In Westmoreland County was
held in Old Main last Thursday evening
which resulted In the organlmtion of
the Westmoreland County Club A
constitution cam drawn up and adopted
The following officers were elected to
servo for this semester:-Pres...T Sea
ms.. Vico pies. Craig Hill. Sec., ❑d.
Sheerer, freas . R. C. Cope.
Both Phones
Cornell University:Medical
Admits graduates of Penn State
College presenting the required
Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
Instruction by laboratory methods
throughout the course Small sec
tions facilitate personal contact of
Student and Instructor
Graduate Courses loading to A. M.
and Ph. D. also offered nodar di
rection of the Graduate School of
Cornoll University.
ApplleaUons for ad:1118.10n uro prof
embly made not later than Juno.
Next Bowdon opens September 20,
Tor Information and, andidogda ad-
Cornell lin!varsity Medlin! College,
Box 152, Fleet Ave and 26.1, St.
Now York City.
~','„:,..,, r mi_;, -
The Wilkes•Barye Alumni Club was
host last Monday to the students of
the IVtlkes•ltarre High School when
the moving pictures of the college
were. shown and the College guar.
ette was present. On the following
day. March VI, the annual dinner of
the club was held and the members
were addressed by President Sparks
and H. Walton Mitchell, president of
the board of trustees.
Captain A. E Ahrends, after an ab
sence of about three week,., returned
to State College bunt Friday. He had
been undelgolng treatment for indiges
tion at the Walter Reed Hosrdtal at
NVaithington, D C.. and had emetically
recovered from him lanes. But at pre
sent he is confined to his home with a
cold caught during the trip home Ho
Is expected to bo out In a few days
and will then resume Ills duties us com
New Educational
Ideals Being Tried
Last fall, Mra G. 0 Pond, in con
junction with the Department of Edu
cation and a number of the students
of the college, established at her
home an experimental elementary
school in which It was proposed to
carry out the best of the practices now
recommended by the leading educa
tional authorities of today. The work
has been carried on through the win
ter with remarkable success, and at
present Mrs. Pond is visiting some of
the leading experimental schools of
the countm for the purpose of study
ing their methods She Is now In New
England where she will visit Mrs
Johnson's experimental school at
Greenwich, Conn.
In Mrs Pond's school, which tenches
children only through kindergarten to
the sea oath grade, the results of some
remarkable educationnl experiments
have been utilized. It has been found
by the Russell Sage Foundation that
the ordinnry school spelling hook con
tains about twenty tholisand words
and that the vocabulary of an ordi
nary person contains but a little over
one thousand words; therefore In the
new school the spelling book contains
only those words which are in common
use. As it has been found that the
composition of nn average person Is
almost entirely confined to letter writ
ing, the composition work in Airs
Pond's school alms to train the child
particularly in that art The children
are taught to read by first telling them
interesting stories after which It s
found they study their reading lessons
The children attending the school
I were examined last fall both mentally
land physically 10 Doctors Rapeer and
I Dale and records of the progress of
each child will be kept.
Inaddition to their ordinary studies
the children are taught the drama
tirntion of the stories that are rend to
then; Writing is taught by C
Farabaugh, 'lB, a graduate of \Vest
Chester State Normal School, and
arithmetic Is taught by Miss Millicent
Pond, of the William Penn High
School for Girls, Philadelphia
Together with over 200 Pennsylvan
ian., Dr. Reimer of the Department of
Education and Mien Sara Lovejoy of
the Dome Economics Department at
tended the convention of the National
Educational association hold at Kansas
Cit.y during the nook of February 28
While at the convention, which wan
attended by over four thousand dole-
Faten, Dr. Ramer presented a paper on
the htlmleel Essentials of Physical
Education,. in which ho described the
first scale over invented for the MOAB
uromont of health and physical devel
Agont For
Smith Typewriters
133 South Allot, Street
A Distinctive
St. Patricks Day
Special Package
Belle Meade Sweets
Krumrine's Drug Store
:;,(Fsitzie3:6:its: , ,sitt.:,3-,;(si.ifs , t:r›!tia..lsl:si- , c e i,.
o For the Month of March a
5 Eight student posters for a dollar
5 - Constantly adding new , 5
ifo Art Prints 610
6tci 640
to our large collection. We can supply your room g
with just the pictures 5
5 liii'
5 That You Enjoy 0
66) • wi
0 . ; 3 MUSIC ROOM
m , :zmurmA
71 , ... • .
Drop a Second Match in the Academy
Cape—Score a Tie at Half-time
Use Different Rules
The Freshman basketball team
play ed a return engagement with the
Bellefonte Academy live at Bellefonte
last Thursday night, but according to
all reports, the results were no more
to the liking of the first-year men
than they were in the game played
lief e as a preliminary to the Pitt
game. The final score was 43 to J 1
in faior of the Academy players
The game nos played under too
sets of rules, the first half being In.
Itercolleglate and the second half being
governed by Eastern League regain
Bons That the Freshmen were more
familiar with tile former met N et laced
by the fact that tile score at half time
was 1848 During the latter period,
however, the Bellefonte boys, playing'
according to their set of rules, seemed
to cut loose and the yearlings failed
to stop them. Iluntelnger, high scorer
for the home team, registered all his
two-pointers during the second half,
Bullan and Wolfe tried hard to put
their team ahead, but the general
team-work of "Lochrle Brothers &
Company" was too much for the more
Individual play of the Freshmen. 31til-
Inn scored 12 of his team's points,
while J I.ochrle registered 21 for
Bellefonte, seventeen of them being
Penalty throws There was an os er
abundance of fouls and in this respect
the Freshmen were the most stnerelY
punished, The line up and stimmam•
Freshmen-31 Bellefonte-43
Mellen F ... It Lochrie
Muschiltz . F Huntzinger
Kincaid .0 Lochrie
Drown . G . Pollock
Wolfe . G Josephsun
Referee—Walker, Thee-2o minute
Field goats—Mullan I, Wolfe 3, Mx
chill, 2, Kincaid 1, Hunt4lnuer 5, It
Loehrle 3, J. Loehrle 2, Polloelc 2, Jo.
sephspn I,
Foul goals—Mullan, 11 out of 22: J
Loehrle, 17 out of 26.
Alexander It Chambers, chairman of
the student booster campaign commit
tee, has called a meeting for Thursday
evening at 7 00 o'clock in loom 114
Main. tit Achich time literates o 11111 be
distributed to the tarious heads of the
clubs legarding the tut tier steps to he
taken In connection with the Booster
It will be tile duty of each president
to see that every neampapet hi his dis
trict remises a copy of the literature
which will be given out It it the de
she of the committee In charge to have
the editor 1.11 Inset dons in us many pa
tient as Is possible. The idea Is to im
press the Importance of the 01110 091 lo
tion on the people of the state M
means of the press.
FOUND—At the Cornell hrealllng meet
a 1111111'S glove, left hand, COlOl steel
gray hlth black rlbo Ohne, all! and
the Immo with Roberts at the Sigma
PI house
The Dread Thal &Wane,
Try our delicious Pastry and too Cream
Both Phones.
Electric Co.
Electric Co.
Store Closes at 6 P. M
Legislators on 'Biennial Inspection Tour
Are Given Rousing Welcome
At Mass Meeting
Penn State Honed out In (mt. InA
Wednesday aftetnoon to melcome the
Appropriation Committee of the House
of Rept esentathes, nho stele malting
their biennial Inspection tt ip All
classes tvele dismissed 01 I:20 in or•
der to petnilt the atudents to get to
the And!lotion] to shot, limit Intel•
got in the chat of the legislators The
effect of the musing welcome was
lely elldent In the Ito nerds SI/01(411
by the chairman. the I 1011(11111110 .1, P
Woodtvaid, and by .1 11, Simpson, lop
rettentatil e from Allegheny count).
As far as the leanings of the coin
mule,. Ito, gum o should get her large
appropilatlon, but mfr R•oodiuud tit
tered n nolo of warning Mien lie said
that the Income of the state was not
sufficient to meet the demands made
upon It The polnt of this retnarit to
readily seen, finless n method of In
creasing the slat• Income Is de , l , ed.
Pam State will not be able to get all
that she abl,s, despite the fatotable
attitude of the approprintion conuolt•
tee Moth speakers mentioned the
enormous quantity of mill that thry
had ieceived on behalf of the college
and lon Impossible it tins to ansm rr
It all '
The train bearing the commit lee bey
late in arril lug at Lemont, but State
Wll4 being boogied none the less, rot
the reit:tiling Wee and Mandolin Club,
were on the came train Dining the
tlrentnne Journey, the musical organ-
I/at lons entertained the legl%tatol4
ulth mull , otal and Insqltntrittal so.
POT{ SALL: —Slv cs findu tout Ing cap
In Ilist clot. nicehankgtl Hlmpu Would
Molls Holmes, Cox 445, State College
Mowry's Cafe
Open Day and Night
Everything in Season
Good Thing; s to Eat
Come and See Me
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits made-to-order
Repairing neatly done
- ----71 , - , —, .- *--- 7 - 77.ASSIS
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46C614,00 AAA...O.IEOW era* r.oath
and %pun Clan tks in dr HAI
Announcement has been made to the
membel x of the Ilexh.nn chum that
111e1 11111 be 011 en on exmollualon In
chemlcto ot Ow end of the to event
erxtri Tta. nevi. 118001 nlcnlched
the 81 mon of gls Inn n Mini evenlmt
' lion In thhi rubject ashen the in event
Minims 111 1 e l't °Minion. null It bus
tannlnued !nut yet° It Ix will that the
fallme of oiler down tmento In the tol
lel, to fall 11110 line In the 1111111,4
abollchment of 1111111 esiunlnutlnon lc the I
inane for the Reertablhiliment of thin
111:ETINO or DJ UTNI lII.It 11:111.IN
The next 'mellow of the Dents, hot
%mein hill Ito hold at the 1% tone!.
Building on Pt Idol muffing Sine ch _9
Tote meeting hill ho upon to nald-up
Inendo • x outs T 1101.40 4111.011‘IIIII: to he
inesent ehould hand theft canton elthel
to the lnexlaent. n D Macon of it, DI
Colllnttet beim u Mond.), Al tit II 19
The standard reference for Fraternity Jewelry, together with
individual Badge pi ice lists ,will be mailed on application:
Novelties Meaals
Badges Insignia
JSEs....-__ —..aggiL
Gentzel & McEachren
Fresh & Smoked Meats
Fish and Oysters
College Ave. and Pugh St
7 "•• - - - -- . ~,_
.- i ,
Page Three
Dr Rancor, Diotessor of I:ducat
In the School of Liberal Arts has
renth beet appointed associate edit
of the Annuli/in dour nal of School
ghetto In Intel 110004 istie of the Jour
al of I:duration there dn:moil on a
tithe his it, Donee! entitled “Stitc
Saillualon and DiNg.l,o Intl opts'.
9ric ARROW
are curve cut to fit the
shoulders perfictly Te r V;,,
Cluctt•cabod orco InAtakos
,~' `ta