Greetings:—The First Issue by the New Staff VOL. XII PENN - STATE TRACK MEN WIN PLACES IN THREE EVENTS Gatzemuller, Foster and Shea Score In Meadow brook Meet The Penn State tepresentatives at the 7.leadowbtook 'Meet In Philadelphia, last Saturday night, won places In three events. Canremuller was the stellar per former for the Blue and White team, coming across in a site fashion when he won the 350 yard scratch event for novices from a big. geld In 41 1-5 sec onds This establishes a new record for the Meadowbrook competitions Ganz °manor having clipped the old record held by Penn by 1 4-5 seconds Shea was the second Penn State man to roglatel In the finals by winning third place in the 440 Foster duplicated this feat when ho crossed the finish line third in the 1000 yard handicap. Run yon, Beck. Cotton', and Enoch failed to qualify in the finals This meet woo of an exceptional chanictet for one world's cooed was beaten, ono was equalled and the rec ords of al:niter meets held by the club were all shattered According to Tench Coach Martin, It woo an exceptional meet, and was very well handled. Canxemuller has not yet been award ed the mire In the MCC which he won, the officials claiming that he was not a novice, for whom the race wan espec- Mlly staged. A novice is defined es a man who has never won a first place In an A. A U event It Is said that the Penn State sprinter jumped away front the field at the start. and walked In at the finish In addition to breaking the record. Ills case Is being considered by the officials, but Conch Martin is convinced that Carmineler has never - yet won a Ilrst plaice in such meets Handicap Bothersome ,The only factor that marred the event was the seeming inequality caused by the handicaps These were In many cases too big and forced the men who were competing from scratch to equal or best the world's records In some cases, In order to place in an event Runyon and Beck of Penn State, who both did good wink, mere hindeted by these handicaps given competitors Runyon entered In both the high JUMP and the pole vault and had It not been for the handicaps would have placed in each. In the high Jump he cleared 6 feet. 11 1-2 Inches from scratch and the three winners each failed to equal this Jump but, by means of their handicaps of 2 1-2 and 3 Inches respectholy, were able to silo the event. Runyon met tho sumo proposition In the pole vault Ithen ho was credited with 12 feet, 4 inches and had 9 feet. 9 inches as a handicap This gave the winner a vnult 0(13 feet, 11 Inches and the world's record is 13 feet, 2 inches Chance for Another First Beck was entered In the 60 yard race and non his heat but lost out in the fattening - aprint. Coach Martin feels posithe that Cantemuller would have placed In this event had it not followed so closely upon the 350 yard race which tlrod the Penn State runner Guise rnuller had won both of his preliminary heats in betor time than that in elalch the finale were recorded' In the shot put, 12 pound clams, Beck made the second boat toss of the even ing of 47 feet. 11 Inches but again the handicap against him was too great Shea experienced a mishap M the 940 when ono of the Yale men fell and car tied NOVelal down with him, Shea being among the unfortunates. Had It not been foe this trouble he might have finished fn bettor shape than third plan,. Foster completed the scoring for the Blue and White representatives by breasting the tape for third place In the 1.000 yard handicap event He loan headed by O'Brien of the Victrix A. A and Shipman of Maryland State (Continued on Last Page) NOTED EVANGELIST TO SPEAK SUNDAY Charles M. Alexander, the rioted sing ing evangelist of Birmingham, England, and now engaged In evangellstie`Ayork in Philadelphia and New York. will con duct the chapel otervlces at the College next Sunday mooning Ho will also addrees the Y M. C A. meeting In the Mr Alexander Is ono of the bent known of the elegant day evangelists. In carrying out his work he has made two world tours The brat of these Wan made with the Reverend Reuben A Torrey from 1902 to 1906 and was known no the Torrey-Alexander Cam- Midge. The ground tour wee made In company with Mrs. Alexander in 1996 and 1907 Mr. Alexander has also en gaged ia tours with Mr Wilbur Chap man. another noted evangelist. In the course of hie travels, Mr Alex ander by special request has addressed ammo of the largest colleges In this country, Including Vassar, and has also spoken at, Oxford and Cambridge, the two great English universities. In con nection with hie visit to England, he will in all probability give an outline of the work among the Engllah 001- dines before their departure for the trenches In ono or the other of his talks next Sunday. Mr. Alexander le credited with being the man who made the "Glory Song" famous during ono of hie many evan gelistic tours Silo speclaltY is the mu &cal side of the work and In this geld he conducted the !argent choir over or ganized. This body consisted of 4000 voices and was brought together during a CamPalira In London. Ho Is also' the author of many gospel hymns. Mr. Alexander will bring with _him next Sunday hie soloist, who is a gospel singer, and also hie pianist. - • - 4 - "1 - 77. , - • •••• run #tatt ,„ ~.; ;;I. 4,) c‘r, 4, tea „12101.1.3011111 (6-i'r 1? ntirgtan4 \..k, \ ...5_..,..„ ALUMNI BANQUETS HELD THIS MONTH Annual Gatherings Occur Throughout Coun ry - During March The Penn State alumni clubs In the various cities have planned, for this month, a remarkable merles of ban quote and meetings which will bring Penn State men from all over the coun• try together The purpose is for the completion of the great alumni booster campaign which .nn instituted last. fall, and which lion been prosecuted no vigorously ever since. Beginning on the evening of March second, when the alumni of Boston and vicinity en tertained Dr. Sparks at the Engineers' Club, and continuing until March alst. 1 there will be successive meetings in most of the large cities of the coon try. Probnbly the most pretentious ban quets will be those of the alumni of New York, Philadelphia and Washing ton, D. C The New York Club met loot Saturdny night at the Hotel Mn. Alpin in New York City and were ad- dressed by Mater-General Leonard Wood and ex-Oovernor Terser of Penn sylvania At Washington, the Penn State men will have as guests Sena tors Knox and Penrose. and Vance t• McCormick, on the evening of March 24th Four dnys later the Philndel phin, Alumni will enlelluin Alva 13 Johnson and Dr Sparks. . _ The same day that the Boylan Club met In Boston, there was organized at Allentown the Lehigh Northampton Alumni Club A. L. Hacker, 'IC, was elected president and E. C Sparrow. 'l3, secretary and treasurer. Following aro the dates of the other banquetS which will be held this month• Berko —County Club nt Bending, March 15; Detroit. Club at Detroit, Mich,. March 19. Chicago Club at Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, March 21. Buffalo Club at Buffalo, N. Y, March 23, Cincinnati Club nt Cinch, nail, Ohlo, March 28, Cleveland Club at Cleveland, Ohio. March 29. Youngs town Club at Youngstown, Ohio. March 30: Pittsburgh Club at Hotel William Penn, Pittsburgh, March 31. The Point Winner*. For the Interest or the readers, the following compilations have been gash• reed, showing Just how State's total of 487 points was garnered. -Adam, Blalteslee and Walton, in the order named, were the leading scorers from the floor, but 13Ialteslee, through nis foul tossing, has scored site greatest number of points. Thespians Down To Hard Work The practice of the cast and chorus and the work of the managers of the Thespians has been nurro‘Ned down to a steady mind Pntetices sire held ev ery night and on Saturday afternoons. The "Naked Truth" is, without a doubt, the most difficult play that ham over been attempted here, tuul demands un tiring °gotta on the part of the Thes pians to magic, It Rapid develop° moats are being made, and everything promises to ho In shape for the first plO3 hero on March 31 The costumes and scenery are being arranged for, and an effort Is being made to have .nerything as nearly perfect as poss ible The Itinerary has been imicticany settled. Two allows will be gison In Pittsburgh, as these is a great do wand for seats at that place Mem bers of the vas loss county clubs arc putting forth efforts to have the Thee -11110111 play in their home towns Two cities ore making special Inducements to have the play produced shore. Thla year a new system of manage ment still be started An assistant manager will be selected from the PrONIIMMI clam He ,sill become mana ges In his Junior year Instead of in his smiles year, as has alaays been the custom and in the meantime Ito will assist the present manager Tile call for candidates won given to the Fresh man class and thirteen aspirants an swered last Thuseday night. SOPHS AND FRESHMEN SHARE FIRST PLACE The winner of the interclass basket ball league will be decided tonight when the freshman and sophomore quintets will light it out in the Armory At inesent. those teams are tied for first place with four games won and lost, and the unmer of tonight's game will carry off the honors. Tho Juniors and Seniors will also Ploy nit u_tio game tonight, but this gume will have no effect on the final standing. During the past week, two games have been played. In the first one, Fri day night, the sophomores downed the 1918 live by a more of 28-22. On Mon day night, the freshmen lost their first league game when the senior's mana ged to gain a two-point verdict over their young rivals This defeat, coupled with the sophomore victory evened up the loud between the two lower einem.. Juniors - Drop Contest The superior team-work of the sophs was too much for the juniors, and while at half time the score was only 13 to 12 In favor of lull, dating the second half. the sophomores began to find tho basket and ran Op a eats lead. Young and Smith led their team In scoring with three basket,' apiece. Tho former played an exceptionally clover floor game and his passing was good. McFadden also had his oyo on the basket both from the floor and from the foul line. For the juniors, the work of Amason and Ewing woo the outstanding feature The former put up a dashing game at forward while "Stan" tried to “out-Wal ton" Walton at guard. Tho lino-up and summary (Continued on Lam t Page) ,4"1.1 STATE COLLEGE, PA„ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1917 There Is Championship Material STATE DEBATERS In These Penn State Grapplers DEFEAT BUCKNELL This wrestling team hits just finished its IDI7 season uilli six vlctntles nod no defeats Lett to tight, front sou the!. n e Ostermaym•'l?. 111111 s 'll. Captain Long 'lB. Shutt, 'ln, Smote). 'IS, i t „,,i c hi IS, IIlug!. .18 and Conch Lewis WRESTLING AND BASKETBALL 0 SEASONS TEAMS HAVE B Penn State Matmen Win Every Meet By Large Scores 3 LETTER MEN No greater prairie can be offered to the 1917 wrestling team than that %%hid) sans given by the "North Amer ican" in an article a few dais ago This Philadelphia paper :retorted that "Cornell, Lehigh and Princeton, over whom Penn State non thin year, will fight it out In a week or two at Ith aca for the intercollegiate title Cor nell and Lehigh appear the strongeat of the teams, and whoever wine, State alit hale the satiefection of knowing that she has the better tram" Penn State will not enter the Intel colleglates this year but In all probabil : Iq will send .1 team to the meet Int 1918 when It Is hoped that the Blue and White will have several intercoll.' ginte champions to her credit C=l The "North American" goes on to state that "no college In the east can show a record as good ns Penn State," which Is eel, - true, considering that Boston Tech, Pitt, Lehigh, Cornell, Princeton and the Nosy all sae, their tennis go down in defeat before the Blue and White mattnen. On looking back to the beginning of the season it can be remembered , that there Mon some doubt as to the ' future success of the team Long, Drown, Pickett and Verger were lost by graduation last year, and the gen eral sentiment was that the team would be helpless without those fa miliar grapplers. But, as events hen e proven, nets men sprang up and filled the vacant shoos In a very able fash ion. Too much ',raise for past successes cannot be gh en to "Doc" Lewis, [m ile worked In hls usual conscientious fashion and developed his men front the raw material offered This ability of Coach Lewis is stated by a Phila delphia paper as "the knack of devel oping wrestlers overnight," and is no. I peclally true in the case of Higgins. A word of commendation Is also due to the 'varsity wrestlers themselves, and to all those loyal men who tool: n season's punishment In order to %clop the better men who would rep resent the college in the spotlight. The exceptional record of these seven men, Long, Smole), Osterma)er, Mita, Schultz, Higgins and Czarnecki, should be remembered, for the deci site victories over Cornell, Lehigh, Princeton and the Navy put Penn State into wrestling prominence tills season. Ontormayer Only Man Lost. Oatersanyer is the only onto loot this year by graduation. and in ',piing On. teonner the wreatllng Gonad la minus a man xlio has worked patiently for (Continued on Lam. Page) Lecture--Musicale On Friday Night "Motile In a Human Need,. a lector ghen in the Audluirlum on ri iday night of thin weolc at eight o'clock Doctor musicale by Mom. Alma Webster Powell LL H., Mao D, A M. Pit D. will be Powell In a graduate of N Y Univemity Law School, of Columbia Univeralty Po litical Science Dopartrnent, mil la int roit-doom soprano at the Royal °Perim of Harlin. Munich and Prague, as well an the Metropolitan Opera House. Now York She is making a plea for nation al free achoola of mimic. Tho program in divided Into two parts Part one In a lecture on Toneurology and under thin the following points aro taken up Mimic ns a remedy hi nerve diatom lattices, manic lie a preserver of the facultlea, mimic and the war apirlt: mimic as a re-eatabliner of normal mo tion in the human body, mimic and child education; and the place for ma nic In universities. Port two In tho musical program bik ing up radons types of muslo for Mt feront types of mind. This la divided Into six divisions, comprising five types. and the sociological signincanco of the ballad. These types are the French, tho Rusalan, the Hagan, the German, and the American. Illustrations of va rious noose aro gluon under each type. The musical dopaltmant,'of the college ham the affair In ehargo. A NEW STAFF TAKES CHARGE OF COLLEGIAN The elecelon of a nun staff to take ohm ge of the publication of the 'Tenn State Collegian" for the next 3ear nee held gun Thursday night, and t exulted nx f011owx•- =MEM Don 31 Crevsuell 18. Editor-in-chief renege L Wright. 'lB Ilanaglag 31. IV Dahl:nide Seniol - Associate Editor, A J. Ikatet 'IB. G W Sullivan 'lO. and A. It Leinimeh 'lO, Junius As ucl.ate Editors. A W France '2O, J P Kell '2O, L Keller '2O, Kenneth Kick '2O. IV. S Whiteman '.UI .led A 1) 31acKinnon '2O, begot tel Busllll , Bs Staff Julio 91. Washburn 'lB, Business Mnnag•r; S 11 Lows) 'lll. Advertising Nianahet, T N Realm 'IS, Mutilation Manager. C V. Gladfaitet 'l9, II 13 PIO,. 'l9, iind W. I. Mini 'l9, Ass istnnt Business Managers The new staff takes cluitge unit this Issue. 'rile entitling Seniors on the old start ate R. J. Kenney. itialnger. Assistant editor, tV E Kroll. , Senior ASSOCIRLO Editot. C 13 Patton sod, Business Manager, C R. Nissan. Circulation Manager, R T Bright nod J A Barber, Ailtertining Managers EIGHT JUNIORS ELECTED TO TAU BETA PI SOCIETY Clain menthola at the Junior Chitxv have been elected to rnernbelohlp In Thu Beta Pl. the !tenon.y engineering' liehoistrxhip nocletY. They ate H Coon Paul Pol./inn I. W S Cearneckl S 111 Palm II A. 1111111 M FI D Else R R. Itlnken RIFLE CLUB SIXTH IN INTERCOLLEGIATE MATCH According to latest reports, the State Ride Team stands sixth In its class In the Intercollegiate League. k different scheme Is being followed this year In these matches, instead of pit ting one team against another partied. lar one, the Carious teams are ;Is signed places in their respectlie classes accenting to their total score In the first three matches the State team secured third, fourth, and thild places respectively, but then chopped to sixth in the fourth TM ee other matches have been fired since 1,3 the local tome but repoits are not avail able as yet on the present standing Unilever, in tile recent shoots a slight 13 better score was attained Calendar WDD\NVII.II, MARCH 11 645 P 51 —Civic Club Meeting, 201 15nr, 7 00 I'. 51 CIR. 13M01.4.1,611, Ju niors vs Seniors. Sophonsiss es lx Ps oshmen. As mot TIIIIIII4IIA I , 51,9111 . 11 15 . 700 1' NI —Meeting of Count% Chat Pi oxldentis, 114 91111111 1 4 11111A1, 11,911( . 11 16 4JO P —llnginvering Lecture, "%Viktor 'Poem Dot clopments In the South." Profeemor 13 A Hitchcock. 200 ring "Ir 7,00 P —Chung° Meeting, Room 100 Hort Bldg 800 1' —Madame Alma Powoll, Lecture-Municale, Amigo: turn SATURDAN. HARM 17 0 40 P. M.—"Ry-Productm of Mieteinals." Dean Blaisdell. Room "K" Library 7.00 P. M,—lndoor Athletic Meet, Ton Year Men, Armory 800 P M —llllmtrated Lecture. "Our Nolghboin of the Pal 13000," .10- seph raimun, Aumtn,mm 900 P. Al—Sophomore f3,mnuet, Nit luny 11111 SUNDAY, MARCH IS 10 00 A M.—Freshman Chapel, Char Ins M Alayande.. Old Chopel. 1010 A M.—Memorial Into Class, Old Chapel 11 00 A M--College Chapel, M. Alex ander 890 P M.—Concert, College Orches tra. Auditorium 000 P. M—Y. M. C A Meeting, Mr Alexander, Auditorium TUESDAY, M'ARCII 20 000 P. M, Prayer Mooting, L. A. Assembly Room 700 P. lif —Horo and Thoro In Ponn sylvanla History, Professor A. IL Esponshode. 7.00 P. M.—Albin Tortehors . Training . Chula, L. Assembly Room . .. ... . . . Ball Tossers Win Twelve Games of Fourteen Played BIG GAMES WON With a record of tuelte s'unties ant of foutteen games pined, the 1014-1917 bashetotill team stands out as one of the best that e‘el rent rotor. ed Penn State In the cage game De spite the lots ul the thud game to 1..• high, and the earl, season defeat to Pitt, the record of Captain Walton it team Is one that places them among the first rank of the collegiate basket ball teams of the year• Victories oset S 1 raceme. Dartmouth, I-afoette, Pitt, Sou tthntore and De!auto', more than counterbalance the two defeat; sus tamed ' With three flea men performing in Ilse shape, and aith the seterens of inst year playing their customer) ,strong game, Coach Mermen did not face so trying a position last fall as he did the previous sear Walton at guard and Blakeslee at foraard V.OlO the seterans tulle formed the nucleus lot the leant, but it remained for Adam, the freshman center of a teal in in ate the sensation of the 51 05011 The lanky pit et man des eloped more than an 3 man on the sound, and he was high scorn from the hoot, menu.: dog a DaMion more than thtee held goals per mane. Wilson, enothel sophomore, turned into a capable run sing mate for Walton; while Lanbecti alternated with Wagnet at the 1 mnein Ing foraard position Without doubt, the most retain . ). able feat of the 901111011 pus th,' de (eating of both SYramme 01111 DM , mouth within three days The forme, team aas composed 0 hol 1) of let crams, and they boasted victot les user the majority of the larger college teems within the past tao Pears Th game stns one of the !tautest ft tight bettleo et el. staged In the At mot Y. and it a. only In the last fell mllllllOl that Penn Stele nosed out 0 otte.polei advantage. Dal tmouth played 11 tat. but they woe no notch for the illet ' and White quintet The game at Pitt sills In man! seems similar to the Syl 111,140 gulp onl3 In thls genie it ans Pitt th linall) won out—e held goal In the la l Itnif•mintite changing 00 011001 em State s ictory 11110 11 one-point 111 ft` It In the return game, hoe et et, Stele • cured ample rmenge Taking' the le to at the start, the 3 Melt` 110,e1 holds I find hold a live point athantege 1011 , 91 the final whistle Idea Machine Works Well. Cnrnegic "'tell, [inflate, Went In house not I t >anon Vetle) all tell le. fore the Ina- and nhlto ninebine, th , (Continued on Lain. Panel Crockett Tells of Mt. Vesuvius Our to kin absolute flllllllllll 11y oith the country, Piefossor W O Ciockett recoiled a large mullein:o In a most • realistic Journey "tinder the Rhodos of Vesuvius" last evening In the 01.1 Chapel With the aid of slides, mans of them In colors, he descillied the beauties and the characteristics of the cotintrj, bordering on the On of Na pica The city or Naples. it th Its shore line and mountain backga mind, the typical Halloo Street stones. and the treasures of art . itenerved in her mirk' famous museum, wet e trot I/01 trot ed. Than come a series of Nuns allow• Mg Vesuvius in lilleoo4BlVo stages of eruption. Then Pompeii. her NV. visited This City of the Dead In little by little yielding her secrets con corning old Roman customs and man norm of life Perhaps the most pleaxant part of the lecture wits the trip to the Island of Capri followed by the drive elem..- tho Sorrentino Peninsula to Amalfi over the rood famous alike for its mar Mous feats of engineering and for Its wonderful scenic beauty. Deno 131aleidell of tho School of Liber al Arta will give 0 talk on tho "13y- Products of liihiaionie . In room IC of the Library on Saturday nicht of thief week at 0,40 o'clock. Both Sides of Arbitration Question Successfully Defended Rept extolled II tem. monhtmod nl moot milli of) of HULL men Stato waled too eh tot Ito oter 1/ I, it tt menlng alien both 011110 of the 11110Mb/11 111,1101,011, 11l It COII/t/ 11110Iliti enact leMolntlon loot Ming . for t l ,llllllllOOll 111 hitt-Won Of thmtuteo lotto ern 01 0 oeired Ittlon and 1.11,11 tl gomititutionitlit} o tit om Hoe- Loorfoll defended At 1.1,14h:11K the Mato netottl,e tenor otot the Judge-'do elttlon IA the rims of too to one. ohne In the Autlltot loin the 111111 loathe learn &Alto"! the Llctot lit II Ull.OlllllOOB %OA' Both debates sete Nei °Week von biled and It lei toils because of their exit:mm[l,e of the subject Hutt the Penn State teams UOll In tho debate held here the deter generalslilli of the State debaters eatirtd the atter'. I Don of the Mahlon' nerutth e team to he focused almost emit eh on the im practablllt) of compulsory inhalation In ' \ et% %Woad and the athoeitcy of the Caniallan scheme of cc/mambo') In teetigution in the Coiled States At the end Of the debate. C I, Psitabaugh In the lant tobuttal sliver li shorted hna ...mptilsoly inhalation had been stic yessful ht %metal Dm opium countiles thus rondo Mg tireless the negutite ar mour.. that the proposed plan bail been unstmessful in Neu ide 111111(1 'rile tithe: me:abets of the State team Moss.. N (art, and L tt Cote rie) %true both fitailimiat and In their st doh rue per for inert Sus I ctt dash') Poi Pot knoll, the most °Realty de- bating ttas done 11) Ali 'butter and Mr Pottot The alternates bolo for State., I. A imiemet and for Vaicknell t' Ream, Man It L Siokett plosided At 1-to Mon g the Borgne!! Ilan tse, an good sae tkers but OP, UOll. towed, It Is sdd Poi Penn State. 1 1 D and II M nu, too 'JO did tr good MeekJ Kitchen 'lO. also presented his a: gu ments In bond fashion W. It 010111 it tea IS /lib-1111111 upon the State It tun I's ofessor .1 II 111vo11 oho to t mops said the team, sattA as plopASlng a nts. The Bucknell team oats tam posed of Messrs Samuel 1) Lent, Hai old D Gem, and Ralph 13 Beanl I . 13 Duffey tales] as altos nate FOUR BIG CAMPS AT PLATTSBURGH Regulations and Infornmtion con• Corning the Cltlvens . Training Camps to be established this mtinmer In the Eastern Department have been Issued by Major General Leonard 11• cod, II S A These camps still he main tinned as follows Senior Dl,lslon, N 1 . Junior Dinl.ion it Fort Terry, Plum Island. N Y, and Portland, Ile The Senior Cann, eon templated at Fort Oglethorpe, Cht . In still under consideration, and will Pe established only if In the opinion General Wood the number of proper• the students warrants stroll retina The Arm*. Apploptiatlon Bill of fats plonk]. funds to molittaln ramp , of Instruction and to in lag and to fin nigh transportation, .41111,iil yen., .m• 1 uniforms to 1it1,0114 attending 04.40 canna In the Castel 0 Department the camps he tii,lded Into too to 110 dhisfons, ns foiloo o' The Senior DI Olshm rot nien funs IS to 15 tears of age. nod for men from 15 to i oho I obtain special permit.; to attend and alto (10 (10 at dd, non 0)1110140 The Senior DIN stun mill 110,0 four 01101111 nt Plat t.lairgh on the folloolng dates June 2to July 1, Mk 7id August 5, August It In September Ind September 15 to Otiolon I I 'roe honor 010 !ohm for lint's front t i to IS tents of one, mill hold ton vaunt. It Port 'Pere) no follnon• June ta to if 111,11 August 1 to 'tugte.t 3.1 The ton romps nt Portland in Dd. di 181011 ufli he held nn 1110 4111110 (11l Lei 111 applicants whit sign no narenlmolt to intend for the full pet lod of 0111115 not exceeding 11110) do) o, tilde. on , otseen circumstances should itte , mtt Application to attend the camps In the Eastern Depai Intent should he I ode to "The Oilicrt In Cimino, Ttain tin Camps. Eastern Department, Got- Toot's Island, N. V." Plllll4 1111)0 1,0011 serious!) discussed for n tullitat) ltalnlng camp for vol.' to 011 men to be conducted this sum. 11101 011 lines similar to that lit Platts I long. BIG TIME SCHEDULED WHEN AG. MEETS Those of the Two-Year Course Have it Out in the Gym Next Saturday Night 'rile atilt di cagetnen and footmen Of slam n 10 0 moos dted couts• • the Lao pent class hi 1151 lculture tt 11l 0001011 cm. toolemblo In .. .Doc" 1,300 ottullo of Seats 6w bn ptovlded for those Physical otiltuto nettSatUrday ironing 111111 sill tllOlO Site tent to their Pont hearted enough to witness the up 11110010 In both the manly games oftacking mei/both, of the o‘oging• 'eteatlktg and basketball unit tomb ement for odathodon Oh ector Loa In lets dockltyl that tho • entigt tatehets and a moods° to clams, ato too Ittrgo to do battle en seated no :notice what happens Molise. and In order to eliminate tho TllOllO WO )0111 1 1111 1 11 NUllthlll aOlll, 111110 Interesting 1111011101 6111 Pit 0014 011 t 11110 1 t the I . l. l rdlMoll 10111 the lint and second pear 01110/1 In mot - ,mites 011 PI Ida, evening Mat. tat combat on mat and floc. and lot when the Atom bloody mows 3311 the dot II tog° tho hindmost. be Ice:met.' Immediately preceding lire,buttle the, Tn Lompleto 010 slallghtnl n entire body eill entrear in the moms wean ILIA° "Doe" Kenneth nil and with lire Invincible "Doe no forth his beginners 111 the manly their leader, ley wilt demenstratto the nit defense and sot thorn loose Cl beauty nod symmetry of motion us lon tiro other. Those Track Men ar Now Entering the Limelight RUSSIAN MUSICIANS WELL RECEIVED PENN STATE C Final Outside Conc the Year Proves to Best-1700 Attend 'l'. /I I% e M 1 ,4, vnw•rtt IT tlu 11”4.41.111 wunvinm> O. eig` tilt Auilltialian hint Sattailay ‘san uhlitait illialit Ow tot tho znaslial ti cat that Lt Into oil at Petal %late It :hit 41 nod lin of a set lea of It eat it attiattionx that ha Ix ought to nit State Ott thtoot.ll ttiaotial ttrinkententa, final II 'Mlt of the Na t io. !ern ex feeling of taglafttetion !mein of the It. tilt good cola.. ,ona,..rul Mending or In 10 tt clot,. tot /111i41110 In CSOVUtiI tilf. 1 n itll ontoi lion of a orog 11.111011 1(11111110 Of the Corlett plc thing collet t tintllent The to ,110.1 tettottlally uhte to 10101 ore. t It s.ttlefat tlon the ntitnet ou thnet of Ittisslan tontnoretx tit( 01011001 i 011 1110 in oollon Tho of the tot 110011.1 31011041 Altothul pet 10,1 con 11 01 us 0101) it. 111111 111110 (tao 001 It 1111011 In 1111 plottt.llll !loin the ,et, 111 . 41 number plogrun. the Mignon 0101 Oar' to •• of 1200 pox°. tat hound. hekl 1,, the chin m Of the And though It 11/1"1 after lice hen the 111 , 1 t ell - tine of the 111 u elm I.N altt died 11 all Roan th It 1110 nun lo.ll & should The unhietln 11111 made up llf 01,1011 111119111nnv. with ,011 1,111110. atom - lama 1 1 1 11, am It of the elkht !hats 111111 111111 meeolukk-a pethlilt torntle atlahle. tel their Inn in all 0t the aeltetlons Nang 1 01111110 of Lin/11 , 11.0 Thu plogrant 11/1/1 tilt hied In inn 54, 111111 1111111 L of the aecon, 1 ,I,Vii even prielte: appt °elude that of the al At VIII, llitilolllol it 1,114 1111.111...i011 lLll of the tires The 111111 511tellen in Pill t On 1 1,111, 5 41110 \u 1-1, ISone of II °mita 01 "II the ani It e og.a a It risen In foul pa 114 the first aat Inkannular allele the 1111 tom. of 1110 cello atintanloal the or 1110 111 ill 4.1 1,110 11 11 1. deed 11.1.4 11111511 Ltell and In 11114 n pi ft Itao 1,114 the muting' of the strlngh 1,1101 141, a peculiar qui notena °duet lThe atraln 111 olco late 11 11001% dente aft at Look' I• 111.41) 111111Kille 11 14.11 , 1111 . 11. t hanietell4tle 1111 the dance The pelt 1011 evented /I 11011,1 m; uV o that Mashed In a are It 0111911. un lepotted .14 0110014. Tile 1 101 l the thllll eta& In (1 1111 or nl Ilasto I l,,ihiel In RUS4III. 11000 AI 1,011 1 0110 , 0 01, and showed a pl The 010 log of 1 11l hot IlLealtoff 14,1111 M. 111001 eonunetotablo 401 a 0101 14 of 0100.00" With all 0 01.101111) 101010 a ,10.1 00peclall 00414 1 ...I 001 00 oneo, 0 oas 0111. lireo 10 vomit!. .01 the 001)01 lin of the 1011010 t xl In, fool 0440 ,1111 110' enth 0 11411 1,0 110 to ounon 000 VOl ) 0111 010 0011.4 0011, 111110 1,1001! out 110001 lon ally In, 100, a tht 7'xo eau tike), 1040- , In tin Aul". and ". '44 0,10 " A fe alit° of the toi Inn tho 11101 Inn 40 the 400t00.1 011.1111 below Ink," up II) dm cell 111)1)0110 004 10010 feattned In II ta r loellun 'rho Allnuet In • ' 1,111111 04a A ono 0010 13ernat 00 hullo, at 1001 In) of the le tiler 1401 tea 141 tint otlliestra, 111111 11 011.11110 or till) '1 11104 Danta/u" g. 111041 1110.1,1111.1 . 4.10 , ii11g 10 010 00111 thal uollent m only' Inn to 101 re AL 01.0 mint as without ev 4 10 01 1:110 01 10 1100 lano.ooll/10 1 to the 10.4 041, of the omloonnt. nor 1000 lonnullatell after the Cl TlO4 I 111101♦ to the Del lea ,1 RV 111 1 Ina one anot all 10\ 110 of good xlll 11 11 011 11 detntla 1 011110 :neol a00(01 tang' t ItlMlllollt2i , 0111111.10 0141 Ito nest 11 1 t 00111 1 th it 1 100 so too 1110 001110 10 POOll 00 01111 11714 1110.111 11411,110010 of II 11 11 noon. of 0111011 Is 01101000 to I 1111 stlataottloneg in 1110 011\ Or 1 00110 VII 11 01100 next %oar, glO Io tta 001110 00f 011110 1111101 e loran 11111 11 1)1.1111 0 l 0 1001 171010 1111 traethora 111 1110 futuro 11 ItESTI,rII: M1NA(1.1:11. Vat 411) At 1 evtllng . Ahmttget haslthitnont....l the 1001111 x of th 1111110(.11. tonnage!! CI nonltlohlt the 1.111 te,t4on .1 I< Johrotots 'I HUI nei Itehetlles mann '1 . 1 h....etvl. and A 91 II the.. 'I'I tt et... melee lIIvI Int manage: it