Page Four GRAHAM & SONS On THE CORNER Wish to announce that with their own help now they expect to give you the service which they have been trying to give you at all times Owing to outside influences with our help •=_ we have been up against it ever since we have been in business We would most respectfully invi BETHLEHEM PREP - EASILY DEFEATED Freshman Basketball Five Wins First Game By 29-19 Score In their first basketball game of the !Wulun. the Freshmen IP, o ctunu out tie-' torte. user Bethlehem Prep 0 1111 the long end of a 23 tulit score to their credit Although Borne snappy playing ttas done In the first half, the at and half firmed to be slum and tteemed to lack "pep' . Vernon et, the Fteshmatt quintet allotted promise of some good material fur the varsity nest year, lair -11011311 2101110, mho scored half of the eight field goals made by the Flesh:non. lie ntado one particularly good stmt. *then on recehing the ball alter It had been out of bounds, Ito threw it bank °ter 1110 head fore field gold 2lcllugh u.tit the beat point-getter tut tint Beth lehem 1,030, timing 2 field goals and 12 out of 20 fouls At no time was State's lead seriously threatened, al though the score at tlmes Man 0 1111111 fell points of being tied l'hu EMIL PREP -19 P. Smith , TA Tr-29 M 01l In mlnt maker ll ult. Capt. hohntltutlons Morklo for Bruhn I:lnkala for Shoemaker, Young for Mus chine Sprlnum for Luoue Coals Mullin 4, Munchlltz 2 %tug 2, McHugh 2, Koster I I uul Goals Mullin 12 out of 20, 161 c 1 I ugh 12 out of 20 A•wletn• Shoemaker 1, Muschlitz 1 1, liinkald 1, 111ellugh 1. Time "20 min balves. ?It Edwin M. Chance, consulting en gineer for stAeral large anthracite tom- I mice, of Wilkesbat re, I'a., pall deliver Ittturo tonight In the Old Mining I otlidlng at 7:10, on the subject "Mine Atmosphere" The subjects of mine MOS and mine safety lamps will also be dig- - Th3 week only I'm here to buy second-band clothing, coats and I will pay a good price for every thing. Just drop a postcard and I will attend to it. I. Jaffe State College, Pa Genl Delivery FRESH STRAWBERRY SUNDAES L at the REXALL :Drug Store Thiflire 41 A. Phofoplags ,ze Qualify ' State College, 'l)a. ~.\ ,v ht, Nittany Theatre WEDNESDAY JACK CICIEFORD I=l THURSDAY ETHEL CLAYTON Pastime Theatre FRIDAY .TILE PRINCE OF GIIAXISTAIIIK" FRIDAY FRANK ffEENAN .TES SINS YOU DO" e a trial and see the improvement Blue and White Wrestlers (Cunt Mod from first pogo) no mean opponent having experience and strength In abundance yet Mills, while apparently taking big chances. caught and pinned his man neatly and effectively. Captain Long ended his evenings motlt in two minutes and 31 seconds by spreading Cross of Pitt upon tho mat with a reverse chancery and bar lock The visitors put up a game and cleverly eluded dangerous holds but one of Longs "sure death' . grips left him a helpless s letlm in about 3 minutes of hard work St halts 11 Ins Long Pont. It is hind to nay whether Schultz and Nicholas wore evenly matched or whether Nicholas was a very good de fensive w midi. It required 8 minutes and 50 seconds of tunneling to decide this question and at that time the State :nun Men o,er 1118 opponent with a body hold Schultz was on top continually ye at one time Nicholas forced a roll an td the State matman found himself below decks but In a moment won out for the upper position. Nicholas proved to be a good tighter and with only 10 seconds to run ho V.llll caught and held neatly. Nolan Wins Decision. liendricks AA ho fought Nolan and held him to a decision, seemed to prefer a sun:Wing battle and for 7 minutes the grapplers remained upright, although this wins not Nolans wish, since he stroNe hard to bring the wary visitor to a more comfortable position Upon reaching the A ehet, the Blue and White wrestler had but a short time to work upon his opponent and, unable to gain a throne, was forced to he content with the Judges decision in his favor M=! • The final bout betaeen Seidel and Czarnecki wen full of fight throughout for, although the big man from Pitts burgh lacked a knowledge of the game, he was wining to make tho evening In teresting by working fiord. Hard work cannot win a wrestling meet, however and old man experience In the shape of Carneeki took him into camp in 4 min ute. and 40 seconds with a back chan cery and neck hold Occaeionally,a more heavy, full-powered cigarette than Fatima tastes mighty good. But heavy cigarettes are a little too "oily" and rich to suit most men for long. You are certain to find more comfort in a delicately balanced Turkish blend like Fatima—a comfort that can come only from pure tobaccos properly blended. That is why Fatimas are so sensible—because they leave a man feeling keen and "fit" even after smoking more often than usual. Prove it yourself. „ISlaryftr.w&, SATURDAY =MI= .1111PROTECITED" TZEDA BLILA. ./DiR DOUBLE LIFE" 77 - 17= , Captain Walton's Men Win (Contluod from, Ilnat page) throb goals from the floor and two from the fifteen foot lino. The vieltore then seemed to take a brace and Swartz. Soltzer and Keating increased their scores by nine Laubach and Blakeslee then got together and assisted each other In adding ten points to their credit. Alter Shatter replaced Captain Loomis, Walton and Keating brought the score up to 42-22 before the whistle blew. The Uneup• • P. CI FL G. A. Pts a 3 30 0 0 0 4 2 0 2 1 4 0 2 1 a 1 0 0 2 1 Blakeesl., F. Wagner, F Adam, C Walton, 0 . Inon, Laubach, F. Fast. G. 17 8 7 42 F 0 Fl 0 A Pt. 2 0 0 4 3 0 1 6 Swartz, F. Keating. F. IMM:=I Loomis, (C) O. 1 0 0 2 !MI C=1213 0 0 0 0 Referee, Brenner, F. & M. Tinto of State, 9. on Lebanon Valley, 12 Foul Conla—Blakealeo 8 out of 12, Soltzer. 4 out of 9. Subpaltntlone—For State. Laubaeh for Wagner, rant for 'Willson, for Lob. Val. Shatter for Loomle. BEST QUALITY Groceries Wholesale and Retail .• • • Special Rates to Clubs and Fraternities L. D. Fye 200.202 W, College Ave. Why they're Sensible SATURDAY BERTHA ITALICH I=l THEDA DANA .Tll3l DARLING OF PARIS" A Pox Super Production of ' , Romeo and Juliet" Quality. . , 6• _ •" • ,; f i„;-Weciday, Feb. 1,4, 17 PENN STATE• COUAGIAN PRESIDENT SPARES RECEMCS LETTERS FROM LEGISLATORS Tho following lo a copy of a letter received by President 'Sparks relating to the appropriation booster campaign, and le represontative of the tone of many hitters already received by him and a numbor of the atudonto: "1 desire to call your attention to the large numbor of lettere I am re ceiving from mitigate of State Col loge urging my support for a large appropriation for Slots. It is needles, for me to nay that I am for tho College, no stated when with 3ou Pennsylvania Day. It will ho impossiblo for mo to answer each Individual letter from your stu dents, so I take this means to any that you may rood this letter to thorn. saying that - I am In full sym pathy with their appeal and will heed It. , Yours for service. (Slimed) JOHN MORAY alb Legislative District, Luzern° County" TONSILITIS PREVAIENT Many eases of tonsillitis have devol •ped during the recent cold spell and he Health Service has been kept busy ttending o them S A. Marin...l7 In confined In the die pon.ry with ahnt In probably typhoid State=Centre Electric Co. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL State=Centre Electric Co. Store Closes at 6 P. AL One Boy of the High School Age Will This Spring Get a Suit of GPM 47-a.fllGfl CLOTHES IN order to introduce these clothes to the younger young men in this town—the fellows between 15 and 20—we are going to give a suit to that boy of the High SChool age who submits to us the best essay of one hun dred words or less on the following subject: "how Much Does Good Taste in Dress Influence Success? " Each boy can handle the subject from any angle he desires. But he must keep his essay within one hundred words, write it plainly in ink on one side of the sheet only and deliver it to our store in person. There are no other restrictions—no other conditions. Here is a chance for every boy in town to show what he can do, to get with out cost a suit of these dandy clothes. Langham-High Clothes are just built for you, old man—the only clothes that have ever been ex ,, , p ready made to satisfy all the preferences of younger young men. s.. \ s----- The judges, who will decide which boyhas written the best essay, will be men prominent in-the business and professional life of this city. We hope to announce their names in the near future. • '8IEM!! "BUD" WHITNEY TO GIVE UP FOOTBALL Lawrence A. Whitney. backfield coach of the Penn State eleven.for the past two year., ham definitely decided to give up football and has announced his retirement from the guano. "Bud", as he is known to all Penn State student., has arranged to enter the automobile buidnese In Low Angeles, California, with a former Dartmouth clase-roate and will leave for the Pacific Coast In the near future. During the years in which he coached the State team, "Bud" wan engaged In the bond brokerage business In Boston The athletic committee of tho Col logo to at prevent on the lookout for a mom to fill Whitney'. place ao 000t0 BALFOUR BLUE BOOK 1917 The standard reference for Fraternity Jewelry, together with individual Badge price lists ,will be mailed on application. Novelties Medals Badges Insignia L. G. •BALFOUR & CO. ATTLEBORO, MASS. MAIL YOUR LAUNDRY HOME THE PARCEL POST LAUNDRY CASE carries three weeks laundry 200 miles for 14c. Saves its cost in one month. Cover of white canvas and leather with brass stamp plate and reversible address plate for your address on one aide and home address on the other. In. nor case of wood. Light and strong= Size 13 x2Ol 2 x 3 1.2 inches. Price $2.00 Postpaid - Parcel Post Laundry 8agi1.25 Circular on Request—Agent Wanted The Parcel Post Bag Co., 3000 Clifton Ave., Baltimore, II sa • DID IT EVER OCCURTO YOU ify .ii that the VICTROLA in your g ,of Fraternity was too small for b the house? 6 • • w DO YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO a jk 2,3 --- .., lb zi Go down today and talk it over g with the man in ig 2 THE MUSIC ROOM - 0 tgio*,t4iK.*****!rlit.itligi*itv Start at once on your essay. Some boy is going to win a Langham- High—why can't you be that one? Bring All Essays to Essay Department in Person On or Before March 15 =', SAUERS & HEBERLING _ 1.,1::fAH•1 1 1IGH .. -1- 4 -... 43 •, VIIICZENO O4 "" w.--- - . .. ...f • ..., ! ~. ,N. , %...= 1 , 1 - - 40,7 , Y .4`..7.?...., T., , , :!.Jii....n.!;.: 4 ).. /Ft CA - Z• 2 1..,..;;, ' '..;; .. .: 1 ; MT! '7.trin.'o.;:7SA'l4%..'s'4l.l.L.l".t‘ tint to "Dick . Harlow. Penn /tate% resident conch. A number of prospects are being considered but no definite se lection has yot been made. According to graduate Manager Smith, efforts are being made to secure an experienced backfield coach who has demonstrated his ability to develop a strong offense Mowry's Cafe Open Day and Night Every thing fresh and good. Come and try it. F. J. Mowry Fifty cadets of the 'United Stales 3111 Z itary Academy at Weat Point were dis missed recently for their failure to pass the annual mid-year examination. Most of the men were “plebes." --°' Oat your SHOE REPAIRING done by 3. B. MINGLE, Export 116 Frulor St. _ . VENUS 10c PENCIL No matter what course you're taking you need this famous pencil l'3 en Because of the superlative qual. ity of material and workman. ship, VENUS: is admittedly the finest pencil it is possible to make. If you like a thick soft lead that marks so that you can read the writing half way across the mint, choose the soft degrees 613-55-413, • For short-hand notes or easy writing 313-2 B—B (medium soft) are popular For sketching, general writ ing purposes, Mc. 11B—F —H —2H (medium) will prove desirable For drafting, a medium hard pencil gives the best results and you'll like 3H-4H-511- 6H For very thin, narrow lines, for ex tremely accurate graphical charts. maps. details, etc, 711-BH-9H are available. Look for the distinctly ewater _ mark finish on each of the 17 black de• grees and hard and medium copying. Your professors will confirm these state• menus as to merits of VENUS pencils For sale at the college hook store. American Lead Pencil Company 215 Firth Ave. Dept. Q New York a_FREE—This box of VENUS samples free. State the course you are taking ...- -- A - .l. — "te s .... \ . -,:t4tt \ %•:;?. _,-r .. . ... . -.- --'.':- . 1,..:,#,... t5",..1?),0"