•- • - , PENN ' STATE COLLEGIAN • ii4E ridaY. Feb.l4, 1917. . v) The Oki I Am In LOVE WITH MARCUERITE CLARK THE NFITANY THEATRE 'VILD FLOWER" TUIIIISDAY, MI. 29nd PROFESSOR WEBBER SPEAKS ON METHODS OF GRADING Professor R. I. Webber. of the Archl techtural Engineering department ad dressed the members of the Lemma , ' Gardening Society he the ..A.g... club room last 'Wednesday evening. The subject of Professor Webbor's talk woo .Methods of Grading" Ile spoke of the manner In which the amount of earth to be removed from uneven or hilly ground may be calculated and how the practical landscape gardener may be benefited by a thorough lineal edge of grading. During the lecture Professor Webber referred to the grad ing of Now Deaver field which was fel - merly rough and swampy and a hlch was leveled and hardened at a minimum of cost. He also presented the depart ment of Landscape Cordoning with some charts, two of which show what grading bus accomplished at Fort Ma im Park, Metropolis, Illinois. WHITE PINE BLISTER RUST IS NEW FOREST DESTROYER The report of the mooting of the American Forestry Association was giv en by Mr. W. G. Gdwards before the Forootory Society out Wedneeday eve ning. Mr. Edwards roported that the chief topic of discussion was the White Pleo Blistor Rust, a discos° Bimini:is to the cheetnut blight. This dismal° hoe migrated from Europe and has killed many of our white pine moll The only Method of combating tho diseaso Is to destroy the current and gooseberry boohoo that abound in the woods "The Notional Forests of the Appala: china Region" was the subject of the second opookor of the evening, Mr. An. demon. Ho Mated that them forests were created out of our lands purchased by the Government for the purpose of controllng the floods. Ho also mentioned the Intent/41ns foot, that on live of these forest memo., the supervisors ore Penn State graduates in Forestry. Mentholated . -Bronchial Lozenges For the relief of Coughs and Throat Irritations. at Krumrine's GILBERT & BACON OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS For 1918 La Vie H. H. BURRELL, 'lB, Student Representative, s, 228 Allen Street K. n c",c' s Cafe Is the place for you to eat Sanitary conditions and first class service guaranteed \ Open until 12:00 p.lll. every night except Sunday - See - HARVEY BROS. FOR BAKED GOODS and ICE CREAM • • • Spacial Rates to CLUBS and FRATERNITIES. H. M. Myers MOTOR LINE TO TYRONE Car leaves State College 8 a, m. and 330 p.m. arriving at Tyrone 9A5 and 5:15 respectively. Morning car connects with main line East 1021 s. m. Afternoon car connects with main line East &49 p. m. and West 646 p. tn. Car leaves Tyrone from Ward House wig p, in. and 790 p• m. arriving State College 290 and OAS respectively. SUNDAY SERVICE: Leave State Col. lege 300 p. in. Arrive Tyrone 4.45 Leave Tyrone 7 th. 131 . I Fare 111.25 each way. Watch for new schedule to go Into et ct April Ist. - FRESHMAN NOMINATE TWO CLASS OFFICERS The no:ablation of eandidatee for the office,. of elms sem entry and tienamm and the election of a chew leadm 08n- mixed the mole Imp°l uult business tranacted lo the ft eBIIMIII, 0111081111110' meeting held In the Amplthuoue lied Thurcda3 owning The , rneetbig matt presided over lo .1. 11. 31unioe The following men ame 11011111101.1 to. choir /moll:tan . 01 In el, SlathorM, Shutle, Metkle, ❑ly. Leach, N Hughes. 11. L Nom tun, Cates, 11. o‘lllltha and C B Cann.b. l ! For the position of ChMx ncaxmer the folloaing 11011111111(10. 11010 mule A S. MIIIIIIII L. W .1. I . ollllg. tamale, Frantr, Weinet, 1. W 13toan, P. N. Maim, Statlce), A. N Itoblimun. J Allen Comad In the balloting fur cheer leadet 8. S \V Cohen tett:lced the highest numb. of votes GOMM alto re... Med the xecond highest num ber of VOLIA am. made eBBletant cheer leader It smn Mao announced el the meeting that a a relating meet could he held Inettaciewthe fi oilman at tellers and the two Your men NOMOUIIIO ill March, tile exact date to be decided Wm DEUTSCHER•VEREIN BEGINS BIG MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN At the negulon ineetling of the Dont nehen.Venein on Thuisdo et ening In tile Liberal Allen building. plans 11010 formulated fun (Inn cawing on of in mrn eherxhip campaign It Is the Inten tion of tho Veldt] to linen envie lino mern berelnip to 1110, at tine piesent Onto It hoe a membethith/ of 75 The thMlunlgn is already undo tun). and null! eoollooe Indefinitely until the dtalled goal In eacht,l • It was also deckled at this meeting to hold another play, to be glten In about tun months The dance com mittee has completed mlangernents fm tho Wroth dance to be held In the Nit tany inn on I\linch 2 The nest meet log of the omelet) hill he held on Vol 22 In the ..0111" Chapel, and a [unworn will ho Rhea at that Mlle commensal ate ttitlt Washlngten'n lilt data) FUIE CLUB PLANh PANCI. Plane fol n dance to ho glt en nt 1.1 le 11110 summer 'Andel the 1.141/11. 0 4 of tine Ellc Cuulib Club Stela dhicuhstd at Ito last meeting, nt the same 11100 ep,ll- ittlons [tole made tot a Penn Stuto "Fish Fly" to be hold on 1100100 1010, Erlo County, dnl,t II With the Idea of 01001 log !nolo stu dents tot Penn State flout 111011 ti lota the club 01so Imolai to bate trio don pictures of the college shohn in their county within the tutu futtue JEWELER and OPTICIAN Agent. For Smith Typewriters C. E. SHUEY The White Groito Cafe Is under new management but the same fu•st class service and cour teous treatment will continue as heretofore Come In J. S. CLINGER, Mgr. Marty Styles of Type and Many Laninages A Typewriter Exceptional For Collegians Change your type in an Instant from one style to another—or any language. THE MULTIPLEX HAMMOND Two SCLI of type In coth MPChill& th.t 'r m . U. K,,11 . . Pre!twes tr.the ado kl====2:l Beautiful work—beyond compare. If not Inclined to a new machine, Iriqulre for our Factory Rebuke. We Rant Machinist of high quality. Patr "" ar'lO'ilv`'dgrvra' Dr. Alexander Graham Bell Chancellor Rev. IL C. Trant pl wlll Dean itowelu aho aft Colleges and Universities Our apedal terms to collegians will Interest you. Catalog for the asking. Hammond Typewriter Co. 546 E 441 65th Stroet Now York City. N. Y. CENTER COUNTY GRANGE INVITED TO CONVENE HERE The Center County Pomona Grange ham been invited by the Penn State Change to Mild its next quarterly meet ing, which will be sometime In May. nt State College An effort will be made to have JOillt A MeSparran. Muster of tile Pe:lnvite:Mt Grnge, present for the UCCIII4OII. An opportunity will then be affottled to those who wish to take the fifth degree. The sessions will cover a whole day, the morning being taken up by business while the afternoon will be given over to social affairs. The allot noon meeting will be open to the publit The Penn State Mange will initiate new members this coming Friday night Thiv be the first Initiation given by the Cntlige and at this time tno of their foul degrees will be administered The mfranixation and other phases of Ctange t talc 11111 be discussed from time to time by members of the faculty 111,0 1100 eyperlenced In these matters. Lettets 10010 sent to nil the subordi nate Granges of the state uniting them to hllte In behalf of Penn State to their I opt esentatlves In the legislature. This action nun taken to old the Booster Campaign EUREKA The Bread That &dishes. Tr, our delicious Pastry and Ice Cream THE STATE COLLEGE BAKERY I=2 Keep Your Eyes in Style Wear Shelltex shur-on with Toric Lenses MRS. EVA B. ROAN 522 E. College Ave. HARDWARE The Right Place For the Right Good's- - the Right Price Dockash stoves & Ranges OLEWINE'S STORE Bellefonte, - Pennsylanla ek r ifb COLLEGE MEN thrive on good style just as they thrive on good food. One is 111111 as necessary as the other. Both contrib ute to fine development. Fashion Park Styles get as far from poor style as clothes can gst._ They're made to meet the style requirements of 'today. spring is on the wag We are prepared with the very newest, most up to the minute furnishings and ready to wear clothing it will be your pleasure to see. Full dress suits and accessories in abundance for house party time. MONTGOMERY & CO. The ToggerfShop State College - Bellefonte DAILY BASEBALL PRACTICE BEGINS• AFTER FEB. 22ND Tho members of the vmulty bonbon woad Resembled Inn Wednenday and completed the outline of tho preliminary tridnlng pm led foe the coming Reason Starting at once, the battery men will Work out every morning in the vacant grmannium hourn until February 22 After Fehi nary 22, all the men will practico In the Armory Until the limo In ripe to venture outdore, Coach "Dick" Harley loops mending valuablo advice to Captain Robinson and Don Blythe who aro in charge until the nrrival of the coach on April 1 The Engineering lecture, rebrearY 16th, by Mr Glihreth, Containing En gineer of Providence, R 1.. on "Crip pled Senders . , will be held In the Old Chapel nt 4.30 in oredr that. all who aro interested mat attend. A. DEAL SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM. HOT 'WATER VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State Collage, - ronollivaul. For Quality and Service in FRUIT AND GROCERIES Go To MARTIN'S Opposite Postoffice . Despite the growing scarcity and high coat of 44 4 e everything entering into the making of shoes, we 44 have secured an unusal fine line of shoes at prices 0 Eifi ranging from $4.00 to $9.00. M Bostonian, Nettleton, Crawford, etc. t!ili Z 1 69 'ili . COLLEGE BOOT SHOP m , , iti Ogt*gigigigigigiCitgi**gigitNi*g.gigi*ls4". Watch for the opening of our Circulating Library We carry a large stock of POPULAR FIC TION at 60c. -Also the latest fiction White Note Paper 20c per,"pound Yellow Note Paper 25c per pound The Penn State Book Store L. K. Metzger, '35, Prop. I 1 I Allen St. Engineering News Mr. li B. Milner. lenaltieer of Motive Power of the row York Central (hill• road Co.. lectined to the Nonliwei had otudents February UM, on tile "Quail• Bedtime Required for the Raighteer." Mr. Milner fool charity of the &Men and conntruction of oil motive power of the New York Control Linen between New York and Bt. Louie Ile oleo eimite to the Railway Mechanical Idngliteere, and fates; coneidered with them the poneibilities of employment. Mr. Mete, a graduate uf Purdue Bal• comity, and now at the head of the Employment Bureau for the %Ventura Electric Co.. waa here loot week to dia• cum; with the Electrical &Mom, the potiallrilltles of employment with Ma ...nor. PENN STATE BARBER SHOP IME=C2 Workmanship Sanitary Conditions Courteous Treatment We sell Rickeckera Toilet Articles and Genco Razors (the razor with a gurantee) S. Carl Philippino, Prop. " '" '' '"" s""" "" I\ , llllll, Itttilimitillu 14‘11 , ‘ ,1111 ‘ ,19 t” , AItOMM , hh , mt lust \Wok. 1111111 , 1r01 , 1 , 111. 111 Tkorilittl I\9olllli HUM lIPI4. MP holm; If you wont the host grotto or workl dotty go to HENRY GUMMI Sucre tilitile to Orktor 210 li, College Ave ............_....... , Gentzel & McEachren Fresh & Smoked Meats Fish and Oysters College Ave. and Pugh St ER Turkish to the worg's most tobacco for ciga- A f‘ :_ ) 2 9, 4 , 10 1 it Co, P.a. ur of die !Ada -4 Grade fdsh and E. t o,pdan Cage relics In the 4Vorld. ' L3f 41 1 1; * 744 41(6:12' " • •,••• , 1 4i; • Litizi!tV2 A . ',4*2 v 3 40 :.„, Page Thre . fiA tpy!,