age-Four VALENTINES A box of delicious Samoset Chocolates of which we have just received a fresh shipment - from the factory. A Large Assortment GRAHAM & SONS On THE CORNER FORMER COLLEGIAN EDITORS IN MANY FIELDS OF ACTIVITY An investigation of meat occupations the foimet editors of the "Penn State Collegian" are engaged in, lute re vealed the filet that but OHO of theta b+ engaged in nem4paggit mink of in, kind 'rho "Cullegitul ' ham been pubilsimil since 1904, and atn.ig tile tmehe 1114 n mho 'lase held he po9ltlon of edict-In chief, there ate file men engaged in engineet lag mot it, tmu inn 3 eta, one Pp - ester, one nemspapet man and tmo ag riculturists. The tolloming is it list of former editor+ of the "Collegi lII' and their ocupations Alexttntlet Hatt, .11. the tlest ettltot of the Collegian, a. tnembet of the el L5l of 1905, Itt the Nem, Yozlt Clt) atlt et 10111e4entathe of the Not elf., Nona Co. Nev. 10th CR) T 1 0 Dolts. 'O6 is an eletti [Lai engi noel In tile °lb of Witqllington, D C A N. Little, 'O7 In ll LW, NUI in fits Moines, In. C N Montag. 'O9 Is the ltssistant manages of 'PM chases fon the J Cr White Engine. log Con not that A. W. rinhet, 'lO is the assistant supertlsor of signdls Cot the Pittston fill division of he Penns It ania Mail:odd C Mae Breinget, 'll, is an elecde ti engineer at Jane/4,111e, W1.1(.0114111 W S Kriebel Is it tot °slim to, the Anonta Forest Pi oilut.ts Co of Atrioni Conn Ft 13vanti, 'l3 IN entitlo3ol b Ili lie Citizen... Tn..lion Co, 01 011 Cite, I't J D Hoganlc 'II liss giadu iti d hum the Haman! Lao School and iv llOtt re siding at Snietigiut t, 1' i J It Mathets 'II In nu e•tensilutt lisp resentntito of tit. cOlll5O In Coln:obi x County, I'll Dal id 31tMay, Jr , IL Is an asslntunt Instructor In the Itortkultutal 001 1 .111 - mont of tint 10011 St Ito College lit Amen la. A Lail )tax Issued last night In )11ml get Tittle May of the Thespians fin candidates for the pt °auction chinas They still lupin t on Fria,. evening In room 100 Plot t building tot the Inltl ti Instruction Ttials for all deist: L:0000. In the Thespians ph* will be held on Thursda3, lrt king and S third* of el en' iwUi up to tile thne of the Pith hero on Nlarch 31 The inhodule (oi lcan Cunt. Thut sit t). 630 Choi us, is day at 600 Itt lieu inciting and Saint - day afternoon at 180. Cast, 090 Sat urday evening. Class Finances Improve clam hue started melt and has II onn fortable enrolee of 91891.1 Tile hem In the Ilublllti l or the elq99cs of 1917 and 1918 Lulled “Act.ounte ltecebable Intereht99 bln119" ILIA elllll9l Ile) Mall belongs to the 14,9tLthe tie•Li but 11111011 is In the 1011.19 of ill lob!. chess Spot to benetn of Thu repo: t which follows, if sunlit,' carefs]!), will show that the linencial conditions of each of the classes hue ini proced conhichnithly since thencw ms turn went into effect Tilt tenet con slots of two statements, one showing the conditions Of the chi, [teasel COi when taken in chat go lw the hat - class treasmei and the nthtt conditions of the St easel lot at tilt end of the that :tamest., Jemmy 27th INTEU-CLASS TECASUItIat.”. REPORT September 1, IMP Cash On enOClfilln Account Accounts ROCOnIInIO from 1-C Sporn , Tress .. . . Savings on DCl3OHit at i liii Lent Doncloncy atlama . .. Liabilities Accounts Payola° . 11!EIS=E1 Assets: Cash on Checking Account Accounts recen.oble from I-C Sports Trona . .... . .... . Savings. on Deposit at 3 pm cent. Accounts PsYnbls Surplus Dulune° . DoScloncy... . .. LaVlo $1611.1 C1am..... .. 32.68 I C Sports . 477 76 H. M. Myers MOTOR LINE TO TYRONE Car leaves State College 8 a, m and 3.30 p. m. arriving at Tyrone 045 and .5:15 respectively. Morning car connects with main line East 10.31 a. m. Afternoon car connects with main line East 640 p. m. and Wen 6.05 p. m. Car leaves Tyrone from Ward House 12.15 p. m. and 7.00 p. m. arriving State College 2.00 and 845 respectively. SUNDAY SERVICE: Leave State Col. lege 3.00 p. m. Arrive Tyrone 4 45. Leave Tyrone 7 p. m. Fare $1.25 each way. Watch for new schedule to go Into et set April Ist. • The Best Valentine SUCCESSFUL GROWERS WILL GIVE SERIES OF LECTURES "'tone, 01 chard °igen." oas the subJeet lasented to the Crab Apple Club lo All John Dunk, Iluntingden. l'a I ue.,l IN es vtaing This tine the Ih ta of a reties of talics arranged Dieteher head of the Doi tl- Loan al Deo...talent. to he gh en 1 , 3 suu.equl halt grottos undmnrket gaol , net prminenee in this !gate achhesses o 111 take 111, the In ole. 1, not how a pratAlwi standpoint and t wit ono a 111 be Inflated by nn open dl ittoo.lon The lag Is the Ilst of lie Llama owl their soldeLts "Starting t, :`7 [ '` thd‘ Vl r 'l'VLe'si ' i 11,1;,, n, Tel tr "The Green house ltuslnc is", Joseph Ile truck. W. I to. t oto u "Contmemial Apple emit lug", D M • Wel tr, Wu, onshore, A 1,,, elt 7, and Opportunities In Vegeta -1 Ine Growing;' llet bort Sao let). If 1:1 DOLIN trill rms. The ti In fist 11. candid too for tho oljln Club tote held I Ist Tharsult* Lt rohlt, 00110: to the small number of unto ti)lng out. It tins Itt Idol not to t.11"..11IN 111010 In mall 1110 anal tulals before Conumeneement The :Volution:l b.. 0 11l is comp Lot Mt Oleo Chub on the 'Oen loth Lilo, 01111 looks (Omani to 015lott o ultml mount the Woo Club .utal Michael!. BUILT BY AMERICAN EXPERTS Europe's Largest Darn, near Talarn, Spain, a Monument to United States Engineering Skill. The large,l. dam In Ent ope, situated near the old fortified tone of Talton, Spate, as ruent I e completed by .kin 4 I lion ettglneer , and i sport , . It Is emegracted of emu rite, and Is flat) (et t Itbdt. 700 feet lung and 230 feet sit the blew, gradually deefeaslog to 14 feet lit the top. The Nognera 11l ris. fill, ell thrOligil tile (1111S111 lures, which the data Is built, and it abuts on Ithate,t perpendicular cliffs The 11110%e the 110111 11 110 frill the suit loos hualholders at a Clint. of nearly .1 , 1 000,000, anti nose, filled m Ith water, forms on artificiol hike 15 1 1 miles long and :la miles aide The floodgates are w covert:fly balanced that they open qui 1111 l falcons under the pre , are of a else of one loch of water. The nattual formation of the roof, near the dant has been 11111- I,cti to proside n splllmay 111111 ft co mmits of 70,000 cubic feet of sinter a sewed. The dam has a twofold object In the produ t don of electllc tamer and nice In Irrigation. The so titer that ,now tosses through the ramerlionsc yields an electric current of :20,000 horse arm or. Later it will be increased to 40,000 braise tamer The meter Is carried by II 5 551,111 of canal. Into an arid dis trict. where It Irrigates a cut face of nearly 11110 handled ar)uate tulles. A %Teat deal of American made Itatchin zry 0114 114Ini in the coast: tattoo work. Inn From King G , rl One sehool.irl t :We hi I and 'lx of her ph, 10e¢ I,re anr , ously hurt when lee and 'mow al nit the root of Parker 3rhool in Wev Manchester. X TT 1919 1920 Total 117 97 ir!II=131r1 $12425 675 1 . 043& 6042 05618 110 IC CG3U 250 CO 2200 00 80000 2750 00 6743 61 29 41 46 4286 J 59 12 879127 7.1- 18 111 12 G 23 81 2600 22 696 83 CB= FIRST NATIONAL BANK W. L. FOSTER, President. DAVID F. KAM Gambler Booster Campaign On (Continued from limit pogo) clock suspended [rum the balcony of the Nittany Inn The ultimate goal In the number of student booeters has been sot at 2500 A strong effort to being made by those In charge of the campaign to interest entry Ml%!dun' student In the move ment for a greater Penn State. Last ening the fraternities and clubs uero %hilted by members of the campaign tommittee nlio laid the matter before the students end requested their aid In the innleet To-night a general cam paign of u (lire nature mill be carried on in the town for tire purpose of reaching those ixho hate not )et in tea caned themsehes in the movement. MEREMOE= rueiy county club In college Is hold ing ameeting thin e‘ening an a fore runner to a m1111 . 1.111(1 Ilnlsh for the ,impaign Reports of the actlvillon of of the club members will be received and ntepn When to secure the old of those men v.ho lime not thus far co operated In the campaign A lint of the meeting placer of the varloun clubn Is minted in another part of thin Issue Zedeler Sextette Here (Continued from first page) headed by Nicola! Zedeler, who has studied the vielincello under Herman Dilestel, solo cellist ugh the Metropoli tan Grand Opens Company of Now York City Much of his early instruction was scented in Europe under the most famous teachers of thin inntrutment Other members of the Sextette Include Miriam Zedeler, organist, Norman 'Wal let, second violinist, Mitrl Ryland Ro sales, Emma., Senor Euetsuile Resides, pl.inist and composer, and Marquis Au elle violinist CENTER COUNTY FARM BUREAU ORGANIZED After se, ertl months of preparatory ork the organization of a Centre County Farm Bureau has been finally effected The organization meeting. held In Bellefonte on Thursday, February 1, atle attended by a number of prominent farmers and businesv men from differ ent parts of the county The (allotting ollicery were elected President, John S Dale, Slate College, Vice President. [Bury McDowell Henan). Secretary and Treasure], Calvin B. Neff, Centre The interest iihown In this movement to date. together mith the favorable comments made at the meeting last n soli, :mikes It entirely probable that Centre County all have an extension represerimtise, or county agent by July Ist BANQUET FOR TIIE .9" MBN Sixteen football .. S" men Mere enter tained by Pans!dent and Mrs Ednin Dale Sparks at their home last Satur day cloning. This is an annual treat gl‘en by Dr and Mrs Sparks. and In addition to the letter men. Head Coach and Mrs Harlow, Mr and Mrs Ray Smith were present golowlng an chub [nate dinner the senior girls turlved and d tm.lng held tile atention for the bal ance of the e‘dnlng THE NEW YORK SUN'S VIEW OF SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE Putting brains into tho soli pays, ac cording to the figures given out in con nection with the Wick committee's In s estlgation at the State College of rig ricultme These figures indicate that farmers with high school training make talc° au much an acre as those aith out, and that college-bred farmers matte Unice as much Cianting that boys able to go to col lege are those most likely later In life to have money to buy the best farms, it still appears as If, with every allow ance made, the highbrow farmer had the best of it In ability to make the land yield. Such figures Indicate now conditions, well worthy of the attention of the parents of today planning their bm's future NVlien these parents were themselves boy, the farmer was Mill a creature apart, often a farmer boy came to the city, seldom did a city boy seek Ills fortune on the farm Now all that is changed 1 - arms are no longer so re mote as to be unirraibitable for city bred tenderfeet. Crops bring such goad money that the possible profits attract coon a city boy. Costs of pioduction arc so high, markets so many, agricul tural sciondi Is so developed that the trained, wideawake mind is needed. But the city boy with the country stlnet In him in no longer condomnen stick ulthin city wall. The gelds °nen GILBERT & BACON OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS For 1918 La Vie H. H. BURRELL, 'lB, Student Representative, Nittany Publishing Co. Building. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU that the VICTROLA in your Fraternity was to small for the house? DO YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO Go down today and talk it over with the man in ' THE MUSIC ROOM , ,**********************•it PENN STATE COLLEGIAN MEASURING BRAINS PROVING SUCCESSFUL Tests Made on Some Backward Stu dents Shows Up Weaknesses That Can Be Remedied Mor hose lour brains mettourod, In the School of the Liberal Arts interesting tests have recently been made to determine the quantity and quality of brain possessed by students. By the use of the Stanford revision of the Binet-Simon tests various students have been subjected to eiaminatlon with somewhat unexpected results. For example. a nouns man alai come to the end of the last semester with not less than four conditions and failures showed vs hen tested that he was In abil ity rather beyond the ...erne° adult". Ile one very quick In his reactions. elioued unusual power at thinking. ex cellent memory, strong renaming abili ty, and In every way except In vocabu lary knowledge. was above the "average aduli." That he failed in his college elms work seems to be due wholly to a carelessness about study rather than to a leak of brains Another young man having practical ly the same general result, Bo far as the total is concerned, wan much slow er in thinking and reasoning, hut throughout all his work sound and care ful Brilliancy was not his strong point as wan that of the first young man re ferred to However, the second etu dont came through the semester with only A's and B's. - Other tests show similar results The conclusion seems to be that college work depends upon exertion and close attention to business as much as upon natural aptitudes and brilliancy. One Needed (Bowies In ono Instance n peculiarly interest ing result cone shown. A young man hod gone through physical examinations Y. M. C. A. CABINET MEETS IN BELLEFONTE Taent)-three members of the Y M C A Cabinet spent last Sunda) in Bellefonte * with .. Bilr . Miller of the In ternational Committee, Nuts York Re ports from the various chairmen More giNen, outlining the work for the com ing semester. and plans discussed for special campaigns on subjects ouch as Bible Study. Membership. surd Deputa tion Stork Six men. Kroll. Horner, Weber, Owens Cochrane and Brinker. addressed the students of the Bellefonte Academy at their special nix-thirty meeting. Mr [WOK principal of the Academy. asked for an visitation of College men In the Spring, as did the sixty young men of the Academy Arrangements will be made to repeat the visit. In or der that It:mitar meetings may be en couraged among the men of the Aced ern). Tao students, C L Lee TO [lnd C H. Seaman,lst year two-year Ag. aro con fined with scarlet fever in the dispen sary, and Jose Carreras, special, In In the Infirmary with a slight attack of chicken pox However, theye all convalescing and, eneept ar for a fow cases of tonsilitls and grippe, the college Is entirely free from disease FOUND—rountnln Pen. Monday noon on stalk to .Ag 1 1111 In front of Track House See 1 , N. Pagan, Hort Build. Ink. Watch for the opening of our circulating Library _ We carry in stock a complete line of Agri cultural Reference Books Orders taken for all kinds of books Agents for Edison Dimond Disc Phonographs "The phonograph with.a soul" The Penn State Book Store L. K. Metzger, 15, Prep. 111 Allen St. -"- _ , at two military camps carried on by tho government, had bean examined by the state examiner during his public school life, had gone through the phys ical examination at Penn State, and no miggestion had been given him that his eyes wore poor During this mental test It woo discovered that ho almost always failed to pronounce correctly certain words having unusual combina tions of vowels, thin both in reading and in vocabulary tests The conclu sion wan at once drawn that he was not Seeing the letters accurately and ho was omit to a trot-class oculist In Philadel phia. Ile came back not only with glasses, but also with the story that neither of hie eyes had half the normal efficiency. A limited number of students who volunteer for the work will be examined by graduate students in Education If they present themselves at the Waco of Dr. Rancor, or of Dean Blaisdell. Each of a group of graduate students will, for practice, put perhaps v. half a doz en students through these tests. Toilers Handicapped. Donn Blaladen says that tho only reason the School does not offer to test more man In college who Is not doing satisfactory nark In his classes is that they do not have men to do the work Each test occupies several hours Ho eould like to have a man nho could de sOW all Ills time to thls typo of brain measuring and to general consultation alth students concerning the choice of IL vocation While few, If any, colleges In the worthy hnve a facult3 memobr Biting all Ills time to ouch work. there Is moth talk that the larger Inetltu dons sills nll have such a man within a few years The Rev. Robert Mac Gowan of Pitts burgh at prominent minister of the Presbyterian Church. will bo the college preacher next Sunday. Rev Mac Go aan has but recentb been trnneforred to Pittsburgh from Lancaster, Pa. Gilliland's Compound Cod Liver 'Extract with Malt, Wild-Cherry and Hypophos phates. A palatable Recon structive tonic for the relief of chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis. Ray D.' Gilliland Druggist STATE COLLEGE, PA. %Ili* Thiaire Cio Nittany Theatre SATURDAY WEDNESDAY ANITA ICING "THE HEIR TO TILE 1100EAII" THURSQAY WM. GILLETTE SHERLOCK HOLMES" Sovon Rook; FRIDAY DODOTILY DALTON "A GAMBLE E SOULS" G=MI All 'varsity baseball candidates (Freshmen excepted) are requested to report at a meeting to be held on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock in room 202 Engineering "A." - All men with any ability whatever, especially pitchers and catchers, are urged to report at this meeting. There is still a chance for any Sophomores to try out for the position of Assistant Baseball Manager. They should register at the office of Gradu ate Manager Smith as soon as possi ble. LABORATORIES EQUIPPED. The Mineralogical Blow Pipe labora tories of the now mining building have been installed and will be ready for use during the coming marauder A now gas system has been Installed In the laboratory. A large receiving tank is on the outside of the building which contains a supply of compressed — gas With the opening of the Blow-pipe lab oratories practically oil of the available apace In the now building will be oc cupied. LAST CALL FOR "FARMER". The last chance for sophomore can didates for the Deafness Staff of the Penn State POMOr to report will be given next Friday evening at seven O'clock in Room 206 Agriculture Bldg EUREKA The Broad That Satisfies. Try our delicious Pastry and Ice Cream TILE STATE COLLEGE BAKERY - Both Phones K. n c•x' s Cafe Is the place for you to eat Sanitary conditions and first class service guaranteed Open until 12:00 p. m. every night except Sunday Nittany Printing and Publishing Company Publishers of The Times Stationery Specialists • Gentzel & - McEachren Fresh & Smoked Meats' Fish and Oysters College Ave. and Pugh St. Phofoplags of Qualify Biala College, Va. "SOUL OF KIIRAI SAN Pastime Theatre FRIDAY WILLIAM FARNIIM "TUE PRICE OF SILENCE", Ono of the very beet of recent Wedneeday, Feb: 7, 191 State=Centre Electric Co. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL State=Centre Electric Co. Store Closes at 6 P. M SATURDAY JUNE CAPRICE 'TEE RAGGED PRINCESS* A Mauro of Unusual Chum. COMING FOX SPECIAL FEATURE THEDA BARA "THE DARLING - OP PARIS