11 , r4. - • 7 W .5 0.1 ,. . -, .^ • ' • - • • " f6tiecinesclity, Jan. 10, 1917 News r from other vOisegeNt A now method of units clog comae!. eery chapel attendance lo being tried at Whitman, a college of the middle West. If a student "cute ten chapel reterchieo he shall ho required to take a one hour course In Philosophy the following . semester. If the "cuts" amount to a number between ten and twenty a two houl course will Do ie quired. "The Order of the ()olden Pleece" is the name of a society recently organ lec4 at Oberlin College Its members are twenty ..red heads" and the pur pose of the organization will be the mutual defence of, and the promotion of social activities for the members In the clues of 1916 of Bowdoln Col lege, eighty members were graduated of the eighty-ono who entered with the class no freshmen. - . DePauw University has instituted a course for freshmen called "How to Study . . The course hoe caused a marked Improvement In the scholastic standing of the class lowa State College Football Manage ment has Introduced a new (001010 In the program of football games by hav ing their quartet sing between playing Periods. The University Is erecting a new $35,000 club house to be used for the entertainment of visiting teams. It will contain a tile swimming, pool, trophy room, reception hall, dressing room, lockers, showers and bed rooms Coach Meager of Washington end Jefferson College football team Is a very busy man during the offseason He Is an—extensive author and does conslaemble neuspaper work In the December Issue of ..Triteel" he wrote a deneription of "A Trip Through Iles % leo" and In December MEMO of "Outing' ho wrote an article dealing ttith inter - collegiate athletics . SOCCER TEAM WINS FROM SWARTHMORE Elad Weather Mars Annual Eastern Trip—Tied Westtown The soccer eleven made its annual eastern trip before the Christmas holi days and played two games, ono with Swarthmore and the other with West ' town school The team rolled up a 10-0 score against Swarthmore on Mon day. December 18, but woo tied 1-1 the ••• following dm with Westtow n The ' game which was scheduled with the Feltonville Athletic Club wan cancelled because of extremely bad weather. . The Immo on Monday with Swarth more was played• on a field emoted with elx. Inches of snow The State players demonstrated their superiority In the early part of the game and at no Limo woe the outcome of doubt Wil kinson. Nicholson and Ilohnburg played a vary good mune. The line up SWARTHMORE STATE Simpson „ Goal Amerl Mason R. Fullback Holmberg Comley L Fullback Kelly Sticknoy R. Halfback Greenland Gawthrop C Halfback Simons Glllem Halfback Reed Malloy"" , R. Outside Vogel Stratton R Inside Wilkinson Maulo C. Forward Nicholson Buckman L Insido Lucas Tomlinson L Outside Bradbury Goals—Luau 3, Wilkinson 1, Nicholson 3, Substitutions Swarthmoro. Pettit for Gillam, Atkins for Tomlinson Reforee—Crowell, Ilaverfold, Time of halves 36 minutes Tho Wei Mown game was played on a Sold which was also covered with snow, The men, thed from the hard memo of the day before, wore not In the boot of condition and did not display the form which they showed against Swarth more. Nicholson scored the only tally State made His work. thruout the game was very good Two extnt peri ods of five minutes each wore played at the conclusion of tile top legator thirty-five minute periods but neither tilde was able to score again WESTTOWN STATE 1 . 1. Artier L•VuUbiusk ley L -Q-Hydrt,4 o 4 Haltbealc 8,‘ 1 . 7 , ,";;,t1t. Outside: r • —' l , .. '0 • o - Dnidel It. Insldo Wliklnx i''' '' , l" .- :Rlcherclson C. Forward Nichols - D. McDaniel L Insider Lu• • ;-1 7 R. 0. , Stalgor L Outoldo Brodb - - Opal. R. Mcaunol 1, Nlcholnon %v. thirty-five minute porlons and t .9.2 five mlnuto pot ion. Opportunity to Enter Chautauqua Course several colleges of Kansas have not aside a day on which overs body will try thell best to be themselves At Ot tawa University It Is called "Slouch Day" and It Is sold that with each suc ceeding day the movement becomes more popular. In the days sot apart the students near the clothes that they feel the most at case In and that look the best. By an almost unanimous vote the faculty of Connecticut Wesleyan re cently adopted Military Training as a part of the college curriculum The adoption was received very enthusias tically by the student body The course adopted requires two years nork, three hours each week while college is In session Tine movement for the adopt ion of the course was fostered by an der-gmduato sentiment, it petition con taining the names of 192 under-grad uates nes presented urging , the adop tion of the course Tho Harvard Union is undergoing a croon crisis Loot year the financial statement of the Union allotted a loos of an ON on thousand dollars The Union oith its many assembly rooms and club moms has 'nosed ver) useful to the under-graduates and all possible efforts will be made to increase the member ship and secure alumni aid Dan tmouth College this year ohows the langest emollment It boo over heat. There are, this yew, IGOI students en tolled, an Increase of thlrt)-one over last years attendance The campaign at the Unkerslty of rennsylvanla to tinge funds for the le- Ohl of suffering prlsunein In Eulope has been called the .. Dolim Bug" Ef i faits are being made to Induce ever) student to contnibute at lend one dollar The "Bug" boo moan rapidly since Its inception UMMMiaid The December Issue of the Railway Mechanical Engineer contains an arti cle by Professor A .1 Wood, In which In shown the derivation and the applica tion of some sex formulas applied to train operation Editorial comment is made In the Railway Age alMettO of December 22. on Professor 'Wood's paper before the American Society of Refrigerating En gineers Dean R. L Sackett call attend the annual Con‘ontion of tho American So clet of CI% 11 Engineers, January 19, and 20, 10 Sea' York elt9. The lecture by .1 A. L Waddell, rd. day, Janua.y 12th, at 4,10 in Engineer ing "s", will be on the general subject of "Engineering" and his excellences Mt Waddell established the first Jac, noose Technical University, and was decorated by the Emperor for his ser viLes Ile Is the leading bridge engl neet ,in America todaj, and is the cm that of the latest text on the subject Mr Waddell hew offered prizes to senlot Civil Enginems giving the best solution of four bridge problems sug gested by him. As It is p. ohable that the entire col lege will be Interested In the lecture of Prank 01!broth of Providence. R. I, on "Crippled Soldiers", It will ptobablt be given in the old Chapel on 16111, in order that all who are Interes ted may attend lilt Gl!broth made motion studies of crippled soldiers and of changes h. Industry in older to make possible the operating of machines which had former ly required both hands or both feet or all four members His mo tion oletut es and diagrams made _from them ate probably the finest examples of scientific study of this great Indus trial problem which has been created by the present wet Dean Sackett heard the lecture at the American As sociation for the Advancement of Sci ence. at Columbus. and considers it of wide scientific interest Protease: E N Bates, of the Depart ant of Mechanical Engineering. la .nductlng oo linigineerAng• Extension In the Construction. -Operation 4 Repair of Automobiles. at the Al • • e night school. There'sre neve stand the meollonlam of the Sevaral , Marone styles of ahhAssle will trupplled by the dealers of Altoona special study of construction and op. atlon. Styli y . . of Type t '-."-.'.:.:.-'_•, - i-.-F---- s ;rl. 9 ~,,,,m , ,Y , wow. :, lii-- - 0- , - - :-_ , --__---- - .7,•. \\........\\ ~,, -- ..Al•;,__—,-,- , --„ ; .,,, r -e..f,.,,,':' .i: ' .:V r. ,'o' . ' .!.....,,, tf -'' . ''',. A Typewriter Exceptional For Collegians Chang. your type in an instant from • • style to another—or any !anions. MULTIPLEX HAMMOND Two sets of type In each machine. "Jed To.. dm 1440 Prestor dealer Slenals—Comnaotl:ble Beautiful work—beyond compare. If not Inclined to a new machine, Inquire far our Factory Rebuilts. We Rent Machines of high quality. ' , Miens, President Woodrow Whoa Cardinal Merry del Whoa Dr. Alexander Graham Bell chancelior Ron. R. G. Trent • Wallop John C Money William Dean Howells also all Colleges and Universals, Our special tents to collegians will interest you. Cotolog for the asking. Hammond Typewriter Co. 546 Eart 65th Shoot Now York City. N. Y. Sophomores Win Wrestling Scrap Freshmen Take Only one Bout Mak ing Final Score 27-5 The sophomores. %Mt but one ex ception. succeeded In 4 -suturing every bout In the wrestling scrap Matte. the two lower classes held before the hali de>. on the Armory mat The 151'J men received three falls and three de cisions, while the 1920 class obtained one fall, making the Heal score 27-5. Tile moat exciting bout was the opener between Mello ls, 'l9 and ?denuders, '2O, in the 115 pound clans Tile decis ion rent to Nicholls on account 01 Ills super low knowledge and experience In the next bout Leete. 'l9, disposed of Lennie. '2O. with a head-chances) and an arm-lock Then, in the 135 pound bout Dotter '2O threw Babcock with his famous bold, a double arm-leek and body-hold, thus making the freshman's Ova points Millet the sensational WI est ler of fortnew "two year As'" fame, made short work of I W Brown, '2O Torwell and T.wennew took the next two bouts on decisions [tom A 0 Wil son and Thomas. respectitely In the heat yweight chum, Pullman gained the quickest fan by throwing Robe with a half-nelson In one minute and Meaty nine seconds College President To Head Rockeffeller Foundation An Incident of more than paroling interest to Penn State students is to be found In the announcement that Dr George C Vincent ail] retire from the presidency of the Ditherslcy of Minn esota to become president of the Rock efeller foundation on May it. 1217 The Interest of the college In this announce ment Is due to the fact that Di W C Forsythe, head of the college health service. will also identify himself milli the cork of the Foundation sometime during the coming spring. and thus will enter upon his nen duties under the leadership of the former president of the iiestern anti ersity Dr Vincent WIIII called to Ills new ollicLe because of the enlarged reope of the activities of the foundation and be cause of its need for it man of wide ex po,: lence who c in dmote his whole time ti the wink Ile succeeds John I) Rockersllts. 41 whose term expires next 31,,3 The hater oral letain ronnootlon with the Pound:Won as chahman of the Nand of tiustees, a new o(lice. 'Ol,llO 1), Vincent still take coer the executise 1.0( The Agricultural School hum truntly made some Impel t.tot purchases of pure hied live stock 'Lust meek tweet). three register ell Holstein cows ueze re ceived nod this week the School expects to rocolte melon pule bred-Clydesdale horses Engineering Extension elnicies hat, been organized at Hazelton thru the In terest of C A Gainer, Ditialon Engi neer of the Lehigh Valle) Coal Co These clause. are pursuing Practical Electricitti and allied Nut/Jet:hi We are glad to see you back again and will be pleased to serve you as before. Come in Kricrx.'s Cafe ~~~~~~~o~dc5~c~~~~~o~~•~~ COME IN AND SEE OUR TYPEWRITERS Prices Right t l l:t*i** - •!*€4 , 3*itc* , *•'*** Gent - zel & McEachren Fresh & Smoked Meats Fish and Oysters College Ave. and Pugh St 1 , PENN STATE ! COLLEGIAN SIGNAL CORPS TO BE REORGANIZED One of the most Imam toot plans non under consideration for the Signal Cot Pr to that of having nn enthe rear- Wall/Atkin of the corps upon a military basis. in. In other winds, andel actual aims pitittit on ex übse(sed at the her der (*islet this plan the col pit will be disidtxl into dis !skins of ten men each In chola° of a sergeant and two em poria?. There stilt be it sergeant and a corporal rioting no mlieiess anellllal and assistant Foul of the privates mill be dot died especially fm helio graph swig, mlille the remaining Pri smes trill net more In it militia) Ca pacits The membership of tile maps at Mes eta. Is Cr, and it is not lei loin u. )et m bother It will be ...lilted to 20 men In cadet to have Imo disisions aliether it will be teen tilted to 30 men mith three divisions T D. till holds, who has rharge of the moo it Ilt Vl egelli. MIN I ceentls pointed ant the pos411)111E5 of the members of the Imps pan?lng the examination for positions of Write) , In the toner e some that is nom being discussed In congress. I=l WIIERCAS, It ma tolttonoll am Ileav only Fallon, In Ills lanlgluw wisdom. to call front 11111011 g an our blend and fel low moth.. Albert L Doman, late Assoclnto Societal , . of the Young Moon Chrbalan Antlactation of the Stute College BE IT RESOLVED, That ae, the 1 M C. A Cabinet, exalt,. out sense of the loss sustained In College and by the Christina ANVOCIIIIIMI in the departure of one alto had so nobly dedicated his life to the sort Ice of the Divine Master, and alto hold worked so unceasingly in that dedication and alto had been to his foliow uoiltcis so true a Blend and counselloi and helots And furthei. that ae extend to his Nue:its and fam ily the sincere sympathy a Melt ae feel with them in their great beremement AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of theme I.ollldollB be Sent 10 UM patents or out departed Diem], and a cope be publlsbed In THE PENN STATE COLLE(IIAN California Co• Eds Live Months on Peanuts Too Ifni, ersit,t of Califot nia co-eds hot e iet enti) t ompinted nu intet outing dietetic expetiment in HS hitt on noth- Inn but pennut• rot n period of tin Co months Th. expel hnent 0 its coulee) out molts the direction of Professot M 11 lan, hood of tile delta] tment of nun Ilion, to test his them c thnt pea- - See HARVEY BROS. FOR RA NED GOODS and ICE CREAM • • • %oeetnl Rules to WAS and FRATERNITIF.S. out ate among the beat and most con centrated of food stvallablo for human being. According to Pt aerator Jaffa the ex periment wax it complete scientific Nue otos, The cord of the Confabtotaled ilft,n tents a du). or Slot, a tt coil, fat tacit girl On 014 Inds tint' 110/11i1 11111 per 11111 l Ith 11110 Ittpt dolt,, to the -min of $1 20. a ilgtoo nhielt broke all ...Lord,* for fr matlitt on tho comport Identity of the mu 10 inelpulx In the experiment hats not Otte tat been mule public ns the girls have IneNted 111111 their name, he kept beet of "We luster felt butter". said ono of therm . ' hut I'll net, tat another peanut an long . tor I lite I can't hen the eight of them now COUNTY AGENTS HOLD ANNUAL CONFERENCE The fifth 1111110111 Minter confeteme of the count,. :gent , : Of PennmiSalllll Ix belnh 110111 In Stone College from Jane t:, :1 to 11 11111tv-olv (mottle., ol ,home lc,lng toga:dm:ll fat WOlk ate lepivientoql 111 the confer ence TIM• roll fen onte 1:01:10 held 11111101 the dliectloo of VI K State 11.111101 of fat m but elm moll< ,In conjunction 11 It 11 P Weave, 110010 unlit State leader The mot 1111100 11:0 given etch to genlral soedono on faint mojecto and Itoilclex, 101100 the eft:o ral°. lOC being devoted to committee out It Seteral Penn butte men of the clean of 1016 are em oiled in the rankr of the county unman thh. yenr These In clude I A Ekennenmn, 1k M Decker. P S Cirnoinnn. N E Corker. A L Ilacckei, A. T. Kearney. C C Me. Donal' E .1 Pen,. II It Pickett. and heat Straw FOREST L. STRUBLE PLIIIIIIING .A.:11) MUTING BEGIN The New Year RIGHT DO IT ELECTRICALLY ~ We sell Electric Appli ances and Peerless Mazda Lamps Store Closes at 6 p. m. THE. TURKTTE. ist 4 •Niii•CIGARE TWELVE FRESHMEN CHOSEN IN COLLEGIAN COMPETITION Allot nix weeks of NWT competition in ti hick Cott) menthol/I of the flesh , men them tiled fin positionn an tonna , ken tin the tanlT ... Tim Collegian" bonDI 1111110‘1111. .14 1111. Mel , 01100 of the tenon ing taelbe nun nit , / hale skean the in nate n alnilD In this null< 1. Malan at, C A thumbaush. A till C A Ilalbei Simon, J Kell. I , I. KMlet, K link. A D Klnnon, J J Smith, J C Sninhel. C. It Weekn. Intl 0' S \\ Illtemntt ACCIO (MIK 1.0 0111100111, there men !WO Kin Its eurniselltioss On 1..1111111N 114 11.- 11011. e, for 01110 istimitsts Wilt be Ni 010 aeslus,sl Isefttso Illistl selet.listss It zsitstlot lootst. the ni Mt of Mal 111 Itc ATALBOT BR ROW ronitra COLLARS are curve cut to fit the shoulctcrs pofctly 1,T4 Chum 'eabod &Co-Inc-941km CANDY Place Your Order For Witrriares And Huyler's Chocolates We will have a large stock of fresh goods to select from Ray D. Gilliland Druggist STATE COLLEGE, PA. llBuy Your SECOND SEMESTER books from the store which advertises in the College papers We never charge more than the list price for books Service and courtesy is our policy The Penn State Book Store L. K. Metzger, 15, Prop 1 l l Allen St. P 4vt l e P r av;itme' Page Three 1:1 , 111:1EA '1 he Bread That :MINIIe, i To our dellehom IMulm and Ire Cream r TII C sTATI, ( ()LLCM: It 11i1.1t1: VENUS 10 PENCIL No matter what course you're taking you need this famous pencil ! 81,1-.10, of the superlative qual ity of material and workman. slap, VENUS in admittedly 1 . 11 thclinsst pencil it is possible to oaks If you like 1 thnit soft lead that marl, so that you can read the si,riting half oat across the room, Llionst. the sot t degri.e, GB-911-113 Pot shot t html. note Or Lasy writing .1B -211-11 (nadtnm soft) are popular For sketching. i•• trot w rit tug purposes 1313 -I' • -211 (medium) twit pion. desirable For drafting. .t mulitim hard ,3 , ) , pencil gives tie boa ri_sults and you'll the -111-311- •'; GI) For %or} thin, narrow 1111,, for ex tretne4 accurate graphical ch.: Is, maps, 1151011,, etc, 711-811-911 are available FREE Look for the thanlcute water marl. finish on tath of the 17 black de grates and hind dud mtchnin copying Your prottssors , ill confirm thesk state moots as to 010111 of VENUS pencils For salt at the tolled° book stop American Lead Pencil Company 215 rat}, ,\,,, NA Q Nt, 1 orls:M NOI E —Sold us tour mum_ and address and ne shall In phased to hate sent to sou for test a tins of VENUS dray. nig pencil, VENUS top} tog pencil and VENUS Erabt.l Trio o p~.~Esq~~~~ ~~/ A 1.,. 0.0 1 at