Page Four Well, Fellows:- PENNSYLVANIA DAY AND THE GIRLS Are gone, but remember that you are still welcome at "Gorogos." Come in and talk things over. Graham liE. Sori ON THE CORNER Club Notes Members front the 'English depart ment and the engineering school ndl speak at the nest snorting of the Land scape (limb:num Sin.tet) Plans of rural land,eape gardening hese been sent to the Aumrhnn CIN of Washington. I) C, mill meet December la The models mere sent for the purpose of aiding the ea, ll.Oeln tloll In Its a ork of communitA better ment. Arrangements are nearly com- Pled or _n dunce at Nittany Inn on 3•ob .urY The rea ularsreeetlng of the Duquesne club Mus held\ last Saturday 111 Ohl Main. M ailoonneed that a smoker mall to ho held the near future and that the social reennlttee ad practical tompleted arrangements h for a lance to be held near Christmas President Sparks and Captain Ahrenda were present at a feed el, en by Com pany 111 and their alters. to celebrate the sunning of the Sophomore saber on Pellll9N hot. day. Speeches a freshments comproed the program re- At a recent meeting of %clot County club it one decided to hold the nnimal Christmas dance in the Deviation ii armoryon Tuetilny ei ening. December 21, Fond arrangements score loft to a committee of the tenoning men Wash. liiiin &Inman, Rues, Tomlinson, Kirk, Krell.. The club find its owlets] tokeii for the LaVie last Friday At ite recent meeting the Cnie Club wire fortunate enoh to bac,' o f NVatta gate an explan ug ation or tome of the t,roblenng that crane up in the ex tension, One of the agrienitural depart ment nof the darcultica be spoke of nos the prmntung of scienttfic m• formation so it A, ould be Intereqing and attrattire to the-, action, it IV to bone lit This talk WO is part of the ad dr-an nide, he ninde at the Natnonal o"antge rn Waslangton a few tiny be• foie Tubd is planning to hate ton next meeting an open, nue Thi,neeting ndl he held in "Old Chapel" on the en ening of December lIDe Duck° cull be the epeaker of the exentng. Tlit boys from Harrisburg turned out stront. tt their club meeting Saturdat night Mach enthiounim mall aroused lit the committee an charge of the an nual dunes mlnelt mill he held December 2S. at the Winterdale huh or Harris bora An eight-piece orchestra luts been secsired and many lintel effects in decor ating are planned Tho club is nego tiating st ilh the Penn Stitt" Glee Club tor a concert to he git en at Harrisburg sometime during the Christmas often hmn and the plan bill no doubt mater- Libre The Socialist Shins circle MIIIOI NV. Orglllll7oll recently held its first regular meeting last Tuesday night and the fel - Inn no of tiers elected II I` Krunirine. president NV If. Krell nice 3firrinn . res e tlui l er C 9t the'se nety should be knoun Us the P.. State Chanter of the Inter-Cal le:unto Socialist Societn From the ills. play at enthusiasm and interest nt its drat neetinu. this club is hound to line and flourish. "SHORT HORNS" DUE TO ARRIVE NEXT WEDNESDAY indieationn point to a 'Tenni brentang registration an the cominc 'inter Course in narteulture aluela will open its rho,. on WI du.claN, 1/erem ber 0 To date more than one hundred moaner lane been reeened by the de. Thu tmeut of agrumilure from prosper time sthdentn in lilt course, but nn usual there mill be a well ninny win aOl clone al the last month n and the rn rolhnent will probably be In tire neuzli• bothood of 150 or more The mama.% of labor on farms thin near will prat nut ninny from tokula sol‘antace of this work. but nt that it nand nerd crowd It eNpected The 11411111 outbn. of murk In to (nurse it ill be folloned and MI rad!. rid Limoges lin. Lrrn announeed FINDS THINGS CHANGED AFTER 23 LONG YEARS "'fine only thing flint hug, fninillar about, tine At Move to 01,1 nut that. only when owned from the rear," Milt the eselainntion of Robert 11 Mr cur, formerly of the class of 18011, and olio hog meek paid no ilrid coot to hint,. Collegesince he left here in 18113. 'And men Ohl doesn't look the' tiee 111 the rear, for I Ille•S tile 11911111 11,, rubbish and !Meeks tuna trued to ;Adorn the Ltrk door of the college" Alr. Gornto olio ix a elate edjuster of insurance, cirtuallv got hint m ILo moldt nf the ioirpriolng elinnges tlint lie fohund Heirs In hhis s ldrmst . I li l e ia sold, t t o h e n e t el. loge consisted onlc of half a damn buildings—Old the armory, the mainengineering building just being erected, the elleinktry and botany bn couple of barns If sin, math pleased nth the nunderfnl grootli of the college mime he eon a mudent here. Fr"' ?reslmen End Season By 'Downing Pitt Fresh (Conthued from Page 1) WOLFE STARS The State 1 tesamen lined ni, for the stnrting nhilstle the aim d at their baelat and Dint 01 Pitt pet tho first dent in the pigskin -p en 1, 0 1,1ek,,) off 11111“ on the 20 yam. line. Burns and s .l tlfe found easy Sens , for first loan but were handed ajolt a. the neat trio attempts. On the felluu in), way. Wll ens Intercepted a faraatd 1. 0) Wolfe tat the Slate Freshmen's 45 h r d Ilse It tuna now Pitt's ball hat, often oshman JEWELER and OPTICIAII REPAIRING A SPECIALTY , Agent For '; Smith Typewriterg 1 j C. E. SHUEY /33 . 50nt6 Mink Striae il had failed to 1 ,,,,,, t ,,, t ,, t i re hue. 80 0 t ‘. eols, „ i ,‘ t i i 4 t i t , b r o i r . l i :Lt , t .a. o as pentium, to- 1 ' punted to Miller sin, mos donned Stn In. ' ” , On Intl plat s% ilea, attempted n filo I nun 20 pad line %1 idle oat Imo to '/ trusted w ith the leather and n Bli it ,u s , , l . , i:, 11 ' 1 s ii , iwt li ,, ,, , t . : th u . '7 it , '” d t i lte . r aril ‘ t . :l , l ,i. 1 ~ 1 .•. 1 tucked safeic under los area motion tilt I'm' t 77 yards behind a tine Interfmence to trilled 111 to the tart 1 ' ttirds lame hem"' lamb:lit ' iloneser, poosession ot the t Olin Pitta tort lute turn Le u°- dar t " lull pm „I to lie of little toad to 1 ed from behind Dunbar %coo gicen in, State, as thec tote unable to gain 1 honor of carrptig the ball out no ''''' Nt she then attempted a I.lcl. .1110 ,Ifl I second attempt itronnii "gilt end \ Itlier kicked the goal Score, stale 1n sh 7. t h i t ‘ U. ll ,‘,l;', l , ,U.', ut s ,„ l ,l l :. l s te l in ,U l ) , r l :ll,,.,‘„ n ' S ° L e l r .. l ..', l t : Pitt knish ti line non booed consitientbls and heldl Bauch he b opened op the again 111 1‘ , , , u . g to nun , ~,,t o , 0 , li , .1. Pitt for tan nts Gointit aim substi. toted tor Doti,. \\ alto punted the `on" to b""' ' l5 " nt n"u but torte t " Id boll out et the danger ,one to the i here and forced to lona The kick !A, tu enty.ll,e said line Hon es or, they . I:l i ci t, , ,r ket t l il h e ttt , ~,,,,iti;:ro,ll:l,int to ~ , ,I , i , n 1 L , .. , t 1 1 ';,°T, ~ t l. l tt e i ltg o. ,a l f, c , , k n e s i tz , i . z i cin ki t c l i t z ro f t , t , e r tg , , , l : : 5 cards tor holding 'I lir., r ent on no tion ninth tesolced aselt into a loosen' foiloued for Pitt tit close succecsion but' pass, Pitt toisatteed to tine ten,satil line.l the ball tuns sloe 53 the 1 rchmen , hell 1 At this itinettire the quarter ended i Osborne intercepted a tormard intended : for a Pitt end The quarter ended mith j AMOS GOES IN. the hell nu Pitt's 12 )and line u here i JIM, before the beginning a the Sillier and Wolfe had placed it In tun fourth quarter. .knios sits substituted long runs Ifur Whom,. Pitt I.lll.leelied 111 gam- BOTH TEAMS PENALIZED ling one said and then attempted II for. Soon after the opening of the quarter ,o_tinth,l,ltlinni.nielite,lrloiluejit,t3ocioesrt Oli n i' ill the hall Stns whence,' to the Pitt Fresh. " I 'n on done. State secured the hall nu men's 5 yard line tom her" a illn,lllll once i , and' thin tuent-ptrd line but mos lotted In the goal cons bitereeptisi 1? .' ul ' uu ' punt, being uttable to gain Wllcux returned to the 20 3itri hue by tbu ' caught the ball and nos duuned on referee .. , State's Wort} 11, e.) ard line llou tier, As a result of hating, on th e nes., the freshmen Accra set back 15 )ends, 1 :: 1 L 1, I f r o o r ' l „, :int bri n e il l 3 o in t libl t e he to h,, g l a p te, of blit , plachig the pigskin an the opponents 3o ""' i Ilfteen- card penal t) In their tut O) eight• yard line Apparently to eiltinitre tn. , or d h oc l i ttler glinted ten 3 anis penult), the oilleltd levied 15 3ards on around right end and then 1% thus: kiek• the Pitt Freshmen, forcing tbem to taint etl to the [coml.) said line, mitre State Miller receiced on the 40 yard Turk. secured ths ball. Four 3ards lind hecn l' Rl/1011 U. injured at Ws point :mu tuns tamed when a `teen . )illii penalts mas t rephoed by Small sulheted I Violin kicked to Aslimati, PUNTING GAINS FOR PITT cilia nos tackled on State's forts-yard • Ilie Stele freshmen now held the ball 1,,,,,, 31 5 K e 1, 0 3 wins substitntea for on the opponents 40 lard lute and hI ere Barri, lii th t nest series of pla3s the pen i again tarot after to o success I I:1 o niy gam nos secured by means of n 'lips netting 0 yards It tsar fourth fun, nil pass. Another concord posit `loon and close to Pitt scoring territory \I. Intercepted by 3lelelses told ear. so Wolfe tried a farmed but sots un- neil to Pats forty-lice-sand low State successful and the ball was neon to aocoo coil e d t o gam nod Pitt secured the ball on demos Tattler attempted a Pitt. The westerners decided nut to at• tempt plunging and punted InunedettelY rim aroma right end, but cots thrown to State's 47 chalk mark and uere nd- for a loss of lice )needs b,3 Mack. Pat stowed 15 units bcsause of a penulty The executed tun successful torments for a pigskin war nosy in state's possessson on Fain of thirteen 3 ards, but before any lax 31 yard linew olio opted the at- more pleb s Collid be attempted the tack by tearing oir 7 lards around the wont, ended• opposing right end Hiller fumbled but rec.:nand loot oh and called for cc kick 'rho. 1 ' '''.P. on the folluning play, Tittler receised State-7. Pat-0. for the Smoky City ele , en and Stirs nallell .. ~...,7, r • il • • \ il S I 1.. 0 , donned almost immediately by blatant. Hills . L T.... Kelley ski, Tittler and Winter fault' to make Brown .L E.. Thomas any definite gain through the steady Osborne C .. ...C. Allsbouse State line end the ball Olin ngain booted Illicel, . ... . It. C Alitchelll to State, Wolfe was ghee tire ball and k nutting '1".0 Pearlman thrown for a 0 3 ord loss but easily Stiloanskt .... B. 1 , . * * Unlfith made that up when he elrcled left end Miller ... Qlt ...... Tittler for 10 yards on the folloulng play. Pitt Umber 1 11 11 Ashintot again recalled the wrong end of alO I N ta u r i r f i: . 1t .F 11 11 11 . .. . w 1 , 3 1 i , i , r , ,1 . yard k u'll'lt 't ' ' . GOAL THREATENED Tniirtnln`ni ---1) 1" . " . .."‘.iq tree s mß.oth at tennis oint thisubando and nea returned tho .I.leto It ning tinier ploy. Thu ball wan still tho preNuailon of - rho Stnto freshmen on I Pat's fil yard lino. Dunbar and 51111 or V.OO first down but Mont dopritud of I this mt uount of a 5 yard penalty, Ile-1 Noltey substituted for Dorris and on falling to ut to tho ullleialo, his I teammates oorosot bank 15 yards, Thu reehmen punted to TOOT ho was downed in thu addille of tho field, Pitt ultra. , oil In ton uttatoplo altar loll ing at II eard punted to 3111Ier who ; a undo a tcit nn his 12 yard Una 11,1'ft:hetottumptod to Mel. ono but the punt wa, blacked unit reentered by Pitt On lin, Fretllll,loll . . /0 yard marls. It looked bad for Um Freghlesnine° Pitt on do finit play broke through tfio lino for two yards but the goal was sated by Dm opportuna lastlo of tho Limo keoper, Score for tho hulf—Stute Pat fj, NO s , Tho second half begun in a cornea hat peutllar way. Pitt . .Fresh were penal iced lite yards because of being Into In coming out and the State yearlings were glom the ball on Pitt's thirty•flso• yard line, Tim half atm started with out the wad kickoff Pitt fresh braced tonslderably, but although they suc• mauled In keeping State Fresh front in• creasing their more, failed to register 'falai Pitt had possesses of the bull Yt ithln ten yards of the Ditto and White goal Imo but Ilertnan's men„eot out of the pinch in each case literally "by the skin of their teeth” In one case Pitt lost the hill on downs and iii the other State's firs' sear team ticerted the dimy ger by Intercepting a forward pass of Pat'soter the goal line On the other hand, In the second half State did not at any time menace Pat's goal, al though they dtsplated some Imo de tensito playing. Pat attempted the ace of the forward pass amen times with tart neg success, elute State only attempted ono which fait I. Another feature of the game was the entire absence of any attempts at field goals The second half started with the ball on Pitt's thirty-ate-Yard lute and In State's possesses Wolfe and Dunbar EURFKA The Bread that satisfies. Try our delicious Pastry and Ice Cream. THE STATE COLLEGE BAKERY Both Phoors ,4011111P*irgRiffai.ta Think Go. ,Phofoplags of Qualify A 1 'N/ 1 11 \l`v _ State College: I)a., ..b. Nittany Theatre Pastime Theatre THURSDAY COMING Anita Stewart 7n PAVLOWA "THE DARING OF DIANA" A closer littlo otor) pith n pleasing star The Supreme Exponent Of The Dance TTHDAY And Greatest Pantomimist Broom Bonin-ale Of Her Time rn IN "PLAIN JANE" Reptono Comedy " THE DUMB GIRL SATURDAY OF POR T I CI" Owen Moore In One of the most lavish productions "ROLLING STONES" ever filmed in the entire history of A 'aramount Quality Program moving pictures. gained lino a -rds anal then PILL U. penalized floe yards for offside, Dun. bar Inept through left tackle for three 111,111 and State m tarn Inn itenalised line Nartlx for undue delay On the next plan failed tpted a foroard pass m Inch and Pitt secured the hall on donnas oil their omit toenta•linetYard nn then seetired too hat donna hat ,Ina unable to gam more and . man puttied. Aliller taught the hall On I the to eat n -said lane but iti returning a nnals uu,od out.of bound., .0 tho 15110,111 ,al.l Ail, nit had gamed L,.. tOnic matt reeein eat it i line nerd I , ollllill Ott the fullunl nag intobleil and Kellen of Pitt ,limed aittas th stat e ha e...1 1l ed in gOn the nainiag od four el pevenlays • • touchdorr n—U filler Sulogtitution., blot° Bort for Block, Black for Fatli log. Smith for Itatuti, 31eK elre? for Burris, Ilarm for 31rlielre,r, I,lllf itli for Dr.nbur, .loon for Osborne. ret for Burris, Pitt Wintern for Bard, Peters for C Rith, Burd for Winters, Jim for B .kllehouse. Officials-110- (Tel, Ilernouro, Genera Umpire— Cuildwan, Syraeure flood linciumn— Knox, file. 'lime of quarters-10mm rites. einalecaimeace4agreagnitaegßaNagocca Ds ° BALFOUR BLUECOOK 1917 a r it. .9, a W l' The standard reference for Fraternity Jewel- 6 D ,?ry, together with individual Badge pr:ce lists, will .:4 `4 be mailed on application. D. Novelties Medals. 6" 9 ,•§3 litipan4lDNlVlVlti4llZ3lo,o%9lKft r" ' ' r>:,:,41Da31,290.2 We Have A Full Line Of Art Prints Mottos And College Posters Framing Promptly Done THE MUSIC ROOM •TE COLLEGIAN PENN ST tate Physically Well Matched Pitt and S Are til from Pogo I) CdNOVER The Husk's , Pivot Of The Penn State Line C/arne.l.lo, 11 T 1119 2*l 01 11 11. I'll 2 11 7 11)1 jug, Q 11. 1110 22 511 Clal k. T. II It 150 22 II It IT It. 11..1 19 ti 9 fleck, 11 11 II 150 20 211 Hess, F 2. 173 21 59 SHOES OF ALL KINDS Colloge Boot Shop The White Grotto Cede Is under new management but the same first-class service and courteous treatment will continue as heretofore. - COME IN. OF. S. CLINGER, Mgr. Carlson. Lll 104 22 59 '7llnrialllll. I.T. 1113 2..1 II I Sutherland, 1. G. 1911 24 111 l'eels. C. 177 21 5 5 Sirs. 11 O. 1115 23 11 2 Seidel, 11'1' 21111 21 0 Herron. It 11. 169 22 5.11 Morro 6, 0.8. 16.1 21 511 11.16,66, I. 11 11. 175 22 5 7 1/ellarl. 11.1111 lis 21 s'l 51c1.6r111. P.ll. 175 20 516 Stole mill be especially to ell fertilled far then Caine alt), substitute material. tsmeral of the 1110,11 on the bench during this toms. hate been in all the big games of the season and are teeny to take the places of the regulars at a nay mat's notice Morris, Cabbage. lodger ton and 5.1.1111 are in lit rendition and are imams to get in chance or the big HARDWARE The Right Place For the Right Goods At the Right Price DOCKASII Stoves 6 Ranges Olewine's Store Bellefonte, Pa. } vll Correct College Clothes Designed, cut and tailored to your individual measure by our Chicago tailors,ED.V. PRICE & CO. To test their high character we ask only your first order. 'We'll be your tailors after that. Let us prove it SAVERS & HEBERLING Local Dealer of Ed. V. Price & Co "' - ....\ 4.... game Iferloo's choice for the first string substitutes is• Morris, ; Ta ender T , Cubbage, L , Wilson, C.; Smith, R C Kraft, it T , Seals, R Thorpe. Qll Gress, 11l , liortg or Uts ger, 1.10, cool Edgerton. ILIL Patronize Our Advertisers, and Refer to This Paper -in Doing So SOMETHING NEW A PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE COLLEGE Including Every Building THE STUDENT BODY PICTURE and PICTURES OF PENNSYLVANIA DAY All Styles and Sizes on Sale at the Y. M. C. A. Room On Exhibition At The Toggery Shop p ' a~,~.. piwarund mm6sriyiNddw skwG o/Yu~nm mdctm.' The kindly appeal 0f...g00d oldßichmond Straight Cuts" has always made them be loved. Made for the First Families of Virginia, they were the first high-grade cigarettes produced in the United States. RICHMOND STRAIGHT CIJ11;,; • Ogarettes PLAIN or CORK TIP Fifteen cents ' Also in attractiNe tins.l 50 for 90 cents: 100 for 75 cents. Sent pre-', paid if your dealer can : i not supply you. Preferred by Gentlemen Now as Then ednesday, 110v720, FIRST NATIONAL ;• Sta,tlLCaLiya,. Pa. rf. L. FOSTER, Presiient. , -, - v DAVID F. KAPP, ~.. -" w& 4 , 7 %CZ \ . S. ,&r . .... L. ti,. vn. 10.5 4 -7 W Ct ) t. i " ~ ,—;;,,,••,:!.'-. ' : ..t..,..,.,, E 0 . '1 Merchant Tailors, Chicago