•1 .71 t . /_. ;.° "' ' ..-.'-' 4-- A-..-.) . 7 I is Show 1917 How To Beat , • 1 tinin #tatt „: 5i :;, , .: 4 , - " s 4 Tnittglatt. .., ----_- i How About Some Vic- It Feels Pitt tory Sauce With e That Turkey? Vol. XII STATE PRIMED FOR HARD GAME AT PTTISBURGH Quiet Determination Reigns in State Camp. No Predictions. :ECK TO START GAM The team, representing Penn State, that trots out on Forbes Field toner. row to battle the Linhersitv of Pitts. burgh in the annual Thanksghing 1)a) Clessie carries nail it the grim determi nation to tight until the last 'Ansa! blows. There has been no predicting clone by either Coach or players is the watchword. State has been con, • . • ceded a fighting chance by se,eral sport. ing authorities but tho Inajority of (Continued on page 3. MEN OF FACULTY MAY GIVE TALKS Plan "Home Chautauqua" Series For Fraternities And Clubs Because of the fact tha° there are numberless requests from the venous fraternity houses about college for members of the faculty to address them at intemaN, there is a plan en foot to organize a sort of "Home chautouqua" series of talks to be gt‘en during the tanning minter The plan la o proposed solution for the problems of granting each organization an opportunity to bear proallum • members of the family on a scheduled time Dean liolutes is endealpormg to murk rip tire proposition among the Nations ingunizations that would like to take adtantage of the motement, but as yet no defhate set tlement has been readied. At present tautly of the fraternities and. clubs ore personally requesting members of the locally each meek to talk to there on any seek. t they might. choose The idea of the new tatnement is to gather together the serious mein bers of the faculty mho mould he mill ing to get into it, and hobo theft all work on R weekly schedule, each as• signed to It different house etcry meek In life any each bonne ,weld he 0,011 the opportunity of hearing each of the men mho mould render their sordeeg, and getting ids views on taut subjects, of all-to data Interest. Pt aside! t Scarke, Dean Ilolmes and Professor A. If. Espenshaile bale al ready, volunteered their seri wcs hi the movement, end many other are creed.- ed to follow mho will make the serion a moat attracthe one. The lint mill he emaciated as soon as It is known that the project can ho carried out, and a day and hour act by each fratern'ty or club for the purpose. An attempt ho made to W11(4111[0 a talk each week for the benefit of the men In Old Train who him recently opened their club room. If amanita. the plan will ho Instituted before the Christmas us. cation. GLEE CLUB PRACTICING' FOR PRIZE CO6IPETITION Tho Gleo Clol JUNIATA FIRST TO BE PLAYED IN BASKETBALL Practice Started in Prepa ration for This Game SCHEDULE COMPLETE The Illaslotball Lenin in scheduled to play the first genie of the season on December 0, milli Juniata ni the Armory eage It promises to be a line game, nil respects, US Juniata is bringing 4 teleran team, coached by Putts, a grad. mate of Junwdi and It player en the team for three jeers. Last year the State quintet won by lion arity. of 'II points o‘er the Hunting aggregation's score of 0. 'he squad has been called out and in practcing daily in the Arm. wry, but there boa been no indoor mutt excepting practice at. shooting goals A great deal of the murk consists ot out, dour running. Actual scrimmage oil. not be started tall the :Monday follow. mg the Thaologltiug foe mill allow only 0,1 or sin. days foe practice before the Juniata game nllutch" t h e has plenty to do in coaching the Freshman football tenor and has been able to des etc little time to basketball. Slime the close of the Freshmen football season, hem ease, lie has been able to detote inure tune to the a r e basketall men. There tmenty•nine men out at present, of mlueli number four 'Sere players on last year's team. Three of these, Captain Walton, Blakeslee, and Wagner, Si era regular players, while Fast a substitute 'ter the greater part of the season played in the later gam. no. Among' thu twenty.nine pro to be found ten men of the suplannore class, which number Includes seine of last years' successful Freshman team. On the whole the members of the squad are a big and husky bunch and once they got In lighting trait great things may lee expected. Manager Mason has completed the schedule width includes nit games at home and eight out of lama. The wee. tern trip will Include Pitt. Westinghouse and Carnegie Tech on February 1, 2 and J The ousters trip including Way. ate, Damara, Swatlimore, and Lehigh mill extend from February 28 to March A return game dl be played mith Janie. at Huntingdon on January 20. The complete schedule le appended to this article The Freshmen NM be called out shortly after the first of December and Neill be uLipped in shave for their ore. game schedule. In all possible eases, these lames Nedl be run as donble.bend• era with the Varsity guinea• Manager Mason has games pending with Pitt Fresh, Sytni.use riesa,•BeLileliere Pm; Penn Fresh, raw' 'two with Bellefonte. The Varsity schedule la as follows: HOME GAMES December 0, Juniata, January 0, 6% racuse, January 13, Getty;bura r ending) ; February 10, Lebanon VAI• ey , ruary 24, February 17, Carneme Tech; Feb Pitt OUT OF TOWN GAMES. January 20, Jlartirttlt: February. 1, Pitt, February 2, Westingbouge. nary U. Carnegie Tech, February 28, Lafayette, March 1, Delauare; March 2, Snatlnnore. March J, Lehigh State Students Physically Fit Over 80 Per Cent of New Men Eligible for U. S. Army. According to the physical examine. tions meetly tunducted Lt Or. C lvenucii 011011 Like now students en. rolled no the two and lour years' courses ill the college tins lull. l'enn btatis rani. WOO elan the as crime in the physicia littless al its student bud) when taw phisical requirements 02 the United buttes army are taken as a criterion lit the 747 students examined by Dr. hen- Way, 040 11010 name posithily lit to shoulder the respensibilitimi of national ereperechsems Ana men whose Physical condition rendered them ineligible for entrance the regular army nuns. ored 1113, or 10.0 per vent of the total brunt these few figures it eau readilyl be seen that well above 00 net cent of the new students sire constitutionally intea to eine/ into me military service of the country. A cumber of different 0004005 under. lay the thissilltation of the ineligible: Men, Thu remains Meet creithently meth nth and the number of men declared) fueuglble betause of them ere as fol.) lea en Deformed arms, 0, deformed) limbs. 12, detective vision, 14, defective, hearing. 0; heart diheahu, 0; under died uthipinent, 20, obesity. LO the en.: tire, 110, ineligibles, only Jll 11000 10.1 guided as permanently ineligible. It is• the beihet in Or. Keened) that the other own toad possibly be developed by cor. teethe etereises Mita they leer° aide to 111000 the physical relainciliente news slay 10 01.00100 MADAME POWELL WILL AGAIN tiIVE CONCERT Abseil interest will doubtless be aroused among !acuity members and up• per 0101811100 olio reinembei the appea, ItIWO here two you» ago of Aludante not row ill, of New lark city, in the met that AU wilt itgain appear here this winter in a free musical instruction con• sets. bile lies I:dunned the musical do. pertinent of the college that she wilt step uIC nt, Penn State wit a regular tour of many colleges in the east and will gite her entertainment some time neat STATE COLLEGE, Pa., WE THAT ANNUAL FIG Judging Team Goes To Chicago Show Expected To Take Prizes In Big Livestock Exposition. College Enters Exhibits Penn State min be represented at th International Litestoek Exposition to be tick! in Chicago starting next Saturday not only In, a good reprebentathe Judg ing train that is expected to wank oil with Home of the prizes, but by a large sited exhibit of pure bred minnals nn well The exhibita ill he composed of ten head of Hereford and Aberdeen An gus steers, and twenty-one head of hugs There will be from twelve to fifteen agricultural colleges that Ns 111 send teams for the Penn State teens to Mee. against, and the recent Sineentl of the dairy teem at Springfield may be dupls• anted by tins other team composed of students in animal husbandry. The team will be made bp of five men to be °hos. en !rota the following: F. F. Lounger, C. W. McDonald, C. D. Sprout, 1). ti ii. Immo. J. 11. Zeller and S It. Zug. 'they will be accompanied by Professor (lee. laugh, of the department. They will be called upon t . judge three classes each of draft horses, beef cattle, sheep and hogs 'They will Irate to nue reasons ter their scoring in eight of these twelve classeis. The five highest student judges in *he contest win, reeye,indlthlual medals, and the highest ' scoring "reale still be Awarded a handsome cup. TUO-OF-WAR POSTPONED The tug•of-war one called oil lost Saturday' on account of cold l‘cather and Hill be postponed until the narmer AN cutler of the spring. CORNELL WINS CROSS COUNTRY State Harriers Finish Elev enth in Field of Fourteen. In competition with mild was uri 'doubtedlyone of the draggled fickle of hill and dale runners 00er .1iPM1311,4 for on intercollegiate crags country run, Penn State failed to quite In c up to ex pectations, and could do no better than flninh dmmith, a nth a score of 301. Al though ap,,wentiv ont-classd the re sult might halo been I,antly differed bad Shields not boon taken until IL qltell in MR aide Running unit up nab the leaders, Shields nos running welly and strongly ( when lax hide gme out The Nen Buren course runs over a mountain, and It was nhikt crossing this that the Blue and White carrier nesmpelled to drop State out, thus eliminating State from n place itmug the leaders the winner's time woo only 35 minutes, 301.2 seconds, chick is nut as fast an the time made by Shields in the Carnegie Tech meet, I lent the Tale course is much harder than the State course. • • • .. Cornell was easily the winner, with a team score of 3S, although Oterton of Yale, was the first toero.i.i the lino. Yale was second with CM, and Syracuse third with 115. Not a State man finish. eil among the first thirty, although ibluelds would hoer undoulited/p chow so Iliad he been able to Smelt The members of the State team Brushed 10 the follow mg order Mildew 35; Foster. In, It het. log. 05. Lme, 75; Kultlev, 77, Bunter I roll a good race, labile Roster did men better than man expected. Shields and Hablee were disappointments ow mg to the fact that they were Mitt; troubled with sore sides MISS LOVEJOY AN OFFICIAL AT AGRICULTURAL FAIRS Derma the last u.ech-entl, Miss S. C. LOsejny bee been in the eastern Part of the state attending several ourieultinal fairs, mhere she line been a fudge in the bones economies deportment. Last Thursday, Miss Lou rjoy ottended the fele in Norristown, where she oas o !utilize of canned goods Friday and ' Saturday erne spent hi Heeding, where I torn nod farm products smote one lin• a Ng held, lle•ildes trotting no a judge, MOO Lot cloy also spoke on the subject of canning. COTTAGE JOTTINGS. ESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1916 TO THE FINISH! LAR I CALE. TBUR^•DAY, NOV. 230 P. Ilf—Pitt irns, Auditorium. FRIDAY, DEC. 1. TAO P. M.—Gran MONDAY, DEC. 4. 6.30 P. M. Dru and Bugle Corns, Band Room, 6.30 P. M.—l. P. Meeting, 25 L. A. Budding TUESDAY, DEC. 5 G5O P. M.—Ban and Room. 645 P. 51.—Y. A. Prayer Meet ing, Old Charm ,retrnit, 100 Hort PT AR IN ED re" of - 'the,: scams )i, _ ... ...esossos.'s' big game tillowsNo it the contestants are sh3eicallv: col matched The State team that will at the game net:raga: s 178 7 pounds tufttlie Pott tonal :mirages but it halt pot & boaster, 170: pounds State's badaleli saide rip of Las mg, Hebb, Hero tandi'l irk to slightly hest ter than the Pitt atette, the a‘eratie ho - Mg 101/ to 108 midi while tire Pitt line averages 187 7 a State's 1819. A discussio I him the men tail pair oir nt the big ittle is interesting, tam- I log 118 It doe tram the otlicial student organ of the Linsersity. "Although et rnals lion the middle of the state lac not moistly cut thimat wale open 4.1 d, }or, still their 10 0 de-I feat of Lafartte shows that, the) hotel au attack, atln art, worthy of the con sideration offitor butith. Aside front con siderable porr in as elesen, the State crowd will bropposmg Pat sulk as fa mous neser,lits die soma, which has long entitle, to tentin'scareer as al sontluertn. Tne make up of team, how eser, presstp a sonansalutt. different ale neurone° Iron Dna of limt, year To Conoires a ities man v.:11 be 'men the honor of 1141, 1 11 M 01,1,0511 e the Inconitir- I able "Durbin Peek. Parruili tied 0' 011-: nen, who tste the places at 3filler and IleDowell a o scheduled for a few les sons from f•iitherland and Sum Ciar. amid e will ~,gant ensounter Thorn h ill, uldle Seidl' and Itiuslittnk will enter the Inds against each other for the first I tune, "Hof , lliggin4 nail "Our Pot," picked hp It niter Camp Mg running mates on ]is second team last year u ill fitttA l> ) t n i.d ,, o ni i i m i l: s t o t e o ach on. i o ther. te Jones. a tanek. eit lost year's freshman elesen. Athough the sisiters' backfield He s s of Robb, having, Clark and' Hess lion chosen n good goods it does not crime the Stooks toot , quartet." The probable lute up of the two teams Sill berf State 1 Pitt Jetts% .t In C Carlson Krushook 1. T .....Thornhill Darrnsln' n .... .. I. C (I. ..... * Sutherland Conover . . rook. I Captain ' O'Donne/1 Sea 1 Crntnotlon . ... J. ft ...... .... Seidel I Iloggins .... .. ILE 'Herron Jim Ina Q Versos Clerk . 1,, II 111.1,111 gs l'llllhlll 111,111 , •.. It 11. Desk n 0, , , ,. .. i* II ... McLaren The Militates of the two tt11111.6 rile ' nA follimai State Poo. IVLeelit Age 'Height Jones, 1.1. lia 20 7 til P arrish, t. 1 T. IS2 , 12.1 3.10 Parrish, L i:. v.io 24 0.l C. ltin 22 3.10 O'Donnell. 111. 184 2:1 it 1 I (Continued on Page 41 CAST FOR "THE PIPER" NOW BEING SELECTED Under the threaten of Pioftneor :Ntarnlonan and Meei Denhein great Kew°. hat, been made during the last tun neeks in the nrehinuntry mork nn "The Piper," the all college ploy ni let in to he Imploded 110,t ?Amery under Readings of Poetry for College Man Professor Crockett Starts Interpretations of Works of Great Poets Prof. William. Day Crockett, of the School of Liberal Arts, last Sunday evening, or the Old Chapel, started a cornea of readings and mterpretatious from the loranof all ages. The first of the series eon crud "the peat*" 01 01 hfe of (We l," and one attended by no good sized representative ..hence lha thref °hoot at Prot. Crockett's series, ulna will continuo mer four Sunday meanie., 18 to broaden the col kite man's viem on the matters of high class poetry, and he endeavors to pro. sent his readings and evirlanatrons nt snob a mat that all milt be able to understand their meamugs The first talk covered the sollowiug subLeets Tho poetry of patriotism, of serial. mu; of the irresiae, or Aature, of the Sea and of the World War The second of the series will Lo gives In Old Chapel on Sunday evening', lla comber 10, at 9 o'clock, and 'ma include the [messages of Henn W. Longfelloo, John G Whittier, James Russell Lowell, Ralph Waldo Decrees, William Cullen Bryant, Sidney Lanier and Walt, AN Ja rman. The third .number-will.-1.- peen on Sunday evening, December 17, and will include the messages of the great Eng lish poets—Burns, Byron, Cofridge, 11'ordsmorth, Owen Meredith, Tennyson mid Browning. histof the series v.lll be graven alter the Christmas saeation, and c ell include the messages of the . world poets"—homer, Virgil, Dante, Milton, Shakespeare and Goethe PENN STATE TO DEBATE it Y: U: University of New York to Debate Here Next March. Miring the alit fon• days coiwiderablo interest has been aroused In debuting circles by an ini aut.., recent ed nom the University of New lurk, the Penn Stale team is lowed to den bate with the New lork institution 801 to limo during the coming in Inter Professor lbushuum bus already 111.1. copied the in itation and the debate is ill in all probability be hold in butte. College on either the second or third Prlday In Mardi. the subject ter de bate nil! be the same as that used by Penn State In the intm•wlleguilo de bates. With the addition of the Unitersity of New York the debating schedule for , the coining season bus been broadened considerably and it is the hope o.f issue Alarshman that the relations be ts eon the too institutions mil become lermituent. In this conncaion Mr larsliman also entertains the hope that' ultimately them may ho established a triangular relationalam betneen Cornell, fens Mate end the Unheraity of Nov lock So tar this )ear, huneter, no debating arrangements hair been en tered into with Cornell In addition to the imitation rat. eritell front the Unnersity of Non tort, debating imitations lime also been reeelted from Allegheny College end the Ilintersity of Pittsburgh 'rhe hut named linditution has requested it debate on the slava!: - Itesoheti, that the United States should adopt the Su non plan of militar) training.. On moo the starchy of funds, hinveser, on definite decision has been reunion nltli regard to either of these dual insets Tinto far debates base been definitely Franklin Ith ‘Vexttninster, Cottvsburg, Franklin and Marshall, and lbcLimon the last (me Loiteged belt,g nienthera oi the l'enns3 Is ania Intent,llegiatu Debut. lag League In addition to these eon. tests Manell has requested that the debating raltions of last season continued, and It is highly probable that One or more dohatea m ill be twanged with the LA•lNlshul g college. The I.lal;.ernlt.3 - of iitttiburgh Lon ne. pared the retaken of n regular bnnelotll each Ile Is Waller liinir , Who during the pant culsoll alto manager and (cut name of the Itarrishlwg Nov ]ark FRESHMEN END SEASON BY DOWNING PITT FRESH Game Close Throughout—State Uses Pitt Plays to Good Advantage FRESHMEN UNDEFEATED FOR SECOND SEASO, Pretty Close FIRST DOWNS Pitt Fresh—U PENALTIES Pat fresh—n ).,.1 1 PASSES 'tt Prebk— Attempted-10 Successful-6 Intercepted—: State Free,ll-99 yards FORWARD 1 State .1 resh— Atton pttd-4, Successful-0 ) ntercepted-2 EMI= State Fresh— Welfe—n vaids State Freah— MeKelley-1 for all yards Wolfo-2 for 7.1 yard, The Penn State Freshman eleven played a neat trick on the Pitt yearlings last Saturday at Forbes field, when they defeated the freshmen of that University 7-0, using some of Glen 'Warner's own plays as the nucleus of their attack The formation used tt hen Wolfe made a brilliant run for 77 yard'. plaLing the ball on the Pitt Freshies' three yard line, was nothing inure than one of Warner's plays adopted by Coach Hermann This winning punch was de livered early in the first quarter before the Pitt team had really gotten under way, and Wolfe was largely responsible for the vii.- tory, for on the next play Dunbar was hurled across the line for the first and only touchdown. But, from here on, the sailing was not so easy and uneventful for the Freshmen since the Pittsburgh team began to wake up and make things warm. The remainder of the contest showed that the opposing teams were fairly well matched and several times it seem --etk- certain -ttmt•tlie9irvltj --ever _ The State freshmen were saved once by pure luck, when time w•as called, and three times again by wrapping their toes about the goal line and fighting every inch until they took the pigskin on downs INTEREST GROWS IN MUSIC SERIES First Concert of Course to Be Held Here Next Week. As the tune draws fiercer tar the openingt, of the eeries of three high china minden! attractions which will occur In the concert by 3liss Christine Miller in tie auditorium en Friday night on nest week, interest lit the uncles increithes With this craning concert and that or the Kneircl quartet assurtil, there in charge are turning their attention to the campaign through which they hope to bring the Russian Symphony ortlasdra here en the first Friday ut March The work of the past week has been tee tered about local organizations which are taking a great interest in the nott• ter, considering the tact that Natalieua iind holidays are so dose at hand and mart hilliction points to the telowitiling of this well known orchestra Mrs. Clara Bowen talteppard, oho la managing the appearance of these at tractlons, spent a part of lost Saturday In Bellefonte and ruched grant entour agement tram all whom nhe titers void "ulcerating the support of the matter. The regular 'buss !Ines and pfl.f 0 ears 'nail convey the 1111181 e lovers of that place to dm. Concerts. Requests to course tickets base been coming us to the management oust meal er interest is being shoo is by the faculty members m particular This neut. Mra. Sheppard ugl continuo her MIMS among the students and organ:ration., A CORRECTION In our PieMe of November fifteenth the story concerning the Penn State• Lafayette soccer gnme contain. mi error leem been brought to our nt• tontion. We comet that Lafayette bad detente,' Lehigh ri S. time exact re‘erAii Iv trim, Lehigh ilefoaleil I.nfn)ette fi ith n group of sin lemur or Car ; negle Tech, PILL Lehigh, Lomli, Prineeton and the Nat 1. the Slate gilip• phird li ll halo 14111110 Aiwa). opponent.. main whirl, to rub eat, and it the elql• 000 proses to ho soccerrtul will hare ; !ionic 001,100 to throm out theft (leg. ;1 he to. of Ilromn, I wig and \ erg, front last )ear'y varsity Lo 1011, hot sill there romans Catania Long, Ita• met.l l'irrirth with 11.mealth of good material for poach Lem 111 ilran main The entlatimartn hinwitit it th more oppinent for the date of the ireslininn id:lid...or° scrap on Die, 1 In not fat oil. There one not 11111111' Inv men out ith prolog, because of • fouilist , l lint, in a few dm r, the hell,' !weight,. will Ito lined no The frerlinn prorneets nt a good tenni, their Icandlilater for (h, ris pound awn Le ong especially not wenble The ropl•or :studio not litter Chun Documber ILth a 1 moron oneMa snow 111 , • .1 1111 t• JUNIOR NOTICE All Juniors intending to hose their pictures in the IMP LA VII;, oho hole not ,)et hind them tit Len either hr rlllbert Ilartin or by NV W. Smith, all pleinie howl in then MOWN to C A Yowler pit the Pioneer Club, and MAW urningemento immediately to hence their photos token at S . :nail's Studio All fraternities, county clubs : rnni nis lilies and other group,, hity• ing pictures in the LA Vll%al hose these pictures token at . Smith's Number 11 PUNTS vat FreAli— Wilcox-1 for ikrd. ‘N inters-4 for 91 ar,lx .Isllman—S fur 74 yardd As a whole tire {bile was intensely Interostuur for the outeonic was rioter certain .t oniparNai of the se \ era' ontstanthug point 4 lea et no one.sitiii of the huperiont, of either team in 'I lie Freshmen tomb. nun mon. first don it than their opponent+ but Pat's abilits to make their torwartht y 110.0,401 .quai led tins. I nth (coin was pentaliti 'rile,s llurin,.• the pine', and It appeared that the ollittatt of re taking torn , at this happ Ceth lie lottatng lion not spectacular and in hit tour e Lein. for one long hoot 01 110 unit hat 11'olte IllftllStgi.4l to 2.'t, IMO., it itla The lack of good Lieking tins prohibit canoed by the. stiong thittiptable turd hhh ept m nisi the field 1.01 ' , tate. trite firmed to he the Inds \ afoul star lint the entire lentu ph, etl nn eNI (lent third louttlit eon, qhe ton.htent moll: of the , w ith lie ot il ly ote...llde w 11.1.11111 , 4 the post. thef t turned the htt tallith. 11111er Lan bead and tuned It, Owl, 0. ell for the Pitt, ' \1 in t is 1\ oat r and A.linuot arr.d the burden of ,to mind la It II no I.IIOIL, helm een them tor rode honore (Continne4 on Pogo I) MIEN HAVE GOOD OPPONENTS Cornell and Princeton to Oppose State Wrest lers. Thu ureedling sen•on to approtolong Len quit nob and, u Ith the t hoe in the football ,ell-011 011 1.1111111,g11111g, so 3)01 on be in toll 1,, lug. AL the cot time, the intr•reoL ei to, e•tremels Croat but 'Dol." 1,3 eteseeeto to be 3,3 • 1)1103' . fox, meel, Lar•sdy othrdole Mooed, complete nob nod contain.) O,Na! tezona cloonpleindog oldne. 12/ till 1,3 all 0 ientling lonaio br a tar} urn balonerd array In mill hal