:.•-i•-,.....N4a:'..................,.„. --.........--1 I -,,, - '''' ' 4.. r. - "....4.'' - -' ' ''''.... • • ~ ..' ' 4,...,•..-................4 1.1.,,,,,,..41...,..........,..,,.... _ . ~ .7.........w0r* ."''l • • . .... - . 7, Did The Team z 0. 0 1 34 1.4 si. . I ; Come Back?. rim #tair ...,..„.„,„..,,,,,, n . ~,,,,,g,,,..,,,,, -,.._ ..„. ~,r, ,7> - r. • ,* • • . /ass. VOL. XII MOCK ELECTION SET FOll THIS COMING FRIDAY Civic Club Announces Rules Governing the "Election." Next Friday from eight o'clock in the morning to five In . the evening the students of Penn State will have op portunity to show their presidential pre ference in the most:elaborate mock elec tion aver attempted in any college. There will be six - polling booths each presided over by the five regtflar election officers; • a judge. two inspertors and Imo clerks. The registration will be provided for by the list of student enrollment from the registrar's office and no "repeaters" will be allowed. Each class must vote at their own booth and they will not be allowed to vote at any other. The booths for the various @asses and the two-year men aro ad follows: The Seniors will Note ill the Ve er of the Auditorium; the Juniors in the Corridor of the Library; the Sophomores in the hall-way of Old Main and the Ireshinen Ain the entrance of the Armory. Booths for all the m omen students of the col lege will bo provided in the Woman's Building and will be presided over by women °Ulcers. The two year men will Note in the Club Room of the Agrlclu ' tare Building. 'Regular election ballots will be provided arid correct marking of •the ballot will be required or the votes will be contested During the coming week the various 'political clubs will f - ake a more or fens active campaign to secure Notes or their favorites. •There may be a Re publican Rally addressed by come speak er sent by the Republican State Coin mitten but nothing certain has been arranged for. President Sparks says that this cam ) paten instituted by the Curio Club has been the most realistic mock campaign and election ever attempted by any col lege The students may vote the entire county election of nil officers as well as the national candidates. Results will be made known bf the result for all officers to be elected this month by Center County voters. TOPIC CHOSEN FOR DEBATES Debating Management Hold Early Try-Outs and Pre pares for Active Season. The subject of the inter-collegiate de bates for the coining debating season will ha. Resolved, That Congress Should Enact Legislation Providing for Com pulsory Arbitration of Disputes Be ta cell Labor and Capital, Constitution ality Waived. All last week from Tuesday night to $ aturday night and continuing to last fonds y night debating try-outs were held for old and new candidates by Professor Itbushman. In all forty-lli o candidates tried out, including six wo men No definite announcement boa yet been made of the personnel of the debating squad but it will contain at least thirty-11,0 candidates Professor larshiniut is exceptionally well pleased with the number and ability of thin year's candidates, the number of fresh , man trying out being exceptionally huge Definite nnuouncement of the mike up of the squad will be made the coming week. Following the plan of last 3.r there will he a girls' debating team and the management will make strenuous ef forts to stage a home debate in which the girls take poet. DR. MARTIN TO SPEAK AT SUNDAY CHAPEL Dr R.H. Martin, president of Genova college, wall be tho college speaker at the canocs chapel services next Sun• day. He pill speak at the freshman chapel tiervaeo 111111 the regular oollego service an the morning and In tho own ing will deliver a short address at the T. 3f C. A meeting In the auditorium Mr. Martin Is to be the guest of the college at the Penn State-Genera foot ball game on Saturday afternoon, Nov ember 4. Freshman Team Tuned Up For Fray With Quakers Urfierclassinen Stack Up Against Penn Freshmen On Franklin Field Next Saturday—Backfield Lineup Still Uncertain Coach Herniae and his band of fresh man warriors will meet the first real twit of the season next Saturday af to, noon when the first year team linos to for action against the freshman minion from the University of Pennsylvania. The game will he played to Philadelphia .and according to all present indications o c n o e nt o e r si t s l' on i lli ‘ r e f t re s srmirs t eli i :l: tile. Thu Slue and White players In their Invasion of Franklin Field are not eaticipattif any ready made victory over the uakar City organisation, but throughou the entire team there le a deop•seattd determination to wipe out as far as possible the defeat ,ntileted on the State trinity by Folweins men two weeks ago. Tho team will leave State Collage early Friday attenuant anti arrive in Philadelphia the same evening. 'The game Itself will ho played early Saturday afternoon ns a prelim inary to the Saturday contest. • The Pennsylvania freshmen hays played three games no far during the ' drama The first game, played against •ehg Willinmeon Trade Sallee' on October C O s resulted In a 20.5 rtury for the All-College Play To Be Presented Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A Plan Presentation. of • "The Piper" Under the direction of Miss Dunham and Mr. Marshman Penn State wilt pro duce hers. sometime next Febru.try the drama "Thu Piper," untten by Jose. lihino Preston Peabody and made prom inent in the theatrical world by Edith W 3 nee Mattluson emend years ago The need has long been felt here nor some such production which would stand out as distinctly a college play With the coming thisyear of Miss Dunham who has successfully coached Ben eml plays such as the ono chosen here, the time becomes opportune for the inaug uration of thia project. All students interested in taking part in the production having had amnions enpenence or not are requested to reporb at, once to Mr. Marehman or Niles Dunham. Preparations ha, already been begun to glen two oedemata:es sometime in February—one for the townspeople and the other for the col lege. The play still bi. g_ren ander the auspices of the Y. W. C. _A. and the Y. M. C. A of the college TUG-OF-WAR WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY Rope Finally Secured From U. of P. for First Scrap. HELD ON NEW BEAVER Tim Freshman class will at last limo a chance to gut on equal terms smith the dictating Sophomores mind show ulna they can do meth them, for' the first class scrap of the year—the Tog-of- War—Will lie held on .New Beaver field next Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. After smeral necks of diligent morlc on the part of the special scrap com mittee composed of Student Councilmen, spent in bemiring a imitable rope to be used in the tug, one was finally scoured from the Unitersity of Pennsyhanla it is only horror ed for thin special oc casion and the clashes participating in tine scrap will of course be held reapon table for Its safe return. There have been a number of chanties -toralt—irr•tirc - 1 ales-of- OW odeo among which is the ahortening of the length of the tune for each pull. Lost tear 11 seven.minuto period man al lowed, but at the time it tons seen that it was too long and for this mrap the p mil eriods l be of five minutes' dura tion, unless decision can be reached in shorter time by one chiss polling the other all the may over the central mark There will also 'he a greater number of pOrIOIIN 111 this romp. It mill be SO ar• ranged that mery member of each class mho reports, mill, eo tar as possible, be uiten a. chance to pull. Opposing tennis f 100 men en a sole mill be started, pulling until enough beats aro run If that will permit all underclassmen to get into one of them. In the ease of a tie being scortsi as a result of the final tout. the salon 'stalemating in that pull will be held in their film es, gnu en a short rest and mill pull again for a period of three ininutea to decide the minium of thescrap As many extra periods of this kind as are necessary mill be pro• aided for. Meetnige of the Freqhmen and Sopho more daeses will ho held this week and arrangements mule for the scrap (lathering places for cash close Immo diately before the scrap will be tin trounced at their regular class meetings. A feature of the scrap will ho tho (Continued on Page 1.) SENIOR CHEMISTS AWAY ON INDUSTRIAL INSPECTION TRIP The'fieniors in the courses in chem istry and industrial chemistry are at present ailment on an mammon to chem ical manufacturing plants in the neigh borhood of New pork and Philadelphia. Tho excursion in under the charge of Professors G. C Chandlea anal T. W. Mason. The students imsembled in Al lentown, Pa, Monday morning, Oct 23, .proceeded to New York Tuesday after noon, and thence went to Philadelphia the following Tuesday. Oct. 31 Tho trip closes in Philadelphia Thursday noon, No, 2 fighting Quakers The seoond conflict of the gel 5011 nail waged with the hiercers burg Academy y eleven a week later. Handiped absents:, of Rouse, their star cap fullbback. tho the Freshmen were finally forced to tides the count after ono of the most stubbornly fought con teats over witnessed on the Merearsburg field. The final score stood Morcersburg if, Freahnum U. Last week Conch Jourdet's boys stacked up against the sturdy freshman eleven from Yale Uni pretty. The breaks of the gamo wont in favor of the Now Haven team and Penn repreeentativos worn forced to con tent therasoltes with the abort end of a 10.0 score. The Penn State lineup for the fracas on Franklin Field next Saturday is at the present time more or lees a matter of doubt The line .with ono exception will present the name appearance as that whkh etarted the game against Blooms burg Normal last week. - The exception referred to is the placing of Brown at guard in alarm of Bort und the installa tion of Firaching in I.lTown'a place at (Continued on,intge 3. irl State College, Pa., 'Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1916 sty- w€7.7.51,,),.enzcet • "Agr • St N • s\. * it! , 1 I I Ptell•a.• etrr t kW(' TRIP AALA, • BLOOMBURG OUTCLASSED BY FRESHMEN Normal School Overwhelm ed 37-0 by Herman's Cohorts. I-ELD GOAL.BY-MILLER Conch Herman's proteges added an other 1 ictory to their rapidly groning list lost Saturday when they defeated the Bloomberg Normal team J 7-0 The game wee too one-Hided to be really ex citing but for all that there woo plenty of pep in etidenco both on the part of the Freelnnen and the Normal exhool Inds The visitors put up a gnome fight and kept. at it to the roil, but enter in the course of the game xn Ili there any doubt nit to the ultimate outcome. During the greater part of the trine the Bloomsburg team arms decidedly hors to combat Coach Weimer aim forced to use a onemrtned guard throughout al lured the entire game, and on ono cordon the Normal school marchers cent through four or Me plays M all only ton men no ecriminage. Thu Irentiman score nes largely the moult of etendt line plunging, inter spersed with' oft tackle piny.s All m all the trot year men secured the touch donne; and agent from the field The latter waft produced by Miller, in one of the prettiest efforts soon on Beater field this year. Although there nem no touchdon not made from luckolle, as nun the case lust week. some good runs nem made Beech mg the bull on the kick off, Sinosinskie, ou one o,loi{oll, re turned it to the 50 yard line before lie ing donned. Miller at another time gut the ball in the middle of the field and made a ito yard run for a touchdown. The latter also had another rim of 40 yards. At the prim of tho n histle, Jones kicked MT for Bloomsburg With the preloninarms thus disposed of, the Freshmen proceeded right back toward (Continued on pogo 3) HARRISBURG CLUB RECEIVES FRESHMEN AT A SMOKER The annual "feed" and reception to the grealimen from Dauphin county tns held by the Harrisburg club lent Saturday .ening in the club room of the engineering building mid was a marked PUCCCIIS Between fifty and nmenty•tite Dauphin unintians ',ern out and much important Lamont was trans acted in the regular incoming that pre• eroded the informal smoker. . This club Is growing rapidly in active membership and is gradually gaining ground as one of the foremost organ's. attain; of its Isind in the college At Saturday's meeting a motion was pee.. ell setting the fret Saturday of every month on a date of regular meetings mLich 11111 start at 7 . 30 In the evening Steps will also be taken by v. Welt noose member of the faculty or club will ad dress the club at each meeting Other entertainments will also be arranged for each gathering, It was definitely decided that the chits will supervise the showing of the "college movies" In Harrisburg and Steelton some time next spring; for the rurposa of advertising the college in Dauphin county. The question of the mutual holiday dance hold each year in Harrisburg under the auspices of the Harrinburg club, Wan discussed at length and the following committee appointed to take charg e of at. G. W. Bowman, 17, chairmen: R. L Routs, 'l7, William Helmer, 'IT; C R. Patterson, 'l7, Carson McAllister, I'B. 11, R. Rinkenbaugli 'lB, A P. Miller, 'lB, Lloyd Ebner 'lB, and Edward lifocelein 'ID President Patter eon was in charge of the meeting and hoard a good diecusslon on the advieab. (Ur of the elub's holding a dance here In State College sometime dunng this winter. He will appoint a committee to consider the matter and it will be taken up-later. • Happy Thoughts! .(9,, 4 1 'MAT !, , PEtitt. TA , B , t rratlai . jt CONG .. ' E9 I Te J i I CALENDAR 1 1 WEDNESDAY. NOV. 1- 6.30 P. M —Y. M. C. A. Bible Class, 121 Main Building 7.30 P. M —Landscape Gardening So ciety, Ag. Club Room. THURSDAY, NOV. 2- 7.00. P. M.—Le Cercle Fralleals, 226 Mam Building. 3.00 P. M.—Ag. Society Meeting, Old Chapel. 700 P. M Club. FRIDAY, NOV. 3- 8.00 A. 111, to 600 P. M.—Mock Elec tion. SATURDAY. raY. 1- 100 P. - M.—Tug-Of-War, New Beaver Field. 1 30 P. M.—Class Lacrosse, Juniors vs. Seniors, Old Beaver Field. SUNDAY. NOV. 6- 1000 A. NI —Freshman Chapel, Old Chapel, Dr. R. H. Martin. 10.30 A. hi —Two Year Men's Chapel, Liberal Arts Buildiug. 11 00 A M.—College Chapel, Audito rium, Dr. R. H. Martin. 6.30 P. M —Y. M C A. Meeting, Auditorium, Dr. Martin. MONDAY, NOV. 6- 30 P. M.—l. P. A. Meeting, Room ' K, Library. TUESDAY, NOV. 7- 6.30 P. M.—Y M. C. A. Prayer.meet ing, Old Chapel 7.00 P. M u .—The Centro Cervantes, 226 Main Bdding. GLEE CLUB TRIP IS HANGING FIRE Carnegie Tech and Pitt Not Able to Participate in Joint Concert. Definite word hew been rereieed by Dean Robinson that the musical elides of Carnegie Teth and the Vole ersity of Pittsburgh will be unable to participate to the joint concert which wan to Lase been peen on Pittsburgh at the time of the Thankspeing suerstion The two western institutions do not enter upon their musical activities until rather late in the year nail for thin reason are un Al il I g to engage in the Thanksgaing contort without sufficient preparation 'the matter of the Pitt trip_ itself is still an hging fire however Telltale° ar• rangemente linen beat made for concerts to Butler, Greensburg, and Now Ken sington, while it Is poesiblo that en gnomons can be secured in ascend other in extern Pennsylvania towns It in possible that Doan Robinson will lei unable to mato the trip to the Peel. fie Coast nett erring because of the growing business of the department. If this Mims out to bo the ease Profeneor linrehman will go in his stead and will take the dean's plum in the readings. On account of the cupid growth of tbo nmelcul department It is probable that a new assistant will hi necessary in the near future. . • , Arrangements aro anti under way for the Intercollegiate glee club contest en :New York nest spring. Tim contest num- (Oral:rn:Ion pap 3. GENEVA HERE NEXT Beaver Falls Co—ltror 7 4, e1. Harlow's The clovenrep • At ( kneed,. col lege will prOi AC lin el, Lit wock-end entertainment nt 3011 , 0 r field next Saturday aft ,f Wholl they tackle Dick" llarlo Mao and White ma chine •At tl t e4ervt. Ii o littlo in known cofwel lug I4n f.ttual etrongth of the Ilearet Ps f oa m , the ma j or i t y of its potpiesmiler, teen confined to colic et tn. 44 11 4 111 e Neat. Last Saturday era :111.11 - 11ph0A over the TJniverefty ,14 4f 1 . 1,4 of to O. Coach in not antlei- UsT l ifi ' e Aniant his men N 1 I en. e .I.‘ ii"44l tho Went em Pomo hon.., ..f.mttga,.,m, Tiatiroatt. BASKETBALL MEN WILL BE CALLED OUT NEXT WEEK Light Work Under Captain Walton Will Be First on the Schedule PROSPECTS BRIGHT Candidates for the Varsity basket ball team will be called out some time next week by Coach Herman and light prelumnory work will be taken up for rteteral creeks prior to the opening of daily primly. after Thanksgiving, Coach Herman mill be unable to &tote much Lane to Ono preliminary nork and will Irate matters in the hands of Cup tam Walton until the Freolimun foot ball season is me, Prooyeets for a outoestrtul season ars very bright mid Peon State supporters tnn look for one of the ,trongest twin. tots that hits reprzortnited the college in y ears. There renta re only smen I ast 15 1,1'9 111111 d that a adble for tarsity material ties 3 tar, lint there is strong repart.entation front last year's freshman team Ihnt toil make keen competition for two or three positions. 'Material for Freshman tenni brio not been altogether rounded up as yet, nut from the known men on bend a 19 seen that good notions is present for the formation of n fast team Prom inent among the fleet year to.sers who canto to State with reputations are three football men, Wolfe, Miller and Rauch Wolfe IR an all-nround athlete (rain MoKeeoport Hugh and also her a reputation as a trackman, specializing in the hurdles. lie plays guard in the cage game Miller and Rauch mere prominent as members of the Bethlehem Preparatory school team last year, the femur playing a forward and the lat ter 18 n center and guard Walton will also hate charge of the Freshman eandulaten for a ertiort time after they era tolled out about the nod dle of November. 'the Varsity men mill pros tiro three or four days in the stork at first and the Freshmen will lime the (Continued on Page 1 ) CALVIN M. RICE DISCUSSES INDUSTRIAL PREPAREDNESS Calvin M. Rice, secretary of the Amer man Society of Mechanical Engineers, and a. visitor at the student branch. In schools ail over the country, woe 111 State College last liriday m Um inter ests of the societs. No addressed the local branch at 8•30 p.,m ha Mummer ing 1). aunt later attended a banqutt tendered him by the 30. B. Society at the Unloerelty ChM. Ills talk au the afternoon, attended by about 200 of the engineering students and faculty, line not on engineering problems but ratherin regard to the adiulnistratlon of the local - brunch lie also epoke on the relation of the dif ferent engineering professions of to day to each other and to the notional preparedness movement and on the re lation of the college m at the request o an to the laborer Mr. Mee idattsl that f the President of the United States, the engineering societies led furnished the government with the most inmpleto in dust:lelcensus ever taken lie also stated that Andrew Carnegie had Risen $1,1UY),000 which made possible the ewe thin of an engineering societies building as Now York. Following Ida address a banquet was tendered 31r Thee by the aociety. The banquet sent nerved et the Univeroity Club, and was attended by members of the (amity, the finance com,nitt7e ami chairman of the other committees. In• eluded In the list of the faculty members present were Profeesors Fessenden, Die. mor, Wood, Weber, Walker and Prier Professor Diumer and F. gProfessor 'l7, proo of the seeml net• ed R•aociale ident teast.manters, Mr. y, Ine. mar calling on the faculty and Bright calling-ma rho atudaate. CRIPPLED STATE TEAM CONQUERS OETTYSBURfi Blue and White Eleven Comes Back With a Punch---Gettysburg Fails to Stop Penn State Attack. CRUCIAL GAME OF SEASON IS SUCCESSFULLY PASSED MEE State —a for a loss of 25 ' c ords Ground Gained un Scrimmage State-4101 sued. Coals front Touclul.ns I=l State. Attempted-10 Successful—l for 30 yards. , interLepted-3. Long Runs. State—Robb, ono for 70 yard , ., one for 45 yards Bed, ono for 33 yards Conner, one for 30 3 anis Gettysburg—Rote, one for 25 yards The team came back! What was probably the crucial point of the season for the State eleven was passed successfully when Get tysburg went down to defeat last Saturday on Beater field by the overwhelming score of .18-2. Following close upon the heels of the Penn defeat, and with the team in a badly battered condition, the game with "Punk" Berryman's proteges was looked upon as the make or break point of the season by the coaches, for a second defeat would discourage the players, while a victory meant renew ed confidence. Tlfe result was very gratifying, for the Blue and White team put up a strong game under the cm umstances. With Captain Clark, Ewing, IDggin , , and Ege out of the gone, with ends playing in the lute and vice tersa, and with a green quarterback, it was a queer looking aggregation of players that trotted out on the held. And in the first three minutes oi looked as thought State were due for another beating. But after presenting Gettysburg with two points on a safety, and handing them several other opportunities to score a touchdown. the team found itself, and from then on the game was never in doubt. STATE'S LINE STRONG As has born the ease in mere gitu thra 305 r, not own esespting the game, the State line cmpletele °taiga ea their opponents 6(1134.1ea gal through the line could he nutnnered the lingers of both hands. O'Donnell 4.1 BECK A Backbeld Mainstay. vaeman portico both on the defense and On offense Ito Ow scored ono of the touchdom ni by cattchnnt a blocked punt and falling mer the Imo With tho ball. FIRST SENIOR DANCE ON SATURDAY EVENING 'The first Senior dance of the Acollege vier bo Lehi next Saturday own ing, Nov 4, m the Armory It no the plan of the ofmninten to malts thet nue of the very hest dances of the season 'Ploy hone secured the serf iris of the college orchestra to furnish tins 111U410 for the neenohni. and liana arranged all the details well 111 nth ante 'I irkets for the dance will lie on sale at thu Tog. goryshop on Wednesday evemeg from iii Inn 8 Admission taketa may also he secured at thu dolts . . . . The pal.ronemo for Olio Iket doom of In merles aro: lllrx tiparks. Mrs. Mimes, Mrs Shnenhorger, Mrs Vorse, 2!,,. Dunham and Mho, Losejoy. PENN STATE FORESTERS HOPE TO JOIN NATIONAL SOCIETY At Um annual enmention of the In tereollegiato Aosneilittrat of Forestri clubs, to be held in Seattle, \Noshing ton, in Juno 11117, the Penn Slate club x nil be represented by R. II Leman. 'l7 nod 11 It. %tiler, 'l7 The Stale elotietY him begun it ten. artful ear nod more esteneite plena arc being made than ever before. At the present time, the eorlety ho embowering to oddball itrelf with the Society of American Foresters —a BOCietV \Vidal lion 11,111111 g RA mem bare nenrly it the lending inreitels of the United States. It is belicied that by joining with th e without] both, more good will be accompliohed by the local Cast Your Vote On Friday OyUyOntrg-2 Cell)l3lburg-10 yards I=l Geltsburg-4). G ed.) sburg-0. C;etty,burg-0. Gettysburg. Attempted-13. Successful-2 for It; 3,..r.1g. Intoreepted—L Rinishunk and Cearnedoo Steno right nu thejump 111. all tune, and their Stark stood out preihnuently throughout the game As far as the Mato olTeneo was 1011. earned, "Cobb nits the brurla and pa i• tiettlar star and ius run sr ere is iresolution during thp eesond hall vlng also pla3ml a good gum° titer 1111 hurl Wheal Jones' plan a and he pulled air buseral chum hru6un tlehl runs. Miss, mho ail 4 taking Capt tin (lark's pia,. ores a "insistent, gait. though she line Dam; oho second lona bell, ti opened up an aulal Mts. tutut tern' 111111 1 sill , 1111 111111 1 1 •,111 11 1 nun of (ants Wang's passes me.e ado. eplo Ism of them In mg run k for tondo, 110,11121. maddleid (701111F1 1 1114 1 .14.111. 1.11 41 dependwho'll on 1111, /111 , 1111 latask in the Met 1011, In, Ilte sled. lone of the Mate hire more 1.11 or iinv. hog Inn (mil entre!l them from bent.; m0(1204111 Rote, air 1 s esh tn or quarts r : plassd a good game for Ilerrs 111.111 ' 1 14'11111 2 ]ln guitar! nearly all thi ti ground Gam stranniage on it 2/ yul rl 11111 around Mate's right end GETTYSBURG DRAWS FIRST BLOOD Acting•Cuplatat Morris non Ile toes 2111,1 1 1 110411 to reseno Ilre lat 1.-oil lute It dumped ad ha on, about to make thii catch and fumbled the ball, lint he 111 tosered 11,1 the lire )aril Ime Ili the nest. play, a had Nos tins 1 1, 100 4 Beek and he os for to ,0 111 ball batik of Lb line lor It valet). More, Gettysburg 2, Mate 0 Stat., put, oho ball in pins nu the 2.1 i )aril Imp, punted la mittyslitim's is )ard line, where the bill 11 011 lino as and punt, Gel t eburg fumbled, Jones pa ken up the ball and meat. to their 15 yin il hoe below ho (emanated on rage 1 ) ALUMNI SECURE SPECIAL TRAIN FOR LEIIIOH GAME AunounLrinent bai been raemeel from Ilarra.barg through dm Mama club theta that in maanal tralit viii 6i run fu am Ifarrsburg to South llothle• ham for the I.alugh gam°lM No, 11. rhr (nun mill lease the Philadelphia and Bending ntation 1 ITnrrashurg at s a to. nu thin dap of this game 'l ha taro mill be Ilia annul Its till, nalestgo rate, g 2 to one 1,143, WHAT IS THE GREATEST NEED OF PENN STATE? "The Collegian," with a view to ward improving conditions about the college, is desirous of securing from students, alumni and faculty mesa* hers a series of contributed articles on the subject, "What is the Great est Need of Penn State?" The title is self explanatory. Letters of not more than 150 words in length are solicited stating d justearly and con cisely chat YOUR opinion might be as to the greatest need of the college aL the present time. No communication will be given consid eration unless signed by the writer. It is planned to publish one or more of these letters each week, and the name of the writer will tie withheld or published at his option. All com munications should be addressed to Tho Editor, Penn State Collegian,