Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 18, 1916, Image 1

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    ~) !- '• .
~,, Plenty of Room i
p ~. ._ ._ . ...,
For Argument.
v[ 1111 ,"
~,,i t t f3,c,,_„-,42,
Debate Trials Soon. - ?
I •V?!;-. ..., .;
9.( .1855•
Both Teams Look for Hard
Game on Franklin Field
Saturday Both Well
MatChed—Penn Strong
er Than Last Year.
When Penn State and the.lJniversity
of Pennsylvania get together on Frank
lin Field at 2:30 next Saturday after
noon, the apectators can look for the
hardest fought game that will be played
in the East on that day. Following
'their defeat by Swarthmore last Satur
day, the Penn team is bound to
lightwith renewed run noel vigor and
light to the last ditch rigamst the next
team that tries to repeat the Swarth
more trick The fact that Penn State is
the next team to meet the Red and Blue
makes it all the more interesting for
Penn will now fight as never Wore to
Penn State's best quarterback since the
days of "Shorty" Miller.
redeem herself and mold n repetition
of last year's string of defeats.
In spite of the fact that the IVesleyan
game last week U. It wry Btromoua
no, more-so then one looked for, the
majority of the first strum nters came
elf in good shape Clark, Deck, Swain
and Cabbage teemed minor mulles in
that game, but are espeeted to be to the
best of form by Saturday, and State
will present her strongest line up of the
season to nob FoluelPscharges . The
teams trill line-tip with one pound
difference to the aterage o eights, with
the different departments fairly u ell bal•
pocte ease d and a battle royal can he et.
Penn is boasting their strongest team
In eight years, And while the result of
the mune with the veteran Salalimme
eleven is really no definite induation
that Falwell eon not do more with his
now system, State eon look forward to
a hard game It will be the gist rent
sold test for the State aggreention, and
Penn has been figuring on d hi the same
way. The game hist year resulted In a
13.1 victory for State.
Unless the unewpected luumens, Penn
will bo handirapped for thin game by
the absence of Howard Berm', the Pan
tathaion champion. There la a lot nf
red tape to go through before lie can be
mustered' out of the military service,
and be properly registered at the uni
versity In addition, lie will not be per
feet In the Folwell system in• that time,
though be will have spent two weeks In
pranthe with the squad Penn iv aloe
without the serviees of Charles Tien.
fling who hed a great chance to become
an All•Amerleau izaard this year but
who has been stricken ninth Appentli.tis
(Continued . Pogo 3.)
Comparative Statistics on State-Penn Game
Averages of Team Weights
The feline ing are statist ma of each Intik Muni plea or, alien ing the
moat probable line•up, with the State players in limy type, and the Penn
man lie alit play opposite to, beneath in lighter type•
. I.ine—lS2 pounds Lane—lin primula.
I Backfield-170 pound. Backfield-180 pounds
Entire team-179 plinth. Entire team—l 79 pounds
Name and Position.
Higgtnn, Right End
.: . .....
Crarnecki, Right Tackle ...
Parrish, Right Guard
or O'Donnell, Right Guard
Within., Left Gnnr f .
Sv r a ii i ;, , t t g . ..... .. .. .
?4111",liTigkM‘aurfird. ..... • •
Krusbank, Left Tackle ....
Little, Right Tackle
Eye, Left End
Miller, Right Red ..........
Ewing, Quarterback
Bell, Quarterback
Back er , e
Clark, Fullback .
Robb, Left Halfbitek
Light, Right Halfback
Prof. A A Wood of the Railway Mo•
chanical Engineering Department, Ni ill
present a_paper before the Ameraim em
lay of Refrigerating Engineers at to
December meeting in New York City
on "Standard Methods of Muisiiring
Heat Tranemiesion.".
Professor E. A. Fessenden lies Just
presented a paper before the American
Society of Mechanical Engineer,. on
"Heat Transmission Thru • Boiler
Tubes." It is published in the last
journal of the society.
Carl H. Beek, a graduate in 3fe-
Annual Engineering, ,sited the
college on October Ath. Ile is the nest.
ern representathe of the Westinghouse
Air Brake Company at St toms, 110
Ho spoke to a section of the Senior Me.
ehanicals on "The Air Broke."
Mr. Hortser of Herter and Zook,
manufacturers of hydrants unit other
Producte, Belleville, Pa , Was here re
cently, looking for technical gradu
About Thirty Men To Be
Picked for Team Material
—Topic of National In
"Resolved That to ease the stability
of a Lotin-Amencan government is
threatened by internal resolution, the
United States should interfere to este',
lien a stable gosernment," is the topic
selected 11) the Debating council for
tine trials that ore to be held on the
evening of Oct 22, 26, end 27 Thia
topic has been sent to the Intercolle.
glints Debating league's headquarters an
the choice for than college for the sea
son's question Professor 3farsbman is
confident that rat will be tine one no.
leet.d for the ointer debates There
mill be betueen toenty-lino to thirty
men elms., next 'seek, to represent
State ni the coining debates and lie in
anxious that at least ono hundred men
take part in the trials.
In response to repeated inquiries as
to the manner of preparation by the
candidates, Profeasnr Marsh:sum offers
the folloningsuggestions to new men
trying out for the tent tinie•
I—Prepare a brief introduction set
ting forth the timeliness and import.
since of the subject
2—Make a clear and definite state
ment of tine issues that are insolved In
is discussion of the subject
3.—Dellne your - positio.,intating chat
yen will attempt to prove ••
4—lf time still remains, begin set.
Ong forth your opinion. of tho first
of the issues outlined
Further, Professor Anreliman niches
to emphasise that the most important
qunlifleation of n debater is nbilits to
think logicallyend quick') The big
gest feature of the trial speeches 101
be the candidates' outline of tine is
suea invoiced; and upon the chance of
these issues Nt ill the candidate's Iltnexti
lergelc be determined. Each ennilidat,
nthised to use notes, and corn read.
mg of the speechen is in be allowed The
number of men selected next reek hill
he determined largely by the number of
men oho slow real ability All nom
oho base the faculty of clear and logi
cal thinking. hale an equal chance; orn•
Orielsl ability is not essential for sin ,
MYR in the trials The librnrinn of the
college lion horn consulted end material
habit. a hearing linen the question lib'
been coffee sal and may be wore,' by
clods iny nt the desk in the library
Tile subleet chosen for the trial. this
year is of trerrloll,lllllS importance to the
petiole of the United States. at tins
time, nail most be decided by them in
the near future I pen the proper de.
union of thin miestion rests the future
pence and welfare of the entire nest
ern hemisphere The entire (Ware eon.
Inct of the United Staten in regard to
in bound op in the issues of this
question and it is PisriimiarlS
of the attention of college men at thin
Dean Sara C Lonejoy of the Dome
Econemien Department represented Penn
State college at the inauguration or.
elnca of Nilson College's new president
Dr Ethe Mort Dudley Warfield. Dr
Warneld won formerin president of
Lafayette college, of Ennton, Pa.
sft. Siin.
5 in.
6ft 1 in.
5 it 11 tn.
6ft. 0 in.
5 ft. 10 in.
5 ft 11 n
ft 11% in
ft . 0 In
ft 10 in.
5 ft 11 in .
5 ft . I in.
2 ft . g in
2 ft . 11
5 ft . WA
5 ft. 10 in
- MA( N 5
il ~
110 P 3L—Mass Meetinp„ Auditor
7.00 P. M.—Mercer County Club 202
Eng "A"
1:00 M.—Freshinen ‘s. \C3 ommg
Seminury, Now Deaner.
2.30 P. 31.—Returns of Penn Game,
8 00 I'. 31—Dr. CaDimity Talks to
Mon_in..Audltorium ,
7 30 I'. 01.—Frio County Club, Eng.
DI 00 P. M —Freshman Chapel, Old
Chanel, Dr Galloway
10.30 A. 31—Too lenr lienN Chapel,
Liberal Arta Building, lie. Golloma3
11 00 A M.—CoDego Chapel, Audi.
tortoni, Dr. Galloway.
7.00 P. 01.-1. P. A , ROOl3l "K" Li
A monster rasa meeting of the stu
dent body mill be held in the auditor
him at 1.1 80 that Wednesday et coin
for the purpose of gin tog the football
team a rousing send oir for the Penn
game, and lining up a sufficient num
ber of students to tni.e the trip on the
special train that still lease here Friday
noon. All present indications point to
a record breaking attendance of stu
dents and alumni at this Penn game,
and little trouble is expected 111 making
up the quota of 200 tickets that s till
guarantee the special train, if conintent
about the campus counts tor antrhing.
The special rate offered is tery low this
tear, and scores of students lotto said
that they are going to take athantage
of It.
The moss meeting will be Rome, hat
out of the ordinary, for It is realwed
tint Penn is a much more formidable
opponent this rear than for many )ears
bark Conch Ilorlow will be on hand to
tell how the fumblmg and unorganired
mark of the Peon team resulted an them
defeat Penn made smenteen first
downs against Swarthmore, to the lat
ter's two, and with another meek of
practice the Penn tenni should be in
much shape that their defeat will not
in nor men, detract from their formid•
abloom. from Penn State's ,statulpoint.
Those stinlents who will be unable to
ottend the game will ho trentml to the
customary returns in tha auditorium on
Om afternoon of the game starting nt
g 'rho game hi dettuelvill be fol
lowed hero by the hundreds of rooters
who can anti retire the real happen•
logs on Franklm Field with the aid of
the electricplaying board.
The football team will Imo th;
finite Central Btottott here tat 5 o'clock
on Thursday afternoon, and the entire
student body will he gh en a ehance to
turn out to give them n big send•ol/
Penn State alumni in nil parts of the
state, perticulnrly in the enetern section,
are organising to get big delegations to
tho Penn gnme. Booster meetings were
hold ih all sections recently. and those
who attend the game will make their
headquarters with the tent at the lt'nl.
ton, A smoker and remotion will be
held at that hotel oil Friday night about
8 o'clock to which all alumni and minder
graduates of Penn State will be mei.
come Prominent alumni and faculty
members will sneak.
Alumni of Harrisburg and vicinity are
planning to turn out In full force nod
aro attempting to got enough men to.
gather to run a special train to Phila
delphia "Shorty" Miller, tho famous
19 captain, with John Price Jackson,
former dean of tho engineering school,
nro untied) Imola, the nimmnont, Cap.
Min Clark and Beek no Hurrisburgers,
nod a big turnout from the Capital
City to n."..t44
Orange a 1
d Black Team Proves Tough Proposition But
Powerful Attack is Irresistible—Forward
ass Proves Effective Ground Gainer.
What might be termed as the last of the preliminary games of
the season, livas played last Saturday on New Beaver field, when
State defeated West Virginia Wesleyan 39-0 As a result, the vic
torious march of Captain Clark's team is still unhindered The
Wesleyan tram was b 3 no means a weak one. While the score is
somewhat we-sided, the \Vest Virginia team put up a determined
resistance throughout and it was only due to State's powerful at
tack that thry were enabled to score as many points as they did.
The visitors were practically a veteian team, together pith
several new 'tars Beck, Miller and Morrison were stars last ytar.
while a new man of note was Calac, the former Carlisle Indian
player who was at one time mentioned for All-American honoi,
Beck and Fnher were the chief ground gainers for the Orange aid
Black, while Calac lived up to his reputation by playing one of
the best delusive games seen here this year He was in the midst
of every play that came through the line On the offensive, he did
the punting and his lochs averaged 40 yards.
For the second Sato.lot nt
-nion, a Penn Sttte man canted the ball
hock from the tick-tiff for n toutlulomn
Beek was the man to do no loot meek,
Is lob this steel it was Robb mho ment
through the whole Wenlet an scum
Robb, by the too), be proving the maprow
of the fir he non unit nmond.
string buck on the Preshnton Moen lout
vent. His med. tins seer nos been sere
lino and he memo to I:memo anti cinch
} State interference on this run man mon
derful, for Otero won but ono man mho
'Lou able to attempt to stop Robb rill.
11.111 I,llli Bed., of Weslet an. but he
U. tumble to 1.1%03 lake the flying. State
For the fist tone this season, State
used other then straight foothill! Foor
torwnnl plleiSPN 11 ere hurled hi Ituu log
and three of these store sueeesslol for
a loth! mat of 70. Three of State's
nix tooehdoons mere doe either threetiv
or nolletly to threes MOANS, wlulo 11-
other Wll,l MR' to the Interception of a
West Virghon. torn turd peen by Loner er,
tube vent lifts ands for n touchdown
• .
Head Conch Ilarlow 0. talking In the
Penn-Soartlanore game and "Itad"
Whitney atm in of the DI. and
White isant The Inttsr sent In Ins sec
ond string men )119t nx StlOn ns the pt.*
nits safe and it Uns against the .1,
Atli...that IVeslean rondo nil of her
first downs In ths lint half, the oppos
ing eonhl gain hut her, vard%
through our line or around the ends.
First Downs.
Flats-15 West V:rginia-4
Ground Gained in Scrimmage..
State-317 Yards West Virginia-3g Yards
Penalties Indicted.
State—O West Virginia-0
Goals from Touchdowns.
Sinte-3 West Virginia-0
Goals from Field.
State—U Out of 3 Attempts— West Virmnia-4)
Forward Passes.
%%est Virginia—
Ground Gained-3_i Yds
Ground Gained-70 Id,
Long Runs.
Slum—Robb, One for 00 Yank and Ono for 15 Yards; Book, Ono for
20 Yank; Conoser, Ono for 00 Yards; Fgo, Ono for 05 lads
uhielr a uhnoilt n ecord Clock, heck,
Scab, and Cribbage mere Drat.) bad!,
battered in the game. but tbov will all
be in shape for the Penn game ni
, aturdity, according to "Bill" Martin
Parrish continued his good pork at
guard for State, on did elan Cillohnge
and Krusbank in the line She forwards
still bate a tendenev to hold, uluch
means n 15 Yard penalty rook time, brit
the fumbling which hoc been yor
eat framer games lion reduced to a
Captain Clark ngnin Armed lux north
in lending the interference on end runs
Clark is one of the best inen at "talcum
out" un end who en, pinned fm Slate
and it uns his work in this respect that
union mum of the long runs possible
ill! CM to punt three fill,. 1111 , 1
los kicks meowed a little riser 10 yards•
roc ings forunrd passing mention for
point deserses mention for It
shows the carets of the tnreet marline
uhieli man indifiged In nt the beginning
of the simison.
bbage caught the trot ktelt-ofTon
the .15 Ann' line nnd returned it 111
tardy'Robb and 130ek both foiled on
end ran. and n torn aril pane fem.
1:m mg one grounded, no tbnt Clark Rua
forced to punt. Ile kicked otor thn
gonl line.
11'4,4 Vtrginla put the ball in play no
their '2O yard line, but on the fled Mat.,
holding coot them In t arils and Caine
punted front belund lung.) line to Robb
(Continued on rage 4.)
West V)rginla,--6 for Lon of 70 Ydo.
The total enrollment of the School
of Agriculture this year is nine hundred
anil thirty three. ittcording to the final
tabulation Of these, (Ise hundred and
sixteen arc upper cinanmen, two hundred
and thirty-omen freshmen, one hundred
and sizty.four ear men mud sixteen
speemls The follouing is a hat show
ing the courses and the number of stud.
onto an each course:
Chemistry 1 3 35 22 77
Education 7 II 8 24
Aminal Husbandry 18 as 41 181
Agronomy .. 43 41157 141.
Botany .. 4 1 1
Dairy Husbandry . 9 18 111 41
orestey P 11 tl 28
Horticulture, ...21 29 21 71
Landscape Garden'g 3 7 5 17
135 185 103 510
freshmen ... ..... ... .. ... ...237
Tx o.yenl men . 101
Speckle 10
Noted 'Experts to Continue
Plan of Last
Following Met }ear's plan of securing
men prominent in the engineering
world to lecture to the Seniors of the
Engineering School, Dean Sackett hist
week announced the engagement of a
number of engineering experts alio will
come here during th e college )ear
Amon ho featur of exception in
terest ing e es
the course will be a lecture
'The Work of the United States Ln
smearing Co:pri In Poote and an War ''
The mirth . me cork of this corps 1,11
be presented by an army engineer and
include a description Or methods
of bridge building, railroad construe
tion camp auater atypic, harbor Ile
forme, fortification construction and the
The "peace" work of the
States Lug , lneers wo mat be described lit United
Dean It L Satkett, who Was engaged
on Ester and Harbor surtet s, under the
United Mates Engineers Corps.
The list of own who bat e accepted
Imitations to come to the College In.
eludes: President Alevindei Hutn
phreys, of Stetens Institute of Hoboken,
George W }idler, of n . ..11111 lark City.
one of the lending Sanitary Eng:lacers
of the eonntre• hlr .1. Lowenstein of
the Antenna:l Bridge Compatn, who was
the Engineer for the Hell tints Bridge
titer the East It:, er. Sew York, Pro
testier C A. Ilitcluask, now w ith the
C W. Clark ritglneei log Corporat 011 of
Columbus. Olilo, as en expert on Power
Plants, John Price Jackson, fortnerlt
Dean of Engineering 0101 now Connins•
Hamar of Labor at Harr:Meng, and his
brother D C Jackson The Latter are
among the i.er3 wenn:tent Alumni of
Penn State
Mr. 11 B. Dale, Chief Engineer of
th e Erie City Iron Works lON COMPOtOII
to speak before the Senior Engineer+
on "Modern Boder Room Operation"
and to the thignieering Monks on " Tho Relation of I iigineernig I.xteis
slon Work to the College" Mr Dale
stab fernier's brad of the Engineering
Estemon Instruetion at lowa State
College, and by his experience there
and us on engineer, is particularls
qualified tospook Mr. Dale will glue
saluable and to the e‘tension mins,' at
Lee, ohleh is conducted in co operation
soil the Y. M C A there
Various meinherii of the faculty elll
appear for a lertore on soni c ghato of
engineering. dedign or conntruction Dr
Foleytlic %sill flonowtrate lint ilk!
methods for %alums I njurne4 $l.l that
students man see too to bandage in
each coop. Thiel IS evetially import•
unit are the Engineer is frequently in out
of the 1111 y place and Is also often
the first out or only aid to the marred
A nen boloritmon will be 'combusts(
for room 200 Lognucting "D" More
most of the lecture.. will be bold.
Tian Agricultural Sot sety hart
day, miming held the first of the lioo4•
er ineethigit planned for the purpose of
stimillatmg interest in the ••Air
is to he held on Ico, 17 and It
In connection with the reLntlar Penn
sthanin Oar activitieY 'the meeting
tai; held in Ott Chapel and max one or
the most anceociftil en or arranged by
the aoelety Speeches Uere made by
Donn Wattc, of the School of Agrictii•
tore. Dr , doddart, head of the Agrt•
Clumilidry dep lament, and Pro.
tensor Gardner. bend of the Agronomy
department. Watch apraker made the
boosting of the fair a promment feat.
ore of Ilia apectli.
Plana for the fair were outlined by
Manager McDonald, intro made it clear
that there mould not ho a fair In the
popular sense of the mord, but rather
a coma of exhibite in the %aroma egri•
cultural buildings Ilc announced that
there mould be no tents inied for the
exhibits, tin arrangement Mintier to the
ono Dint modad out ao auctesefully taut
There will nice ho a ihnnge in the
method of financing the fair title .tear
Heretofore it ime been ,tintoinar) to
sell SIMIen to students in the :wheel
of Agriculture at n price or one dollar
per share The financial retirees from
the fair then decided iihether or not
these shares would be redeemed This
year, hi - meter, each department will
bear the expenses connetted with Its
exhibit. Any necessary labor ern ho
furnished by the students,
With reference to the indisidual de
mulnient exhibits it was also announe.
cd that a large sitter toting cup would
he presented to the department hating
the best exhibit.
It was decided that In the future
regular meeting, of the Agricultural Bn.
clay would be held on Thursday !ten
frig of .ery other
Seen at Franklin
Number i1....s-
Coach Herman's Second
String Players Open Sea
son By Defeating Local
High School Boys.
The freshmen football seasonman
ofhciallv uth en
ered into esnitte
Saturday :thermion rotten n death of
yearling sulsititides and second string
play ern bruslnd Its:mist the State
College nigh school iiitroi and alter
thirtt•tho minutes of tarnamage trot
ted sir the gridiron rritli the long end
of a :lb 0 score The game, 01ilch au+
plat ed on Old Bearer linld, tan little
moth than a practice affair and, as the
tees ha d
Coaeli pm
teges had matters all their oun I%IIN
The school born put up a pluthr fight
but acre outclassed front the start, and
at no tune during the game nere thee
nitlim ilfty yards of the freshinen
The Dickinson Seminary woo
ittti orig
ly selieduled as th e omning attion
tor the treshrnen belinOti. At the lust
minute hose, er, the Seminary team was
forced to camel th e game betoose of
the delated opening 4,1 80001 clue to
the infantile paralysis inutruntint.
As regards Saturday's game the
score itself tells praetiudly the whole
stort The 10.20 men hammered .r
their t ictory In the triphimuner fashi ‘ o
that nos so ninth 1111 , 1,1one° lastnen
son The underclassmen secured r
llnit sun, 1e.5.1 Ulan lit°
the Start of plot The high n ller a,
nors rcietied the lotkotf. hot,, inn I •
it impossible to anal Lether through
the hoe or armed the ends, were toned
to punt 'I hrough this nuineuter ti,
first wear men lieviired posse.lnn of (lit,
ball on their opponents' Ili lard lion
from this point it took Harris mill
Anderson, the freshmen hocks, just lite
rushes to curry the ptg.Ant erase the
goal hoe In enwsing the hall chidk
mark, hosieter, 11 irris fumbled, but
Ifillosla the freshman qoarterbakk,
right on the lob and thrugh his (-
forts the fret tear num o
ered the
ball for the lirm touchiloso of the
Dl trio.
Thereafter freshmen seores Conte
the mg In. one after the other. 111 ninth (110
stone manner 'rile freshmen hatklltld
mould plum through the high school lino
floe and ten tank at a hhp, and folio.
up theqe tattles loth end runs and off
tackle Pinta that netted nnt.hree from
three to MK, 3 'lnk Oa Math attempt
All In all Coach Ilernmn's men semed
NIX tlalthflOUll-1, .1. 111 the first nerind,
three In the SI(01111, and one apsete
the thsrd and fourth quarters In fon•
boas of the roles cont the 11r4t tear
plalers a juss ef . forty . it w_
Referee "Jai" il'oolt mere ail ' that
their genre from readmit! the
half century marls
The game throughout M. marked ht
1111 almort total uhremc ,f I.:mg plaN,
and o•tended formai°. both team; re
hung alnue.t entirely on 4tramht foot
ball In the third quart, th e froM
men trued the mai foruard fau.s of the
la). The attempt 11. nuxuacarful
lititush Scores From Kickoff
The rime Itself has notstrol 61 mo
nral oetun of mine than foilsman.
interent (Ineiques s
of these nas the tomb
damn from the kiehol ma de Li HOlsh
m the smolt,' quarte r r
he t
s re•gon n an
general]recened the lorknlf on his fif
teen Nand lose UM! noted some good
sntertereme on the islet at his team
mates adeakeil doun the field through
the natos high rehnol einem In rig,
[nun: bin lolls the fools, Heidelberg
nine ;ruse nue nt the prettiest e‘lobs a
lions at open held ruunsug that bus
neen sun on Old Ihnotr Field in slimy
a lay.
On Oro high school soile the gimme 10114
featured In the punting of Coil The
:state College his, although forced to
Loon Ins kuls lo hick 05 [outsetom
from los out line, got olf soma wally
credit Oslo hoot, unit to lips trotaort.
Rased Sim loon flout is snitch noire ale•
orate defeat
In direct tiontra+t lo the high school
locking %%IN the 1111 0•• - '
11111110 1,5 50150 01 the
',eking: gaily irom tin
xlx litteining made by
but tun mere 511
tering (aline, The fri
(Continued on
A speaker on gi,
lital niter( .1 to all
011 addresc the student both m the
5111.111 . 11115' night. and /It
all the chirp! cornices on 110
In Ti 10111144 WIIItOII Collinear, Ph D,
biologist, and it profeccnr of luologn nt
Beloit College, R mon , . The nature
ni his balk% unit fella, atter thoce
unnen hero last near by Dr. 31 1' Exner,
and the incur before Inn- Dr NV. S h ail,
and mill CON Pr the problems of life that
are encountered drily by the ,ulloge stu
Thu talk on Saturdas night mill lm:
closed gathering lor the inen mudent I
on 4. at 8 o'clock. U m
s ill speak nt
all three Sond is chapels and at tho
6.10 T. 31 C. A nneting on Sunday
moiling Ile In well fitted zor talky of
Boa nature, and in resent velure some
of his publication 4 base bean "The Ito,
!igloo of an li‘olutioniht, ' "Biology of
Sex for l'arenty and Teachers"; "Re
production," and amoral molomeal text
books Ue ohm n tl rittcn a be
of ocientille and sillicaonil risepainlllli
14 a member on "truing to.lentaliP natur
al )114tOrTml Inoingh tl am ictim Ili
is a graduate at Cumberland ll:atomic/
and spent 241101' tune at Hamard in post
graduato work.
Due to the fact that the business
staff of the Collegian lion been un
able to interview all students prior
to October 15, the time limit for the
91.25 subscription has been advanced
to November Ist. All subschiptions
not paid before this latter date will
be 61.50.