7 ff,T'7;thrA, Good St rt ways Helps NEW SYSTEM ~ OF FINANCES I NOW IN USE Inter Class Treasurer and Budget System Put In Op eration For First Time With tine opening of the collegiate , your today, the now budget system of "111 class Mimes mloch promised to rose lutionice the former almost "system g".3l,To" t tine ll,ll":,lteme,,"„'t adopted at a 'mass meeting last sprang when an interclass constitution thus be nag drama up, but tins mall be the first opportunity to gise it a practical try out. Moo on part of thes3stem, the later-class treua , ucr , N, yin Fl,unmg, o u r tio. of athletics, tutu up ban new The budget system an brief is sim ply this• A financial ammuttee is ap• pointed from each class extept the Freshman, who will be represented by the Junior Loma:aloe until after their first elections Those tommitttes ni - . .. . conjunction intth the Interclass treas• sneer determine the Mahal for their re f spective classes and enlist approve all expenditures to be made by their clams. Thc budget . an approximate ''t, estimate of the amount of expenditures together with the required assessments of each class, mob semester. These OM - , sessments are to be paid during regis tration days, and in invordence nal% - title, the respective clans treasurers or their represcntati,cs store to be found stationed in the hall of Old Mem Mir , mg the past Om days. The three class finance committees have met end the budget has been made out, eAcept, for the Freshmen she are unortamitcvl ASt MAW budget will be made out la 3C te,. The Senior .. . . . . finance committee is composed of Pry, chairman; 3lcCulloch, treasurer; Bray, . . Texter and Obterraeyer. 'Chen budget is $3.00 for class dues and $1 tal•tor in ..- . ier.elass 11111,3 and Si 00 for inter-elass a ports dues. 'rho Junior committee has ~- F velar, chairman. Huston, tmasurcr i ll i 'Bober, Linn rind Fast 'flie Joni bud ,uet IN OM Mine Its tile Senior except '..- that I.:lVie anal Junior Prom ' assesS meats will be le; nee at a later date Turner, chairman, Nilson, treasurer, Lowrie, Peters and Wallace are the Sophomore committee and the budget ! . , Jr $.l 00 for chie,, duesand $l 00 for Interclass sports doer All class dues - may be paid in two emelt in.dalments —at the beginning of each semester. iflie various class accounts lance not 1,, .et been Willed earn to the inter.elass 14... treasurer. So of the latter's duties qua to handle all class funds; to re .., - ' ceise and pay not money for the tar. ~' ions classes: to keep separate account.; ;e each el,ass, to refuse . to pay nnv bill WbILII "elerale tO . hint unreasonaLle .;. or unnecessary, men if appro; ed by tire Roam.' committee unless it lane again twin presented to the Anis, and l to szpf r ox o n f li d Acc ; r t ec• f i a n n e , :it .a s in% ors mg ev.- 4, ..I. P , e ln accordance nn la his ;latent, the 'lnterclass treasurer lins Issued the, fol. .... , hoeing notice to store keepeec and oth- I I( r'''' '",.. ers: I f',. , " 1 „ 1 ''To ohm it may COW ern in 1 1 ,. ,` ::. t._ 'Asa t,a intit of f the neo u Interelas. I . i4O '... Th u m " t! onl -s er ' , " n m s o per. " lXLcZ . ll a c l ;; ‘ ; ' ,, ' .l . .5), , ,.: , ...„,, , ,,i;,,,ecl by the interelas.. treasurer, onll 1 ';: f il . C.. 4 '' i t ' lle " L u sts f o o r f t g l e I Ve r it ei n " Vati r l a a id g t by r 'College. i lk: 'lt is therefore accessary to bring ' i s o ih.: it : rat itnbot r i el memosc e p t i:i l .ra. l i tef o rir n i t funds, tie , ierf a r r e3 t (tif ,h t aor l .l i in ai t enao n sa t at i ,, p l, :a i ra l I ,f, dram, ardor as stated mane." PENN STATE'S STUDENT OOYERNMENT BODIES STUDENT BAORD H. A. Clark, 'l7 J. S Obeile, 'l7. E. J. 'Kenney, 'l7. J. H. Wilson, 'lB. ,C. sl. Fowler, 'lB. F. B. linger. 'lO. HONOR COMMITTEE C. K. Illlouell, 'l7. G. C Morris, 'l7. W. H. Locke, 'l7. F. U Parrish, 'lB. W. It. Diem, 'lB W F. Hull, 'lB. STUDENT COUNCIL Seniors H. A. Clark W. H. Bather IV. E Kroll 13 It. Ober C. It Mason 11 J Fair L Steel J.lienney T. S Oberlo N Kkl ,) C. 13 Patton. _ . All n J. 11. Hurprr c R. N Catering) er H.enlaml Juniors .1 H. Wilson S Ewing C. A Fouler .1? G. Parrish D. M. Huber A 11 Coon H. S. Coughlin J. M. Johnston J. C Gill Sophomores Erwhank 44V F. 13 Ungcr 1916 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Varsity. pt 23—Susquehanna University nt mule. 29—Westminster, at home. 7—Bunknell, nt home. . 14—West Virginia IVesicynn, at mine. 21—Pennsylvania, army. 28—Cottyshurg, at home. 4--Geneva, at home. Tl—Lehigh. away 17—(Peiasylvauht Day) Lat. tyette, at home. or. AO—Thanksgiving Dny) Pitts. Jurgh, away. Freshman. .tuber 14--Willininsport Dickinson Seminary at home. 1. 21—Wyoming Seminary, at mine. 211—Bloolusharg Noma! School, home 4—Univelsity or Pennsylvania ,'resitincii, at Philadelphia. V 11—Mansfield State Normal ichool, lit home r. Ib—liellelonte Academy, at 10111 e. v. 25—University •ni Pittsburgh rreslinten, at Pietoburgh :r.r..c,• ~, .74 . 1 • • - - - ..: • e 0 , - 1 . .4_, • - 4 ' ~,,,4, • . ' run , a .. ) .,,,,.. . n . ?: :: . ,1: 1., .. 4, 4355• ...- .:- - f" ' v : 7, - .;-7e,• - , ff-1 •• • • • ' TO INCREASE MILITARY DEPT. War Department Details Two Additional Officers As Instructors—lnspector Kingman Recommends Engineering and Artil lery Instruction At Col lege Acting upon the recommendations of Captain Kingman, who inspected the cadet regiment lust May, the War De partment has detailed two additional army officers to the college to act es instructors in military science and as assistants to Captain :Abroad. The first of the new instructors to be sentto the college mill be Lieutenant Karl Beahr of the Ti. S. Infantry. Lieutenant Beebe niat present confined to the Walter Reed (Immoral Hospital at Washington, 11. C.. with is slight operation Captain li'inginen was very much pleased with the military work: of the college last spring especially with the signal and hospital corps Siery possible effort to place tiro col lege ou the military honor roll will be made during the next year. It is prob. eble that uniforms for the cadets will nett year be furnished free of charge by the ipuernment. Thu cilia club will he organized no soon after the opening of college as pos sible. The Deis" talent has purchased emend new championship Shinenil rifles for the train to use in the coming in tercollegiate mat4ies. There are at present about twenty or thirty students of Bean State, mem bers or the National Guard at the border. There are also a number of faculty ac members with the machine gee WITH at Mount Gretna. Among the faculty members who are at Mount Gretna are. Davis, instructor of mathematics. mud Arthur Deming of the English Department STATE RETAINS SAME COACHES Harlow, Whitney and Mar tin Will Again Mould Penn State's Varsity Team— Coaching System Un changed With the present football wagon well under mimic, it is now an assured fact that the Penn Stitte,rotichnig staff will Lave preetivall3 tint same peCeonitel to the staff ulneh turned out the success ful rleten ot 1915, 'quick" Harlow, anichnita football coach, mill again Imth ittll mare) in the dem Mop:tient of the Mato team As asnistants Harlem will hate “111111' . Whitton. the fernier Dart mouth site. end "Hill" \iartin, Penn Mato's (minor awl trnek coach \NlA ney will Arenrind the timer part of hit lone in eching the haektirld men, while 3laitin still take over the train of the code 'hurler. all ohm lime the aid of -Pete" Meathe at eel tam pentode dm mg the seozon. Menthe onpecta to apend some time lore nt Slate in the early part of the eenvon and it to that the former Penn `and follinek mill be here the week preceding the PILL game to help atth the development of the backfield candidate/4 OLD SYSTEM RETAINED After a full year's trial Barton has bet rime tom !need of the th of the system of play imitata Led tact be - n.BOll 1111.1 In consequence will del clop this year's teant along similar lines. Har lon s's at stem, %Oath is kn. n as Vito Penn State system, combines the best features of the various sr steam aced to) the limiting collage and antlers,. fief. In the • Harlon this yeararilalso continue Inn squad system of combing. In this manner each into,, on the tenon nil reeene the mu/amino innount of Individual instruetm I...mon:laze sill be held not oftener than toll, IL week and. netunl nod, on the field will bu nuppletnented by 111111101 . 011 a blaenboard talks AVliitiray. the Niel:field romieli, WS retained time grass drill as nn portent feature In Ids training of the backfield linen the grass drill omen oliginnted by Coach or Dartmouth, and Whammy became eon• vmneed of ill VON° NVIIIIO playing on the 111 g, Omen hewn The thief per. pose of the is to bring about CO rdination of thought and inoreinent en tho part of the players Pile spiral peon from center, introduced by Whitney last season. has lllso boon retained. . . An Innovation in this year's niciliod of training in ill be the intrixinetion of in stimuli training table for the irtrsiti men. Heretofore there bas been no distinction between varsity and non. ritrsity men. This fall, liowitier, the first eighteen men on the ,arsitv squad will be seated at a separate table. 24 PENN STATE MEN AT PLATTSBURG CAMP Twent v.four 211.111 representing hye dame,. 'l3, 'lB, 'lll, 18, 'lO, attended the military training camp at Platts• burg this summer. The work done by the state dolma!en reflected moot fas. Drably 1111011 the Milder, Department of the College C A. Fowler. 'lB, at. tabled the highest rank poomble for an atendant to imin, he tins anointed first liententint, of one of the student corn• panics. The performance of the other State men nos most creditable, moral attaining the lank of non commissioned officers. The new army appropriation bill recently;awed by congress pro. tides that in the future the government shall defray nil the expenses of the men uttenaing the amp, includfng board uniform and transportation The complete list of Penn State nien ittendins the cutup follows.--A D. Hebei, ii, H P Young, 'l3, .1. F Black, 'l3. I A Robinson, 'ID. J. E. Bald. 'lB, D. I, Essen 'III F. J. Bosh, 'lB, F P. Ross. 'ID, J. IT. Frame .16; E R. Frets. ex 'if, J E Shriller, 'lll, L. S Creo•suitan, 'lB, If C, Lindenuttli. 'IS, F. E. Thomas. C A. Punier, 'lB, IT It tin% 1.11. 18 .1. ii Thayer, jr, en 111, lf ii'. Samsun, 'lB. II 'fl. Jelferls, 'lO, J. J Meisel, Jr., 'lB. J. II hunter, .Ir, 'ID E. IT Darracii, 'lO, R I". Turn, 'l7, R. S. Da, as, J..r.-- ; r~r :: •xl3'x'"" ~~• FRESHMEN HAVE BIG SQUAD OUT Coach Herman Starts Sea son's Work With Record Squad of First Year Can didates Many Prep School Stars Out Although the 111.0.1.,nune on the fresh man schedule is nearly a 1110110 ate ,y $ ‘ . .11111111" /II int tn, head enull of to scatting fie%. O. has annul, started:te lt,. murk la preparation for his full campaign 'I he treslun in schedule for 191 u, tneladiug ns it dots ranted malt the loner-as of Penus3lllllllll. amid Pat 11,41.11 1.1 probably the toughmit that a Plan 'state Ilrst 3 tar team has user been tall, d upon to face and us con/mg.:me loath Herman believes In getting off to an auks start This yea, fiesluntin "minketes suer° called out ill. tune time as the varsity noon tail ptendiet stab the re suit that ni pleseat Ittiman lias ono of the large t ireshman quads =years. Thus fur nearly fifty heat 3enr candl dates halo reported fur duty on Old Bearer field. This season Conch Herman is being assisted in inn couching dotass by" 11111" Wood, eaptem of the varsity team loot year. Mood has taken charge of the trite clad:dates elide Hereunto m devot mc partitulitr attention to the banks and ends A mummer of good men halo turned out for the line point.. tins fell. Among the linemen Fuselong, nit Brook lyn Manual Tramhig Sac., Mains unit prominently. Poishing, intro wmglisillo pounds on football togs, line played cen ter on the Brooklyn 3lnimal team for the last three )ears. Dining the last too years Inc has been poked as an all wholes.. center 1,3 the Nen' Yorke, tics The big lineman is fairly fist need shifty on his feet and nett probably Inn MIIIIO • Over IMO n ,mite because of his ninglit roil stsength Another promising human is Miller, of Peddle Institute Miller, intro weighs close to 1110 pounds, glinted tenter on the Rutgers College tenor for one Rea- NM Other busmen Include Ithu.k, ry oliting Seminole, 11111 s, Indiana nor o.l, Bart, \Vacs-Barre Rosser), Lock thin en Normel; and Tdrol, Alte• glieny nigh Among the centers nho have reported toe Bauch, a protege of Bert Barron from Bethlehem Prep. Braun, Witslongton Mt.) nigh: Slop py, 11ilkomborg High. and Amos, Gor don institute. Georgia, Amos ms.s pek• ed by south, rn critics as an ell-cholas tie colter last Paine Candulates MllO ere out for end go •Itiono are Burns. Vi aslongton Osborne. Dußois High Carpenter, 11..1d Normal, Keith, Norristonn 111111 SMOC/31v.ki, the form. Bellefonte Atadtmy star. GOOD BACKFIELD MATERIAL Among the backfield enndulate. Conch lierman hn. uneartlad wont. good ma larial, %finch in tune should produce ounce firit claan backfield men For the onarterback job Merman line War. of Douninglon n High, ,o rely, Marcia el I Normal; Bethlehem Prop., and 1l iibwh, formerly oillllterback on no. Uniformly of lfoulollwrg elm en Milho lion quite a reputation placement kicker and h. alto hod come expenener in punting. PimWhites for the other positions include Harbin ul., Bellefonte We, i ll m artett, titroitdsburg Binh. Grit -11 onshurg 11onnel Andy; con, lien Anon High. t,lleny, Juniata Prep; Harris. Bradford High, Ppm P. Pen bode Ifigh (Pittsburgh). 'stout, .11 toonn High Mel.ille) lioness.; Binh Mc( lellen, Bellefonte night and Wolfe. McKeesport nigh Of thew own An demon, Itorrettand Stunt lime Armin Op especially n ell in pre...co Oriflith lin bt far the best punter in the sound. ut In omen-hat handicapped by Ids lock of weight liertiAvirk. mho hails from Bellefonto hitch, S another bock. field condulate that has a reputittion for being able to boot the ball Hark. wick's specinlly is drop locking MEMBER OF PRESIDENT'S CABINET VISITS COLLEGE The Penninl‘ania State College bet meek cottrtalned some. hat unexpected ly and certainly somoulint, Informally a member of President Wilson's cab inet 'Clic member In questa. mat one other than the Hon. William It Wilson secretary of labor, or ho n con s nth Cologel J. L Spangler, of Bellefonte, Journeyed ester from to Slate College by automobile Untortutintels Dr Sparks and the radials department heads mere all ab sent (rote eollege at the time of the itotorte arrisal Secretary awl life companion, hummer. succeeded in securing a glade 01 the agricultural buildings and Were thee rambled to s felt the college (arose and the dilierent Viof Interest on the camp.. Mr dson expressed himself as betng nosy much pleased Noah all that be nun trio stated Ills desire to come imam Islam he Altrilld limo more time at his dis posal. To The Alumni of Penn State The Collegian this year is continuing its progressive policy and we are presenting the news in such a way that we believe that the Alumni should take a special interest in the paper. This issue of the Collegian is being sent to all Alumni. Those who wish to subscribe should do so at once or sig nify their intention of doing so in order that they will continue to receive the paper. The present rate is $1.25' a year, but after October 15 the rate will be $1.50. Make all checks payable to the Penn State Collegian. 'T\ •.a 6 Trittrig 4r LOOK FOR BIG YEAR IN MUSIC AT PENN STATE Glee Cluli Will Appear In Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York and Chambers burg—Sante Fe Trip Pos sible At Easter Time One of the biggest veers in mush: that Penn State has escr experienced is being looked breast to this year by all wbo ue in uny sill,' connected !filth musical nctisitles of 'be College. Wsth a number of log outside name Hone being booked for the season, and two or three trips already guaranteed the glee and inundolin clubs, not in cluding the probable trip of the glee club toner the Sante Fe railroad. one can see that a busy time will doubtless be we perienced by the serious musk-al or. ganientions. Glee mid mandolin club work Islll start at once, and the college chorus call eill be issued about the lint of October. The glee club preliminiir) trials um held last spring and Dean Robinson plans to ship the contestants unto shape wry 81.1011, for there are nine sac canines to be filled in the glee club and four in the mandolin clad The trot home aplearanee of the tomlumed musi cal clubs dull be in the auditorium on the Saturday cc sung folloming Penn. sylsenia Disy Manager `moorhen' lies been busy all mourner booldog dates Mr the glee club modmelting arrangements for oncurta here the combined clubs e ill make their first outside appearance in Pitts• burgh at Thaekagising time Beteeen Chrintinns 111111 Waster, trips led! be made to Philadelphia end Chambers• burg, and on March d the glee club sr ill enter the college gleeshil, competition in Carnegie Ball. N. York city The ~sate Olob was the only college organ• maims to rams° honorable mention, Lich sirtually meant second place, at the trials there last year Unless foreseen eircimistances arise at present it, the glee club Sul make the Sante Fe trip at Faster time. RNEISEL QUARTET HERE The K 110114. 1 ,4 will be included an one of three attractions that wilt be brought flout the untold,, to Penn State tint seamn, and they U.lO. bound to be gi,en a hearty iodinate Christine 3111 ter, mutilate, will give one of the ether concerts, and the tined bas not et been secured The first of these attractions hill conic before lhanka gt,ing Tun saltine:en on the Naraity male quartet are causing no little competition mid a large number of good men are tr3ing h a rd tut ,the position.. Theee posiletnieificcrini ut ,a. cant by the death of W. I. Fester and aceond has, cleft Natant by the gnulu• anon of II I'. Vail There is us Jet no indication of iellUlt Port of material the Freshman class %Hit torn out, no fon hear reported to Dean Robinson An effort will be made to organize ntiotnei Fleiiinnart quartet tuns ear Lust )cur's reeolunan quer. tot. nill be retained RA the Sophomore quartet this yeas. The department of mimic has already bee un:typed :nth student applicanta on curious lines and all indicantna point to a busy Henson for Dean Robinson There no an eopecially largo list on cored for organ study BILL WOOD TAKES UP DUTIES AS MEMBER OF FACULTY Friends of .. Bill" Wood, last venr's popular football tandem and president of the student go‘ennnent b o ;11.1. oil to learn that he lanu not seseresi lute conneetton nab the college butt huts been engaged to ant as an advisor to the luso Year students In .agnetulture. Mr Wood will lune charge of all cor respondence conneded with the too )ear manic rind null In Illialt:011 net Ai geneml advltur of the 111.1, DA their reprosentatme nt all times, Mr Mood nlll aloe act as the connoettutg link betneen the student ta college and the conutuanity from nhalt Ile tn.`, Qtr mg to the nwal dudricts as 11111(11 stw.en sto the college is capable of ten dertng. Ali:bough having no official count, Hon v lth the Athletic Association ot the collige. "Hill" ill main°, to devote much 01 hie tune to the dot elopment of football of Penn Slate. SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Prowlant—lT .\ Clark Vara csulent—C Ilalloaell Treasurer—P IT MeCallot It Secretall—A II Underhill JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS Freelilent—T. It IVlleen Vice esident —R. A. Higgins Treasurer—T. SI. - Huston Secretary—L F. Iln:ley SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS Presided—l' II Unger Vire President.--E I. Bort/. Treneerer—W. II 1‘ Henn. Secretory—N W. Grubb DEANS SPEND BUSY SUMMER Dr. R. Ti. Watts Takes Ex tensive Auto Tours—Dean Crane Engaged in Natur al Study—Deans Sackett and Blaisdell Visit Educa tional Institutions The deans of the serums schools spent a tory busy summer In ntaid, literary work and teasel Penn \\ * att.. made estensite tours with las family through New Leyland to Inn automobile slitting many educational itudttutions Dealt ,Crane spent the sunaner inanity in and about State College engaged ui study and college duties Dean Sackett I ade a tour 01 the middle west and also spent a short time on the coast of the Imddle txent arid.lllo spent a short time on the coast of 3lame Dean train delIN attisittes took bun to many in mantes and he also was engaged in ed. sting seteral Shakespearian text-books Dean Watts' auto tour began at July when he sisited the Gettysburg bat tlefield He then it rot to Philadelphm, across New Jersey to New Sorb Cits, where Ito spent several clays While erosslng New Jersey the Dean inspected the farming operations of Mr. Horace Roberts Prom New York, he crossed into Connectatit to New Union and then on to Amherst, Massachusetts, where he teetered to the graduate school of the Masncliusetts' Agricultur al College After leasing Amherst, the parts went to Boston to spend the fourth of July Tine reinamdet of the tour consettelf of a trip through Mame to Portland across New Hampshire and Vermont to Lake Champlain.down through Nets York to Delaware Water Dap and home The object of the Dean's trip wag to sett the agricultural 13, pertinent stattons and educational in stitutions of Neu England. The re mainder of the summer 1,110 spent in several ramping trips of ten days each at turning platys in Pennsylvania Dean Cruse's trips this summer were maned to Pennsylvania lie spent so, eral days going Ester the old Portage railroad • otes which ore used to be hauled into Johnstown. The railroad was a se primitiveaffair, the oro being hauled on barges so that full ad wttages could he taken of waterways when mil teasel was not available Somae of the tumult of the road inspeeted by Dr. Crone are of remarkable constrn, tam Dr. Crane also spent some time among the Seven Ranges studying the jeology of the reason Ire also became interested or mild animaltalotogteldlY hat sng made pictures of seteral good spectate. of snakes Deno Sackett spent a portion of the summer in meeting candidates for post. Hone on the Faculty of the School of Engineering In Chicago. Detroit and o A l s r tt T l i' t e ilte e r n etr . t r Af i stres . and the new buildings and competent of the Masoselaisetts Thstitute of Teelt 'nology were visited. The latter eon to of it new group of buildings on the tennis Riser with plans for sen ex tenant, laboratories. sontalmng many anima, features By wit of recreation Koine time UM spent on the water erasing from Detroit to Befralo entire family spent a short time on the Coast of Maine Dean Maiden spent the greater part of the simuner in State College One week was spent an lecture uork at the Tea tier's Institute nt Otta.oa, Ohm, and another meek.ll4 spent at Shamokin A great deal of the Dean's tone spent in editing Shakespearian text. books and other nritlirgs Daring Inc trot ten tints of Septeillber he motored to Pittsburgh and spent some tune liming friends awl Innark there Tie attended the National riliwational As. dingintion's Contention In Nen York, dung; the first meek of July. DEAN HOLMES IN DEMAND AT TEACHERS' INSTITUTES During the past summer. Dean Policies of the general ha lay delis ered addresses w before to teachers institutes aL Pitislon pit and Bronnen 111 e, reopens tithe Beton e the Allegheny County Teachers' inst•tinte held an Carnage Until, the dente took for linsubject Peden:ow.' %gess picnic." dealing eluells %nth tnentional education in logh schools Ile ads coated the .tab Ilslininent of a htanclard of Inroad collet - al des elopment m the pubhc 11C111101% no 111 1 11 an in the toilettes and mini entice, and t condemned too munch t ocatinall ed nwation 04 "wlendal " Votintsonal edit nation—that 111, 11110111 M intoning or hand training should be countenanneed 01114 an one pliant , ot a broad des clop mini, unwilling tin Dean Holmes. After nildresslng the teachers at Bros nstille, the dean made the address at the dedication of tine items high school building nt °refasten a Suter returning from the falter three he has remained nt State. College Tie nits nine present nt the aillege during the greater part et the bummer si heel “The BIN cal Wm Id” for lulu contain. ed nn castle on "Ilia Faith or the Si 1- elitist.” written by Dr Holmes, which he hail prevlinilx used /IA rut withers at Sunday chapel last ',t ear T 4..! Y. E C. A. WILL HOLD RECEPTION New Men Will Be Entertain ed On The Front Campus Friday Night The tumult! FreMinton reception ;w -en by the Y DI, C A hall be held this Friday ear lung at 7 o'elocts on the front the Thiel oil' be than first charier. the new men scan hate to wctiteics tin. Penn State liospititlit‘ no that it Iconid be well for ovary I reshman to attend All membera of the student lank and of the faculty are an itiol to Often,' this reteptcon and l'iLl/Ille the fresh men to the toinintini* • President slid Mrs: Sparks lall be in the reeelting line, together crib the board of trustees who are to he 111 :state College on tint due for their anmial meeting The entertainment mill consist, of innate by the college band, glee club, and mananlin chili and the mnsn. edl lie follnmed by refre..ll. inputs seined by the 111Veli of the fa, illty members nail the girls of the stu dent hod) "JEFF" CLARK—Capta EXTENSION IN ENGINEERING IS INCREASING Over 3,000 Students Were Enrolled in Courses Given By Engineering School Last Year 'rho Eng:needing Lstenoonn nod; ot the Ten Inman! Deportment ha , been ail noncom rapidly during the pond, in or and non, it no on extretneln important unit on the actinides of the Lolling° Loot 3ninr there mere once Malcolm! otudento regularly enrolled t in ormolu clasner. nude, tine emote "shin of the School of Engineering Present indun doua ntonlil seem to point tin din:entre. don Cll.ll larger than thnin,although no onldidonal n ill be lIM.Pd, 11.1 the 11111114 I, II flat& toll not permit on tine further extension 01 tile mod. at the prevent tune N C \Wier n ill non ileiote his entire trine to theorganization of oF Lnitineering Lxtension Ile lin , been in the Mild slate August and Int, non tinted Philadelphia, York, Lan caster, Waynesboro; Iliirrislanit and \Yaws-Earn% Ihe period from Sept 13 to 33 he aril be in the nestern pen troll of Pentisylitintl. herring the hint of :September his attention n he con feud to the organiration of clashes Erie October him in the Pint adelphia district. • . The Clamber of Comnieree of R liken 13arrit hal. taken 1111 111111811111 Interest in the type of extension o ed. ohtch the school of engineering does and it ix probable Lint several rinses n ill be organ:zed, of hmh UM* hig will he the inset linportant The envious etc gineering offices of the city Inane Mai• tested parthnilitr interest hi nork to this tintlint and are sniff pleaseil ntth the tuft unclog of the sort. Sot only the Chamber of Commerce, but the notary the City Engineeeti one ni. the high school anti the lending mutate tortes of the city me interested in the forming of Hasson Et eryt lung inn. nitrates a succestful orgnnitation. During the lust tear Prof. Burr lec tured at Collin,,t silo to the operators of the lino el plant of the %Vett Penn refloat and nn t hat tour tins ter) sue cuter ial it it probable thatsimirtir rnnrxen o ill be given this year at Proi rind Harrisburg. The Selinnl of Eit• ;worm ing lute a large mambo at grad ual. at Erie m rho are assixting in pro moting Extension chow., i hith o he bold in eonpinetion with line I' 31. (1. A. of that city 31r. Ilnldwln on the Erie Y. M. C A.. ens here at the En gineering 11,tontion corn ention last May. In the Philadelphia tilt tritt, Paro lee. it Greeter. West Closter, Norris too it and Ardmore hate nil Indicated their desire to NMI inns ths ork ttit lea been done in termer years and to ergo:llse additional classes. ! —And The Team t Gets Into Action Saturday MANY HOLES TO FILL IN STATE TEAM Head Coach Harlow Faces Loss of Seven Veterans From Last Year's Team— " Pop" Gill Unable to Play NEW MEN PROMISING Former Freshmen Stars Ex pected to Make Strong Bid For Vacant Varsity Tin, opening of the IMO footholl .PII • son nods Ibmil t. welt 11nrInie nod hot nieostiiiits confronted o itilt the problem of rebuilding, almost, in its entirety. n and Veteran Fullback Pon. State's football en ttlume I Int. Or Lot four toter...ls of the 1015 clef en hate blunted tot .1111.3 ,ttlt I. flit Ault that Ila . In, ineen the tusk of dot eel oiling Net on net. .nrs..3 nom, togethen 1. ill. an on mwlhu of setentel eetrent: ph, e.• o tank 14 hi no means ea, of ne. ompheehment and und. or dmun s tot wilts n rl_ll.llll Mlllfrelll in ton es ale onspo nova non. Iv b. 3 t h eel /down., I lou me. , ills • end of last at Is se rod .ar...1.3 1111'11 and almost the ...dare menthe:Alp 11/ 11,1. 1 , 1,11.A1/11 , 1 14111111: tro,holan Learn ... darnfront, Ilae lots feels that It lom mom , pro:noon. , motel led on band and hopes to litelle up an elm en Ilult 510,11 null.. Id least a moldable almoner loot boll 11111101r:1 The tlrBl tall tor .andolateB Iles ae a • oon sus 1+,1,1 on Isobar Put, dill, Qllll 1 bout tut ntm els e 1111111 11.41/1/11111.11 111 11111 11111 and them men, 'mother still those_ repealing •1111 that tune, knit' be on stns long old dodo on Neu he it 1 1 II 111 111111111 1.111. turt. li' fni Ci id loin I. Harlot, and Ins .11.8 ot aeoltitant, 'flit me re altmot oet bout .A 1.11,1.011 hate Imam led In em enrol, rondo um and thin sr.:m.4lm, has lie. counted fort the raped manner in .111011 ihe entire Antind linte been romohn4 Into shape the Ih,t syromnago of flee .e . held in tiw 1411 Is part a Uhe u eel. 111111. 0 . 11.11 the prrhuunnn 1/1 1, tellone of the an , hula plat et, and M 111111.4 1e...0 aottltd damn to tic foothill 'ho scrummage in net lees .., ambled the. mt, hoig titan to gel it good Luc em the dare. eni men noel to are :shimt 1111• nn tip the hole. the lad 81E3 lino noel badttleelel Ot hitt s I ari. tarn:it Isms titn Jul. lott istr in, man, ro hunt' !Iwo lost t 11. lam \ Vicul, HI rinc.kli., \ 11l In r In it gum 11, %In 11n.,.. 11. right tinisnol 'I bons', rnglr owl. Mont, in Inter. Itsn Q. num, lull litilfhinek, and 1 eager, mini it nit bang.. it non% Nlelkm ell and 11..rrt mann ren sit NI 1 belt iliplinsios last Imo. 1111- hr Inns nit roll • to nzuptu.uo nun inn,- /11,..1 ' lute,' Ilunnna, n ill) L l dd 110,11 the It nig vino 011 1110 riVilt stile of Ili, loin lu , t, %ear, .1 ttehill enllegnit hu nig Ihr summer and expent., to 14%- 101 1111. I tin iinotr on Penns% Inanta flint fall. bred I ttatitti. riele lialthark on rho 1915 elestet. is non on the llestean our. tier 11 , 1 n 11101111 , Pr 01 1.111 , Ntltlllll/11 (4111111 1:11 . 01 to smutty his front two hat o protest ItnAtietetottfol uith the result that Hatton Int• about, gm:a op hope of hi. biting able to pertittpato in the 19th ettinpattin rn ittliblion to the tort of the, non (limiter, the seterant Peals I, 11111 be tity, obi° to plat tie,. %ear 1/111111f1. et psi t o retttriet lona TLr4l.lnllll it ring' plat eon erll hr tooling theinistonglllt9 , ealion Dippo, Konkle, rent. r, Verger, right ImllLmk, Iteld, Ituldrit •iitton. Olterlcond Man quarteilinck 'llio trot four men more grailoatiid Juno Whole Silt• toil and \lanouti lotto oilhdraatu from , t ittoge (till, olio o ,poited to fill nor 01 t ,111•11111.11 , 1 lit guard Moo fall. till! a 1... In. nimble In poly tionig to innootal Th e nientlielo ni Litt )ettl'it team pilot hate retain...l to college Otto full ate Clinton] "loll' Ilia:Tin, loft , rill. and right tinkle 9110+r mt•n all report...l in ostiellent condition rind (Continued ons l'age 4.1