Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 28, 1915, Image 3

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Ben Greet Players and Dean
Shaler Mathews Appear on
Lecture and Entertainment
Nine courses never before offer
ed during the summer session
have been added to llie curriculum
of the summer school at the Penn
syltania Stale College, according
to an announcement issued a few
days ago by Dr. E. R. Smith
acting director. The session will
open June 28, continuing six
weeks, through August 6,
Penn State’s summer session,
designed primarily for teachers
in the public schools of the state
provides studies to meet the
needs of teachers in all lines of
work, and especially the scientific
lines of agriculture, home eco
nomics, manual training, public
school drawing and the sciences.
A new course in agriculture will
be conducted by Professor L. H
Dennis, of the State department
of public instruction, an expert in
argicullural education. Miss Sara
Love joy. director of the depart
ment of home economics of the
slale college, will offer couises
in textiles and garment making
Six other experts will conduct
thirteen other courses in this sub
ject. Other new courses will be
given in rural education and
school hygiene, geology, teacher’s
course in Latin, psychology
graduate study, religious instruc
tion, and in physical education.
Miss Mary \V. Hiuman, of Chica
go, will have charge of pageantry
rind folk dancing. A S. Weeks
of the North Dakota School of
Agriculture and Mechanical Arts
will be in charge of the dcpait
ment of Education.
On the program of public lec
tures and entertainments arc. Dr.
Edward Howard Griggs, who will
gi\e a scries of five lectures; Dean
Shaler Mathews, of the Univer
sity of Chicago; Dr. ] George
I’eeht, of the State Board of edu
cation ; ProfessorS. II Clark, and
classical nlays by the Ren Greet
players. The College News Edi
tor will likely give a course m
Journalistic Writing.
Lacrosse Team Loses
The State lacrosse team stiffei
ed defeat in the first two game
of the season. At Lehigh, against
last years state champions, we
were defeated by a score of 10-2
while the team lost to the strong
Indian twelve by a 12-2 score. In
both games the State defense
.seemed unable to break up the
excellent team work of the oppon
The Lehigh game was ten
close and hard fought in the first
half which ended 2-2. Farley and
Matthews scoring for State In
the second half, however, the de
fense weakened and the game
ended 10-2 in favor of Lehigh.
Against the Indians the team
was far from being in the best of
condition and at the end of the
first half Farley and Pope scored
while the winners added three
more goals. Coons placed a
strong game at defense while in
both games. Captain Farley dis
played his usual ability.
Slate lined up as follows: Goal,
Kricbel; Point, Wood; Cover
point, Bowes and Yerger: First
defense, Fisher; Second defense,
Coon; Third defense, Jordon:
Center, Hewitt; Third attack.
1 1 alio well; Second attack. Farley;
P.ellcfonte opened their season
several weeks ago and since then
have defeated Princeton Prep S-3
and were defeated bv the Prince
ton Fieshmen 6-3. This last game
will furnishacomparison with Sat-
First attack. Raer. Olmslead ; Out
home. Olmslead, Pope; Tn home,
The basketball executive com
mittee last week elected W. G.
Caldwell as the manager of var
sity basketball for the coming sea
son. The zeal and loyalty with
which each of the several candid
ates for this position entered up
on his duties made it difficult for
the committee to select the best
man; and only after much con
sideration was a final decision
As a result of further elections
the following men were chosen as
assistant managers; C. R. Mason,
J. A. Jackson and J. P. McCulloch.
President of Trustees
Commencement Orator
H. Walton Mitchell to be Com
mencement Orator. First Grad
uate Accorded This Honor. Bac
calaureate Sermon by Dr. N. M.
Waters. •
For the first time in the history
of the college a graduate will make
the Commencement Oration. I-I.
Walton Mitchell TO, President of
the Board of Trustees will deliver
the Commencement oration on
June 9. It is highly fitting that
this honor should be given Mr.
Mitchell, especially on the twen
ty-fifth anniversaiy of his gradua
tion. Since becoming an alum
nus of tile college he has worked
unselfishly and unceasingly in be
half of his Alma Mater.
He is not unknown as a Com
mencement speaker for two years
ago at Commencement in present
ing on behalf of Mr. White the
portrait of Dr. Sparks he showed
iiimself to be an able speaker and
thoroughly familiar with the great
work of our President.
Dr. Sparks characterizes him as
being one of the most unselfish
men who have worked m the
building up of our college As
an undergraduate lie was managci
of the college papei. At present
he is most successful as a lawyer
in Pittsburgh.
The haccalaui eatc sermon will
be preached by the Kctcrend Dr
N. M. Waters of the Tomkins
Congregational Church, New
R. L. Kester 1916 Selected to Fill
Position of First Tenor.
Professor Robinson, after Ins
return from the coast, set about
immediately to find a successor to
Bacon who withdiew from col
lege R L. Kester ’l6 has been
nicked to fill this vacancy and
will accompany the paity on the
Panama trip.
As previously announced Pro
lessor Crandall will take the trip
ill place of Professm Robinson.
'Pile paitv will sad June 10 from
New York City and will probably
not leave the Canal Zone until
July 1. Gillespie, Saucrhoff. Vail,
and Kester will compose the
Freshmen to Play Bellefonte.
The Freshmen will open then
season with outside teams next
Saturdav when they play the
strong Bellefonte Academy team
The Freshmen have been practic
ing with the \arsity during tile
last week and without a doubt will
give the Academy team a good
urday’s game, and give us an idea
of the standing of our Freshmen
w'fth that of the Eastern school
The probable lineup for the
Freshmen will he catcher Moore
Ditcher Johnson, shortstop Ewing,
first-base Arnei, “ccmd-base Min
gle. tbiid-biisc Wheeling, left
field Hess, center field Higgins
and right field Jimison or Levdic
Juniors vs Lock Haven Normal
Manager Rock of the Junior
team has closed terms with man
ager of the Lock Haven Normal
team for a game to be played on
their field in the near future Ik
has also opened terms with the
Milroy team
Senior Memorial Wall
Final arrangements ha\c been
made for the construction of the
Senior Memorial wall and the
work will soon he stilted. The
wall will extend from the new
road to the main entrance at Allen
street. It will be of native stone,
topped with Indiana limestone,
and will be about thirty inche
liigh. It is planned to construct
the wall twelve feel inside the row'
of trees on College avenue. This
will allow for a wide concrete
walk which should make ail ideal
promenade. In the center, direct
ly in front of Old Main, theie will
be a circular recess where bench
es will be placed as well as the
tablet which will tuaik the donor
The memorial will be dedicated
during Commencement week, at
which time it should lie practi
cally completed.
Great Progress Shown by Volun-
tcer Fire Department.
Thursday night, after theii
regular business meeting, the
Pennsylvania State \ ohinleei
Fire department gave a smoker to
tlic meinbcis of the borough lire
department. The smoker was a
decided success both funn the
standpoint of attendance and en
tertainment. Speeches w’ere made
by Chief l’hil. P. Fostei. CluH
Brennecke ’l6, Prof. Mease and
Dr. Ed. Lewis. These sp. eelies
strengthened and indicated the
good will and harmony which
now exists between llie two or
ganizations, thus assuring eo
operation. “Doc” Lewis ga\c a
demonstration of his gtmnastu
ability, while Reeder ’IS was as
fiinnv as ever.
Chief Brennecke has accom
plished much ill giadually per
fecting and organizing our new
fire company. The apparatus
which chiefly consists of a chemi
cal engine and a hose eait. will
he housed under the Libraiv, thus
giving a central location. At pie
sent the company has but two
gum coats, but they are winking,
and hope soon to have a coat fin
e K-b of the thirty members
'File financial committee has
been on the jump, raising moiict
by subscriptions, a Mask Stag,
and ttvo benefits at the Nittanv
Theater, the last of which was
held Monday night. So in evert
wav the men in the student fire
company are woikmg hard, and
their attitude is bound to make
it a success.
The new system, with thirtv
tiaincd men. and one mail to di
rect. is a vast improvement over
tile old. EfTicicncv is being de
they will be giaduatcd in June
hate been of much assistance to
tile coaches by tlu-ir help
"Shorty” Miller who has been t is-
Vs-loped and confusion avoided In
fact wc might well feel proud of
this new student oigani/ation
v Inch stands for so nincli
Can you meet a business man,
look him squarely iif'the eye and
explain a two minute proposition to
him without flinching ? If so, you
have ability to clear $35 to $6O
weekly this summer. No guess
work. The American Geographic
We will Accommodate Your Guests
TTbe IFUttan\> Unn
State College
Ja.t22eA P.
Osteopathic Physician
Bellefonte State College
Mon., Wed., Fri. Tuee., Thure., Sat.
Plumbing and Heating
Both Phones
The Palace Restaurant
Corner West College and Frazier
» * «
Efficient catering for special feeds
Automobile Livery
Taxi Service
Bellefonte, Pa.
Caterers, Attention !J
State College Bakery
Bread, Pastry and Ice Cream;
Both Phones
State College Pennsylvania
Athletic Good
Clothes made by Kahn Tailoring Company
Lightweight Balmacaans
Satisfaction Guaranteed
THe Toggery Shop
Penn State Laundry
Everything New Best Work
The place where
you should eat
Opposite Hotel
The Provident Life and Trust
Company of Philadelphia
What is the Best Form of Policy ?
Write for Leaflet
C. R Mason, Local Student Agent
Yes, we loaf, but we don.t loaf while we are loafing
We bake real bread. Qualitv is put in before the wrapper is pul
220 East College Avenue
are the foundation of good dress
Avoid the loss and disappointment that follow an ill-chose;
We suggest the
Nettleton and Bostonian
They are the best and the world knows it
for Spring Wear
C. W. Smith, Prop,
Hot Point Wi
begins May
State-Centre Electric
123 Frazier street
Store closes at 6 p. m
Myers’ Two Barber
112 E. College Ave. 102 Alt
4 chairs under inilluhv Ini
Shoe Shining Panor
The University of Chicago
U AMT 1 addition to resident
Hll |Y| p work, offers also instruc-
UVIUIJ tion by correspondence.
CTimV ror In
>3l GUI formation uddrtxt
22nd Year U.ofC.fDiv H)Cbiciio,!)l.