The : Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D„ PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania fTT FIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu- cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First Bemester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania We carry a full line of Students’ Supplies First National Bank Bellefonte Chas. M. McCurdy, Jas. K. Barnhart, President Cashier PHILIP D. FOSTER Dealer in all kinds ot Coal, Wood and Slate Roofing 838 W. College Ave. Both Phones EXPERIENCE TEACHES That’s why you should go to Spalding’s when you want equip ment for your favorite summer sport. Equipment that’s just a bit better. Designed and made by experts who know how to use the goods themselves. Complete equipment for baseball, tennis, golf, track and field. Our 1915 spring and sum mer catalogue is now ready and will be mailed free on request. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 126-128 Nassau St., 520 Fifth Avenue, New York City. The Leading Hotel in the city Fort Pitt Hotel Pittsburg, Pa “State’s” Headquaters Have you visited the new 5c and lOc Store Our aim and name is ECONOMY Look us over 130 East College Avenue EVERYTHING OUTING SHOES A'V FISHER’S The Athletic Store In The College World. A compulsory fee for student activities is being considered at George Washington university. The fee of five dollars will be so divided as to entitle the student to a subscription to the university weekly and annual publications, as well as a number of other activities. Freshmen at the University of Alabama are seriously considering the ail important question of matri mony. Is it any wonder when the executive committee has decreed that any first year man who is mar ried will not have to wear the fresh man “dink”? The University of Michigan have organized gym classes for faculty members. A popular course, so we hear. It has been remarked that only about 50 percent of the graduates from women’s colleges ever marry. But who knows; we can’t tell ? A ski and snowshoe competition will be one of the features at the annual winter carnival held at Dartmouth. By a vote taken among Yale seniors, Forbes Robertson was chosen as their favorite actor, and Miss Adams as their favorite actress, Edward H. Sothern and Miss Adams have been selected by sev eral previous classes. The University of Kentucky has begun a campaign which will in clude the taking of a census for the purpose of finding out how the students stand on prohibition. The question is “Are you wet or dry ?’’ The enrollment at Columbia uni versity has been announced to be 9,687, Allegheny college will have a centennial celebration during com mencement next June. BUY EARLY THE~PENN STATE COLLEGIAN THE First National Bank State College, Ph. W. L. FOSTER, Pres. DAVID F. KAPP. Cashier “Carefully compiled statistics show that the men entering college young are tin the average better, both in their studies and their con duct. On the whole they are the more intelligent and industrious youths; and this appears in the ex amination for entrance as well as in college work.” —President Lowell of Harvard. “Paradise Prison”, a comedy to be produced by the Mask and Wig club, was written by a former stu dent. The play was awarded the prize of $2OO offered by the stu dents’ dramatic associations for the best production submitted. Professor Agee has recently been giving a series of lectures at Rut gers college, on rural life problems. During the current school year six Kansas colleges have adopted the system of simplified spelling. There are now 67 schools in all with this plan in use; and resolutions have been passed asking publishers to adopt the system. At Lehigh the honor system is governed by 14 students who have full control of student discipline. The oldest college book that is known today was recently found by Professor Langdon of Oxford. It is a small tablet of clay and was written probably 4,260 years ago. University of Pittsburgh is con sidering the honor system. The Sophomores at Stevens have a “get together” p riod during one of the noon hours. A sort of “Cof fee house gathering of Ye Olden Days” it appears to be. President Hibben of Princeton opposes paid coaches for college athletic teams. Cranston, T 5, will represent State in the annual oratorical contest con ducted by the Pennsylvania Arb itration and Peace society- The contest will probably be held at Juniata college about the middle of April. University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburg, Penn State, Juniata, Bucknell, and St. Joseph’s college will be represented. ARROW SHIRTS for every occasion. Color fast—guaran teed satisfactory. “Insist on Arrow.” $1.50 up Clutttt, Peabody A Co., Inc. Makers The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South Allen Street Latest spring styles in Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings M. Hurwitz, Proprietor We have added the Onyx line of hose to our store and can now show you three “top notch” makes of guaranteed hose. We carry all the popular shades. Don’t fail to see our 25c silk hose. SAUERS & HEBERLING FOR THE BEST m Groceries, Furniture or DRY GOODS go to Gentzel & McEachren E. College Ave. THE SPOTLESS SHOP A real City barber shop Pastime Building GEO. W. LOHMAN Kindly mention this paper when calling on or writing to advertisers The IN Itt any O arage F. R. GOULD, Manager Successor to the Transportation Company J\ REAL GARAGE Courteous treatment efficient and prompt service Let us solve your transportation problems. It’s our specialty No matter how difficult, how large or small, notify us in advance am we will handle the proposition to your entire satisfaction without an; worry, inconvenience or regret on your part. Lowest prices possible We solicit your patronage Farmers and Traders Life Insurance Company Home Office, Syracuse, N. Y. Absolute Security and Lowest Cost John S. Dale and Son, Agents Bell phone 102 R TRe Quality Shop Ad eftabliihment which it noted for its fine quality of letterpreu printing v Every order receiver the perional attention of the manager thu« in«uring perfect latiifadtion The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company r State College 420 Burrowes Street State College, Pern