Things About Ourselves, The college issues a semi momth ly bulletin which is sent to various newspapers of the state, and in the current issues we vote the following items which may be of general interest to students. Poultry fanciers Ton the farms of this State are to be assisted in im proving their flocks by the Pennsyl vania State college, according to a recent announcement made by M. C. Kilpatrick, head of the poul try department at the institution. He said that blooded cockerels grown at the college farms would be sold at cost through the various county farm bureaus. Defending the modern college student, Dr. E. E. Sparks, president of the Pennsylvania State college, in a recent address at the Central Y. M. C. A., in Philadelphia, said there never was a time when clean living prevailed as largely among college men as at present. In his opinion athletics have set a stand ard for taking care of the body; for demonstrating that the wages of sin is, death. The most approved methods of scientific crop and animal raising will be expounded to Western Pennsylvania farmers by a corps of experts from the Pennsylvania State college at the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, on February 23, 24 and 25. There will be 19 lectures upon whatever topics are involved in lessening the cost of liv ing or increasing the net return from farms. The care of fruit trees, the cultivation of alfalfa, the breeding of beef, chickens and swine, the the sale of produce, along Iwith many kindred will all be discussed. The Band Concert. The Cadet band will give its first conceri of the new term in the auditorium, next Sunday evening at eight o’clock. Band master Thompson has been making the men work nights and the program following will show the results of their labors. The Varsity quartete is to render one number, and Aus tin’s ability to entertain will be once more in evidence. The program: March, dedicated to W. O. Thompson and Cadet Band, by C. H. Berheim; Overture, "Fest"; Var sity Quartet, Selected; (a) “Angel’s Serenade”, Obligati, F. R. Morey, T 7 (b) "Simple Aveu”, Saxophone, J. E. Morrow, T 6; selection, “Adele”; reading, Select ed, L. R. Austin; waltz’ "Beautiful” Blue Danube"; suite, “Americana”; "The Star Spangled Banner”. The audience is requested to rise and sing the first stanza of the “Star Spangled Banner”, when that number is played. We Wonder When the fire company is going to get its red shirts. Who has charge of the doors of the Auditorium when a big crowd is on hand. Why Babe had such a crowd Fri day night. What the faculty thinks about the honor system. When the townspeople will bail out their sidewelks. When the construction of a cement walk to Ag hill will be begun. Why the Glee club needs a bene- Registrar’s Notice All students having re-examina tions on Wednesday afternoon, which conflict with their classes, seould secure permits far enough in advance to enable them to be excused from class work. The Registrar’s office will be closed on Saturday afternoon. Lehigh Wrestlers Next Captain Lamb and his wrestlers will meet Lehigh university next Monday, Washington’s birthday, at South Bethlehem. Wrestling at Lehigh is quite as popular as it is at Penn State and a fine meet should result. Lamb's opponent will be Pons who weighs 260 pounds and who was fast enough to play football. He has won both of his bouts this year, throwing his Navy opponent in two minutes. The 175 pound man is their heavyweight of last year, Good. Captain Sawtelle will be Yerger’s opponent and Lehigh considers him to be her best. He wrestled but little last year due to a broken arm. He played end on the football team this year. The other weights of the team are well balanced. Kirkhoff, 115 pounds, and Martin, 125 pounds, are veterans and the other two men have much experience. The team defeated Columbia winning all except one bout but they lost four bouts out of se\ en to the Navy. In view of this record, the team should return Tuesday with another victory, but every bout will be well fought especially those of Long and Kirkhoff, Saw telle and Yerger and Lamb and Pons. On Tuesday evening, February 23, there will be a meeting in the Old Chapel, of all members of the Y. M. C. A. The purpose of this meefing will be to discuss sugges tions for extending and improving the work of the association. All members are asked to be present, and to bring along any criticism or suggestion which they may have regarding the welfare of the asso ciation. The nature of this meet ing is an invocation, and if suc cessful, it will be followed by others. Syracuse university is consti act ing a new $250,000 forestry build ing and a $lOO,OOO law building. THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Wc carry a full line of Students' Supplies The : Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania FIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering,. Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania House Warming To keep a house just at the right temperature GOOD COAL is absolutely essential GET IT NOW State College Fuel and Supply Company M. li. Meyer, Mgr. both Phones J. C. SMITH & SON Hardware, Hinklers’ Material, Oils, Paints, Glass, Cement, Stoves and Electrical Supplies, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, etc. MEEK BLOCK GILBERT & BACON OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS 1915-1916 La Vie Students can get duplicates this year at the same rate ON THE WAY BACK from that hike to Bald Top Stop at BRICKERS in Boalsburg for some Penn State Creamery Ice Cream The State College Transportation Co FIREPROOF G/\R/\GE AUTOMOBILE LIVERY Ice Cream The best that can be made | HARVEY BROTHERS The Athletic Store Longee’s Restaurant East College Ave. OUR MEAL TICKETS will enable you to enjoy good eata at reasonable rates G. C. HARPER Picture Framing Special rates given to grnnn lots 140 K. College Ave. Myers’ Two Barber Shops 112 E. College Avu. 102 Allen St. •I chairs under riiuuiv Inn Shoe Shimn rurmr Incorporated ]!)()') Repair Work a Specialty 220 E College Ave C. E. SHUEY Jeweler, Optician Big Ben and Baby Ben Alarm Clocks Are the best 133 South Allen Street A. DEAL SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT WATER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State College Pennsylvania The Leading Hotel Fort Pitt Hotel Pittsburg, Pa “State’s” Headquaters DR. H. E. THORNLEY Osteopathic Physician Uellefonte State College Mon., Wed,, Fri, Tugs., Thurs,, Sat, ACCESSORIES in the city