The : Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania m FIVE GREAT SCHOOLS-Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu- cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania Tfie Quality Shop An establishment which u noted lor its line quality ol letterpress printing V Every order receives the persona! attention ol the manager thus insuring perfect latulatfion The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company t State College THE First National Bank State College, Pa. t r > W. L. FOSTER, Pres. DAVID F. KAPP. Cashier The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South fallen Street Latest fall styles in Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing ' and Furnishings "NG VGarolWl, Troy SHEFFLER’S The place where i Y-:;0 U Should Eat' Opposite Hotel L. D. FYE 200-201 West College Avenue Fancy and Staple Groceries ' _ Also Fruits Special Prices to Clubs and Fraternities FLOWERS AND PLANTS Grown by the -Floricultural Dept. We offer our surplus stock of cut flowers and plants at reasonable rates to students and faculty. This stock is grown in modern houses tinder; ideal conditions. Carnations, snap dragons, chrysanthemums and sweet -peas in season. Grown on the Campus Bell Phone Bush. House Bellefonte, Penna. Rate per day $2.50 With bath $3.00 per day W. L. DAGGETT Caterers, Attention ! State College Bakery Bread, Pastry and Ice Cream Roth Phones IN THE COLLEGE WORLD. The students of I'nuikhn and U.u shall College have adopted the honor system b) an <>\erwbdnuiig \ ole Tlml\ thousand persons attended the Army-Nav) game this year. An incident which enlivened the game ft (jin the standpoint of the spec tator was the divesting of the coat fioni the Middies’ “goat" by the Cadets, an occurrence which cost the Navy pangs of regret only ex ceeded I>\ those of defeat. The University of Pennsylvania has passed a resolution whereby a college degree will he required for entrance into the law school of that university. Tins action nukes the standard of admission as high as that of any law school in the world One out of c\er\ two student* at the C’niversiiN of Chicago earns his own way through college. A stringent measure against high school soroiil’es was adopted at the iceeiit meeting of the National Pan llelleme Association of Ameiiean College Sororities, at Washington, in accordance with which girls who belong to high school sororities must resign their membership if they desire to he eligible to member ship in college sororities. Statistics show that twelve foot ball phners have been killed this fall Onl} two of the victims were college men Neither of the two college men were injured in an in tercollegiate game. None of the tw el\e weie moie than twenty \ears of age. and the accidents nceuiied while the victims were making a tackle in a majority of the cases In : Mjm, twcnt\-two men weie killed: in i(>i i, elexen mini; in Hjii, thir teen men; m HJI3, fourteen men The weekly paper of Heidelberg Ibitvcrsity has a unique method of calling foi subscription dues In an .11 tide, entitled "Ye Artbeled Ones," the manager wrote the fol lowing: “Amone suflermg from a superfluity of cash or any other al lied disease, can find instant lelicf, if not a positive cure, by calling mound at the publication sanctum and pa\ iug their subsei iplion Come carl} and a\oid the rush" Ditto, Penn Stale men. ALUMNI NOTES. K 1\ Jenkins, 'l4, is now* m the emplo} of the General Electric Compati}. in Schenectady. N Y. 1C P \ ogel is with the Sharpless Separator Company, of West Ches ter \ ogel is one of the ’l4 agrono mists. D. L. Shoenfclt and S. K. Sellers, both ’l4 !C IC.’s. aie wmking for the Western lClectnc Compam in Chicago. George Mien, a ’l4 mechanical, is at present located in Wdmcrding K. C Brenuecke, Ti, is with a contracting compam in Altoona. Charles llilbeit, ‘;g, is owner of the Ideal Motor Car Company, of Mleiitown Steele Barnhart, ’l4, has the posi tion of supervisor of agnculluie in the Mt Pleasant Township High School, in Westmoreland CoimU. C S Shoemaker, a ’l4 ag chem ist, is a chemist in the works of the \meiican Plate Glass Company, in Jeannette, Pa Lewis llemller, ’l4. is a go\em inent chemist at Indianhcad, Aid., and Joe Vine has a similar position in the Brooklyn Na\v Yard C. P. Mes.scrsmith, ’lO. assistant superintendent of the .Etna Pow der Company, is located at l'a}Villc, Illinois, and not in Indiana, as was staled in a lecent issue Associated with him, but in the chemical de partment, are Sammy Diehl, ’ 1 1, one of State’s greatest wrestlers, and T L ()'Shea, 'l4. Prank Graham, ’l4, who gradu ated in the School of IClcetrical En gineering, is at present holding a position with the Western Electric Company, at Chicago THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Paul Anderson, 'l4. is in the em ploy of the Bell Telephone Com pany, in Philadelphia, Pa William J Kush, 'l4, architect, is at present employed by Kdward Z Scholl, architect, in Reading, Pa. D W Smith, a *l4 civil, has been employed b\ the Southern Railroad, in Tennessee Joseph Mickdev. a ’l4 mechanical, at present holds a position with the Union Switch and Signal Company, located at Swussvale, Pa. COLLEGE TEACHES FARM ING TO THOUSANDS BY MAIL. More than men and women of Pennsylvania who could not find time or the funds to attend college ha\c studied agriculture In cunespondenee with the college. About (ifl\ per cent, of them have completed the courses, and were aw.tnled certificates of proficiency Professor T 1. Mairs, who lias charge of the long-distance instruc tion, said the courses attracting most attention w ere * poultn rais ing, faun hook keeping, gardening, fruit growing and geneial agricul ture Ile added that the new course in cooking is rapidlv gaining in popularit} “The enrollment of more than 1,- 500 persons each n car in these cor respondence courses," said Profes sor Mairs. “is good evidence that leaching agriculture by mad has be come an important phase of the ex tension work of the American agri- Last}car, accoidmg to Professoi Mails, 15,000 papers were exam ined and returned to the corre spondence students. lie finds the indniduals most interested are Noting farmers, from twenty to thirty }ears old. farm women, clerks, business and professional men CHAPEL SYSTEM EXPLAINED. The giowth of the college tins \ear and the probable continued giowth next year has caused con side! able .speculation as to just what arrangements for compulsory chapel w ill be made next year. \n iueiease in the fieshmau class to 800 would overeiowd the old chapel Nuineious suggestions have been made, the most sensible of winch seems to he the excusing of all seniors. At am rate, no ac cumulated cuts will he carried over from tins }ear and any sophomore who has accumulated cuts in his freshman year, or any junior who has been equally frugal will lose Iheii advantage unless the cuts are taken this Near. For instance, a student nnlio lias attended chapel 100 times more than required may absent himself twenty Nvceks this Near, hut an} cuts left in June will lie lost and cannot ho used the fol lowing \ear, no matter what system is adopted The recent posting of cuts arc only of those men. therefore, who Ikino used up all accumulated ab sences from previous Nears. TWO-YEAR STUDENTS IN BASKET-BALL. All two-vear men who have any basket-ball ability should icporl in the armory on Tuesday and Thurs da) evenings, from 8:30 until 10 o'clock. The team nn ill he coached by Bowes, ’if), Professor Crooks and Manager Dcpuy Games Nvill be ar ranged with the class teams and cultural colleges" Jll his opinion, it 1 caches people who cannot leave the faun or the place of business, possibly with some teams aNvay Al ready some good material has been found among the sixty candidates nn ho have repoi led Two teams will he picked from each class and a final squad of fif teen selected. Those retained on the squad will he excused from gym drill. Pressing Repairing Dyeing A New Man at An Old Stand C. C. Curry, Tailor Successor to J. P. Hagman Steam Cleaning Wet Cleaning Dry Cleaning ON THE WAY BACK from that hike to Bald Top Stop at BRICKERS in Boalsburg* for some Penn State Creamery Ice Cream The Balmacaan The reign of the Balmacaan is at its height right now. The Well Dressed Men are wearing it on the street, automobiling and traveling We have a big line in stock. Come in and look them over Sauers and Heloerling The State College Transportation Co. Incorporated 1909 FIREPROOF GARAGE AUTOMOBILE LIVERY ACCESSORIES Repair Work a Specialty A New Store in State College JUST THE PLACE TO BUY MEN’S FURNISHINGS. Fromm’s Economy Store The Nittany Theatre Week End Program TODAY Win. Courtleigh “THE BETTER MAN” Cyrus Townsend Brady THURSDAY “PERILS OF PAULINE” and “Terrence O’Rourke Gentleman Adventurer” am! a good Sterling Comedy FRIDAY Special for Hospital Benefit “The Perfect Thirty=Six” Written by Montague Glass 4 Reels of Hilarious Comedy and “THE MASTER KEY” Two Reel Serial John Fleming Wilson * * * SATURDAY “The Ring and the Man” with Bruce Mcßae A Stirring Political Drama also “Billie” Ritchie “THE GROOM’S DOOM’ * * * MONDAY ETHEL BARRYMORE “THE NIGHTINGALE” Everything for the Amateur Outdoor Work Our Specialty W. W. Smith Photographer and Stock Dealer Agency Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Edison Diamond Point Phonographs and Records Webster Typewriter Ribbons Multi-kopy Carbon Papers Z\Z &&&\ CoUe&e SNxewai CoU«q« MARTIN’S for Best Cider and Fresh Pretzels * * * Peanuts Roasted to Suit You Have That Picture framed by C. H. SMITH Finest Work at the Right Price 212 E. College Ave. We will Accommodate Your Guests TEbe IRittaiw Inn State College P. iftifteraj Proprietor Keep Your Eye on the Scores Fraternity Bowling Tournament State College B. and B. Co. Under Babe’s