* The : Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania fTT FIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six dourseß of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania fll/hat Profession are You Choosing? If It Is either MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, PHARMACY or CHEMISTRY, do not fall to learn the advantages of The Medico-Chirurgical College It 1«* In the City which has been and still is the American Center of Tlducatlon ■n these Sciences. It has Departments of ami ants Dt»Ri ees in all lour of them it %i.s its own llulldinßS com pi islnj? well-planned and well-eijuipped Lnlmintoi les, a uftfe modem Uo.spUul, ami the /blest clinic.il Amphilhenti e extant its Courses Jo ■noli Dopai tment ui u eaiefuily 11 ha> abundant and \arled Clinical Matei ial Is Families are n nown