The : Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERI.E SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D„ PRESIDENT Establißbed and maintained by thp joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania grr FIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering VJI thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania SONGS AND MOVIES An Interesting Program for Lin coln’s Birthday by Hampton Stu dents—Major Morton Will A reel o£ motion pictures entitled “John Henry” and a program of plantation and labor songs will be given on the evening of Lincoln’s birthday in the Auditorium by stu dents of Hampton Institute. Hampton Institute was founded after the Civil War with the object of solving the ever present race prob lem by giving Indians and negroes a thorough education and industrial training. The hundred and fifty buildings, the thousand acres of land, the fifteen different courses, and the eight hundred students give some idea of the size to which Hampton has grown. This entertainment is one of a series that is being held in Pennsyl vania, New York and New Eng land, to create fresh interest in the training of Indian and negro youth for efficient living. Major Robert Morton, for twenty odd years com mandant of cadets at Hampton, will be the principal speaker. He will tell of the results of the Insti tute’s work. Penn State is already related in a way to Hampton. Charles B. Ran dall,, who is supported by Penn State in his Y. M. C. A. work in Brunswick County, Va., is a Hamp ton graduate. Hampton’s eight thousand graduates cover the south and are accomplishing much in im proving conditions. A general admission of twenty five cents will be charged and re served seats will be sold for fifty cents. All students are urgently requested to support this good cause, and also to come and hear about the excellent work carried on by capable men who are coping with the race problem. Indoor Football Coach Harlow has drawn up plans for a systematic indoor foot ball practice during the remaining winter months. Candidates will be tried out in the different depart ments of the game and each assign ed to the position and work for which he appears most fitted. All candidates are now urged to respond to this call. Names may be handed to Coach Harlow or Manager Lord. The work will be gin early next week and it is essen tial that the candidates respond early, Men with reasonable phy sique and a desire to learn the game will have an unusual oppor tunity to learn the game this winter. The practice will continue out doors as soon as the weather per mits. Men with much experience, moderate experience, little exper ience, or no experience, as long as they have the desire to learn the PHOTO SUPPLIES “Our Goods Make Superior Pictures” Vulcan Film SENECA Photo-pure Chemicals Vulcan Plates CAMERAS Argo Paper SOUDER & CAMERON 238 McAllister Hall DEVELOPING AND PRINTING First Class Work Developing 10c per roll. Vulcan Film developed free with one doz. prints. 1%x2%, 2%x2J£, 2%x3%, 3c each, 85c per dozen. 8%x3%, 2%x4%, 3){x4% 4c each, 45e per dozen. 4x5 and Postcard, 6c each, 65c per dozen. All prints on Postcards sc. Bxlo Enlargements 25c Free when purchases total $2.50. game, are wanted for this work. Hand in your name immediately. Inter-Collegiate Debating Trials The inter-collegiate debating trials were held Friday and Satur day nights, January 16 and 17, in the Old Chapel to select teams to debate against Dickinson and Swarthmore March 6. More interest was shown in these trials than any ever held at Penn State College before. Thirty men from the various classes were out with carefully prepared speeches for the trials. All of the men did very well indeed and a number were so evenly matched that it was extremely difficult for the judges to select eight men better than the rest. The men selected for the affirm ative side which debates at swarth more were: H. V. Cranston 'IS, S. P. Jones T 5, W. R. Skillman ’l6, Earl McCord T 5, alternate. Those selected for the negative side which debates against Dickin son at home were: J. W. Carpenter T 4, R. E. Geary T 6, F. F. Gininger T 7, David McKay T 6, alternate. Spring Reexaminations By vote of the General Faculty, on March 27, 1913, reexaminations in all subjects given during the first semester are to be held “on the last four Saturday afternoons of term time in the first half of the second semester, and on such other after noons in that period as the room schedule will allow”. This year the reexaminations will be held on Saturday afternoons, March 7,14, 21 and 28, and on Friday after noons, March 6 and 13. The schedule of the reexamina tions cannot be prepared until all grade reports for the first semester have been received at the Regis trar’s office, and will be posted as soon as it can be made out. No fee is charged for the first reexamination, in any subject, but a permit must be obtained at the Registrar’s office and deposited with the instructor at the time of the examination. Half Holiday According to custom, there will be a half holiday on the afternoon of February 12, Lincoln's birthday. DRUG STORE Open Soon Let this be your Special Drug Store Any remedy or article from a Rexall store is sold with the full assurance that you are getting The Most Of the Best For the Least THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN SHOES Our Fall line of Shoes just in THE RALSTON L. D. FYE’S TKe Leading Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery Short Orders a Specialty A. O. Longe© 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE The Enterprise Clothing 1 Store 125 South flllen Street Latest fall styles In Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing and Furnishingsl Tft. 'Y.wnsAVi, Vtop FRESH FISH and SHELL OYSTERS A. L. Bottorf College Ave. Sheet Music—Pictures Picture Framing our Specialty * # * BITTNER’S ART SHOP Sheffler’s 4 Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups The Tobacco Store Geo. B. Jackson Holroes Bldg., Atlen Street Thos. R. Weber & Bros. Painters and Decorators Frescoing and Sign Writing a Specialty Both Phones The College Man’s Shop Sauers and Heberling A full line of men’s furnishings. Custom made clothing. Pennants and cushion tops THREE SUITS PRESSED FOR ONE DOLLAR Cleaning and Pressing Tickets $1.60 worth of work for $l.OO Robison Block Allen Street 5c Admission always the same The New'Pastime “Babe’s” Movies 700 New Seats Highest Class Motion Pictures World Famous Mirror Screen Matinee Daily from 2 until S Evenings from 6 until 10:30 Continuous Show 5c Admission always the same Peerless : Steam : Laundry Lewtsburg, Pennsylvania MODERN AND SANITARY QUALITY WORK A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street ARROW mOLLAR duett, Pcuboily & Co., Inu. Maher* J. C. SMITH & SON Hardware, Builders’ Material, Oils, Paints, Glass, Cement, Stoves and Electrical Supplies, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, etc. MEEK BLOCK GEO. C. HARPER Wall Paper, Picture Framing, Station ery and Art. Sub agency for the OLIVER TYPEWRITER 140 East College Avenue State-Centre Electric Co. Electric Lighting Fixtures Frazier St. A. DEAL SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM. HOT WATER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State College Pennsylvania College Photograhers Amateur work & post cards a specialty Good work guaranteed H. R. Miller ’l5, 1300 Pugli St. H. M. Horback ’l5, 523 Main FOREST L. STRUBLE Plumbing and Heating t Both Phones Good Ventilation Projected on the Everybody Welcome Lock Haven Steam Laundry :,4^ ' STUDENT AGENTS A. L. Sherman 'l4 M. E. Beach 'l4 ThePotter-Hoy Hardware Co. Everything;in Hardware Distributors for tlio PENINSULAR PAINT and TARNISH CO’S complete lino ASPHALT ROOFINGS. our specialty BELLEFOIMTE, PA. Hagman the Tailor We'll do your cleaning and pressing right Suits made to order 127 South Allen Street C. E. SNYDER FIREPROOF GARAGE Steam Heated AUTOS, BICYCLES, GUNS TO HIRE General Repair Work a Specialty 116 S. Frazier Street, corner of Colder G. E. .Sfiuey POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY THE SPOTLESS SHOP A real City barber shop Nittany Inn Block GEO. W. LOHMAN GENTZEL & HUBLER Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Linoleums, Oilcloths, House Furnish ings, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries 20Q-20G E College Avenue Both Phones Mention the Collegian when call ing on our advertisers. Best Work at low st prices. Six pieces soft wash for 25c. Give us a trial— Laundry delivered hursday.