Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, December 10, 1913, Image 1

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The Second Annual Interclass
Wrestling Meet for the Class
Championship to be Held on
Tuesday —Good Bouts Will Re
The second annual interclass
wrestling meet for the class cham
pionship will be held in the Armory
next Tuesday evening, December
16th, at 7:30 o'clock. All four
classes will be represented by teams
so that in the preliminaries and the
finals 21 bouts will be staged.
These bouts are sure to produce
some N ery interesting matches for
the sophomores, juniors, and sen
iors will all have especially strong
teams. The freshman class, al
though large and undoubtedly con
taining many good men continues
to show the same lack of interest
and class spirit that has marked
their work all year, and if they
don't soon get awake their score is
likely to continue to be the same as
that of their work with the sopho
mores. All those freshmen that
took part in the class trials for
the regular interclass meet are
urged to come out for Wednesday
evening and Saturday afternoon.
The senior team will be chosen
from the following men: Noel,
Scharf, Gallager, Jones, Horst, Cal
lender, Rishel, Grumbling, Winter,
Sayre, E. P. Vogel, Stiles, and Mc-
Vean. The juniors will make up
their team from the following list:
Allen, - Horner, Crockett, Hill, Glea
son, Ritchey, Stoner, Stecker, Rai
ber, Hanson, Kirk. Lamb, Frantz,
Matter, Peifly, Smith and Sorg.
The sophomores have an abun
dance of good material in the fol
lowing men from which to select
their team: Baird, Stephens, Long,
Noble, Taylor, C. E. Hacker, Fish
er, Hunter, Dale, Wakeley, Straw.
Rock, Chambers, Brown, Pickett,
Horst, Grimes, Clark, Yerger, Tay
lor, H. E., Hasselbacher, Breneiser.
The freshman list is as follows:
Hoffer, Amthor, Davey, Reisner;
Ostermayer, Scwanger, Price, Kirk,
Fritz, Dennison, Newell, Linninger,
Griffiths, Learn, Wertz, and Phil
The preliminaries will be held for
all classes on Wednesday even
ing in the Armory at 7:30 o'clock
while the final trials for all classes
will be held Saturday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. In the preliminaries
the following weights will be
allowed: 123, 133, 143, 153, 166,
183 pounds respectively, while for
the finals and the meet the follow
ing weights will be the standard:
121, 131, 141, 151, 164, 181,
pounds respectively.
Deutscher Verein
On last Friday evening instead of
meeting in the Old Chapel the
Deutscher Verein held their meet
ing and social gathering at the
Woman's Building. The girls act
ed as hostesses of the evening and
an excellent Christmas program was
furnished. The girls' chorus and
the German male choir sang and
Professor Orson deliveved a short
address on "Christmas in Ger
many". The feature of the even
ing was the singing of "Die Schnit
zel Bank" in which all joined with
much enthusiasm. Refreshments
were served by the girls and the
meeting came to a close with the
singing of "Die Lorelie".
Spectacular Open Field Play is
Large Factor
Before hundreds of rooters,
beautiful girls and excellent music
the warriors of Old Main, fighting
to the last ditch, went down to de
feat before the terrific onslaughts
of the McAllister backfield. Mc-
Allister kicked off to Main on their
10 yard line. Main before splen
did interference returned the ball to
the 35 yard line. After four line
plunged McAllister recovered a
fumble. With smashing line
plunged by Quirk end McCenna,
hair raising and runs of the dashing
Mikaloff the ball was soon past
Main's five yard mark from where
the quarterback scored.
On the second play after Main
received the next kick off Mc-
Allister again recovered the ball.
Three line plunges, a beautiful for
ward pass and a thrilling quarter
back run enabled McCenna to add
six points more to the total.
On the next kick off Mikaloff
was badly injured. Henny,for Main,
was thrown for a safety when the
center made a poor pass. This
ended the scoring. Main rushed
the ball from the 20 yard line to
midfield where Henney kicked to
McAllister on the 20 yard line.
Main held and recovered a fumble
on the fourth down. They lost a
golden opportunity to score when
they fumbled on the first play.
Here occured much side line strat
egy. Man after man was sent in
by Harlow to instruct the doughty
leader of McAllister. Finally Quirk
punted and the half was over.
Wild excitement ensued between
halves. Headed by their band and
comic leader McAllister's joyous
rooters did a snake dance around
the field. When they returned to
the stands the Main band played
what must have been a tune very
sacred to some McAllisterites be
cause they stood with uncovered
heads until the last note died away
The second half found Main on
the defensive but never in danger
of being scored upon.
Aside from three good forward
passes there was little to enthuse
over until the final period. In this
period the eagle eye of head lines
man Leyden detected Luke Mc-
Gluck and Spike Robson exchang
ing love taps. Both were banished
from the game.
McAllister's backfield and Hen
ney were the bright luminaries of
the game. The officials were
Berryman, Barron, and Leyden.
Mr. Hurwitz' Lecture
A most delightful and instructive
address was given to Penn State
students, especially to the Jewish
students on Friday evening by
Henry Hurwitz of Harvard Univer
sity, president of the Intercollegiate
Menorah Association. Mr. Hur
witz gave a careful outline of the
purposes of the various constituent
Menorah Societies, emphasizing es
pecially that the organization was
liberal and open to all. The Me
norah Society has for its major
purpose the promotion of the study
of Jewish history, culture and prob
lems, and the advancement of Jew
ish ideals. Mr. Hurwitz has given
a new impetus to the Penn State
Menorah. He has opened up new
avenues of advance and enlight
meat and has assured intercollegiate
affiliation for the Penn State Meno
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Fifteen Men Awarded Letters for
Service on Gridiron. Lord Chos
en Manager
At a meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Athletic Asso
ciation on Saturday afternoon
fifteen men were awarded the
varsity "S" for service on the foot
ball field during the Past season.
The list includes Caotain Miller
quarterback; J. Clark, center; Be
bout, Sayre and Vogel guard's and
Weston end of the Senior class.
From the Junior class letters were
awarded to Berryman Tobin and
Welty of the backfield Barron end
and Lamb tackle. the Sopho
mores are represented by Mc-
Dowell tackle, and Wood, who
played at end and center. The
Freshmen likewise had two men to
win their letter in Morris at end and
H. Clark in the backfield.
Captain-PlPet TOI/111
After the awaiding di- - the letterb,
the men met and elected E. W.
Tobin to succeed Shorty Miller as
Captain for the 1914 season.
"Yegg" as he is popularly known
played varsity ball for three sea
sons winning his letter in each of
the last two seasons. Although
lighter than the average halfback
or fullback he has made up for this
deficiency in physical makeup by
by his speed courage and ability to
use his head in picking holes in the
line or circling the ends. He has
played mostly at fullback but has
also taken a regular place occasion
ally at one of the halfback posi
tions or at quarterback. It is
thought that due to his speed and
experience he will be shifted to
"Shorty" Miller's position next
year, thus being enabled to lead
his team from the most natural
position for a captain or leader to
Tobin prepared for college at
California State Normal school and
entered Penn State in the fall of
1911. His home is at Youngs
town Ohio. He is a popular
choice for the captaincy and will no
doubt make a most capable leader
With him on the business end of
running the team will be C. A. Lord
who was chosen Manager for the
next season. Lord prepared at the
Camden High school Camden, New
Jersey. He is also a popular
choice and to judge from his work
as an assistant manager, we do not
hesitate to say that the business
end of the 1914 football season will
be capably handled.
"Power" for December 2, has a
two page report of tests of a sim
ple noncondensing Lentz engine
which, as fai as is known, estab
lishes a new record for this kind of
engines. The tests were made by
Prof J. A. Moyer from July 30 to
August 6, 1913.
7:00 p. m. Armory. Wrestling
7:30 p. m. Ladies' Cottage
Liberal Arts Society.
2:00 p. m. Interclass Cross Coun
2:30 p. m. Armory. Final Wrest
ling Trials.
8:15 p. m. Auditorium. Cathe
clral Choir.
10:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh
man Service.
1:00 a. m. Auditorium. Chape
Service. Dr. Samuel McComb
6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Y. M
C. A. Meeting.
6:30 p. m. Old Chapel. Y. M. C.
A. Prayer Meeting.
7:30 p. m. Armory. Interclass
Wrestling Championship.
Intercollegiate Debating
The date for the intercollegiate
debates this year has been set for
March 6. The question chosen is
"Resolved, That the progress and
prosperity of the United States of
America would be increased if the
elective franchise werc not withheld
from any one solely on account of
sex." Penn State will uphold the
negative at home against Dickin
son, and will debate on the affirma
tive at Swarthmore. In addition to
the Swarthmore debate a series of
debates is being arranged with
teams at Lehigh, Lafayette and
Debating interest this year prom
ises to be more keen than ever be
fore. A Faculty Debating Corn-
mittee composed of Messrs. Pattee,
Hall and Roberts has been appoint
ed to assist in turning out teams
that will be worthy of representing
Penn State. A local debating fra
ternity is being organized which
will apply to the national debating
fraternity of Delta Sigma Rho for a
chapter. Instructors in the English
Department are being urged to co
operate with the men in their
classes and assist in turning out
good material.
There are many men in college
who cannot and do not expect to
represent their Alma Mater in ath
letics. For those men varsity de
bating opens a field for service and
true spirit in which they have an
opportunity to represent Penn
Trials for the teams have been
set for Friday January 16, at 7
p. m. in the Old Chapel. The time
limit for the trials will be five min
utes for the discussion and three
minutes for rebuttal. Contestants
may choose the negative or affirm.
ative sides as they wish.
It is especially urged that frest
men take advantage of this oppor
tunity. One or more freshmen
have been on the teams for the last
three years and this year the op
portunities are as good as ever be
fore. Get busy now and work up
your subject and let us turn out
teams this year that shall be true
representatives of Penn State.
Non-Commissioned Officers
Last week the non-commissioned
officers of the Penn State regiment
met for the first time in order to
organize a non-commissioned offi
cers school. Lieutenant Lowe
took charge of the meeting and in a
Unusual Growth in Enrollment of
Arts Course During Past Years.
The Future for the School Looks
Very Bright
The School of Liberal Arts has
had a consistent growth since its
organization into a separate and
distinct school. Compared with
last year the enrollment in this
year's freshman class has almost
doubled. The junior and sopho
more classes also show additions to
their numbers. A table of compar
ative statistics giving the total en
rollment in the school for the last
four years will be of interest: 1910-
11, 33; 1911-12, 53; 1912-13, 64;
1913-14, 98.
The reasons for this encouraging
growth are evident. The state
ment, that it is as much the busi
ness of this college to offer instruc-
tion along the lines of liberalizing
studies to the youth of the state as
it is to offer them instruction along
purely vocational lines, requires no
argument. Many college students
have not determined upon any spe
cial vocation and go to college to
get the benefit of a liberal educa
tion first. They still believe that
such liberal education will be of in
estimable value to them when the
time of compelled specialization
comes upon them. To them natur
ally such courses as the Classical,
the Modern Language and Litera
ture, or the Education and Psychol
ogy course appeal. For those who
are eager to specialize in mathema-
tics the course in Mathematics fur
nishes ample 'opportunity. Others
who expect to go into business are
interested in the Commerce and
Finance Course. Those. who are
looking toward law as a profession
are choosing the Pre-Legal course.
Every year the college has more
demands than it can meet for
teachers of the usual high school
subjects. Anyone of the Liberal
Arts courses is available•to prepare
the student to fill such positions
very interesting and concise way
convinced his listeners that it is
absolutely essential for the cultured
young man of the day to take an
active interest in the military affairs
of our great country. Lieutenant
Lowe also very clearly brought out
the benefits to be derived from a
military education, and he ended
his talk by drawing a fine distinc
tion between drill and training.
The individual men present ex
pressed themselves as being highly
in favor of organizing this school,
and they also said that the need for
such an instruction class had been
felt by them. It was very gratify
ing to see the large number of men
that turned out, and also to see the
interest manifested by them in this
Student Board Petition
A petition has been submitted to
the faculty by the student board
asking for a change in the date of
the close of Christmas vacation
from Monday, January 4 at 1:20 p,
m. to Monday, January 4 at 5:00 p
The petition was made on the
grounds of inconvenience—the fact
that the resuming of classes at 1:20
on Monday will compel men to
leave home on Sunday to reach col
lege on time, thus incurring the in
conveniences of Sunday train con-
Continued on page 4