The : Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania iiFIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania BUILDING OPERATIONS BEGUN Structures for Equipment of Agri- cultural School Started Of the college buildings provided for in the recent legislative appro priation act, the first to be begun are two which will further equip the School of Agriculture, namely the stock judging pavilion and the dairy barn. Grading work has already been started, plans are complete, and the structures, when completed, will compare favorably with buildings of similar character in all other colleges. The judging pavilion will be lo cated on a line with the dairy building, and northeast of the main agricultural building. It will be of brick and terracotta construction, to be valued at $30,000. its base ment will be divided into class rooms, refrigeration rooms, etc., and the main floor will consist of an oval tan-bark arena and amphi theatre seats, surrounding the for mer. The arena itself will be 30x100 feet, and the seats will ac comodate 750 people. The build ing will be used by classes in dairy and animal husbandry. The dairy barn, value $20,000, will be of red brick, stucco and hollow tile, of the most modern sanitary construction and equip ment. The main room will house 60 cattle. The main structure will measure 50 x 125 feet, one wing, 42 x 126 feet, another wing, 22 x 175 feet...—. . -- . Engineering Notes Prof. C. K. Kinsloe recently de livered an illustrated lecture before the Engineers' Society of Pennsyl vania at Harrisburg. His subject was "Modern Street Illumination." Dr. A. S. McAllister, professorial lecturer in electrical engineering will spend the week follow ing the Christmas vacation at State College, giving a course of lectures to the senior and junior students in electrical engineering. Prof. J. A. Moyer attended a meeting of the motor testing com mittee of the Society of Auto mobile Engineers in New York city on Tuesday, November 25. At this meeting standard codes for testing automobile engines were adopted. These standards will hereafter be the standards for motor testing in the United States and Canada. • The engineering extension work in Erie has been exceptionally `well received. The classes in shop inathmematics, shop sketching, steam engines and boilers, power plant economics, and strength of materials are particularly well attended. These classes are con ducted in the Y. M. C. A. building in cooperation with the Erie Board of Trade, Chamber of Commerce and labor unions. PHOTO SUPPLIES "Our Goods Make Superior Pictures" Vulcan Film SENECA Photo•pure Chemicals Vulcan Plates CAMERAS' Argo Paper SOUDER & CAMERON 238 McAllister Hall DEVELOPING AND PRINTING First Class Work Developing 10c per roll. Vulcan Film developed free with one doz. prints. I„x2Y„, 2x23, 23‘x3y 4 , 3c each, 35c per dozen. 3%x3%,23x4X, 31.(x434 4c each, 45c per dozen. 4x5 and Postcard, Sc each, 55c per dozen. All prints on Postcards Sc. Bxlo Enlargements 25c Free when purchases total $2.50. The exhibit of Safety Appliances and Devices is now located in the Engineering Reading Room. Sev eral additions to tho collection we received last week from the National Tube Company of Pitts burgh. Basketball Squad to Be Chosen The varsity basketball squad will be selected on Wednesday evening from the men who have thus far reported for practice. The training table will start Thursday and con tinue throughout the season for the squad selected. Coach Martin and Manager Flagg wish to make the final warn ing to any who have so far failed to report that this week will practical ly decide who are to constitute the material from which the team is to be picked. Daily varsity practice will continue from 5:10 to 6 p. m. until after the holidays. Basketball this season will be run on the same financial plan as last year. The sport is now self-sup porting and this year it is even more so as it has no assurance of aid from the athletic association in case the season should fail finan cially; so it is the desire and aim of the manager and coach to offer to the students a brand' of basketball that will warrant their support and this will be made possible only by the concentrated effort of all those interested either as candidates or as spectators. A longer season is assured as are also larger guarantees. The sched ule, although incomplete, hints of harder games and with more repre sentative teams than has been usual to see here. The only thing from the coach's standpoint that has given concern is the lack of new men. From a comparative basis 1917 falls far short of the classes of previous years as far as basketball material goes. It is this difference that leads the management to be lieve that the class still contains some good men who have not as yet reported. International Show Delegation Professors W. H. Tomhave and B. 0. Severson and Mr. M. C. Kil patrick, of the agricultural school, are attending the Internanional Live Stock Show at Chicago. The usual judging contest will take place, in which representatives of a large number of colleges will take part. The Penn State representa tives are: P. E. Daugherty, T. L. Bittenbender, M. F. Grimes, J. N. DeVoe, F. G. Ashbrook and W. H. Savery. Christmas Program At the next meeting of the Deutscher Verein, to be held in the Ladies' Cottage on Friday at 7:45 p. m., a special Christmas program will be given. The evening's enter tainment is sure to be very interest ing. THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN f\rku ' ( \\•% • \ The Jolly Baker is the successful baker. Our success is due to the fact that we make the best bread in town. Our motto ig— first or nobody. The finest flavor, the most perfect nourishment lie in our bread. Its moisture lasts longer than any other. HARVEY BROS. Nittany Inn Block Tfie Leading Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery Short Orders a Specialty A. C. 1-atigee, 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South (=Wen Street Latest fall styles in Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings. M. V.roxuAti., 'Pulp SHOES Our Fall line of Shoes just in THE RALSTON L. D. PVEPS FRESH FISH and SHELL OYSTERS A. L. Bottorf College Ave. Sheet Music—Pictures Picture Framing our Specialty * * * RITTNER'S ART SHOP Sheffler's ÷ Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups The Tobacco Store Geo. B. Jackson Holmes Bldg., Allen Street Thos. R. Weber & Bros Painters and Decorators Frescoing and Sign Writing a Specialty Both Phones The College Man's Shop Sauers and Heberling A full line of men's furnishings. Custom made clothing. Pennants and cushion tops THREE SUITS PRESSED FOR ONE DOLLAR Cleaning and Pressing Tickets $1.50 worth of work for $l.OO Robison Block Allen Street 5c Admission always the same 5c The New Pastime "Babe's" Movies 700 New Seats Good Ventilation Highest Class Motion Pictures Projected on the World Famous Mirror Screen Matinee Daily from 2 until 5 Evenings from 6 until 10:30 Continuous Show Everybody Welcome 5c Admission always the same 5c Peerless : Steam. : Laundry Lewisburg, Pennsylvania MODERN AND SANITARY QUALITY WORK A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street A ifir2s d "NOKA..Anfew ARROW MCOLLA R. Cluett. Peabody & Co.. Inc. Makers J. C. SMITH & SON Hardware, Builders' Material, Oils, Paints, Glass, Cement, Stoves and Electrical Supplies, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, etc. MEEK BLOCK GEO. C. HARPER Wall Paper, Picture Framing. Station ery and Art. Sub agency for the OLIVER TYPEWRITER 140 East College Avenue State-Centre Electric Co Electric Lighting Fixtui es Frazier St A. DEAL SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT WATER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State College Pennsylvania College Photograhers Amateur work & post cards a specialty Good work guaranteed H. R. Miller 'l5, 1300 Pugh St 11. M. Horback 'l5, 523 Main FOREST L. STRUBLE Plumbing and Heating Both Phones Lock Haven Steam Laundry Best Work at low st prices . Six pieces soft wash for 25c. Give us a trial— Laundry delivered hursday. STUDENT AGENTS A. L. Sherman 'l4 M. E. Beach 'l4 The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Everything in Hardware Dietrlbutors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S complete line ASPHALT ROOFINGS our specialty BELLEFONTE. PA. Hagman the 'rancor We'll do your cleaning and pressing right Suits made to order 127 South Allen Street C. E. SNYDER FIREPROOF GARAGE Steam Heated AUTOS. BICYCLES. GUNS TO HIRE General Repair Work a Specialty 116 S. Frazier Street, corner of Calder G. B. .sf3a.ez Jewefer aria. Optie,ian POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY THE SPOTLESS SHOP A real City barber shop Nittany Inn Block GEO. W. LOHMAN GENTZEL & HUBLER Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Linoleurns, Oilcloths, House Furnish ings, Dry G00(19, Notions, Groceries 200.201; E College Avenue Both Phones Mention the Collegian when call ing on our advertisers. _