Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 26, 1913, Image 1

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Hard Game Looked For When Old
Rivals Meet on Thanksgiving
Day in the Last Game of the
When the Blue and White lines
up against the Blue and Gold in the
final scene of the local football
drama of the present year. there
will no doubt be staged one of the
most bitterly fought contests that
has ever been played between
these two great rivals of two de
cades' standing. Neither team has
a record that - is unmarred by de
feat, although by comparative
scores Pitt appears to have - the ad
vantage for the season. Pitt has
lost less games but her schedule
dose not seem to be as hard as that
of the Blue and White. Further
more, Pitt has not shown the power
in her last few games that she did in
her early season games, while the
work of the local eleven has shown
steady improvementthroughout the
season. Pitt started out by holding
Navy to a tie score and then de
feated the Indians and Cornell in
succession, but lost to Bucknell, a
team that was next beaten by the
Navy by an overwhelming score.
Lastly, Pitt lost to W, & J., having
three touchdowns scored against
Washington and Jefferson also
handed Penn State the first jolt of
a somewhat jolty season, but she
could only cross the Blue and White
goal line twice. Following this bad
start the...Penru State_eleyen drop
ped four games in a row to Har
vard, Pennsylvania, Notre Dame
and Navy, respectively. The last
three games were all closely con
tested and the breaks of the game
in every instance paved the way to
a great extent to Penn State's de
feat. Penn State's advance in
power has not been checked in the
least since the last game, but on the
other hand, the coaches themselves
admit that the team has developed
faster during the last ten days than
at any other period of the season.
What this dope and these com
parative scores show is only prob
lematical. Either team may win,
but in any event the struggle will be
a great one, and all the glory is
certainly not going to belong to
the winner alone.
Several Blue and White warriors
will 'don their war togs to do battle
on the gridiron for their Alma
Mater for the last time. Chief
among these is Captain Shorty Mil
ler, and his work together with that
of Captain Wagner, the wonderful
end of the Pitt team, will be one of
the features that will call attention.
Besides the midget Captain, center
Clark and guards Bebout and Sayre
will play their last game, as will al
so Vogel and McVean, two other
linemen who have done faithful
service for Penn State. it goes
without saying that these men will
play the game of their lives in an
effort to end this season and their
playing days in the glory of victory
rather than in the gloom of defeat.
The Penn State lineup will prob
ably be: ends, Barron and Morris;
tackles, Lamb, McDowell, and Mc-
Vean; guards, Bebout and Sayre;
center, J. Clark; quarterback, Cap
tain Miller; halfbacks, Berryman,
Welty, and Yerger; fullback, H.
Clark and Tobin.
The scores of the Penn State-Pitt
games follow:
Penn State Pitt
32 0
10 4
12 0
27 0
27 0
59 0
55 22
6 ()
6 0
0 6
12 6
5 0
0 10
3 0
38 0
0. F. Cutts' Visit
The news of the . coming of
Oliver F. Cutts, of Harvard, was
spread broadcast last week, and
this fact, as well as the remem
brance of past visits, assured him a
hearty welcome and large audiences
to listen to his talks, which were
given at chapel services and on
Sunday evening.
• The moral value of Mr. Cutt's
addresses was evident and facts
were presented in an interesting,
masterful way. Mr. Cutts is a man
of great athletic experience, and he
is a firm believer in the moral bene
fit of such physical training.
That Penn State men occupy a
warm place in his heart is shown
by the following letter written to
Mr. Buchman previous to coming
here: "Has it perchance occurred
to you that you are inviting me to
come to Penn State on the date of
the Harvard-Yale game? How
much consideration does that show,
anyway? However, Ism going to
call your bluff just to show my
sportsmanship and turn over my
Harvard-Yale game tickets to a
friend. I was very glad Penn State
was given the date left open by the
withdrawal of Norwich, and I hope
the game will be continued next
State Education Association
The State Education Assocation
will meet in Pittsburgh on Decem
ber 30, 31, and January 1. Dr. S.
E. Weber, Dean of the School
of Liberal Arts, will present a pap
er, before the department of Col
lege and University professors of
education on "The Present Status
of Teachers' Training Courses of
the Colleges and Universities of
Dr. P. 0. Ray, head of the De
partment of History and Political
Science, will read a paper before
the college and normal school
section on "Recent Changes in Col
lege and University Courses of
the Study".
Faculty Meeting
At a general faculty meeting held
last Friday evenineone of the chief
topics was that of re-organization
along committee lines, action on
which has been since the
last meeting. A committee on
religious organization was adopted
which will supervise and co-ordinate
various college religious activities.
The proposed committees on
absences and on physical activities
have not yet been adopted, and the
work of the latter named committee
will be carried on, in part at least,
by the established committee on
All freshmen desiring to compete
for the position of class historian
should hand in manuscripts to the
1915 La Vie board before Decem
ber 10.
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Preliminary Season , to Start Next
The preliminary Nwork of the var
sity wrestling seasor will start nex
week when members from the var
ious classes will begin to get into
shape foi the All D.tterclass Cham
pionship meet which will be held
just before the Xmas recess begins.
This meet proved to be popular
last year and served its purpose in
giving the new mei, especially, a
chance to get additi Alai experience
before the regular Training season
starts following Xmas vacation.
The meet was won by the sen
iors, 1913, last year by a big mar
gin. From indica! ions no class
will have an easy time winning this
yeas, material be:ing especially
plentiful in the three upper
classes, while the freshmen, having
the largest number 710 M which to
draw, need only to get awake to
their opportunities tr. do something
for themselves, their class and the
college, to produce a strong com
Material for this year's varsity is
quite plentiful. As to how well it
can be developed, remains to be
seen. It is hard to replace such
men as Captain Shollenberger,
Very and Fulkman, but their very
loss ought to make competition
more keen and in this fact alone
the wrestling autho-ities pin their
faith on the ability DE the Blue and
White to produce asothei winning
combination. There remains as a
nucleus from last yew's S. W. T.
men, Captain Jones, , 'who w ill in all
probability wrestle in the 125
pound class this yea', Sayre in the
175 pound class, and heavyweight
Lamb: Together with these men
must be counted Callendei, who
won his letter on the 1912 team and
was kept out last year by injuries.
He has taken on considerable
weight and may compete in the
135 pound class. Other men who
had varsity experience last season
are Baird 'and Horner, 115 pound'.
men, and Kirk and Brown in the
135 pound class.
From the above it appeals that
only in the 145 pound and 158
pound classes is there an absence
of altogether inexperienced varsity
material. The other weights may
be filled by new men but these two
must be filled by new men to the
varsity. For Captain Shollenber
ger's place some of the most prom
ising men at present are Pickett,
Hill, Richey, Schlatter, Smith and
Chambers, while in the 15S pound
class Gleason and Yeiget seem to
have first call. The freshman class
has thus far shown only a few men
of promising character for varsity
material, but there will probably be
a larger number reporting for varsity
practice than for class, while sever
al members of other athletic teams
in the college have declared their
intention of coming out fot the
team. Due to these uncertainties it
is hard to predict what will happen
or who will be on the team when
the first meet is staged.
Manager Hess is walking hard
on his schedule and already has
several meets tentatively arranged,
with negotiations opened with a
large number of institutions con
cerning the arrangements of meets
with their representatives in wrest
ling. He will no doubt have a
schedule that will compare favor
ably with those afforded Penn
State teams and their followers of
the past. The dates for regular
varsity practice will be found in the
Collegian calendar, and on the
main bulletin boards. Watch for
them and come out for the team.
Faculty Rulings
Faculty rulings concerning ab
sences for football trips have been
often misinterpreted by students.
The rule concerning absences in
general is that absences of men at
tending the Pitt game may be ex
cused by their instructors, the ex
cuse covering the time between
12:10 p. m., Wednesday, November
26, and Sunday night, November
30, and applying only to those lim
iting their absences to this period
of time.
The Council of Administration in
answer to petitions from the seniors
and junims voted: "That instructors
may excuse absences of the senior
and junior classes to go to the
Pittsbuigh game and attend ban
quets at that time, from Wednes
day, November 26, at 12:10 p. m.
to the following Sunday evening,
November 30, at 6:00 p. m." It was
further voted that this action apply
only to students who limit their ab
sence to the days mentioned.
This action frees the two classes
from responsibility or work done
between these p&-ds, providing
those seniors and 1 • hors who do
not go to the bang , : s and game
attend their regularly scheduled
classes. The senior and junior
recitations will be held as usual on
Wednesday afternoon and all day
Ft iciay.
Interesting Movement.
I — Petitions - are - I.,eing circulated
anong faculty, students and resi
dents of State College,and are being
extensively signed, asking the court
to refuse to grant liquor licenses in
Bellefonte on the grounds that the
sale of liquor is not necessary. It
is interesting to note that in colleges
all over the country organizations
have been formed and are rapidly
growing, which have as their object
the study of the liquor problem,
and usualy, its ultimate over throw.
Over 100 colleges have given
classes in the study of the liquor
problem in the last three years,with
about thirty of them offering col
lege credit. The "Intercollegiate
Prohibition Association" is a strong
organization. Last year it con
ducted a series of contests in which
510 students wrote and delivered
Cross Country Intercollegiates
Cornell's limners won the team
honors in the sixth annual moss
country championship run of the
Intercollegiate Association over the
six mile course at Travers Island.
The winner's time was 34.37, nearly
O 7 seconds behind that made by
Kohlcmainen over the same course
one week ago.
Penn State finished tenth in team
standing with two runners, Leyden
and Schroeder, well up among the
first men. Their individual times
were 36.59 and 37.03 respectixeiy.
Senior Finances
Among the popular members of
the senior class must be listed the
men who served on the senior
dance committee Pennsylvania
Day. This important social func
tion not only paid for itself, but
netted the class, under whose
auspices it was held, almost S4JO.
It is understood that, when all
dues are collected, the Junior Prom
of last Commencement will yield
about $lOO above expenses; and the
1914 La Vie about $125.
Jerome T. Allman, Trustee of Penn-
sylvania State College and
Officer of State Grange, Dies at
His Home
Jerome T. Ailman, trustee of
Pennsylvania State College, died at
his home at Tompsontown, Juniata
County, Pa., on November 19. He
was 64 years old.
Mr. Ailman was chosen trustee
of this institution by the delegates
from the county agricultural
socities, June 19, 1911, his term as
trustee beginning July 1, 1911, and
expiring July 1, 1914.
Being a past State Master and
Secretary of the State Grange at
the time of his death, Mr. Ailman
was a prominent figure in State
agricultural activities. He was
closely indentified with all recent
Grange movements and took a very
active part in the Grange legislative
campaign. Many articles on agri
cultural subjects have been con
tributed by him to various agri
cultural papers and periodicals.
He also lectured on county work
throughout the state.
As a candidate of the People's
party for Governor several years
ago and being a member of the
House of Representatives from
Juniate County in the sessions of
1907 and 1911, Mr. Ailman was
closely associated with the recent-
Political situation of the state. He
also figured in a number of party
movements and in 1912 was Demo
=tic candidate for Senator in the
31. t . ID' isrri - et - -- - - -
During his period of trusteeship,
Mr. Ailman made several visits to
the college and displayed unusual
interest in its welfare. May we,
therefore, on behalf of the student
body extend our sincere sympathy
to his family in their bereavement.
The Gymnasium
The following schedule of events
will give some idea of the use of
the Armory floor by teams and by
individuals. The floor is open all
day except when in use by regular
ly scheduled gym drill classes. Var
sity basketball practice is held from
5:10 to 6:00 p. m.; class basketball
practice and games on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday from 7:00
to 10:00 p. m. From 9:00 to 10:00
p. m. on Tuesday and Thursday,
floor and stage are given to two
two year men. Varsity wrestling
matches will be held on Saturday
nights. Tuesday and Thursday
night are open to all from 7'oo co
9:00 o'clock.
The physical director will take
special pains to encourage and
develop basketball playing. Stud
ents in general should take advan
tage of the gymnasium during
vacant hours.
Gym Drill
Regular winter gymnasium drill
will begin on Monday, December 1.
Schedules of sections are posted on
armory, engineering, main and
agricultural bulletin boards. All
students taking drill should report
on Monday and Tuesday, without
uniform, with a copy of their
schedules. Mrn with deficiencies
or conflicts should report on
Wednesday morning between 8:30
and 12:00 o'clock.
The regulation white gym suits
plainly marked with name for
identification purposes, is to be