Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 12, 1913, Image 1

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Immense Crowd Sees Westerners
Win Hardfought Game—Open
Play Features Contest.
On Pennsylvania Day Notre
Dame won the distinction of being
the first team to defeat the Blue
and White on New Beaver field.
The Westerners won by a 14 to 7
score in what was the hardest
fought and one of the most brilliant
games ever played on the local
gridiron. The crowd was a fitting
one for the day and the game, the
weather being ideal and the Penn
sylvania Day crowd the largest
that ever witnessed a game on a
Penn State gridiron.
The Westerners came east with a
great reputation and fully lived up
to it. Their playing was clean and
fast, while probably no team has
ever used the forward pass more
successfully than did Friday's
victors. Penn State also repeated
ly resorted to open play but in
many instances without any marked
success, contrary to past perform
ances her strength seemed to lie
mainly in the line hitting ability of
Berryman and Tobin, and the runs
and quick kicks of Captain Miller.
Captain Miller played his usual
brilliant game. Time and time
again the midget got away on end
runs or fake passes for good gains,
notwithstanding the fact that he
was as in other games this season
the most feared and consequently
the closest watched man on the
team. His kicking was another
- feature. His quick - kicks from
close formations did not have the
height or distance of those of his
opponent Dorais, but they were
driven hard and placed well so that
through this Penn State was largely
able to keep the play in the visit
or's territory. With Miller must be
placed the work of Berryman.
Never has this wonderful back
played a greater game. He fre
quently made good gains around
the end, but his line smashes were
even more brilliant. Next to
Berryman and in conjuntion with
his work stands out that of the lit
tle Blue and White fullback Tobin,
who alternated with Berryman in
tearing through the visitor's line.
The whole team played by far the
best football it has shown this sea
son but four more men, veterans
of many battles need special
mention, namely, Bebout, J. Clark,
Sayre and Lamb. Never have
these men played harder or better
than on this day, and although go
ing down to defeat, the centre trio
in their last appearance in a home
game, proved themselves stars of
the first order. They were down
the field under kicks with ends, and
time after time broke through to
stop plays before they were fairly
started. Bebout and Clark were
especially in the limelight and the
visitors were frequently heard call
ing "Get Red; Get Red", or "Take
out that center".
For the visitors Eichenlaub was
probably the most brilliant per
former. One could see iu him the
Bill Hollenback type of fullback.
It is safe to say that no harder man
to stop ever played on New Beaver
field. Of little less value to the
team's playing strength were Dorais,
Pliska and Captain Rockne. Dorais
punted high and far, made some
brilliant runs and was a past master
at throwing forward passes. Pliska
and Rockne played on the receiv.
ing ends of the passes and tinie and
again :caught the ball in the air
while they were on the dead run.
With the exception of a few min
utes in the middle of the game, the
Blue and White forced the playing
and had the ball almost continually
in the visitors territory. In those
few minutes just at the end of the
first half and beginning of the sec
ond half, the visitors showed won
derful offensive power each time
carrying the ball straight down the
field for a touchdown.
Twice in the first half, once in
each quarter, the Blue and White
were within striking distance of the
visitors goal. In the first quarter J.
Clark followed one of Miller's
quick kicks so closely that he was
able to recover it when Dordis let
the ball get away from him. This
was on the 35-yard line but after
trying the forward pass, Shorty
sent a quick kick which went over
the goal line and gave the visitors
the ball. In the second quarter
Berryman recovered the ball when
Lamb's attempted placement kick
was partially blocked on the 30-
yard line. An intercepted forward
pass spoiled this chance to score.
Starting from their 30-yard line
the visitors marched steadily goal
ward, Eichenlaub being used chief
ly to carry the ball, with the aid of
a 20-yard run by Dorais and two
forward passes to Pliska and
Rockne, respectively, the latter re
ceiving a brilliantly executed long
pass from Dorais behind the goal
line for the first score.
At the start of the third quarter
Finnegan ietumed Lamb's kickoff
20 yards from the five-yard line.
Again Eichenlaub assumed the
star role, and aided by two forward
passes to Pliska, carried the ball
over for the second touchdown,
Dorais kicking both goals. Fol
lowing the next kickoff the visitors
again started a march down the
field. On the Blue and White 25-
yard line McDowell recovered a
fumble and Penn State found her
self. Miller, Berryman and Tobin
carried the oval to the visitor, 12-
yard line where an intercepted for
ward pass stopped the march
momemtarily. After a 15-yard
penalty for illegal use of hands the
visitors' had to kick from behind
their goal line, the ball going out of
bounds on the 35-yard line. A
series of plays ended with a for
ward pass to Lamb over the goal
line. Miller kicked goal.
Having gained confidence from
their ability to pierce the visitor's
line, the Blue and White because a
new team and in the last quarter
fought like demons. Greater line
smashing ability was never shown
then when starting from their own
40 yard mark Berryman and Tobin
carried the ball straight down the
field, Tobin losing a touchdown on
the infliction of a five yard penalty
for off side play. Failures to gain
followed by an uncompleted for
ward pass gave the ball to the
visitors, the game ending soon
The line up.
Penn State Notre Dame
Morris 1 e Rockne Capt.
McDowell 1 t Jones
Bebout 1 g Keefe
J. Clark c Feeney
Sayre r g Fitzgerald
Lamb r t La tbrope
Barron r e Gushorst
Miller Capt. q b Dorais
Welty 1 f Pliska
Berryman r h Finnegan
Tobin f b Eichenlaub
Continued on page 4
ria\r Wkw Winz:
7-00 p. in. 109 Engineering Build-
Washington County Club.
1.12.11)AY. NOV. '1
7:00 p. rn. 214 Engineering Build
ing. Stamp Club.
7:15 p. m. Old Chapel. Deutsch-
8:15 p. m. Auditorium. Aida
Quat tette.
~ U.
10:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh-
man Service. '
11:00 a. m. Auditorium. Chapel
Service. Rev. Reed, Speak-
6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Y. M
C. A.
Y. W. C. A. Play a 'Success
"The White Mouse" as produced
by the young ladies of the Y. W. C.
C. A. in conjunction with Mr. Deer
ing, who has already been connected
with some prominent New Yolk
companies, proved to ,be a great
Mr. Deming played the leading
man's role, and his personality was
admirably adapted to f.ll the shoes
of Marquis de Simiers. Miss Ung
er, Miss Pattee and Miss Williams
did very well in their respective
parts, as did Miss Hiller.
Much credit is due to Miss Wil
son, who played the title role, be
cause of such appreciative interpre
tation of her part. As s whole the
little play turned out to be very en
joyable, and much credit is due to
the young ladies and to Mi. Deer
ing. It is to be honest, that Penn
State audiences in the future may
have more opportunity to see such
Distant Alumni Club
Former Penn State men employ
ed in Panama in various phases of
canal construction and the like have
united to form a Penn State Club,
somewhat of the naluie of a local
alumni association. The organiza
tion has sufficient members to in
sure the success of a banquet and
ball which they have planned to
hold at Thanksgiving time in the
Hotel Tivoli, Panama.
It is particularly gratifying to
hear that the "old grads" are unit
ed, even in far away Panama, as
well as in the land of the free.
When the college quartette visits
the isthmus during Christmas vaca
tion, the members will be heartily
Alumni Banquet
The Chicago Penn State Alumni
Association will give a banquet at
the Union League club, Chicago,
on the evening of November 22.
President Sparks will attend, and
also, among others, Dr. H. P. Jud
son, president of the Uni
versity of Chicago, and Dr. A.
W. Harris, president of North
western University. The Chicago
association is at present very active.
W. G. Heckathoin has been elected
president, and C. M. Breitinger,
secretary-ti ea sure.
Just bef or taking an extended
western trip, President Sparks
will attend a dinner given by the
Baltimore alumni association in the
Hotel Emerson, Baltimore, on
November 14.
An informal reception to the new
members of the School of Engi
neering was held from 8:30 to 10'00
p. m. on Wednesday evening in the
Engineering Club loom. Dr. and
Mrs. J. P. Jackson were present.
Novel Exhibition Given by School
of Agriculture.
Following the idea started by the
School of Engineering last year in
having some representative exhibits
of the work done in the various
schools on Pennsylvania Day, the
agriculture students this year held a
fair. Tents secured from the Agri
cultural Extension Department and
the School of Forestry housed the
various exhibits and these were
grouped along a midway. A small
fee of admission was charged to
all and various amusements and
shows attractive to the eye were
grouped here and there in order to
collect the spare change of the
The fair opened Friday morning
and immediately the tents and mid
way were choked with an intercr
ested throng of spectators. Music
was furnished by an agricultural
band and the yells of the various
enterprising young salesmen greet
ed the crowds as they surged here
and there viewing the collections
and works of the students. Except
for a slight intermission while the
mass meeting was being held in the
auditorium the crowds filled the
midway and benefited themselves
by the educational value afforded
In the afternoon before the game
the various exhibits and shows
were reviewed by Goveinor Tenei
and party and prizes were awarded
to the best exhibits and shows
along the midway. The governor
expressed himself as being espec
ially delighted at the splendid
showing of the students and
thought the fair should be made a
permanent feature in connection
with the Pennsylvania Day festivi
Considering the fact that this
was the first attempt on the part of
the Agricultural School to hold a
fair, it was without a doubt a suc
cess both financially and education
ally. The exhibition was a lead
ing feature of the celebration, just
as the industrial parade was last
year; and it is not too early to ex
press a hope that next year some
thing be done along similar lines.
Varsity Trials
Contending against the most ad
verse weather conditions the candi
dates for the varsity cross country
team that will represent us at Trav
ers Island, N. Y., on November 22,
completed the six mile tun over the
regular course Saturday afternoon
in commendable time.
Fifteen men started from the
scratch and, with one or two excep
tions, covered the ground inside of
31 minutes and 30 seconds. Horst
covered the ground earlier in the
afternoon in faster time than any
prex Low, tun this season but was
beaten in time in the regular run
that followed.
The men finished in the following
older: First, Entwisle, time, 30:23;
second, Schroeder, time, 30:30;
third, Steiger, time, 3045; fourth,
Hoist, time, 3146; fifth, E. Hunter,
time, 31'15; sixth, Henning, 31:16.
Basketball Elections
Three assistant basketball mana
gers are to be elected horn the jun
lot class. The election will be held
in the armory on Wednesday at
5:15 p. m. All members of
last year's varsity squad may cast
votes, and all are urged to be pres-
Governor Tener Receives Ovation
at Morning Assembly—Persian
Minister Addresses Students.
Pennsylvania Day is past and is
now a matter of history, but the
memory of the pleasures which this
Pennsylvania Day so bounteously
bestowed upon both student and
visitor will always be cherished and
never forgotten.
Pennsylvania Day this year sur
passed all others by far in the num
ber of distinguished guests who
were present. Aside from Gover
nor Tener were the Persian Minis
ter, His Excelleney, Mirza Ali Kuli
Khan, General A. J. Logan, Speak
er Alter, of the House of Repre
sentatives; W. H. Gaither, Secre
tary to the Governor; and many
The Agricultural Fair opened its
doors on Old Beavei Field at nine
o'clock in the morning. This un
dertaking was managed and con
ductcd solely by the students of
the School of Agriculture and was
the first of its kind in the history of
the institution. At ten o'clock the
Cadet Regiment, comprising 1300
students, passed in review before
General A. J. Logan, of Pittsburgh.
and Governor Tener. both of whom
expi essed themselves as highly
pleased with the efficiency at this
department of the college.
At eleven o'clock the student
body assembled in the Auditorium
for the purpose, of cornmemorating
by appropriate exercises the found
ing of the institution. Governor
Tener plesided at this assemblage
and was given a great ovation by
the student body to show their
appreciation of what he has done
for the college. The chief speaker
of the morning was the Persian
Minister who expressed his belief
in the American Government's
"fair play" policy, which expres
sion was regarded as a veiled refer
ence to the Mexican situation.
President Sparks, Speaker Alter, of
the House of Representatives, and
General Logan were also heard
An excellent musical program
was presented. The college
orchestra and the farmer's band(? )
played several selections. The col
lege glee club sang, and a Penn
State audience for the first time
listened to a Penn State girls' glee
club of 35 excellent voices, directed
by Prof. Robinson. These ex
ercises were perhaps the mcst im
portant event of the day in that
they constituted the formal "Found
ers' Day" commemoration, and em
bodied the spirit of the whole week
end celebration.
The day was closed by the
Senior Assembly, the chic' social
event of the week and a fitting con
clusion to the occasion.
Dean Weber at Conference
On November 7 and 8 the
"Round Table Conference" of cen
tral Pennsylvania school superin
tendents and principals was held in
Williamsport. Dr. S. E. Weber,
of the Liberal Arts School, was one
of a committee which made a valu
able report on a Report of the
Educational Council.
This conference has grown to be
a most important gathering of
school men, and is always largely
attended. The special subject of
discussion at this recent meeting
was that of "School Efficiency."