Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 05, 1913, Image 1

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Outweighed and Outplayed, State
Loses to a More Experienced
Captain Miller the Star
Three State men played their last
game on Franklin Field last Satur
day and it was because of their
fight that the Penn score was so
small. Shorty Miller has received
honorable mention perhaps in every
game he has played for State.
Penn knew his ability and were
coached to watch him. Wherever
Shorty was there would be three
Penn men. But this did not phase
the game's greatest quarterback.
He slipped, skidded, wormed and
squirmed his way along, often
carrying a couple of men with him.
No man on the opposing team was
within twenty pounds of his weight;
yet he had to be tackled by three
men. Finally, fearing that he
would repeat his run of 1911, Minds
was ordered to kick out of bounds.
Perhaps Stevenson was a greater
player than Miller because hurdling
was allowed but the game has
changed. Could Stevenson have
thrown passes, kicked, run and in
jected as much fire into his players
as Miller? We doubt it. His
familiar "Let's go", "Come ou
gang", Where's that old fight?", all
had its effect on a disheartened
"Big" Clark also was at Philadel
phia for the last time. He played
against Simpson who is mentioned
as a possibility for All-American
center. Greater centers there may
have been but no man ever played
the position better than Clark on
Saturday. On the defense he
blocked end plays and often threw
men for losses. On the offense he
was a giant. Often after passing
the ball to Shorty he would go
down under a punt and tackle the
receiver ahead of the ends.
Bebout was the third of the sen
ior class' wonderful trio. When
line plunging plays are iesorted to,
it is difficult to see just who stop
ped the play. However, not in
frequently when a Penn man was
thrown for a loss, did Bebout get
up last, indicating that he was the
tackler. The Penn line was reput
ed to be exceedingly strong but
Bebout often was able to break
through and make open field tack
From a Penn State standpoint
the best part of the game was the
second half, particularly the last
quarter. In this half State made
five first downs to Penn's none.
Penn scored but three points in this
half and this was due to a costly
In the fourth quarter after Mar
shall had missed a field goal, State
started a wonderful series of passes.
Clark lost a yard on a line plunge
through Carter. Miller threw an
incomplete pass but a second one
made first down on thirty-yard line.
A third pass failed. Shorty gained
four around end and then threw a
pass to Welling who carried the
ball to Penn's forty-yard line.
The Penn players were bewildered
not seeming to know who was eli
gible for the pass. Weston caught
another forward which gained twen
ty yards and put the ball on Penn's
twenty-yard line. Miller gained
two through center. A pass over
the line gave Penn the ball on her
twenty-yard line. On the fourth
down Minds fumbled and it was
State's ball on Penn's twenty-yard
line. H. Clark made three yards at
center. Tobin then forward passed
to Miller who carried three men to
the eight-yard line. Clark gained
one yard and Miller three through
center. With the ball four yards
from a State touchdown a forward
pass ended the chances.
Penalties cost State much in the
first quarter. In the first few
minutes of play Berryman was dis
qualified and the ball given to Penn
'on State's thirty six yard line,
This act of Berryman weakened the
offense and defense on the team
considerably. Marshall gained
three yards but Penn was penalized
fifteen for holding. Bolger gained
fourteen yards at left tackle and
Marshall tried a field goal which
failed. State kicked to Penn on
her forty yard line. Marshall gain
ed eleven yards at left end and
then Big Clark recovered a fumble.
State then carried the ball to Penn's
forty yard line where Miller kicked
to Penn's twenty yard line. Minds
kicked to Shorty who made a
beautiful run to Penn's thirty yard
line but State had been holding and
the ball was placed on States
thirty yard line. Bolger caught a
short kick on State forty-eight yard
line. A forward pass gained thirty
yards. Young gained eight around
left end and two through Center.
With the ball on State's eight yard
line Bolger added one yard through
center. On a delayed pass Young
went around right end for a touch
down. Marshall kicked the goal.
Plays through States left tackle and
a delayed .fake forward made the
second. touchdown for Penn.
The line
Penn State
Bloom 1 e Wood
Harris 1 t McDowell
Carter 1 g Bebout
Simpson c J. Clark
Journeay r g Sayre
Crane r t Lamb
Murdoch r e Weston
Marshall q b Miller (Capt.)
Young (Capt.) 1 h b Berryman
Minds f b Tobin
Touchdowns, Young and Mar
shall. Goals from field, Marshall.
Officials: Referee. W. R. Oke
son, Lehigh. Umpire, C. J. Mc-
Carty, Germantown. Head lines
man. M. J. Thompson, Georgetown.
Substitutions: Penn, Avery for
Bolger, McCall for Murdock, Mur
dock for McCall, Merrill for Avery,
Hill for Merrill: State, Craig for
Berryman, Morris for Wood, H.
Clark for 'Tobin, Welling for Mc-
Dowell. Vogel for Sayre, McDowell
for Welling, Tobin for Craig, Well
ing for McDowell, Wood for Morris.
Time of periods 15 minutes.
Honor System Re-established
By an almost unanimous vote by
the two upper classes, the Honor
System was re-established in the
school of Electrical Engineering.
Last year marked the first year
within a period of thirteen years in
which the Junior Electricals failed
to follow in the footsteps of the
preceding class in adopting this
system, and the action taken this
year by both classes may be
directly traced to the splendid
results wnich have been accom
plished under it, five iulfraccions
only having occurred since its
adoption. Such action speaks well
for the men of the department of
the School of Engineering, and
similar action on the part of other
departments might •sell be con
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Quartette to Go to Panama, Decem
ber 17 - Glee Club to Hold Joint
Concert With Pitt Thanksgiv-
Professor C. C. Robinson has
, just completed arrangements and
negotiations whereby the college
quartette and reader will take a trip
to Panama during the Christn•as
vacation. It is the intention of the
party to leave college about the
15th of December and travel to
New York. Here, it is being plan
ned to hold a concert for the New
York Alumni and sail on the steam
ship Colon for Panama about De
cember 17. Upon Airiving at
Christohel they will become the
guests of the U. S. Y. M. C. A.
and give concerts en-tour at their
eight club houses, returning on Jan
uary 13. The original plan was to
take along the whole glee club and
make a tour similar to the Sante Fe
trip last year. This, however, was
impossible as it is customary for
the Y. M. C. A. to entertain par
ties of not more than six.
This trip means considerable not
only to the glee club 1 but to the
whole college as well. As the main
body of men in the canal zone to
day are college graduates— oui
alumni being well reprelented—the
party will be receix ed with open
arms and if a favorable impression
is made, it will bring Penn State be
fore the eyes of the public. The
party will include Leyden, Keister,
Vail, Austin and Professor and Mrs.
Negotiations are now under way
whereby the glee club may take a
return trip over the Sante I. , 'e rail
road again this year. However, as
no club has yet made the trip on
two consecutive years it is highly
improbable that they will be again
awarded the privilege of being the
guests of the railroad.
The usual joint concert given by
the musical organizations of the
University of Pittsburgh and Penn
State in Carnegie Music Hall on
Thanksgiving will be held again
this year. As both clubs have im
proved wonderfully in the past year
an exceptionally good concert can
be expected.
This year the freshmen have or
ganized a quartette and have also
arranged tor several trips. So far
engagements have been secured
with Lock Haven Normal and a
similar concert at Hasting. The
quartette is composed of White,
first tenor; Wilkins, baritone; Hen
derson, second tenor, and Cope,
second bass.
Another new feature connected
with Professor Robinson's depart
ment has been the organization of a
girls chorus consisting of thirty-five
members. They have been re
hearsing constantly and are gradu
ally developing into a first class
chorus. On Pennsylvania Day
they will present themselves for the
first time betore an audience.
A joint concert by the glee
club, quartette, mandolin club and
orchestra will be given in the audi
torium on November 9 at 8 30.
An exceptional program has been
arranged and a rare musical treat
can be expected.
On November 12 the quartette
will give a concert before the Cen
ter County Teachers' Institute at
Bellefonte. One month later they
/!, /F. L ;ER Y,
TilE PA. r. 11412, COLL
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will give the same entertainment
they intend to produce on the Pan
ama trip berme a local audience
just pi ior to their departure.
Thus the outlook this year for
the quartette and glee club is ex
ceedingly bright. rhe club repre
sents the pick of over two hundred
men and is under the leadership of
J. A. Leyden.
Student Conference at Wilson
The Annual Student Missionary
Conference of the Eastern Union of
Student Volunteers will be held at
Wilson College, Chambersburg, on
November 21, 22, and 23. A dele
gation from our college will attend.
Those who attended the conference
at Princeton last year can testify as
to the value of such a conference.
Among the speakers foi the Wilson
Conference will be: George Sher
wood Eddy, Copen, J. Ross Steven
son, Isaac T. Headland, Mrs Potter.
Wilbuit Smith, Turner and George
Heber Jones.
All who are interested in this
matter and desire to attend this
conference will please call at the Y.
M. C. A. rooms within the next
week so that definite arrangements
can be made. The only expense
connected with the conference for
the delegates will be that of travel.
The students at Wilson have plan
ned to arrange for the entertain
ment of the delegates while at Wil
son during the conference, provid
ing that the committee in cl arge is
advised by November 5. This
leaves us very little time so call at
the office as soon as possible if you
are planning to go.
With the Players
"The White Mouse" the comedy
which will be presented by the Y.
W. C. A. on Saturday evening,
November 7, is a play which has
been adopted from the French of
Edouarcl Pailleron by Donald Rob
ertson. It is a play which has in it
the elements which go toward in
creasing and holding the interest of
the audience, and it is full of bril
liant, humorous and ridiculous
situations, as well as of that touch
of sympathy which makes the
whole world kin. It brings the de
lightful chateau district of Fiance
to our very doors.
Tickets will be on sale the
business office on Wednesday even
ing, November 5 from i:45 to 8,
also at the box office in riae audi
torum on Saturday evening. The
play will begin promptly at
8 15 p. m.
Dr. Holmes' Lectures
Dean Holmes will be kept busy
during the next few weeks in filling
numerous lecture engagements in
Pennsylvania and the middle west.
The general theme of most of his
addresses will be "Character Mak
On October 31, Dr. Holmes
spoke before the Michigan Teach
er's Association Institute at Ann
Arbor Mich.; from November 3-7
he will fill engagements with the
Ohio Institute Citcuit, Novembth . 8
he will address the Cincinnatti Wo
men's Club, Cincinnatti, 0,; Novem
ber 10, Teacher's Institute, Lock
Haven; November 11-13, County
Instituter Bellefonte; November 26
28, County Institute, Somerset;
December 2-4, County Institute,
An exhibit of safety devices and
appliances will be displayed in the
Engineering Building on Pennsyl
vania Day.
Many Pi ominent Men to be Het e
List of Events is Provided Fur.
In all the history of Penn State,
Pennsylvania Day has stood out
more prominently than almost any
other day throughout the college
year. This is not perhaps so much
because of its historical tienifi-
cance, but rather because of its
social significance in bringing to
gether here a brilliant assemblage
of government and state clignitaties
for the purpose of participating in
exercises commemorating the
founding of this institution.
Pennsylvania Day this year will
lack none of those things which
have made it a clay to he temem
bet ed in the past. A vaned pt o
gram will be observed, and :tom
present indications its fulfillment
will be fully as enjoyable as those
which have preceded it.
At nine o'clock, Friday morning,
the Agricultural Fair will open its
doors on Old Beaver Field. At
ten o'clock the cadet regiment will
be reviewed by General Albert J.
Logan, of Pittsburgh. All are re
quested to assemble in the Audi
torium at eleven o'clock, where His
Excellency Mu za Ali Kuli Khan,
Persian Minister to the United
States. will deliver an address on
some present day topic, 't hich will
be of interest to both student and
visitor alike
In the alternnon at three o'clock
Penn State hill meet Notre Dame
in football on New Beaver
At tom tnuty the (loots of the
Fait will again be opened to visitors
and students the Senior ASSeiti
bly will be held in the Aimoty at
eight o'clock in the evening.
E‘eiy student in this institittion
is urged to gRe his support, and to
lend his pi escnce to every one of
the e‘irts on the pingiam. They
ale all college happenings, and
theiefole let the whole college at
tend them, and participate in them.
Every individual is especially re
quested to be piesent at the mass
meeting in the Auditorium at 11
o'clock. .1 he Agricultural Fah
will be closed horn 10:45
to 12, so as to allow all visitors
to attend the mass meeting. Let
us give our guests and visitors an
idea how large the student body
really is.
Notre Dame's Prospects.
Notre Dame will bring here next
Friday one of the strongest teams
to be found throughout the middle
west. Thus far Note Dame has
played four games, winning all of
them by decisive scores. Ohio
Northern University was defeated
87 to 0, the strong University of
South Dakota team 20 to 7, Alma
College 62 to 0, and the Army
eleven 35 to 13.
Since Notre Dame has adopted
the Western Conference !tiles, and
freshmen are not playing on the
varsity, they will have an equal
showing with the Conference elev
en for the western championship.
Already western football critics
have mentioned that the western
championship lies with the Univer
sity of Nebraska, Notre Dame and
the Michigan Aggies, all teams of
high calibre which have as yct lost
no games this season. 'lwo None
Dame players were placed on the
All-Western team last yeas and sev
eral others were mentioned for sec
ond choice.