Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 29, 1913, Image 1

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Poor Turnout From Both Classes
Sophomores' Experience Wins
Score 54-45
The cider scrap fought in accord
ance with the new rulings made by
the student council came off last
Saturday and was won by the
sophomores, the most radical
changes in the scrap being the en
largement of the barrel and the
shortening of the actual fighting
period. Formerly an ordinary bar
rel padded with mats was used and
the scrap lasted for a period of
twenty minutes. This year the
diameter of the barrel was increas
ed to six feet and the time shorten
ed to fifteen minutes. The small
amount of injuries sustained during
the scrap, speaks well for the new
rules and tends to elevate the scrap
to a higher plane.
During the first few minutes of
the scrap the fight waged strongest,
each class exerting their utmost
strength in piling men on top of the
barrel. The increased floor space
afforded considerable room for the
men and at one time they piled up
eight or ten feet above the heads of
the main body. Men wrestled and
fought for supremacy on top and
here the experience and reserve
strength of the sophomores was
felt. One by one they advanced
on the ever fighting freshmen, grad
ually drawing them from the van
tage point. While the fight waged
thickest on top, men underneath
were also fighting for supremacy
sophomores underes
timated the strength of the fresh
men. At the beginning of the
scrap the freshmen had succeeded
in reaching the barrel first and were
quick to take advantage of this
fact. As a result when the final
count was taken the greenies ap
peared to have the most number of
men around the barrel while the
sophomores main body was on top
The closeness of the score read
ily reveals the fact that the scrap
was very evenly contested and con
sidering the lack of experience of
the freshmen, they showed up
remarkably well. More effort on
their part was put into the contest
than in the push ball scrap and they
seemed to realize that a certain
honor was connected with winning
a cider scrap.
Without a doubt the class of
1916 will go down in history with
the reputation of being good cider
scrappers. Overcoming the class
of 1915 in their freshman year and
again duplicating the victory in
their sophomore year is a feat well
worth being proud of.
The exceedingly small number of
men participating from both classes
was especially noticed. Whether
the list of athletes, cripples or men
otherwise disabled has grown to
such a large number is hard to say,
but both classes showed a lack of
interest in the scrap in the fact that
they had such a poor turnout.
Since these scraps afford the only
means whereby all the men can
participate, it is necessary, not only
for the glory of the class but the
college spirit obtained, that all
underclassmen take an active part
in them. The rules have been
changed so that the amount of in
juries has been reduced to a mini
mum and a good clean scrap hurts
no one. One more scrap whereby
all the underclassmen can get to
gether and prove their strength re-
mains to be fought, namely the flag
scrap. Therefore let both classes
be at least favorably represented if
not there man for man.
The judges of the scrap were
Prof. Darst, Horst, Binder and Hill
while Keyser acted as timekeeper
and Gleason as starter.
Faculty Action on Grades
The following motion was passed
by the General Faculty last Thurs
day evening after being recom
mended by the Committee on De
ficiencies and Delinquencies :
1. The Instructors shall furnish
monthly grades, by letter, to au
thorized representatives of chapters
of national fraternities for the
freshman and sophomore members
of such fraternities, with the under
standing that the fraternities have
agreed to furnish proper blanks for
receiving such grades, and to pro
tect instructors from unnecessary
requests and complaints from in
dividual students, and to do all in
their power to raise low grades by
giving assistance to individual mem
2. That the privilege be extend
ed to representatives of local or
ganizations and upper classmen
who present to the instructor satis
factory evidence of his interest in
or responsibility for, the welfare of
a lower classman.
3. That this regulation continue
in force until the work of giving
such grades becomes too burden
This action by the Faculty evi
dences a spirit of cooperation which
should be met by the student body.
While the scholarship of our dobete
is well above the average and the per
centage of men we graduate of the
men entered as freshmen is high,
yet there is room for considerable
improvement. This motion should
lead to an active interest being
taken up by upper classmen who
are not associated with any organi
The Band Concert
The Cadet Band, directed this
year by G. L. Sumner, gave its
first formal concert Sunday evening
in the Auditorium. The large
audience proved that the organiza
tion has lost none of its popularity,
and the kind of music played, to
gether with the playing of it, class
ed the present band as better than
any before it. That the men had
practiced long and faithfully was
evident from the beginning. Penn
State may be proud of such a
musical body; and if this first con
cert is a fair sample of those to fol
low, Sumner and his men are sure to
have a season of unparalleled suc
cess. Following is the program
rendered: 1
"Klown Kapers", E. R. Ball;
"Light Calvary", F. V. Suppe;
"The Sunshine Girl" P. A. Rubens;
"The Teddy Bear Picnic" J. W.
Bratton; "The Bohemian Girl",
Balfe; "A Slippery Place". In
accordance with the policy of the
present leader, no encores were
Thespian Manuscripts
All manuscripts for the Thespian
Show must be submitted to S. J.
Keister, Beta Theta Pi House, be
fore December 15th. If the manu
script is not complete at that time
and the author wishes to be consid
ered as a contestant he should sub
mit as much as he has finished, to
gether with the plot and lyrics.
It is desirable that manuscripts be
submitted as early as possible.
General Faculty May Change Or
ganization—Commis tees Added.
The general facultt at present is
considering a numbyr of decided
changes in its internal organization
and in its business • methods, es
pecially with regard to the com
mittee system. The most import
ant feature of the plan now pend
ing is the addition of three faculty
committees, namely on Religious
Activities, on Abse ices, and on
Physical Activities. ;
The first named ot these bodies
would have indirect supervision
of college religious work and, in
particular, would atta mpt to corre
late different phases of the activity
to an even greate degree of
The Committee on Absences,as its
name implies, would have charge of
the excusing of men from classes
to go an athletic trips, musical
tours, and the like. Its general aim
would be to systematize the
question of absences and excuses,
including also those aot concerned
with the various trips.
The proposed Cc:mmittee on
Physical Activities is advocated as
a means of co-ordinating our
physical department, military drill,
gymnasium work and athletics, to
facilitate means of transferring men
from one of these departments to
another, according tc the physical
needs and possibilities of the in
dividuals. The faculty members
fully realize the possibilities of de
velopment along this line. Some
have expressed
possible a system, on a large scale,
of competitive athletics:—a system
which would be a benefit as being
open to the whole student body,
and also as being a means of more
thoroughly looking into and de
veloping material for varsity teams.
As an example of this system, there
could be a formation of several new
baseball leagues, all with the idea
of benifit to the men and to the
These new committees, if adopt
ed, should prove to be valuable
means of indirect faculty super-
Dr. Hutchinson
On Saturday last, Dr. Woods
Hutchinson opened the Y. M. C. A.
entertainment course, and incident
ally gave the second address in the
health campaign movement by de
livering his lecture on "Foods and
Foolishness". Considering the dis
agreeableness of the weather, the
attendance was very large; and the
discussion amply repaid every ad
ditional effort made to hear it. Dr.
Hutchinson attacked various old
notions and sayings in the way of
what foods are beneficial, and
what are detrimental, and advanced
the general theory that we should,
eat, in moderation, of everything
and anything, in the food line that
we like, stating that our natural
likes and dislikes are more nearly
adapted to our own particular needs
than any set diet could ever be.
He likened the body to an engine,
requiring food or fuel to supply the
energy that is continually being
given out, and emphasized the fact
that we should eat enough to afford
this necessary amount of fuel. In
all respects the lecture was a most
excellent one, and the facts pre
sented, coming as they did from so
widely recognized an authority,
were well worth hearing and think
ing about.
Student Statistics
The growth in the student body
this year has been in the sopho
more and upper classes according
to recent figures from the Regis
trar's office. The freshman class
falls one short of equalling last
year's enrollment of freshmen.
The two-year course in agriculture
has an increased enrollment of
20 and the special course, nine.
The total enrollment is 2118.
The School of Agriculture with
the short course men included is
the largest school in numbers; but
if the four-year men alone are con
sidered, then the Engineering
School has a larger enrollment.
In the School of Agriculture the
agronomy course with 104 men is
the most popular. The horticulture
course is second with 94. The
electrical engineers with 25S form
the largest group in the Engineering
School. The civil and mechanicals
engineers are tied for second choice
with 170 men.
The statistics of classes and
schools follow: Seniors 314, jun
iors 403, sophomores 500, freshmen
655, two-year men 215, special stu
dents 29, School of Agriculture.
four year, 710; School of Engineer
ing 761, School of Liberal Arts 92,
School of Mines 83, School of Nat
ural Science 180.
Harrisburg Alumni Active
The Central Pennsylvania Alumni
Association has been busily en
gaged in re-organization, and gives
promise of becoming a thriving
branch of the main association. It
has become the custom of state
men - iff the viciiiity to - meet the
Dauphin Hotel for luncheon every
Thursday at noon. The attendance
at times has numbered twenty. All
State men are welcome.
The Harrisburg secretary says:
"We need nothing here to arouse
our enthusiam in the coming Penn
Game. Our faith in the the team
is not even jarred by last Saturday's
score, and we feel sure that six
hundred freshmen will pull home a
victorious team after the next
game. A special train carrying a
hundred alumni will leave Harris
burg for Philadelphia November 1."
The Penn Trip
The Faculty Council has voted
that all students desiring to attend
the football game at Philadelphia
may be excused by instructors from
Friday, October 21st, at 8 a. m., to
Sunday, November 2nd, at 6 p. m.
These dates cover the time of run
ning the special trains.
It was also voted that all Sopho
mores desiring to attend the class
banquet at Philadelphia on October
31st may be excused by instructors
from Friday, October:3lst, at 8 a.
m., to Sunday, November 2nd. at
6 p. m.
By action of the General Faculty,
Sophomores attending classes be
tween these dates will be given no
work for which the class will be
1916-1917 Notice
There are several vacancies to be
filled on the business staff of the
Penn State Froth and all freshmen
and sophomores are urged to try
out for the same. A meeting will
be held in the Froth room-423
main, Monday evening November
3rd at 7 o'clock. Make it a point
to be there,
Former Captain Howe of the
Yale football team will be here
under the auspices of the Y. M. C.
A. November 8 and 9.
First Celebration by the Students
of the School of Agriculture- A
Large Exhibit to be Housed in
Two Canvas Tents
On Friday, Nov. 7, the students
of the School of Agiiculture will
engage in what is a new and novel,
but very instructive, undertaking.
This will be a typical Country Fair
conducted by students under the
auspices of the Agricultural So
ciety. The affair has the hearty
support of Dr. Sparks and the en
tire faculty, and a huge success is
predicted for it.
This is the first time anything of
this nature has been attempted at
Penn State, but similar affairs have
been held at other institutions.
This may be said to be an enlarge
ment of the industrial parade of
last PennsylVania Day, inasmuch as
invitations have been extended to
all the schools to take part; the Fair
is being widely advertised, especial
ly throughout Centre County, and
it is hoped that the residents of the
county will take advantage of this
opportunity to inspect the work of
the Agricultural Department dis
played in a concentrated form.
The general plan or the fair is
to have two very large canvas tents
located on Old Beaver Field--one
to house the show cattle and the
other to display farm and horticul
tural products. There will be a
midway or pike between the two
tents along which will be lo
cated numerous, entertaining side
chowq refresh,ent
The Crab - Apple Club will have
charge of an excellent exhibit of
fruit from all parts of this and ad
joining states and will combine the
vegetable and floral display with
the fruit. The Animal Husbandry
students will display many heads of
prize winning live stock from the
College farms and from all over the
county. The Agronomists will
show grain and cereal crops gath
ered from all over our state. The
Foresters and Landscape Garden
ers will both have instructive and
attractive displays, while the Agri
cultural Chemists will show a model
laboratory with equipment. The
students in Dairy Husbandry will
show many fine individuals of dairy
breeds and numerous dairy prod
On the whole the fair should be
a huge success, and the cooperation
of all students, especially agricul
tural students, is desired so that our
Pennsylvania Day visitors can see
what we are really accomplishing at
Penn State. If the affair is a suc
cess great credit will redound to
the College, and it will no doubt be
made an annual occurence.
The Y. W, C. A. Play
Work is progressing nicely for
the production of "The White
Mouse", which is to be given on
November 8, under the auspices of
the Y. W. C. A.
Each person seems especially
well adapted to his part. and there
is every indication that the play
will be pleasing and attractive in
every particular.
Tickets will be on sale for the
faculty on Tuesday, October 28,
from 6:45 to S p. m., at the busi
ness office, and for the students at
the same time and place on Wed
nesday and Thursday evenings, Oc
tober 29 and 30.
Reserved seats, 75, 50 and 35