Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 22, 1913, Image 1

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Red and Black Veterans Prove Too
Strong for Hollenback's Boys—
Forward Pass Big Factor in Score
For the first time in Penn State's
history Washington and Jefferson
has been able to produce a team
that can cause us to be defeated.
Last Saturday Folwell's veteran
combination had the destinction of
being the only team that has de
feated Penn State in two years,
and was the only team that has
caused us to take a drubbing while
Bill Hollenback has been with us as
coach, the final score being 17 to 0.
The result was not a surprise.
Few teams suffering the loss that
ours has undergone since last year
could battle as well as ours did
last week. With two peerless ends,
a tackle, a guard, and a phenorn
onal fullback missing from the
eleven that faced the same
team last year, and defeated them
30-0, we met them in practically
their old strength plus the service
of an All American of ex-Lafayette
Washington and Jefferson had
the better showing as taken from
any angle. With experience as a
foundational factor, and a coach
with few equals in the business, the
Washington and Jefferson team has
welded itself into a machine that
has few, if any, equals in the col
lege world today. They have all
that could be desired. A quarter
back capable of averaging sixty
yards punts, past masters in the
art-of-hurling-the—forward pass,-and
ends of unusual ability in recieving,
line smashers of the Engle type,
with a center who would compare
favorably with any in the country,
Penn State had indeed a foe worthy
of its steel.
The Nittany boys, however, were
no easy marks. Till. e and again
Washington and Jefferson's line
smashing machine was checked
without a gain. Time and again
line plungers found our men a stone
wall. End runs were more success
ful. Too often the elusive Good
win, Fleming and Spiegel support
ed by perfect interference skirted
our ends for decesive gains.
Forward passes broke against the
Blue and White and in this art
Washington and Jefferson showed
unusual ability With but three ex
ceptions each pass, whether single,
double, or delayed, worked perfect
ly, netting the opponents in every
case substantial gains. On the
other hand we were weak and
without exception, the play was
broken up by an alert Washington
and Jefferson warrior.
Shorty Miller played a game
worthy of his reputation. From
the first kickoff he was covered by
the watchful eye of at least two
Washington and Jefferson men and
when in possession of the ball
seemed to draw the entire team.
In spite of this "Shorty" made the
longest run of the day when he cut
of twenty six yards, supported by
the old time interference, around
Big Clark proved Cruikshank's
equal at center. Our veteran used
his old sagacity in diagnosing the
opponents play and his line hitting
ability is told in the blocking of a
sure field goal in the final period.
Berryman, Tobin and H. Clark
were the most consistant ground
.iainers. Tobin especially showed
nis old dash in line plays, fre-
quently getting through for good
gains. Clark made one beautiful
run from a kick formation.
The line, although broken at
times by repeated onrushes, held
well. In no case did State suffer a
blocked kick although at times
Clark was forced to kick not
wholly prepared.
In the opening period Washing
ton and Jefferson kicked to State
with the fast Red and Black
men almost under the ball.
Miller recieved but was downed
after a short gain. An end run re
sulted in a loss of five yards which
left the ball on our fifteen yard line.
Clark punted the ball out of danger.
Fleming kicked a placement goal
after a series of plays.
The second quarter found the
,all in Red and Black hands as the
result of a forced punt. Forward
passes and off tackle plays carried
it to our 42-yard line where with
State in possession it was again re
turned to the opponents 40-yard
line by plunges of Berryman, To
bin, and H. Clark Here the Blue
and White lost 35-yards on a hard
pass but recovered on their own
15-yard line. Clark punted. W.
and 3.• bucked the line three times
for no gain and the punt that fol
lowed placed the ball once more
in ow hands on the 15-yard line.
End runs by Berryman and Tobin
netted ten yards. Five more on a
line plunge was gained by Clark
but was immediately lost from a
tackle behind the line on an at
tempted end run by Miller. An
exchange of punts followed, inter
spersed by a •
- 15-yard gain, and pen
alty on the part of the opponents.
With the ball on our 25-yard line
line Fleming fell back for a place
ment kick. The kick went wide
and State started the ball on her
own 25-yard line The ball was
booted out of danger and advanced
five yards by the W. and J. team
as the first half ended.
In the opening of the third
quarter State received the kickoff
and ran it back to the 25-yard line.
Several plays and an exchange
of punts resulted in a loss.
After Clark had kicked from be
hind our goal line, Goodwin made a
touchdown by a forwaad pass.
Soon Clark was again forced to
kick from behind the line, this time
in the last quarter. W. and J. fail
ed at a placement kick. The final
touchdown was made by a beauti
end run by Spiegel. The game
ended with Penn State pushing W.
and J's offense back to their very
goal posts.
Four O'clock Lectures
The School of Agriculture and
Experiment Station announces the
following foul o'clock lectures to
which all students, friends and
members of the Faculty are invited:
Oct. 21. Mr. Jos. E. Wing,
Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Mr. Wing
is one of the best known speakers
on agricultural topics.
Oct. 28. Professor Frank D.
Gardner will speak on "Thirty-three
Years of Continuous Experiments
with Fertilizers".
Nov. 4. Mrs. Rose Morgan of
New York City will occupy the
period. Her subject will be
"Songs That Live", with demon
strations of the type of music
which .should be heard in the home.
Seats on the main floor back to
Row L are reserved for juniors and
seniors taking courses in Agricul
ture. All other seats may be oc
cupied by students, members of the
faculty and friends.
4, ,,, , ;;;;V C:: .) •: . :: . :,) ,
,: I
4:00 p. m. New Beaver Field
Varsity Soccer:l rials.
7:00 p. m. Old ChOpel. Deutsch
SATiiiti)AY, () ,I :T 21
1:30 p. m. Cider Sprap.
3.00 p. m. Auditorium. Harvard
8:15 p. m. Auditorium. Dr.
Woods Hutchinson.
i.anvoAv, wry. 26.
10:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh
man Service.
11:00 a. m. Auclito•i u m. Chapel
6:30 p. m. Auditodum. Y. M.
C. A.
B'oo p. m. Auclibrium. Band
7:00 p. m. Library Prof. Friz
zel to Address Prohibiton
The freshmen football team met
and defeated the .strong High
School eleven on Saturday by the
score of 13-0. As a good game
was expected, quite a number of
freshmen turned out and cheered
their classmates on to victory. A
novel stunt in the way of encour
agement was the organization of a
freshmen band whichlalmost equal
ed the regular college band.
High School kicked off to the
freshmen who returned the ball to
the center of the field! From here
by line plunges and forward pass
1917 succeeded in running the ball
to High Schools 5-yard line. Burns
went - cen re
down and Underhill kicked the
goal. No further scoring was made
during the first half and the second
period ended with score 7-0 in
favor of 1917.
In the second half the freshmen
took a brace but the line was un
able to hold and the only scoring in
these periods was accomplished
through two field goals by Flem
ing, one being a placement kick
from the 45-yard line.
Considerable fumbling, especially
on the part of High School, was in
evidence. The freshmen were pen
alized frequently for holding and
with the exception of Thomas and
Fleming played poor football.
They outweighed High School con
siderably and yet were held fre
quently for downs. For High
School Pond and Shirk starred.
Freshmen High School
Trainer 1. c. Loose
Cornog • 1. t. Ishler
Hollenbaul 1. g. Graham
Painter c. Edmiston
Hoffman r. g
Deal r. t.
Thomas r. e. Alexander
Burns q. b. Shirk
Cratts r. h. b. Pond
Underhill 1. h. b. Dale
Fleming f. b. Krumrine
Touchdown—Burns. Goal from
touchdown— Underhill. Goals from
field—Fleming 2.
Substitutions: Freshmen—Rosell
for Deal; Fair for Rosell; Atkinson
for Burns; Stratton for Fleming.
Referee—Bibby, S. Dakota. Um
pire—" Bob" Reed, Princeton.
Linesman—Berner, 1916. Timer—
Vogt, 1915. Time, 10 minute
F. S. Bucher 'lO, county agent M
Lancaster county, will deliver a
series of lectures on agricultural
topics before Lancaster county
Health Campaign
The local Y. M. C. A. has started
a new thing in college association
work by getting a "Health Cam
; paign" under way, Dr. Seerly,
whose lecture was so largely attend
ed Sunday a week ago, was the
first of the four proposed speakers,
and the undoubted interest shown
at his talk makes the beginning of
the movement a most propitious
one. The three speakers who are
to fellow, Dr. Woods Hutchison,
0. Rozenroad and Samuel Mc-
Comb, will come over week ends in
the course of the next few months.
Dr. Woods Hutchinson, a physician
and thinker of no little note is a
strong exponent of rational living as
a means toward gaining and keep
ing good health. Dr. 0. Rozenroad
of Wiesbach, Germany, will pro
bably discuss the relation of diet to
health; and Dr. Samuel McComb
will lecture on diseases of the
nerves. As is readily seen, the
course is very broad, very compre
hensive, and it cannot fail of being
a benefit to everyone. The asso
ciation has gone to quite a little
trouble and expense to secure the
best and most competent speakers;
and those in charge are confident
that they have succeeded. The
Health Campaign is peculiar in
that it is the first one to be taken
up in a college under student initia
tive, and every man should take
advantage of the great opportun
ties that the movement otfords
Extension Work
The extension division of the
lished, in co-operation with the
State Department of Labor and In
dustries, a collection of safety de
vices and appliances. A large
number of such devices and photo
graphs illustrating safety methods
have been received from manufac
turers throughout the country.
Some of the more important de
vices are: Norton safety grinding
wheels, from the Norton Co., Wor
cester, Mass.; electrically operated
models of safety wood working
machines, from the Oliver Machin
ery Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; cir
cular saw guards, from Zeiler and
Nagel, Brooklyn, N. Y., and from
the Tenn. Coal and Iron Co., Birm
ingnsm, Ala.; safety ladders, from
the Detroit Manufacturing Co.,
Ambler, Pa.
World's Record in Doubt
Vigorous efforts ate at present
being put forth on the part of Mer
cersburg Academy and Penn State
to have the world's record for the
220-yard dash made by Robinson
last spring on New Beaver 'crack
authenticated by the A. A. U.
Statements as to former exper
ience of timers, length of track,
possible slope of track, atmospheric
conditions, etc. have already been
secured from timers Ham and Gar
ver. The chief trouble in having
the record recognized by the A. A.
U. lies in the fact that none of their
representatives were present at the
time of the performance. Indica
tions point, however, that the above
efforts are going to prove success
Short of Funds
Any man, who is short of funds
and wants to buy an Association
Course ticket, need feel no hesit
ancy in giving his name on a slip of
paper, which will serve as an I. 0.
U. He will find that he is not the
only man who is temporarily short
of funds.
Authentic List Compiled by College
Tribunal—Definite Interprets-
tions to Follow
As provided for by student coun
cil action, the college tribunal has
compiled for publication a list of
authentic college customs, which
are to be definitely interpreted by
them should any dispute arise.
Following is the list:
1 Every student shall salute the
president. 2 Each student shall give
the right of way to those in the
classs - above and to the faculty.
3 All students shall stand with un
covered head during the singing of
Alma Mater.
1 The privilege of going bare head
ed is limited to seniors; that of oc
cupying the senior benches is limit
ed to seniors and alumni; that of
walking across the front campus to
upper classmen. 2 When leaving
chapel, the faculty pass out first,
then the seniors, juniors, sopho
mores and freshmen in order.
3 When an athletic victory is being
celebrated, it is the duty of every
freshmen to carry fuel for the bon
fire and it is the duty of upper
classmen to urge the freshmen to
do the same. 4 No sophomore or
upper classman has the privilege of
granting immunities to any fresh
man. 5 No class shall be allowed to
wear caps or hats bearing their
class initials until after Easter vaca
tion of their sophomore year.
Sophomores are, permitted, to,,fta z
rade around the athletic field be
tween halves of a varsity football
game. Upper classmen only are
allowed to kick the football.
7 Sophomores shall issue but one
proclamation each year, and the
Freshmen shall issue none. Pro
clamations shall not be posted on
the college buildings. S Sopho
mores and freshmen are not allow
ed to go without coats except on
poster night and bonfire nights.
9 Freshmen must always wear
green caps except on trips, Sun
days, holidays, and except when
entertaining their mothers and sis
ters, and except when entertaining
ladies at times of house parties.
10 Freshmen shall not be permit
ted to smoke in public, and they
shall not wear college colors during
the first term. 11 Freshmen shall
not be permitted to carry canes un
less they defeat the sophomores in
the inter-class football game. 12
Freshmen must keep off the grass
at all times, and shall not talk back
to upper classmen when being in
structed by them. 13 The paint
ing of class numerals shall be re
stricted to the freshmen year, said
painting of numerals shall be done
on the armory roof on the Saturday
night betore Baccalaureate Sunday.
14 Freshmen shall not wear pre
paratory school athletic, class or
society insignia, shall not wear
cuffs on their trousers, shall keep
their hands out of their pockets at
all times, shall attend all class
meetings, athletic meetings and
mass meetings, are not permitted to
go with young ladies except at
times of house parties, and are not
permitted to accompany sopho
mores or upper classmen when call
ing on young ladies.
Will the boy who took foot-ball
from yard of Prof. Diemer's resi
dence Thursday afternoon please
return same.
I f ~~~ C.,,. `.
Class Customs