The •. Pennsylvania : State •. College EDWIN, ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1 FIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania AGRICULTURAL NOTES Doctor S. C. Schmucker, head of the science department of the West Chester Normal, will lecture in the Old chapel, Tuesday October 7, at 4:20 p. m. The lecture will be a part of the course required of all juniors and seniors taking any of the four years' options in agricul ture. Other students in the college, however, are invited to attend. All seats in the gallery, and on first floor from row L back. may be oc cupied by students who are not re quired to take this course. Doctor Schmucker is one of the best known and most popular lecturers on nature subjects in the United States and it is to be hoped that there will be a large attendance of students as well as members of the faculty. Professor W. H. Tomhave spent the week in Roane County, West Virginia, buying feeding cattle for use in the instructional and experi mental work of the department of animal husbandry. C. G. Mcßride, 'l2, and H. S. Adams, 'l2, representing the college as county agents in Mercer and But ler counties, respectively, brought a number of their constituents to visit the school of agriculture during the week. These men were very much pleased with what they saw and signified their intentions of return ing for the exercises of Farmers' Week. Dr. Seerly Again Corning. Penn State men will be glad tc know that Dr. Seerley, the noted 'sex educator of Springfield, Mass., who was at the college one week last year, will be here again from Saturday until Monday noon. He will speak on Saturday night at the free lecture course; to the freshmen at ten on Sunday morning; at the regular chapel service at eleven, and at the six-thirty Y. M. C. A. meeting. Arrangements will also be made so that those who desire can have personal interviews with Dr. Seerly during the day. Dr. Seerly will be remembered as having presented to us last year a discussion of the social problem which has never been equalled in thoroughness, frankness and force fulness. All with whom he came in contact, whether in meetings or in private interviews, fully appreci ated not only the practical physio logical message, but also the fine spiritual tone. It was through "Dick" Harlow 'l2, and "Shorty" Miller 'l4, that Dr. Seerley was in duced to come here last year, and his success at that time created a strong demand for his presence at some time this year. All men are urged to come to one or all of the meetings, and if • possible, to try and arrange for a personal inter view. A Girl for Every Boy at State 1 Send a quarter at our risk for a handsome reproduction of Paul Chabas' beautiful painting "Sep tember Morn" in soft sepia tints mounted ready for framing, 20 by 15 inches. Address Daily Digest Publishing Co„ Cambridge, Mass. Students desiring to send their laun dry home by express inquire at the Adams Express office for special rates. F. A. Miller, Agent Oratorical Contest It is now definitely assured that the oratorical contest of the Pro hibition League of Pennsylvania will be held at Penn State this year. Representatives of about ten col leges in the state will participate and compete for the sixty dollars in prize money which is offered. Arrangements are now being made by the local league to have the con test held early in April- The win ner of the state contest goes to an interstate contest of which there are three in the United States. Every two years the six winners of inter state contests, during that time, en ter a contest and compete for national honors. To those who are not familiar with the workings of a local Pro hibition League, a word of ex planation is due. The Prohibition League has no connection whatever with any political party but is simply an organization among col lege students to study the liquor question. The local college leagues are under the direction of state and national organizations which are composed of college men. The Penn State Prohibition League meets on Monday evening of every other week alternating with the meetings of the Agricul tural Society. Interesting dis cussions are held each meeting and all meetings are open to any one interested A local oratorical con test will be held prior to the state Contest to choose a man to repre sent the local league. Any student is eligible to enter the contest after he has affiliated with the local organization. With the publication of the Penn sylvania Day number, "Penn State Froth" will present a new sensation al idea to the student body and will appear for the first time under the management of the new board. The men of the two lower classes have been urged to try out for the five positions open on the staff, and though a number have report ed, there is room for more. Froth meetings are held every Tuesday night at seven o'clock in 423 Main, and all men wishing to try out are urged to repoit next week. With the resignation of M. J. Lewis and J. S. Leffler, several alterations have been made in the staff, and it is now under the direction of: J. R. Silver, editor; E. C. Stiles, assistant editor; B. J. Sturtevant, business manager, and Wayne W. Weaver, chief artist. Southern Club As the outcome of a long felt need to unite the men from south of the Mason and Dixon line, a meeting will be held in room 121, Main Building, Friday, 7 p. m., for the purpose of organizing a South ern Club. Such an organization not only would afford social intercourse among the members but would also be a powerful factor in promoting the interests of Penn State in the south. Similar societies exist in the majority of the leading institutions of the north, in every case being established on a strong basis, and there is absolutely no logical reason why one cannot and should not be found here. It is especially urgent that all men eligible for member ship to such a club be present at the meeting on Friday evening. THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN The Leading Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery Short Orders a Specialty A. C. L.congee 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South Mien Street Latest fall styles in Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings M. V.vervolh, Tcop S I-I 0} - I,' S Our Fall line of Shoes just in THE RALSTON L. ID. RYE'S Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek's Pool Room Sheffler's •. Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiche,l Soups The Tobacco Store Geo. B. Jackson Holmes Bldg , Allen Street Thos. R. Weber & Bros Painters and Decorators Frescoing and Sign Writing a Specialty Both Phones The College Man's Shop Sauers and Heberling- A full line of men's furnishings. Custom made clothing. Pennants and cushion tops THREE SUITS PRESSED FOR ONE DOLLAR Cleaning anti Pressing Tickets $l.llO worth of work for :BM Robison Block Allen Street 5c Admission always the same The New Pastime "Babe's" Movies 700 New Seats Highest Class Motion Pictures World Famous Mirror Screen Matinee Daily from 2 until S Evenings from 6 until 10:30 Continuous Show Admission always the same Peerless : Steam : Laundry MODERN AND SANITARY A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop: South Frazier street J. C. SMITH & SON Hardware, Builders' Material, Oils, Paints, Glass, Cement, Stoves and Electrical Supplies, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, etc. MEEK BLOCK Geo. C. Harper Wall Paper Picture Framing Stationery and Art Sub Agency for Oliver Typewriter Ribbons, Paper and a com plete line of supplies 140 East College Avenue A. DEAL SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT WATER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State College Pennsylvania Send the Collegian to your riends, Good Ventilation Projected on the Everybody Welcome Lewisburg, Pennsylvania Lock Haven Steam, Laundry STUDENT AGENTS A. L. Sherman 'l4 H. W. Stiner 'l3 The Potter-Hoy Hardvarett, Everything in Hardware Distributors for the ~, ENINSULAII P l'T and complete line ASPHALT ROOFINGS our specialty BELLEFONTE. PA. Hagman the 'rancor We'll do your cleaning and pressing right Suits made to order 127 South Allen Street Pictures Framed in 1 Day all up to date molding S. D. Slagle Frazier street Opposite R. R, Station C. E. SN Y DE;R FIREPROOF GARAGE Stearn Heated AUTOS, BICYCLES, GUNS TO HIRE General Repair Work a Specialty • 116 S. Frazier Street, corner of 'Calder G. B. S-Buez Je-vvefer 612-a. Optician POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY THE SPOTLESS SHOP A real City barber shop Nittany Inn Block GEO. W. LOHMAN Mention the Collegian when call ing on our advertisers. QUALITY WORK ST WORK Your Patronage Solicited•