Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 01, 1913, Image 4

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    Continued from page I
stitute. Foety will no doubt soon
be in shape again, when he'll be
sure to get a chance to show what
he can do. "Big" Claik of course
will be the snapperback with Wood
as his understudy.
Several other men have shown
much advancement and with a lit
tle mole experience should prove to
be of material aid in filling varsity
positions. hotemost among these
is Dippe, a Sophomore who has
shown wonderful power at hitting
the line and speed in circling the
ends. Clatk has proven a strong
man in the hne, playing at guard as
has Watson at centre, and Thomas,
Douglas, Hartman, and Trainer at
end. Underhill, Kolbus, and Ben
nett are backfield men of promise.
All these men have shown that they
lack only a little in experience of
being first string men.
Judging horn the way the varsity
has lately been able to teal through
the scrub line, circle the ends or
gain with forward passes, there is
no doubt as to the offenslve
strength of Big Bill's 1913 model
machine. On defense they are
equally strong, and when playing
at their normal gait show an im
pregnable line and an alert second
ary defense. As each day's prac
tice comes to a close the Blue and
White varsity has more the appear
ance of being an unbeatable eleven
for the third successive year, an
eleven fit to follow in the wake of
the wonderful 1913 machine that
demolished everything in its track.
Band and Orchestra Outlook Good
George L. Sumner 'l4 the newly
elected leader of both band and
orchestra is contemplating a very
successful year for both musical
organizations. The band probably
fares the best as a large number of
last years men ale still in school
and have reported again this yea].
fhe quality of the new men has
been exceptionally good and this
has aided considerably in stalling
the year's woi lc. The men seem to
realize the importance of a good
college hand and mole interest has
been shown than in former years.
The trips to both the Penn and
Pitt games have almost been es
tablished as a custom and with
these trips in view, competition
for places has been very keen.
Several Sunday evening concerts
will be given as in former years and
a new novelty will be tiled, namely,
a joint band and orchestra conceit
In connection with the mil:till y
department a chum corps will be
organized to pal ticipate in all dress
parades. 'Phis is a splendid chance
for new men to become members
of the baud and the same time be
excused from drill. All men play
ing either rlatinet, saxophone or
flute are caged to come out as
several vacancies occur in the reed
The outlook for the orchestra,
while not so blight, is howev.x, up
to the standard of former years
Violinists ale especially requested
to come out and try for positions
as several vacancies occur at pre
sent. As the orchestra is entirely
self supporting, occasional stags
will be given in the armory to de
fray necessary expenses such as
new music etc. Also by communi
cating with the ]cadet, the oichestm
will be glad to furnish music
for all occasions.
Band rehearsals are held evci.y
Tuesday and Thursday evenings
at P-415 and orchestra rehearsals are
held of Friday evening at OAS.
All men having any previous ex
perience whatever are urged to
come out for both band and ot•
chestra and help raise the stanclaul
of our musical organization.
Successful Bible Study Campaign
Prof. Norman Richardson, who
visited Penn State over the las.
of our confectionery without danger.
Poi we use none but the befit and 1)111.-
I.`,L or muter:llls in its ill:thing
don't. he afraid to treat the young tern
freely. Tl u • candy hi ati whole,oine
it is delicious and how much that mean,.
t single trifle will tell you
The Quality Shop
Sucee,sor to
E. L Graham & Co
American Gentlemen Shoes
Dry (food,, (novella, Notion,
A share of your pationago 1 e,p,.v11 ully
hollei led. Quality 1m:11:W111'11 :tI ma-
~ oil:t1)1.• iol ii•t-.,.
week end made a good impression
upon the students who heard him
in his adresses throughout the clay.
He also supplied the inspiration
for a et y successful Bible study
canvass, five hundred men being
pledged for Bible study in Associa
tion and church classes. These
men will be organized in classes at
once, and the leadership of these
classes will be largely in the hands
of upperclassmen.
On Saturday evening at the
Methodist church, seventy-five
members of the faculty and stud
ents met with Dr. Richardson in
couleieuce. As a result of this
meeting Di. Richardson spoke up
on the subject, "Jesus as A Group
Leader "
Di. Richardson spoke at the
chapel exercises in the morning,
and in the afternoon at three
o'clock he met group leaders in a
conference, at which he spoke in
particular on planning a lesson. At
four o'clock, repiesentathes of
most of the fraternities met, at
which time the educative value of
Bible study was discussed As a
result of his visit two fraternity
classes have been started and five
others are being formed as soon as
teachers can be found for them.
In the evening a good crowd
heard Dr. Richaidson speak on the
subject, "The Psychology of Pente
cost". After this meeting a canvass
of the town and dormitories was
made with the !calks as given
A complete schedule 01 football
games for the 1913 season together
with a list of events at Penn State
that ate of mote than passing inter
est to every student, will be ready
for distribution on Sattuday, Octo
ber 4.
One for every student. Krum
rine's Drug Store, 104 East College
Drugs Sundries Stationery
Toilet Articles
Students' Supplies
Prescriptions a Specialty
Whitman and Huyler Chocolates
Nittany Inn Block
College Ave.
Zuk ? V.,33E.d.
C. A. Blanchnni
Penn Avenue and Tenth St reet
li'lttsburslV, 'Pa
•—•-•—•••.4114. w . Vh.citowmphe.T
Sole agent for Eastmem Speaks
Tanovamke, Camera
and up;totidaM apparattet and methods
212 East. Co\keye "Avzwrie
~Zi~iii:+M'~E :'r~ :~7:44T!~ri'ipb
Advanced Styles
for Young Men
You'll notice certain points of interest
about these new suit models that are
distinctive; they're advance styles on the
lire that will be favored next spring
The Sim Clothes
are especially made for us to out own
ideas - and ate more than a little ahead
of other ready clothes. You young
fellows who cate for snappy styles that
are different and yet in good taste we ate
especially anxious to show them to
This store is not only headquarters for
the smartest styles in young men's
clothes but we've the more conservative
kinds as well for older men and those
desirous of mole moderation in cut and
Ready to wear suits $l5 to $35
Starting Saturday, October 4th
New Neckwear will be in each wqelc
during October, November and Decem
at 50c $l.OO $1.50
jiiingite(not hicr
ay , orrect v_i prgss
The Toggery Shop
Men's Furnishings -; A. G.
Spalding & Bro's Athletic
Goods -4. The Heidcap and
Tailormade Clothing -4. -4.
A full assortment of College
Pennants sc -h - -6. -:
Snnth Allen Street
Fisher's Shoe Store
We have the Shoes that will
prove theii value
All the Standard Makes
_~._ r~7
--4.1 •4 4 1 ,
' 1 I
I jl , l
J, 3
I k.,"" 3 , • ,
Covyt ._!lt Tart `~rLnitw•r A. Mary