The •. Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania igFIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania HOSPITAL ASSURED Cornerstone of Needed Institution to be Laid Soon. On Monday a committee of the Board of Trustees was at the col lege and selected a site for the pro posed hospital, to be near the wire less tower, facing the road on the north. The space available is not large, but is on a steam line, which is a necessary condition. Plans for the construction of the new build ing have not been definitely decid ed upon, but the cornerstone is to be laid at 4:30 Wednesday after noon of Commencement week. Money available at present amounts to about $lO,OOO, about half of which has been raised in various ways among students, the rest by the "Hospital Committee". It is estimated that, to erect the kind of building, desired, at least $lO,OOO more is needed, besides an endowment of $12,000 to insure running expenses. With the money now at hand, only a small structure can be built, perhaps thirty• by forty feet, with provisions made for future enlargement. The building now used as an infirmary will be continued for the reception of con tagious diseases. Farmers' Excursions On Thursday, June 5, the au thorities of the college, co-operat ing with the Pennsylvania Railroad, will have plans for an interesting and instructive day at the college for visitors who may avail them selves of excursion rates on the neighboring Pennsylvania lines. A special train will leave State College at 6:00 p. m, on the same day. Under the auspices of the college and the State Grange. an invitation has been extended to members of the Junior Grange to visit the col lege on June 18, when special arrangements will be made for their entertainment. The purpose of these excursions is to create pop ular interest in the School of Agri culture and in the college in general. A. S. M. E. At a meeting of the student branch of the A. S. M. E. Tuesday evening, May 6th, the following officers were chosen for the next year: President, H. L. Swift, 'l4; Vice President, C. F. Kennedy, 'l5; Secretary, Homer L. Hughes, 'l4; Treasurer, R. B. Rudy; Faculty Ad visors, Prof. J. A. Moyer 'and J. A. Mease. After the election of officers the program consisted of a paper on the Diesel Engine by A. L. Foell, and a paper on Steam Turbines by H. L. Hughes. Each man discuss ed the cost of installation and oper ation of the above mentioned prime -movers as compared with other machines of the same class. A Reminder It may be well to again call attention to the new bulletin board recently placed at the Co-op, which has not been used as extensively as it might, though a very convenient means of announcing certain kinds of meetings. Full directions as to posting of notices are printed with in the case, and the board was designed for notices of regularly scheduled meetings and those in which everybody in general is in terested. What Profession are You Choosing ? If it is either MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, PHARMACY or CHEMISTRY, do not fail to learn the advantages of The Medico=Chirurgical College It is in the City which has been and still is the American Center of Education in these Sciences. It has Departments of and grants Degrees in all four of them. It has its own Buildings, comprising well-planned and well-equipped Laboratories, a large and modern Hospital, and the finest clinical Amphitheatre extant. Its Courses in each Department are carefully graded. It has abundant and varied Clinical Material. Its Faculties are renowned and of high Pedagogic ability. Its Training is essentially and thoroughly practical. Special Features are Personal Instruction and Individual Work; Free Quizzes; Ward Classes limited in size, Practical Clinical Conferences, Modern and Modified Seminar Methods; Special Lectures by eminent Authorities. Practice and Training in Technique, etc., etc. Write to-day to the Dean of the Department in which you are interested for announce ment describing the course and containing full information as to fees. Compare the advantages this college offers with any other before making a final decision. Seventeenth and Cheery Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. CONFERENCE FORMED An inter-fraternity conference has been formed consisting of the following fraternities: Phi Gamma Delta, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi Delta Theta, Theta Xi, Sigma Nu, Delta Upsilon, Phi Kap pa Psi, Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta and Lambda Chi Alpha. Membership in the conference consists of a faculty member, a senior and a junior from each of the chapters. The following men comprise the faculty representatiori: President E. E. Sparks, Prof. J. S. Crandell, Dr. C. W. Stoddart, Prof. C. L. Kinsloe, Prof. D. B. Brene man, Dr. P. 0. Ray, Dean A. Holmes, Dr H. P. Armsby, Prof. J. H. Frizzel, Prof. G. K. Pattee, Messsrs. G. C. Chandlee, C. A. Garner, H. H. Havner, R. B. Fehr, C. E. Palmer and W. S. Hoffman. The organization is neither social nor political, but is organized solely for the purpose of fostering and furthering the interests of the col lege. Resolutions Whereas, God, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to call from this life the mother of our class mate, George K. Brennen, be it Resolved, that we, the class of 1916, of the Pennsylvania State College, extend our sincere sym pathy to our classmate and his rela tives in their bereavement. And furthermore, be it Resolved, that this resolution be entered upon the minutes and pub lished ih the Penn State Collegian. And furthermore, be it Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family. Committee—R. E. Springer, J. Laing, J. Harris. Tau Beta Pi The second semester initiations for Tau Beta Pi were held May 5, 1913, after which the annual ban quet was held in the Nittany Inn. The following men from the class of 1914 were initiated: G. W. Crawford, Mech.; F. H. Graham, Elec.; C. S. Kulp, Min.; E. H. Long, Elec.; W. M. Lindsay, Met.; W. R. Little, Mech.; F. H. Lucas, Civ.; S. T. McCartney, Elec. Glee Club Officers The members of the glee club have elected J. A. Leyden 'l4 and J. E. Freemen 'l4 Leader and Man ager of the Organization for next year. Messrs. Siegler 'l5 and Graham 'l5 are to be assistant managers. Mr. C. C. Robinson will of course continue in his pres ent position of Musical Director at the College. THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN of Philadelphia John Middleton Importer Mounter 219 WALNUTS.. IV P .. ri cro x . CLASS: PI PES!' /! 3 aPIPES -:'.. H. C. WEINER 'l4 Local Agent `the SvokXess 51hov 'A vca\ &Ala "II RR, 11 E It., 5V.03 I' Wittavtli 9mxt N!. took SEG. 1.9. V.61C11.3\14 _ . The Enterprise Clothing Store 1.25 South Allen Street Latest fall styles In Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings M. V:onvlt3., -eTovi E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue SHEET MUSIC All the latest popular and classica numbers 10 cents and up per copy. Pictures and Post cards for hanc coloring, a line line. PICTURES FRAMED Picture Framing our hobby. We frame pictures neatly and correctly. Mat Cutting a Specialty Prices Reasonable. BIM NER'S ART SHOP Second Floor of Pastime J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital $lOOOOO Charles McCurdy President WANTED—Cast off clothing for home missions in New York City. If you are interested, further particulars may be had by calling at Room 273 Main. 6.ci1l . e ve Admission always the same Sc m v 9 ;:t79 a a./ , 9 9 Babe s Movies 6 ig m 6 to 10:15 p. m. daily v.z , 6.zi mi Watch Our New Uptodate S OP. * Theater Grow 1010 litb , 660 a Will Open About June 2d a , 6,61 2i9 * Q 'A Ml - I._ 1:=" a. - t i -r - r - i. a a a a a 'Zir Q SC Admission always the same • 5c 2 IM,**gi*lgigigigi***i;.§?PiP?§i§?P?g4g4olPg BOWLS MADE IN FRANCE Pipes Repaired S I — l 0 E s. , S Our Fall line of Shoes just in THE RALSTON L. ID. RVE'S SHEASLY & GENTZEL Dry goods, groceries, notions, fur niture, carpets, curtains, drapings. Ylatura 3cara‘ac t a brakakta Nos. 200-206 East College Avenue The Leading Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery Short Orders a Specialty A. C. - eNa 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE The Tobacco Store Geo. Holmes Bldg., Allen Street The First National Bank State College, Pa. Accounts solicited Sheffler's + Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups Surplus 425.0011 Jag K, Barnhart Cashier State College Meat Market P. P. RESIDES Wholesale & Retail Dealers SOUTH ALLEN STREET Harry W. Sauers A full line of men's furnishings Custom made clothing by the Royal tailors Pennants and cushion tops—a fine assortment 3 Suits Pressed for One Dollar Cleaning and Pressing Tickets $1.E30 worth of work for $l.OO RoGison B ef gn2 ..StregA. B. Jackson 3,g iinteret on time deposits, payable semi-annually LEST YOU FORGET Place your commencement orders early for baked goods. ice cream, confections, cigars and cigarettes. Quality and service guaranteed HARVEY BROTHERS J. C. Smith & Son Dealers in General : Hardware Builders Material Oils, paints, glass, cement, stoves and electrical supplies Roofing and spouting Housefurnishing Goods, Etc. State-Centre Mediu, Co Operations in Centre County State eakese, 'Peext'e C. It. Itlllecs' "Jonsoftak Vaxkol In FAO. Collage 'Ace Every tool sterilized for each man. Particular work done tor particular people J. B. MARTIN SOLE AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postonice James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street