The : Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania gFIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania THE GETTYSBURG CAMP United States War Department Will Hold a Summer Military Encampment for Students at the National Park, July 7 to August 29. The Secretary of War has decid ed to hold two experimental mili tary camps of instruction for stu dents of educational institutions during the coming summer vacation period. Should these camps prove a success, it is intended to hold them annually, one in each of the four sections of the country. The plan in brief is as follows: All students over 17 years of age and physically qualified volunteer ing for this instruction, and who are properly recommended by the officer detailed as military instruc tor at the institution, or the presi dent of the same where no such officer is detailed, shall be allowed to participate in the camp of instruction under the following pro visions: (a) That their attendance at the camp will be for the entire period, unless compelled, by actual necessity to leave before that time. (b) That they will render them selves during that time subservient to the rules and regulations of mili tary discipline, the commanding officer having authority to discon tinue their attendance upon viola tion thereof. (c) That the expense of transportation to and from camp, cost of uniform needed—two pairs of breeches, khaki, hat, leg gins, 0. D. shirt (about $7.66 per man)—and subsistence (about $1.75 per week) will be borne by the student, same to be deposited in advance. (d) That the govern ment will furnish without cost, same to be turned in upon comple tion of camp, the following: cots, blankets, mosquito bars or nets, tentage, cooking outfits; also a com plete infantry equipment for each man, both Q. M. and ordnance property; and the necessary trans portation and such other articles as may be found necessary. (e) That the government will provide the necessary personnel for instruction, organization and sanitation. The camp will be held at Gettys burg National Park, July 7 to August 29, inclusive. For further and more detailed information on the subject, call at the office of the Commandant. On account of the short time before the date of the encampment, students, desiring to go will let the Commandant know as soon as possible, not later than May 1. Here is your opportunity to en joy a beneficial and healthy vaca tion under discipline, which consti tutes an invaluable experience for any man. Cross or Crescent ? Rev. C. W. Guinter, who has been engaged in Missionary work in the Sudan for the past seven years, will speak in the Auditorium 6.30 p. m. Sunday, May 4th on the "Conflict between Mohammedanism and Christianity" in his field of work to which he expects soon to return. Mr. Guinter is a college graduate and a pleasing speaker; his address will be well worth hearing. BY THE WAY At a conference of student em ployment, secretaries of nine east ern colleges and universities, held at Columbia University during the Easter holidays, it was decided to take drastic action to prevent the employment of students as book agents during the summer months. Canadian hockey players are the highest salaried professional ath letics in the world. For the num ber of games they play, they are paid a great deal more than any National League baseball player. The season is of two months' dura tion. In the past twenty years, John D. Rockefeller has contributed over $3,000,000 to American institutions of learning. There are 444 students at Penn who are working their way through the university. In the last year their earnings amounted to $23,479, coming from the job of newsboy to the position of companion. The first debate ever held be tween two Women's colleges took place at South Hadley, Mass., be tween Vassar and Mt. Holyoke. The western colleges have intro duced rifle shooting as an inter-col regiate sport. So far this - year Pur due University holds the highest score: 941 out of 1000. The gymnasium at Dartmouth is large enough to be laid out in a regulation size baseball diamond. The projected school for detec tives that is to be added to the de partments in the University of Pittsburg, is presenting problems that do not conform to the academ ic notions of the school authorities. Michale S. Hanley, retired captain of detectives of Pittsburgh, it is said will be the dean of the school. Lehigh University students are now agitating for a return to the honor system, which was abolished recently, and it is said the system will be re-established within a short time.—Ex. Free Concert a Success The complimentary concert given by representatives of the Birming ham School for Girls on Saturday evening, April 26th, in the Audi torium, was in every way a pro nounced success. The interpreta tion of old English folk song by Miss Mary A. Sanders, soprano, was very pleasing and the numbers rendered by Mrs. Grier, contralto, were greeted with warmest approv al. Miss Jubb, pianist, displayed unusual ability in her rendition of Chopin's "Polonaise" and Schu mann's "Nochotuck-Novelette". May we, on behalf of the student body, express to the givers our appreciation for this delightful evening of music and song. Philocorean Dance This dance to be held on Monday night, June 9, 1913, is open to members of all classes. In order that the committee may have some thing definite to work on, all men intending to go, are requested to make it a point to sign the list at the Co-op before Friday night of this week. THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN John Middle ton Importer "'Mounter —: 219 W.41 3,4 14 , u LA ,5r. W PA ". , . carrreto crass ,AV a PIPES PIPES BOWLS MADE.IN FRANCE Pipes Repaired H. C. WEINER 'l4 Local Agent Z\te, Svotkess Shoo 3t seat elks Z3RRZ3SR ‘C. ILlt:tans 9un 'Moak SEO. IU. VAACTRIM HENRY GRIMM FINE •TAILORING Established DM GLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING GREAT DOC j •OF THE EifIEILIE • Evar,s, D. D. 11/reclor, Bible Cows, Thu 4thoei 01.110 Mullein ul fendemenl,ll ....nooltlentrione No norm down, a de, in, know: tip of Ike doctrines ol the Chnellanlo.lll may hod 111 the help ha ecods In lien book "—The Po her .. /1,1.41-.1,1y ..l nhd,na In view Ikm I maul notheop lo rthoch 1 coeld worm non, and eery much which 1 can manly commend • -a, Mootekend, a 275 norm, Cloth, fl5O Mel. Scl in,' The Wan InoiNle Cal nave!warn . - . . _ ;Al::i73:K'fi~ , ~:.: f E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Groceries East College avenue How to master the T a h n e E ß x e e c A r e d net E li LIS!! BIBLE and a P MethOd 'Mangano.' le scope. The eloAr dloelloc. Ilde volume lo .demo bln olos It loalllbla far aeono le ea clod, Bible te folly uteri lo all Its emmlaklo,nel .1,0 conflsoloo 1i1y.., cooped by a mlllotlelly of rola luol oatmeal& The mom of the mullo of tly 1111,1 e !nada,/ la glom tale Moll limo cloth. 40 coats tat 111.3 • • twarm. Aoo lily I blitt P The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South Pen Street Latest fall styles in Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings M. 'bar°3lta, V yr? SHEET MUSIC All the latest popular and classical numbers 10 cents and up per copy. Pictures and Post cards for hand coloring, a fine line. PICTURES FRAMED Picture Framing our hobby. We frame pictures neatly and correctly. Mat Cutting a Specialty Prices Reasonable. BITMER'S ART SHOP Second Floor of Pastime DELIVERANCE FROM THE r. PENALTYAND POWER oFSIN BY ORSON R. PALNER American Director for The Africa Inland Mlesion pommel, settreltlng itll.llllo 111.4101 1.41 lilif person, an mt. it nit tolitottt Inisttnn pointing nor, imply the, y 14 lltoof 5111. vii t... 3 tool Inn . , through An enrt Ilettt, link for it ht. tllntrilittloit. 110 pager raper it cools; 01or Sloo,Cie h,30 emir net. The Bade Institute &Martin Asia. 876 La Salle Am. Chime .111,114 . .0.1.1% ETY.t..4.1 N0'1,3117.1.3T1ANk tlnL.. COM2A r , r w".; I .; ,I" 4.1 Now TO - RIEMORIZE7 By WILLIAM EVANS, D. D. A compact =Mud Of fundamental nrinvlrden Iv&m.tlon* for inntomrlalng, mortal •, cetlue to Scalptu.... Apor,rin. tiol. for elan Inelutle,l Every attalent. teacher, proratr sod politic speaker enema poorest Oh vereeble book vtatt, v. , los t. aril *tom,. pot 00 cent*. The/1101e / eAltute Colpertnav Aseetlatlen, 040 Laßelle Ave ,Ohleaguall. • , , .• ( tie- Cspfeeoe ar Ty W. Sauers A lull line of men's furnishings Custom made clothing by the Royal tailors "t' Pennants and cushion tops—a fine assortment 3 Suits Pressed for One Dollar Cleaning and Pressing Tickets $1.50 worth of work for $l.OO Ror3ison. Beook elefe_l2 Street ..*gig-i*gig , E*gifkeii**.iPi`ti§iPi§?ge• m , gh 5c Admission always the same 5c g 6 .% e ea e e e e P m e— e iffoi mfa 1=• tit-ti_i.--r-I e a --- ------7J " \ --,--- z-- 5 5 5 5 5 - /VI 0 li 1 JE S = 5 5 5 5 I* To 5 , 66 5 5 W? 5 o, e 5c Admission always the same 5c / — I 0 _E .- S Our Fall line of Shoes just in THE RALSTON L. D. FYE'S SHEASLY & GENTZEL Dry goods, groceries, notions, fur niture, carpets, curtains, drapings. Vlatxtra Scauart% a tpealatta Nos. 200-206 East College Avenue The Leading Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery Short Orders a Specialty R. C. I—cong - ee 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE The Tobacco Store Geo. B. Jackson Holmes Bldg , Allen Street The First National Bank State College, Pa. 3g, ititiare.t on time deposits, payable semi-annually Accounts solicited Sheffler's .• Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups State College Meat Market F. P. RESIDES Wholesale & Retail Dealers SOUTH ALLEN STREET Harveyßrothers can now supply you with Fuller-Greene Chocolates choice cigars, cigarettes ice cream and fruit sodas at the old store - ffietlslittany Inn Building next to postoffice J. C. Smith &Son Dealers in General •.. Hardware Builders Material Oils, paints, glass, cement, stoves and electrical supplies Roofing and spouting Houseturnishing Goods, Etc. lattany tight, "lizat and. ?mac Comma state College, Vexim'a. Q.. lt.l6.lers' "Jonsofts.N. I'welov 112 East College "Me Every tool sterilized for each man. Particular work done for particular people J. B. MARTIN SOLE. AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street