Penn StateC2llegian Published Wednesday of each week during th • college year by the students of The•Pennsylyani• State College in the interest of the Students. Fae ulty. Alumni and Friends of the college. Entered at the Postoffme. State College, Pa.. as second class matter Editor In Chief J. D. HOGARTH, 'l4 Assistant Editor F. C. DOSE, 'l4 Sporting Editor D. HESS, 'l4 Associate Editors .1. R. MATHERS, 'l5 W. S. PARKINSON, Jr., Business Manager M. M. GRUBBS, 'l3 Assistant Manager B. R. HENDERSON, 'l3 Associate Manager L. B. KEELAN, 'l4 W. H. SAVERY 'l4 E. B. MOYER 'l4 SUBSCRIPTION, $1,50 per year or $125 if paid within 30 day. after date of atibrerirrtion. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1913 The student coun Progression cil has recently pass ed a resolution the purpose of which is to restrict the electioneering around the polls during college and class elections. The gist of this regulation is, that no electioneering shall take place about the college after two hours previous to the time set for the election. This move on the part of our governing body is certainly one to be highly commended. The evils of electioneering around polls must Certainly have been very apparent to the various voters, and especially to our freshmen constituents, and the action by means of which this obnoxious evil has been eradicated, is most decidedlyanother step to ward the acme of college civiliza tion. Such spells of progressiveness, which we have been experiencing of late certainly bear good fruit as a result. The student body is be ginning to realize that good preced ents should be observed with ad miration and respect, and yet at the same time it has comprehended the fact, that customs, which contain within themselves qualities that are not beneficial as a whole, should go. Reform takes time and it takes courage, but if each individ ual will consider himself a single unit of the progressive tendency toward the more ideal, and will have the courage to support his convictions, then the outlook for an ideal institution appears to be splendid Although this is a digression, it is yet pertinent to say,: that any proposed changes or reforms must be earnestly thought over, and care fully analysed; and then the man that cannot come to the correct solution of the confronting prob lem, must be an abnormal person. One discrimination however has to be considered, and that is the dif ference between supposed enjoy- went, and comparative benefit The new flag scrap which has been sub- New Scrap mitted by the student • committee will be in augurated on Old Beaver field, next Saturday at 1:30 o'clock. This scrap in itself is in reality a very decided improvement over the former one the preludes of which have been in special evidence this The good features about this new contest are that the sophomores will not be kept up during the week, the people will not be an noyed by shooting, and the general suspense which prevailed during the former period, will now be centered in the fifteen minute con- test on Saturday. The committee itself does not know whether this scrap will prove to be satisfactory and whether it will be expedient to hold it every year.. It merely offers this new form of contest, for trial and ex- periment, as it were, and so the advisability of incorporating it into our regular system of scraps may be decided upon after the termi nation of the strife. One thing is very apparent and that is that a revision, or probably complete abolition of our presen forms of scraps may have to ensue in the near future, on account o the increasing size of the two lower classes. In such a scrap as the cider or flag contest, there will pro bably be about one thousand men next year. These men are all try ing to force their way toward the nucleus in the centre, and the pres- sure in the centre is enormous. I is just in consideration of the pres sure and of the vast number of men participating, that the college may have to forego the present form of scrap, and adopt some special form as they do in the larger uni versities.- --------- ---- Our old, but hardly Music definite custom of For All campus singing is be ing taken up with un usual vigor this year, as is befitting our improvement along musical lines especially noticeable during the past few months. It is gratify ing to note that last Friday evening nearly three hundred men joined in the singing, taking advantage of the fact that Musical Director Robin son was to lead the singing. A still greater attendance is hoped for this Friday evening, when a some suitable place on the campus the singing will be especially for the entertainment of the numerous college visitors of that day. The custom of campus singing is rightly instituted,not for the purpose of holding out-of-door concerts, or of rendering formal music, but to promote good fellowship, to furnish entertainment to all who take part and to all who listen. To this end, all the songs to be used are familiar to every one, and no great musical ability is necessary. All are urged to help in advancing this pleasing custom. The Lecture on Palestine President E. E. Sparks delivered the second in his series of two illustrated lectures on the Holy Lands, last Friday evening in the auditorium, presenting an instruc tive and finely illustrated discourse on his trip through Palestine, Con stantinople and other points of in terest in Turkey and Greece. Palestine was the principal sub ject of the lecture, the President go ing at length into the narration of the time spent there, showing many excellent views of interesting points THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Distinctively Individual To turn out high grade laundry work is a fine art. To make the linen "live" and have that neat, smooth finish so much desired by the man who cares, is a secret gained only by careful study and painstaking care. We give you absolutely the best grade of work to be had. YOUR WORK IS DONE THE MODERN WAY "WE KNOW HOW." ALL COLLARS TURNED BY HAND `TheHigh .S ta. I - 1 ci a r-ci .1., -.1. - Li ra. cl r-y. STUDENT AGENTS: 1, C. C the lifttanv inn State College James P. fli ke_rzs Proprietor Special Rates to Students Expert Picture Framing GENERAL MERCHANDISE Our Prices are Right H. M, Myers E. College Av GET A MOORES NONLEAKABLE PEN Writes Easy The More you use it The More you like it Price 2.50, 3.50 and up N. S. GRUBBS : Alpha Zeta House Mention Penn State Collegian when calling on or writing to advertisers in this paper BIRD'S-EYE BIBLE STUD By Roy. Alexander Patterson 6. With tetrad ,tjettbe by Or. VI/fiber Chapman - 11 sleeps., of all tee 6in15.1 - 16ri mile; rah Menem is to their elm: Meagan nal 1111• Ill•••• •• • newer' of lte land lesehiow ol lee Script. 1.01.1 vino ol the derolennol In the menial of new bul l. . Airy mho:neve eh•••.(• Int 'Tow to Moly the 11114," “The Woe of bah/atom" ' HOW 10 Will ••11111 It. Uhrtot,• • • Kane. In Pray,•• • 11111 nark et the Holy SOM.' . Paper corms. 15a; 8 for jl. Cloth coverts. 300 net. Bible Institute Calportage &e a. 826 LaSalle Ate.. Chicago in the city and pleasing his audi ence with realistic descriptions and well appointed stories of incidents of the journey. In the same at tractive manner the visit in Con stantinople was portrayed, the scenes with the accompanying explanations and discriptions so vividly illustrating the ancient city that one could readily imagine himself there in reality as he list ened. The trip through Greece was splendidly illustrated with pictures of the ruins of ancient Greek architecture, the President pointing out the special beauties and fine ness of structure they yet retain in spite of age and the wear of time, giving one a new conception of the wonderful works of art produced by the ancient Greek. All of the pictures used in this lecture and in the one delivered some weeks ago are from President Sparks own collection, secured while on his trip through the Holy Lands, and the lectures have been a source of instruction and much enjoyment to everyone who attend ed them. Band Concert Program The !following program will be ' rendered by the Penn State Band, at the Auditorium, on Sunday evening, May 4, at eight o'clock: March, Sherman's Military Band, Sherman; Fantasia, Gems from Tannhauser, Wagner; Waltz, Flower of Italy, De Stefano; Overture, Morning,Noon and Night in Vienna, Suppe; Descriptive Number, Ghost Dance, Salisbury; Selection, Dr. DeLuxe, Hoschna; March, Lu Lu Band, Sweeley. This popular and varied program will afford a very enjoyable hour. All come and here our band. McCreary H. E. Shore We carry a full line of Wont Leak Pictures Framed in 1 Day all up to date molding S. D. Slagle Frazier street Opposite R. R. Station brath Pctot.ows.phec Sole agent for Eastman 9 0 eas Istew Vauoramle Camera and up:toidate apparatus and methods MI test Cotttge Runt% Mate College Lock Haven Steam Laundry STUDENT AGENTS A. L. Sherman 'l4 H. W. Stiner 'l3 1 J. C. MARKLE - 1 All Kinds of Choice Meats 138 College Avenue A. DEAL SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM, HOT WATER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State College Pennsylvania Etat laborite> Cantral Railroad P. H. THOMAS. General Manager Bellefonte, Pa. P nt No 3. 9 00 11..151 it M. 3.10 3.001 G. P. Murphy H. G. Heath A. S. Wilson P. M. Selkregg T. W. Harris Students' Supplies The Athletic Store BEST WORK at LOWEST PRICES Your Patronage Solicited Fish in season Both phones Doe 2G. 19111 ...Lv NNW YOTtli: e% Lv Lv ITARRISIUTIM Al .Lv 1.1 ar s 11111 A r Lt• A Lao° NA Ar Lv TYRONFI Ai L% \III LIAMSN MT Ai Lv LOCK 11AV PIN Al I.v,1F1)NTI.1# . 111(1111118 . . tO 30 a,30 6 3S I •12 0 1G 6 GO 6,00 7.110 7 12 41i STE\'ENS HUN'rEItS P.\ 111 C FILLMORE .. • • WA Di) • J . % r RINE LN STAT COMA NC; 7.57 7.311 n. i 7.35 111 • Cep tion— S•I'RUI;LNS . 111,o(INISDnIIIP (11;(1V1.1 PALLS A Sunday. tWith Pennsylvania R. R. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Everything . in Hardware Distributors for the PENINSULAR PAINT and VARNISH CO'S complete line ASPHALT ROOFINGS our specialty BELLEFONTE. PA. S. E. KIMPORT Headquarters for Choice Meats of All Kinds Frazier Street Both phones G. B. .Sfiuez Jeviefer cx-r2Z-1. Optician POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY C. E. SNYDER FIREPROOF GARAGE Steam Heated AUTOS, BICYCLES, GUNS TO HIRE General Repair Work a Specialty 116 S. Frazier Street, corner of Calder LASALLE `, f • • A Now Lightweight. Degip Pointed . 4 6 e - 3 L t L ° A 2 for 25 Cents Cbaett. Peabody & Co. Arrow Shirrs t a 111. i 0.34) inn S.lO S 97! N. 11" S S2l S 20 07 is 00