The •. Pennsylvania •. State •. College EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ciFIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-six courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and PhySical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania The Experiment Station men are anxious to discuss the questions of most value to the people along the routes. Ask them to bring along an exhibit of fertilizer materials and to tell you how to get the most plant-food for your money. Recently one train gave demonstrations of actual fertilizer mixing. Soon many will do so. Take your fertilizer dealer to these trains. Ask him to sell Potash Salts and brands containing six to ten per cent. Potash. We shall be glad to bend you, frte, pamphlets prepared by the best practical authorities on fertilizers for various crops and soils. Write today, mentioning crops and soils that you wish to improve. German Kali Works, Inc., 42 Broadway, New York Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. Bank & Trust Bldg„ Savannah, Ca, Whitney Bankßldg., Mew Orleans, La. Emplm Bldg., Atlanta, Ca. VARSITY TENNIS Good Schedule Assured—Four Spring Tournaments. The tennis outlook for the spring season of 1912-1913 appears very bright. Not only is there last year's entire varsity squad to draw from, but also some very promis ing new material developed last fall. The courts are being put in readiness for the opeqing of the season and one of the Armory courts will be reserved for the ex clusive use of the tennis squad. —A-business meeting of the Tennis Association will be held at seven o'clock, this evening, in 114 Main Building, at which time elec tions for three Sophomore Assist ant Managers will be held, Any member of the 1915 class who is a member of the Tennis Association and who desires to run for an As sistant Managership should hand his name to T. W. Harris, 'l3, Manager, or E. N. Sullivan, Assist ant Manager, before the meeting. The following men are expected to report for the squad: W. H. Patterson, 'l3; W. L. Irish, 'l3; R. C. Hay, 'l5; D. Harrower, 'l3; E. P. Allinson, Special; M. W. Harris, 'l3; P. S. Conrad, Special; C. M. Nevin, 'l6; A. R. Cox, 'l6; and C. D. Ball, ' . 15. The present schedule is as fol lows: May 15th—University of Penn sylvania, at Philadelphia. May 16th—Haverford College at Haverf ord. May 17th—Swarthmore College at Swarthmore. May 22nd—University of Pitts burgh at Pittsburgh. May 23rd—Carnegie Technical School at Pittsburgh, (Pending). May 24th—Westinghouse Club at Pittsbugh. (Pending). May 31st—University of Pitts burgh at State College. (Pending). In addition to the above sched ule, four tennis tournaments will be played this spring which will be open to all. Gold and silver metals will be awarded to the win ners in three of these tournaments and the remaining tournament will be for the Stevenson Cup. An entrance fee of 10 cents will be levied on all contestants in order to cover expenses of the Association. Physical Director's Notes Due to the fact that so many students are out for one kind of sport or another, locker accom modations at the Gymnasium are insufficient because many of the lower classmen who took Gym drill last winter are still retaining their lockers. If you are still holding a locker which you have no further use for, if it is a combination please report it vacated or if it is a key, get your dollar deposit. Do this so that these lockers may be assigned to students who have need of them. To get the dollar de posit on locker keys, they must be handed in before college closes this spring. Physical Director Lewis conduct ed his first "hiking expedition" to . the mountains last Saturday. No one can deny the benefits of these "personally conducted" trips, as the ninteen men who were with the party will testify. .The next trip will be next Saturday, April 19. Dr. Ray as an Author During the present month Charles Scribner's Sons, of New York, will publish a new college text book by Dr. P. 0. Ray, head of the Department of History and Political Science. The book, en titled "An Introduction to Political Parties and Practical Politics," is especially planned to meet the needs of college courses in the study of politics, and will be used as a text in our political course. Dr. Armaby" in Philadelphia The Weir Mitchell lecture before the College of Physicians of Phila delphia was delivered on Friday evening, April 4, by Dr. H. P. Armsby, Director of the Institute of Animal Nutrition. The subject of the lecture was "Animal Cal orimeters and the Study of Ani mal Nutrition". Mr. Burba, Assistant Engineer Pennsylvania railroad will speak on "Train wrecks, their cause and cure" in room 202 Engineering Building, Friday at 7 p. m., engineers invit ed. Mr. Burba is an engineer of high standing and an interesting speaker. _ Messrs J. M. Harris and Neil Mc- Millan, of the International Com mittee, will be here next Saturday and Sunday, April 19th and 20th, to set up the work of the new Y. M. C. A. Cabinet. Meetings will be held with the Cabinet on Satur day and Sunday and these men will speak at the 6.30 meeting Sunday evening. The ladies of Saint Margaret's Guild Episcopal church will collect old clothing for the Grenfeld mis sion on April 29, 1913. THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN John Middle ron ImportereMounter 219 WA I...UTST. PARA. 't)A C LASS • ./ i u""fg PIPES , 41 r BOWLS MADE IN FRANCE Pipes Repaired H. C. WEINER 'l4 Local Agent the SVOtkZSS SIOV II 'teak alt 9 BPARI3SR SNCe."? N.lttang 'Sun IMpek. Ste. V. 003(.11.1111. DELIVERANCE FROM THE PENALTYan POWER OF S IN BP ORBON IL PALMER Am:Blum Dfroetor for TheAfrien Inland Mission A personal, so•archillltind Wi emu.) 311 , 111141. to tim Unoasell pampa as ma II as to tho &foot, 4 Christina Pointing vory simply thu way to a II fn of thrrmulnr. vletory nod pow, through Christ An excellent hook for whin clintrlisition MB pages. Pam IS tents B lar 8100; Cialh,3o cams net. The Bile llama Col.. rla r Assn. 826 La Salle Are. Chicaeo E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East Collegetlavenue How to Master the The Record of ENGLISH BIBLE an and a method Method By James M. Gray Dr. Purcell In slim. Mamma idnnually dlnretl4 [lnas study Wm anottud lanuenes Intonational In MI. •The alone Alrookaalf Ws volume asks pounds r . :17 . 12 , 44 , tees 5154 r 0. nalefk!llymnalle , llle 1111. ruZradoolneasnln. 7•Zrs of 11 n o l nll l lllkb Alvalla Able beck 101,10, cloth, 40,01, not MOLE NSTITUTS COLVORTAn AAN . N.I,I lANA LI S AVE The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South Men Street Latest fall styles In Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings I'd— lkoszlh, V ToV SHEET MUSIC All the latest popular and classica numbers 10 cents per copy. Pictures and Post cards for hand coloring, a fine line. PICTURES FRAMED Picture Framing our hobby. We frame pictures neatly and correctly. Mat Cutting a Specialty Prices Reasonable. BITINER'S ART SHOP Second Floor of Pastime GREAT DOCTRINES j By William • OF THE BIBLE • 1 Evans, D. D. Med., 0111. Comm Th. Moody Bade 1.1111.1. of Chive.. wagar=torgt,tohggivxmr.'2, fundamental feels and ilmtrlnce. Ho who desires. dm. kneel. edge ol 111 doctrines II the MIMI. 11110 may Ilad 111 the help bounds In Ms book l'—'oll Maar "Admirably nulteel to tha chlact In view. I bme found nololll Is welch I could 131. ono Use, and 'my meet, wblob 1 eon homely emmeaad...—Wm C Meorthead 0.0. 275 . ChM, SIC NM. 15e cosleel,. - The 1361 e insibute 04.41 m Atm. 8266 Salle Are. Chime 6•• • . HENRY GRIMM FINE .TAILORING Established 18P1. CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING HOW TO.MEMORIZE By WILLIAM EVANS. D. D. A compact manna' of fundamental principles and best sospostions for memorizing. !snit tininnigt •Indi• :V o ra t l o d IrramT . l itru n ag a ._ " =. ' Lre ' stVe " potato igitaltar amnia gnaws cam valuable nook. cloth. Int gilt stamp, not 00 matt. Via Mtge Inatitota CkgPteng• .11.1andatlan, 828 Lsesliston,oninemm. [ CHRISTIANITYand NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS COMPARED IV,MYF;:' , ve , FM`.llTAlTy'llg; f V,r,p. l P'l7=.2S.;littl,A,g2 JZA7: 7 l,:aedy i n„::.;,..FlZ : lnT, 4 7C,:riiiTgiV i g: Eallll s Mti.tigNl",Efil.: :114gra,ai r a,"E ?(.', :FlVir Mt77,71;,P44',F.::,"%.114" . :h1T"cT;;;1AU1 l'ilegigardoatrtal'AVll: a'frall'Ai.`XV:".'6ll'igiqn Trie. • Csxffe.63e. Harry W. Sauers A full line of men's furnishings Custom made clothing by the Royal tailors Pennants and cushion tops—a fine assortment 3 Suits Pressed for One Dollar Cleaning and Pressing Tickets $1.30 worth of work for $l.OO Ronison Beosk dire Street N. e 5c Admission always the same 5c iy 92 M ‘Sh q qb 6 .91 4 brli !, M C2 l g i&P iMI gi _....;:5........._ qh The 1-4,_.-t_ir-i---i- # e e 6 --,-,-- a 6 6 6 - MOV IES = 5 55 5 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5c Admission always the same 5C 161 t . l '4•i*l€lgigigigi*.f*gitig'ig?'?g:":•glV NS I — l. 0 .E.i . S Our Fall line of Shoes just in THE RALSTON L. D. FVEP.S SHEASLY & GENTZEL Dry goods, groceries, notions, fur niture, carpets, curtains, drapings. Ylatiact 3caming a SvcVats Nos. 200-206 East College Avenue The Leading Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery Short Orders a Specialty A. C. Longue 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE The Tobacco Store Geo. B. Jackson Holmes Bldg., Allen Street The First National Bank State College, Pa. 3., on time deposits, payable semi-annually Accounts solicited Sheffler's •:• Restaurant Opposite Hotel Pies Sandwiches Soups tate Gollege Meat Marke F. P. RESIDES Wholesale & Retail Dealers SOUTH ALLEN STREET Harveyßrothers can now supply you with Fuller-Greene checolitis choice cigars, cigarettes ice cream and fruit sodas at the old store TheNittany Inn Building next to postoffice J. C. Smith & Son Dealers in General : Hardware Builders Material Oils, paints, glass, cement, stoves and electrical supplies Roofing and spouting Housefurnishing Goods, Etc. - tattaaky aght,litetet at 'Pima. Company State Wimps, 'Pelan'a C. R. - htvieTs' "JoAsoftak ?ar\or 112. East College 'Roe Every tool sterilized for each man. Particular work done for particular people J. B. MARTIN SOLE AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postoffice James M. Williains General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street