PENN STATE VOLUME 9 NUMBER 25 THE TEAM IMPROVING Plays Dickinson Saturday—Captain Whitney May Pitch During the Eastern Trip Next Week. Notwithstanding the fact that W. and J.'s cancellation has left the varsity without a game for two weeks and that weather conditions have been not a little handicap to practice, Coach Manning is confi dent that the team is now showing the best form that has been dis played this season. Old men and new have mastered their positions and real team work has been de veloped. The game with Dickinson on Saturday should be an interesting contest. Of the thirty-two games which we have played with Dickin son, in twenty-two we have been victorious, suffering defeats in the remaining ten. Following are some of the scores: 1909 Penn State 6 Dickinson 4 1910 " 10 " 5 1911 " 8 '• On Tuesday the team leaves on its eastern trip, which includes games with Princeton, Seton Hall, Lehigh, and West Point on April 23, 24, 25 and 26. Some of the hardest games on our schedule will be played on this trip; but with the increased efficiency of the team, they will no doubt meet with better success than in the early southern trip. Coach Manning will probably make at least one change in the varsity lineup -for- these — games; Mason retaining his position at first base. Captain Whitney will ac company the team, and if his in jured arm keeps improving and weather conditions are favorable, he will occupy the box against Princeton, as he did so successfully last year. The team has thirteen scheduled games to play during the remainder of the season, having played eight, and a favorable showing may be expected. New College Bulletin. The college bulletin and general catalogue has been printed and a few hundred copies are at the registrar's office now, where they may be secured. According to the summary of students, the following comparisons show our annual growth: candidates for advanced degrees, in 1912, 37; in 1913, 49; in 1912, 238 seniors, 328 juniors, 369 sophomores, 548 freshmen, a total of 1483 men in four year courses; in 1913, 293 seniors, 346 juniors, 447 sophomores and 656 freshmen, a total of 1744. This year there are 195 two year agricultural stu dents, as compared with 179 in 1912. The total college enrollment, including winter course and summer session students, is 2534, an in crease of almost 500 over last year. Basketball Men Honored. Dr. William Marks, a former Penn basketball captain, coach of Tech's team last season, has chosen a star basketball five picked from the teams of Western Pennsylvania colleges. Mauthe and Binder, cap tain of next year's varsity, are placed at guard and forward posi tions, respectively, and Captain Hartz is placed at center on a sec ond team chosen in a similar man ner. Addison C. Church, a graduate of the class of '6l, died recently at Luzerne, Pa. ' Clifford Roe Speaks at Cornell. Mr. Clifford Roe, former district attorney of Chicago, who gave a brilliant address at this institution some time ago, presented a very striking oration before a crowded student house at Cornell University this week. Mr. Roe realizes the value of opening the eyes of the college man, and of soliciting his support in the national movement of sup pressing white slavery. The lecturer introduced his sub ject by calling attention to the fact that this is a de cade of social reform—reform of the social evil. People in the past deemed it impossible to suppress it. They thought that their best efforts could but regulate it. Peo ple of the present are, with rapid strides. rising up against our mod ern commercialized vice. "Fighting white slavery is be coming a popular occupation," said Mr. Roe, "although at first it was necessary to prove that white slavery is found wherever commer cialized vice is found, and that this traffic in human beings, this hor rible blot upon civilization, will continue as long as commercialized vice continues." Mr. Roe forcefully and clearly pointed out the prevailing condi tions, and following the method he pursued at Penn State, he quoted numerous authentic cases, which served to substantiate his argu ments. He stated all the various reasons and the causes for this ex isting evil,'and •he clearly-•pointed out that ignorance of present con ditions is probably one of the fac tors, which ,more than anything else, hampers the eradication of the great social evil. Mr. Roe is one of that splendid American type, which at one time was predominant, but which today is becoming less and less evident, in our modern political and social movements. This great war-fare, as it were, should receive the support of every sane and self respecting individual. As Mr. Roe brought out, "it is for the sake of our code of morals, and for the physical and intellectual welfare of the nation." Be a real and progressive American, and lend your support to this worthy enter prise. It is one, however, which must be handled with extreme tact and care. If you do nothing else, give your moral support to this progressive campaigni which is tending to make our national atmo sphere more healthful and intellect ual. Spring Football Practice The usual spring football practice is being taken up with special vigor this year because of the necessity of developing new material to take the places of the 1913 men to be lost by graduation. With ex-cap tain Mauthe in charge of the back field men, and "Dick" Harlow, of the line candidates, assisted by by Engle and Very, elementary in struction has been going on for some time, and the several teams on the field have already gone through signal practice, line and back field drill. It is expected that light scrim mage will soon be started in which special attention will be given to new men. One of the problems in which the coaches are interested is the development of good punters. Captain Miller has not been able to attend many practices because of his duties as varsity out fielder. STATE COLLEGE, PA., APRIL 16, 1913 GLEE CLUB'S RETUR Trip to the Coast a Great Success Proposed Concert Postponed Un til Next Saturday. Tuesday, April 8, marked the end of the glee club's successful twenty-five day's trip to the Pacific coast under the auspices of the Santa Fe Railroad. 'The club travelled in all nearly seven thou sand miles and passed through eleven states, giving fourteen con certs in seven of these states—in Pittsburgh, Pa., Marceline, Mo., Newton, Arkansas City, Dodge City, Kan., La Junta, Col., Raton, Las Vegas, San Marcial, Albuquer que, N. M., Winslow, Flagstaff, Ariz., Needles and Barstow, Cal. Our club is the first eastern col lege organization to take the Santa Fe trip and has certainly establish ed a splendid reputation for itself. All the performances„which were given primarily for Santa Fe em ployes and their families, though all were admitted, were well attend ed; and both audiences and press declared the Penn State Glee club to be the hit of the season. Other college glee clubs given',trips by the railroad this year were' those of the Universities of Chicage; Kansas and Indiana, and of Fairmont College. The trip included all kinds of weather and climate, from the deserts of Arizona to' the orange groves of California, and opportu nities for sight seeing were made plentiful -because of-t#?.. numerous stop-overs. Club members report pleasant days spent at the coas and at the Grand Canon. It was necessary, because of the inability of some of the members to attend, to postpone the concert, to have been given last Saturday, until eight o'clock next Saturday evening, in the Auditorium. The concert will be given in response to the desire expressed by many to hear the exact program which was so well received on the western trip. BASKETBALL DEVELOPMENT Formation of Pennsylvania Inter collegiate League Possible. A movement is now on foot to establish fox next year an intercol legiate basketball league among Pennsylvania colleges and univer sities not members of other inter collegiate associations. To that end the Intercollegiate Basketball Rules Committee is promoting a convention to be held in Philadel phia on April 26, the day of the Penn State Relays, and to be at tended by representatives from Lehigh, Lafayette, Swarthmore, Bucknell, Pittsburgh, Dickinson, Penn State and possibly - others. Graduate Manager Ray Smith will be in Philadelphia at that time and will be our representative at the meeting. This project would ensure a good schedule for Captain Binder's team next year and still not interfere with the management's securing other good games outside of the league. Though nothing is certain at pres ent with regard to the matter, it is resting in good hands and will re ceive careful consideration at Phila delphia. H. Walton Mitchell, '9O, Pitts burgh, Pa., will furnish a room in the proposed hospital and will keep the room supplied with necessary equipment. COLLEGIAN. CALENDAR. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 7:00 p. m. 114 Main Building Meeting of Tennis Associa tion. Managerial Elections. THURSDAY, APRIL 17 7:00 p. m. Armory. Officers School. FRIDAY, APRIL 18 7:00 p. m. Old Chapel. Lithu anian Night of Cosmopolitan Club. All Invited. 7:00 p. in. Engineering Building Room 109 A. Schuylkill County Club Meeting. 7:00 p. m. 202 Engineering Building. Motive Power Club Addressed by Mr. C. E. Barba, Assistant Engineer of the Pennsylvania R. R., on "Train Wrecks—Their Cause and Remedy." SATURDAY, APRIL 19 2:30 p. m. New Beaver Field. Varsity Base Ball. Dickinson vs. Penn State. 2:30 p. m. New Beaver Field Sophomore Track Trials. 8:00 p. m. Auditorium. Glee Club Concert. SUNDAY, APRIL 20 0:00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh man Service. 1:00 a. m. Auditorium. Sunday Chapel. Addressed by Rev. R. R. Reed. 6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Y. M C. A. Meeting. TUESDAY, APRIL 22 6:30 p. m. Old Chapel. Y. M C. A. Prayer Meeting. Students' Baggage Company Owing to the decision of the col lege to discontinue the free hauling of passengers and baggage to and from the stations, and at the sug gestion of President Sparks, the Students' Baggage Company has been formed. This company is composed of W. H. Savery 'l4, H. V. Cranston 'l5, J. F, Park 'l5, and C. B. Cuno 'l5 and is operated by by them. Its purpose is to haul the students and their baggage at a reasonable and fixed price at the opening and close of college, and at the various vacation periods. Ar rangements have been made with G. T. Graham to receive orders for the company at his store. With these increased baggage hauling facilities no inconvenience need be felt on account of the withdrawal of assistance from the college along that line. Are You Going To the Eaglesmere Conference this year? John R. Mott, Secre tary of the World's Student Feder ation; Fletcher Brockman, National Y. M. C. A. Secretary for China; Dr. Cairns, of Aberdeen, Scotland will be there. The dates are June 13-22. Thespian Elections All nominations for Assistant Managers of Thespians should be submitted to A. M. Hooven, S. A. E. House, on or before Saturday, April 26th. From the list of nomi nations submitted two men will be elected. J. C. Gephart, division engineer in charge of state highway con struction work in central Pennsyl vania, is making arrangements to take the senior highway engineer ing students on an inspection trip to various points of interest in Cen ter county where road construction is now in progress. As now plann ed, the trip will be made on Friday. PRICE FIVE CENTS TRACK SEASON BEGINS Varsity Men Shaping for Penn Re lays. May 2, Set as Date for Big Inter Scholastic Meet. On next Saturday afternoon the trials that determine the men who will go to the Penn relays will be held on Beaver track at 2:30 p. m. At the same time the four mile team will be called upon to demon strate that they too are worthy of taking this trip and it is generally expected that they will prove equal o the occasion. Piner in the 100 yards and Hammitt in the hurdles have already been entered at Penn in the special events. The track squad at present num bers sixty five and all things con sidered it is the best balanced bunch of athletes that ever repre sented our institution. Men for the special events are not lacking. The big majority of last year's squad remains while several very valuable new men can with assurance he counted upon as certain point win ners. Hammitt, Brown, Schroeder, Pickett and Bechtel being some of the most promnient. The absence of Captain Lum will be felt as a distance runner. Lum at present is away on a Forestry trip and will not be back until the latter part of May. Coach Martin is developing some new men that promise, however, to compensate his loss. Preparations for the annual Inter- Scholastic meet to be held here on May 2 are being carried on in a more extended scale than ever be- fore. The entries thus far surpass those of former years by a good margin and still some time remains until they close. Mercersburg comes here on that day with her entire track team. Practically all the middle and western Normal and Prep. schools of this state have en tered as well as most of the high schools. These contestants are to be divided into two classes. Class No. 1 includes the Normal and Preparatory schools, while No. 2 takes in all the high schools and lesser preparatory institutions. The customary medals and cups will be awarded to the winners of the dif ferent events. Special prizes will be awarded to the team securing the highest number of points in its class. Coach Martin has kindly volun teered his services in coaching the sophomore and freshman track teams for the coming inter-class meet on May 17. This offer affords a splendid opportunity for the class squads to benefit them selves by professional coaching and at the same time it will enable the coach to spot and pick out the most promising men who thus far have been overlooked or who have not reported for the trials. It is to be hoped that a large del egation from each class will avail themselves of this opportunity next Saturday afternoon at which tim he will hold a saries of trials fo their special benefit. Mr. R. B. Fehr has completed some important experimental work consisting of a spectroscopic study of a new arc lamp, carried on in connection with the Pennsylvania Railway. The spectroscopic ap paratus gathered together by the engineering experiment station dur ing the year is equalled only in a few places.