For Inter-class Scraps I. That all men, be prohibited from taking part in , the contest, who have any kind of skin disease at that time. 11. That two' committees each composed of three upperclassmen be appointed by the president of the Student Council to examine all Participants immediatily before the scrap and to send such men as may Fie afflicted: . to the Physical Director, who 'shUll be judge of their condition to participate. One tt these committees shall examine heinctilbers Of thy •sophmore class, llnd the other committee, the fresh inen. 111. That members of the above pommittees also be present at each contest to enforce the above rules. • IV. That all men in the contest ing classes, who do not abide by ;the above rules and who enter the .contest, knowing they have a skin - disease shall be summoned before ~ 414FSG.ident Council for ,repriTand. ‘,•• March 12, 1913. That the Stud )4ent4 Council prohibit all unneces sary stripping of contestants on oc ): casion of any class scrap Dayton Relief Fund The Dayton Relief Fund to date amounts to $422.00. Of this amount $372.00 has been forwarded to the scene of suffering. Mr. Kapp, of the First National Bank is taking ,'hafge`of - the contributions from here. No appeal for relief has been made, but all contribu tions will be gladly forwarded. EZIMNI Track trials will be held on New Beaver Track next Saturday after noon at 1:30 p. m. Freshmen and sophomores qualifying will be ex cused from the coming drill. On Saturday afternoon, a gold .M f itonic pin, diamond shape, set Wida 24 pearls. Find& please re turn to President's Office. More Feed Per The cost of producing meat or milk w( less if it required less acres to produce tin Both the quantity and quality of the when the right plant foods are used to su manure and clover. They improve enom handsome profit on the expenditure. The right plant food includes enough POTASH in available form. Supplement the manure and phosphate with so to zoo pounds of infuriate of Potash, or 200 to 4 00 pounds of li:ulna, per acre, and you will raise big corn and fine clover after the grain and at the same time improve the fertility of the soil. ."" Try Potash salts alone on the swamp land pasture and note the clover and good grasses crowd out the wild bay. Write us for prices of Potash, one bag up. GERMAN KALI WORKS.Ine., 42 Broadway, New York Monadnock Mock, Chicago, M. Bank & Trust Bldg., Savannah, Ca. Whitney Bank Bldg.. New Orleans, La, Empire Bldg., Allento. Oa. Peerless : Steam : Laundry MODERN AND SANITAY A. M. Barron J. R. Hughes G. F. Vosburg Agents H. G. Hall P. J. Glessner P. M. Frear H. H. Wetzel Season Tickets Baseball tickets during the season of 1913 for faculty members and townspeople can be secured from Gauthier, Bowman and Hittner, the assistant managers. The price is $2 00 which includes admission to all varsity baseball games. Important Again the "Collegian" begs to inform its readers that no Calendar notices will be printed unless the notice is signed by someone in authority. In other words anony mous notices will absolutely not be printed. Eats 1 1 1 For sale at the Woman's Build ing, by the Y. W. C. A., Saturday two to five p. m., sandwiches, cof fee, cake and candy. PENN 14 STATEI 'COLLEGIAN L_I A ,III I QUALITY WORK The Quality Shop An establishment which is noted for its fine quality of letterpreu printing v Every order receives the personal attention of the manager thus insuring perfect satisfaction The Nittany Printing and Publishing Company IF . State College 9 ra ha- in on the Comex Always the newest latest and best in confections The Leading Smoke Shop and up to date news stand I. C. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek's Pool Room BUSH HOUSE BELLEPONTEI PENNA Rate per day $2 50 With bath $3 per day -W. L. DAGGETT Cutting the Corners of the plate may be all right for the base ball pitcher—but he takes a chance, and that is just, the way some athletic goods are made. Something is skimped—a chance is taken. Spalding athletic goods are made to a standard—the standard of satisfaction—and there's nothing left to chance. Our catalogue mailed free on request. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1210 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa The Toggery Shop Men's Furnishings *4 . A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Goods v - rife Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing .4. v A full assortment of 01lege Pennants 'c c v.; C. W. SMITH South Allen Street White Cr rcitt.c) Cafe Holmes Block Near Pastime Open 6 a. in. to 12 midnight SHELL dYSTERS, FISH, CLAMS, DEVILED CRABS in season INQUIRE ABOUT OUR REBATE CARDS We aim to render best and quickest service Get our menu Note specials Visit the State College Billiard Parlors Basement Robison Building The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital 8100,9011 Charles McCurdy President Surplus $125.000 Jas K. Barnhart Cashier J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street It's A. Nettleton The Nettleton Stands for What is Best in Men's Fine Shoes. The Man who has worn a Nettle ton Shoe knows this, and will wear no other make. The habit of wearing Nettleton Shoes begins with the first pair— Come in and get yours! `• The prices are exceedingly low, considering the quality. We are the excinsive agents. C. N. FISHER J. L. Mauthe, Student Agent RAY D, Rill yP. AND P D ,.. Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Articles Students' Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty '— STATE J EWELRY Whitman and Huyler Chocolates Nittany Inn Block College Ave. Zork - 2ktk V.,ok.d. C. A. Blanchard Manager Penn Avenue and Tenth Street I'Vttsbrac i V, '?a.