Continued from pop i Sayre continued the good work for Penn State by getting his man to the mat at the end of six minutes and by keeping him helpless by using the wrist lock for the rest of the time. He won a decision in nine minutes. Lamb secured the quickest fall of the evening. He rushed Dayton from the start and soon threw him to the mat, where he secured a fall with an arm and head lock hold. Dayton sustained a badly injured wrist in the bout. Summary: 115 pound class—Suppes, Le high, won from Jones, Penn State, on a fall with bar chancery; 1 min ute, 20 seconds. 125 pound class—Captain Herr, Lehigh, won on decision from Men denhall, Penn State; 12 minutes. 135 pound class—Fulkman, Penn State, and Gatch, Lehigh, wrestled a draw; 12 minutes. 145 pound class—Captain Shol lenberger won on a fall from Flick, Lehigh, with a bar and chancery hold; 4 minutes, 35 seconds. 158 pound class—Very, Penn State, won on a fall from Bianco, Lehigh, on an arm lock and crotch hold; 3 minutes. 175 pound class—Sayre, Penn State, won on decision from Wat son, Lehigh; 9 minutes. Heavyweight—Lamb, Penn State, won on a fall from Dayton, Lehigh, on an arm and head lock; 2 min utes, 30 seconds. Referee Craiden, Central Y. M. C. A. of Philadelphia. President Sparks' Lecture On Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock In the Auditorium, Presi dent Sparks gave the first of a stries of two lectures on "Egypt" before a large audience. This lec ture treated especially of the Val ley of *he Nile and the methods. used in its irrigation, with descrip- ellt*E444"---- • . ,-.' "t• ~.: 1 , - , .;! i Spring Suits The new models are particularly smart and stylish; we can fit every kind of man, every taste, every idea. The kind of clothes you want; the kind of service you Latest shapes in spring hats New handsome shirts Finest neckwear in new patterns All the things men wear at your service. It's a great stock we have to offer you Sint,eitCollothier 41 1 VUV Torrent press • BELLEFONTE -STATE COLLEGE -PA Peerless : Steam : Laundry MODERN AND SANITAY } A. M. Barron Hughes G. F. Vnsburg Agents iH. G. Hall P. J. Glessner P. M. Frear H. IL Wetzel tion of the native who is engaged is this pursuit. The lecture was well illustrated by very exceptional pictures taken by one of the Presi dent's party. The second lecture of this series will be given shortly after our return from the Easter vacation. Yale Coaches Chosen Captain Henry H. Ketcham of the Yale football team has an nounced two of his resident coaches who are to assist Howard Jones with next year's eleven. They are Jesse Spalding, captain of last year's team, and Douglass I. Bo meisler, the dashing end. Captain Ketcham may annonnce another appointment later, making three assistant coaches. The two -new-appointhleats--will—ma. -. 1-a- ~ able additions to the coaching staff. PENN , 1 STATE 11COLLEGIAN QUALITY WORK The Quality Shop An eiahlishmcnt which is noted for its fine quality of letterpress printing ': Every order receives the personal attention of the manager thus insuring perfect satisfaction The Nitta) , Printing and Publishing Company State College College 9T a l aart. on the COTACT Always the newest latest and best in confections The Leading Smoke Shop and up to date news stand I. C. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek's Pool Room BUSH HOUSE BELLET'ONTS PENNA Rate prr day V. CO With bath Vt per day -W. L. DAGGETT You Don't Pay for the Name When you buy a Spaldiug Athletic Article, as some dealers who are after a bigger profit on Athletic Goods would have you infer. You pay for--and get—honest workmanship and material The name—as evidenced in the Spalding Trade Mark—is put on as a guarantee of what you pay for. Our Complete Catalogue on request A. G. SPALDING 8c BROS. 1210 Chestnut St , Philadelphia. Pa The Toggery Shop Men's Furnishings N. A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Goods .4. The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing v v A full assortment of College Pennants N. V V I' C. W. SMITH South Allen Street Whit Grcyttc. Ca. f Holmes Block Near Pastime Open 6 a. m. to 12 midnight SHELL kiYSTERS, FISH, CLAMS, DEVILED CRABS In season INQUIRE ABOUT OUR REBATE CARDS We aim to render best and quickest service Get our menu Note specials Visit the State College Billiard Parlors Basement Robison Building The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital $lOO,OOO Charles M cCurdy President Surplus $1.25.000 Jas K. Barnhart Caslner J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grads Cents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street Ifs A Nettleton The Nettleton Stands for What is Best in Men's Fine Shoes. The Man who has worn a Nettle ton Shoe knows this, and will wear no other make. The habit of wearing Nettleton Shoes begins with the first pair— Come in and get yours! • The prices aro en . ceNlingly low, considering the qulrlrity. We are tho ez,cj.n77e agents. C. N. FISHER J. L. Mauthe, Student Agent I RAY D. GILLILAND, P. IL Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery of e • rtic es Students' Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Whitman and Huyler Chocolates Nittany Inn Block College Ave. Sort TUX Kosta C. A. Blanchard Manager - 4 . Penn Avenue and Tenth Street Vlttainergh, Va.