PENN STATE VOLUME 9 NUMBER 22 BASEBALL TEAM LEAVES TOMORROW Pitching Staff Threatens to Be Weakened—Six Games Are to Be Owing to the favorable turn of the weather the departing team has had a chance to secure some valu able outdoor practice before its first game. The squad, which leaves on the 12:60 train Tuesday morning, is composed of the men named in the previous issue with the exception of Hittner and Unger. The former goes as a utility infielder and Unger as a substitute catcher. Six games are now scheduled for this trip. The first team, which our men meet and likely the strong est is the Catholic University of Washington. This game is to be played on the 19th. Games follow on the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 24th and 25th. The last two games on the schedule are with the fast Washing ton and Lee team. The condition of Whitney's arm is causing the team some worriment. Last fall in football, Captain Whit ney had some ligaments torn in his shoulder and this spring finds it still weak. In case of the worst the pitching will fall on Wardwell, Lei bert and Hasselbacher. Both coach and captain,_ ever, are optimistic and express themselves as defiKll. , " , ) • they will return with the../rrsk) most of the teams at their beltSA; Spring Football Practice Spring football practice, which was first instituted here last year, will start shortly after the close of the Easter vacation period. While the success which attended the inauguration of this training and the benefits derived therefrom have been strong factors in deciding those interested to repeat it this year, probably the strongest argu ment in favor of its repetition is the fact that it will be necessary to develop six new men to fill the positions left vacant by the gradua tion of Mauthe, Very, Hansen, Engle, Whitney and Wilson. Practice this spring will ne very intensive and its prime object will be to develop the individual abili ties of each man. Punting, drop kicking and the use of the forward pass will receive special attention. The above named men will act as coaches and candidates will thus be given the opportunity to benefit by their experience. The dace for reporting for practice will be announced later. Alumni Gatherings. President Sparks and Graduate Manager Smith will take an extend ed trip beginning March 26. They will attend alumni gatherings and banquets respectively in Cleveland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh on March 26, 27 and 28. Large attendances at these ban quets are expected, because of the growing competition among our centered alumni, caused by the more manifest interest of the state of Pennsylvania. D. D. Dodge 'O7, ass't. superin tendent of the Carbon Coal & Coke C0.,0f Cokedale Colo., has been ap pointed superintendent of the company which is one of the most modern in the entire west. He suc, ceeds F. P. Boyles, Columbia '95- who has become Ass't. Gen. Mgr. of the Sewer River Colliery Co., of West Va. LEHIGH DOWNED Penn State Grapplers End Season With Notable Victory—First De feat of the Season for Lehigh. On Saturday evening the Blue and White wrestling team ended the most successful season of Penn State teams on the mat. In the final meet of the season Lehigh was forced to taste the bitterness of defeat upon her own mats. To add still more to the sting of de feat, the Brown and White had not been defeated this season and were counting upon a season of unbroken victories but they had not reckoned with the Blue and White team, which stood between them and a cleam slate for the season. Cornell and Lehigh look to have the best teams in the Intercollegiate Asso ciation,, but no matter which one wins the championship in the Inter collegiates, Penn State has the best claims to the college champion ships of the United States and Can ana. Clean cut, decisive victories over the strongest representatives from the Canadian Intercollegiate conference, the Western Intercol legiate Association and the Eastern Intercollegiates of the United States, are the basis for this claim. The meet at Lehigh was looked upon by supporters of both teams as the crucial one of the season. Lehigh wanted that coveted victory - over -- Penn State, - she needed that omake her season a complete suc +-: orciird turned out to see the meet. Mall counted five points and-a-de cisive counted four points. Another feature which tended to make victory more desired was the donation of prized to the winning members of the team by merchants of the town. Their interest and generosity are to be highly com mended. Prizes were offered by the following business men of the town: Messrs Sim, the clothier, Gilliland, the druggist, Shiley, the jeweler, Smith, of the Toggery Shop, Sauers, the Men's Furnisher, Graham, the confectioner, and Wood, proprietor of the moving picture show. C. W. Smith also gave a time prize to the member of the team who should secure the quickest fall. Lehigh's hopes and enthusiasm ran high at the start when Suppes in the 115 pound class secured a fall from Jones in quick time by using a bar chancery hold. Cap tain Herr added four more points by getting a decision over Menden hall in twelve minutes of fast even ly matched wrestling. Most of the work was done from the standing position. The 135 pound bout was likewise close and hard fought, after stand ing five minutes Fulkman threw his man to the mat but could keep him there for only a short time. During the extra three minutes called for the men worked from a stand and the bout was called a draw, each team getting two points. Captain Shollenberger really started the Blue and White victory. Flick proved to be fast on his feet but could not keep away from the Penn State Captain, who threw his man to the mat and secured a fall with a bar and chancery hold. Very added the next points which put Penn State in the lead. Securing an arm hold, he threw his man over his hip to the mat and in short order secured a fall from a crotch hold. Continued on page 4 u/h 1 444: '4 4,1.0t 11. --`l/ STATE COLLEGE, PA., MARCH 19, 1913 THESPIAN EASTER TRIP Governor Tener and Doctor Sparks to Witness Performance in Harrisburg—Trip Includes Six Performances. The Thespians will produce "The Yankee Brigands" in Harrisburg on Tuesday, March 25, which promises to be a greit social event in that city. Governor and Mt:s. John K. Tener with their guests including Doctor and Mrs. E. E. Sparks, will occupy a box. Eighty 'state sena tors and assemblymen have signi fied their intention of attending the play. Alumni in Harrisburg, Lan caster, York, Columbia, Middleton, Steelton, Newport and all the other surrounding towns are going to take advantage of the alumni sale. From Harrisburg the Thespians go to Sunbury, where a 'large house has been assured, and a dance will be given in honor of The Thes pians. Clearfield will see "The Yankee Brigands" on Thursday, March 27. Clearfield always turns cut well to see The Thespians and will do the same this year. The younger soci ety set of this young city will give the boys a dance as in former years. Thespians will appear in William sport for the first time in many years. Many prominent ,people in Williamsrlort.j*e,ltriinterested vms- , e.ora• ",'"liespra—its—aa point thit The Lycoming Opera House will - hold a large audience that night. The trip will conclude on Saturday night in Bellefonte where the peo ple have always been loyal to Penn State activities. The management has done every thing in its power to place this trip before the people and sincerely hopes that all Penn State students and friends will support The Thes pians in the various towns and cities on the itinerary. Prof. J. S. Crandell who has been ill with pneumonia expects to be in his place as leader of The Thespian orchestra when the trip starts in Harrisburg on Tuesday, March 25th. .MUCKERS ? As mucker is a broad word, we wonder if the large number of up per classmen, nearly two hundred, who pushed into the gynasium at the recent interclass scrap without paying, could not be defined as such. The reason given by them for re fusing to pay the admission fee was that they came to see the bouts that followed and not the game,but as the vast majority of them came in during the first few minutes of play, this reason is not justified and looks rather as if an unfair advantage was taken of an unavoid able opportunity. Fellows is: this true college spirit ? Glee Club En Route The Glee Club left Saturday on its Western trip, giving a concert in Pittsburgh, Saturday night, for the Allegheny High School. The club left Chicago Monday, and, as scheduled, gave another concert in Chilicothe, 111. The program is very entertaining, and thus far has been well received. Golden in Town "Pop" Golden, who has done and is doing so much for Penn State athletics, is visiting college. COLLEGIAN. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Income and Expense Account of the Athletic Association The following is a statement of the Athletic Association accouts for the year beginning September 1, 1911 and ending September 1, 1912: General Association account, in come, $3150.47; expense, $3150.47; 1911 Football account, $11061.19; expense $10067.72; 1911-12 Basket ball account, $1122.46; expense $917.18; 1912 Baseball account, income $3443.47; expense, $3574.- 10; 1912 Track account, income, $1151.97; expense $1622.84; Total income $19929.56; total expense, $19332.31. Net gain for year 1911-12 ,$597.25. Balance Sheet. Advance expenditure on account of 1912 Football, $149.80; Advance expenditure on miscellaneous ac counts of year 1911-12, $127.45; Accounts receivable September 1, 1912, 384.46; Accounts payable September 1, 1912, $415.39; Harlow Fund held in trust, $465.55. Net gain for year 1911-12, $597.25; Deficit September 1, 1911, $433.55; Surplus September 1, 1912, $163.- 70. Cash on hand September 1, 1912. $382.93. These accounts have been aud ited and found correct by Mr. D. K. Peet, C. P. A.. College Account ant. Detailed schedules of the income and expense account are on file in the Graduate ,Manager's office for vsm.tio-e-,silsn-ew-ietaveGted, Chicago Alumni Banquet The Chicago Society of The Pennsylvania State College Alumni will hold its annual Banquet on Wednesday evening, March 26th, at seven o'clock in the University Club, Chicago. President Sparks of the College, Secretary Smith of the Alumni As sociation, Professor Louis E. Reber, formerly Dean of the School of Engineering, and James Hammil and H. Walton Mitchell, members of the Board of Trustees, will be the guests of the evening. Penn State men in the vicinity of Chicago, whose names are not on the local association roll and have not received special invitations, will be warmly welcomed on this oc casion, and are cordially invited to attend. A card to C. M. Breitinger, 2004 Harris Trust Building, Chicago, will provide for you at the banquet. BY THE WAY. For the purpose of forming an accurate estimate of the amount of time spent on preparation of studies and on college activities, three hun dred men have been selected from the senior classes at Harvard to make out tabular accounts of how they spend their time. The three hundred men were selected in groups representing as many as pos sible of the diversified interests of the college life. They have been sent cards on which are blanks for all hours of the day. These blanks are to be filled out with the printed symbols which represent time spent in study, meals, loafing, exercise sleep, or other occupations. Club Dance The Huntingdon County Club will hold its dance Monday evening, March 24. Leave via Lemont at 3:30, arriving in time for dance. All studes are welcome. Prof. R. I. Weber took part in a recent meeting of the Western Engineers' Society of Pittsburgh. PRICE FIVE CENTS ANNUAL INTER SCHOLASTIC MEET To Be Held on May 2—lnvitations Have Been Sent to Many High, Preparatory and Normal Schools May 2 has been set as the date for the Annual Inter-scholastic Track Meet which is held in con junction each year with the High School Principals' Conference. The purpose of this meet is to get the larger high schools and preparatory schools of the state interested in the college, and with this idea in view invitations have already been sent to many schools. In addition to the regular high school class, there will be a special normal and preparatory school class. An open relay event is also planned. Prizes will be awarded consisting of gold, silver and bronze medals. The J. G. White cup will be given to the school securing the highest number of points and the college offers two scholarships, one to be given to the school securing the highest number of points and the college offers two scholarships, one to be given to the school the high est score and the other to the highest individual point winner. The idea of the publicity of the track meet at this time is to give us time to talk the idea up at our various homes. Former meets have been very 'successful, and Manager Clarke has extended plans forming this — the largos' - • its kin d:ld at Penn State. Reno, the Magician. On Saturday night, March 29, Edward Reno, who is known coun try wide as the Prince of Magicians, will appear at the Auditorium with a full repertoire of Indian, Syrian and Egyptian magic. Reno has been in the business thirty-two years, and as a result of his constant study of the subject, aided by remarkable talent, he has discovered a thing or two not known Lo many professionals. In fact, Professor Reno is super ior to the large majority of contem porary magicians. He is delightfully original, marvelously clever, and enthusiastically devoted to his art and is not merely the sleight of hand man that is too often palmed off on an intelligent audience, as a disciple of the mystic art. Professor Reno has been secured for this date at consideaable ex pense, but in order that every stu dent may have the opportunity to see and hear him, the price of ad mission has been cut to a minimum. Flag Scrap The annual flag scrap between the two lower classes, which occurs between April 15 and June 1, is awaited with much interest. Ac cording to the rules the freshmen are required to plant the pole bear ing the official flag on the campus before 5 a. in. on the day of the scrap and successfully guard it until 7 a. in. to be declared the winners. The same rules that were in vogue last year will also govern this year's scrap but will be supplemented by the following Student Council ac tion; "That the Student Council prohibit all unnecessary striping of contestants on occasions of any class scrap." Professor Diemer in Chicago. Professor Diemer spoke fluently last Saturday on the subject of Scientific Management before the Western Economic Association as sembled in Chicago.