The •. Pennsylvania : State : College EDWIN ERLE SPARES, Ph.D., L.L. D., PRESIDENT Established and maintained by the joint action of the United States Government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania IgiFIVE GREAT SCHOOLS—Agriculture, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mining, and Natural Science, offering thirty-si x courses of four years each—Also courses in Home Economics, Industrial Art and Physical Edu cation—TUlTlON FREE to both sexes; incidental charges moderate. First semester begins middle of September; second semester the first of February; Summer Session for Teachers about the third Monday in June of each year. For catalogue, bulletins, announcements, etc., address THE REGISTRAR, State College, Pennsylvania ENGINEERING NOTES J. U. Kauffman, 1911, was re cently appointed Electrical Engi neer for the Spanish American Iron Company, whose works are at Santiago de Cuba. Mr. Kauffmann will sail shortly for that city. The regular annual inspection trip for the senior electrical engineer ing students will be held from March 9th to 16th. The places visited will be in the vicinity of New York and Philadelphia. The Milling Department has just received a sifting machine, and double set of rolls from the Nor kyke & Marmon Co., of Indianapo lis, and a "Niagara Dust Collector' , from the Richardson Manufacturing Go., Lockport, N. Y. Both these machines are gifts to the college from the companies. Mr. J. T. Gephart, of the state highway department, delivered the fourth of the series of lectures he is giving before the students in High way ' Engineering, and Civil Engi neering, last Thursday. The sub ject taken up was that of surveys connected with highway work. Nearly all the laboratories in the Engineering Annex are now in order. As yet no partitions sepa-, rate the various departments, and it is of course impossible to keep students and others out who have no business there. It should be borhe in — mina" That those - wlio' thoughtlessly handle and manipul ate machines whose construction and operation they do not under stand are apt to cause damage. One testing machine has already been injured in this way. Not only is the college put to extra expense, by such carelessness, but students taking the course are inconveni enced and delayed with their work. Professors Moyer and Diemer are preparing sections respectively on mechanical engineering, and shop management, for a new Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, in style somewhat like the Ger man Handbook of Hutte. McGraw- Hill Book Company will publish the work, which will appear before next fall. It will be up to date, and will be revised and a new edi tion•issueeJ every -two and -one half years spas to -keep-it abreast of the times. State Football Stant 0 'Coach fx-captain ;Dexter Very hUs an nOnced this intention to coach the Mercersburg Preparatory School fObtbill train during the season of 1913. Very supersedes Coach Kennedy, formerly of the Univer eity of Pennsylvania, and has the distinction of being the first Mer cersburg man to coach his Alma Mater. It is very probable that J. L. Mauthe, captain of our 1912 cham pionship eleven, will accept arc r tract to - coach - Gettysburg's football team during the coming season. If Pregent negotiations are completed, Menthe will supersede Coach Phillip'lli, a former Gettysburg man, ans•wis act in the capacity of a head coach. The college library desk closes fro 12.30 until 1 o'clock, and from 5.30 until 6 o'clock, so as to allow the librarians to partake of their dihner, which it is inconvenient to secure at any other time. What Profession are You Choosing ? If it is either MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, PHARMACY or CHEMISTRY, do not fail to learn the advantages of The Medico=Chirurgical College It is in the City which has been and still is the American Center of Education in these Sciences. It has Departments of and grants Degrees in all four of them. It has its own Buildings, comprising well-planned and well-equipped Laboratories, a large and modern Hospital, and the finest clinical Amphitheatre extant. Its Courses in each Department are carefully graded. It has abundant and varied Clinical Material. Its Faculties are renowned and of high Pedagogic ability. Its Training is essentially and thoroughly practical. Special Features are Personal Instruction and Individual Work; Free Quizzes; Ward Classes limited in size; Practical Clinical Conferences; Modern and Modified Seminar Methods; Special Lectures by eminent Authorities. Practice and Training in Technique, etc., etc. Write to-day to the Dean of the Department in which you are interested for announce ment describing the course and containing full information as to fees. Compare the advantages this college offers with any other before making a final decision. Seventeenth and Cheery Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Y. M C. A. Notes New Bible Study and Missionary Discussion groups are now being formed in various parts of the town and the dormitories. Anyone in terested enough to join one is asked to call at the Y. M. C. A. room for detailed information. A course to study briefly several of the great religions of the world will be offered. Dr. Issac T. Headland, formerly on the faculty at Peking University, will be here at the college over the coming Sunday. By his lectures and his books he is doing a great piece of service now in spreading some valuable information concern - ifig the Foreign Missionary Move ment and its relations to commerce and civilization. He will lecture on Saturday evening and will speak at chapel on Sunday morning. "Daddy" Groff is back and hard at work again in China. He and his wife are occupying temporarily some rooms in one of the college buildings until funds can be secured for a house. The contribution we make through the chapel collection is not used for that purpose how ever, but to equip him in his work. $60.00 a Sunday is needed for what is expected in his work, and also for Randoll's work in Virginia. For the past few Sundays the col lection has fallen short of that amount, the last Sunday's being $47.27. He is giving his life—can we not give up one evening a week at the "movies", or can we not give up a sundae. Interclass Basket Ball. By defeating the seniors by the score •of 29 to 22 last - Friday even ing, the freshmen destroyed • the seniors Oast chance of winning the interclass championship and at the same time placed themselves in running for that honor. One scheduled game 'now re mains; the juniors versus the fresh men. The victors of this game will then settle the contest by playing a past season game with the sopho mores. The standing: Won Lost 1915 2 1 666 1916 1 1914 1 1913 1 1 500 1 500 2 333 Pittsburgh Alumni Luncheons. ' The Pittsburgh Alumni are initia ting a new form of Alumni gather ing. On Friday of each week Penn State men will gather for lunch in the dining room of McCreery & Co. All students of the college are invit ed to attend these luncheons at any time they are in the city. THE PENN STATE 'COLLE( of Philadelphia The John Middleton Pipes cigars, cigarettes, tobaccos and smokers' supplies of every descrip tion. Give the best satisfaction. Class and Fraternity Pipes a specialty; all guaranteed. En dorsed by 'l3, 'l4 and 1.5. JOHN MIDDLETON Philadelphia H. C. WEINER 'l4 Local Agent ...‘V?. - S V4 I 4AS " k . ttrci 3\ cm\ akti , WAR:I:SS - It 9,V,0? NAkang 9wct 'Moak SEG. V. teIt:MAU REORGANIZED Mrs. Garner is now cater ing and cooking for her club at 129 Pugh, street. This fact means GOOD MEALS . Board $3.50 J. F. Bonner, Mgr. E. L. GRAHAM & COMPANY Dry Goods Groceries Sporting Goods East College avenue Phones The Enterprise Clothing Store 125 South Allen Street Latest fall styles in Just Right Shoes Tennis Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings 16.. VAra3ltl, VT01? Expert Picture Framing GENERAL MERCHANDISE 1 Our Prices arc Right H. M. Myers E. College Av c J. F. Garner up to date Livery Prices Right Both Phones 129 SOUTH'PUGH STREET Tf2C:. Cc2S - Leeti Avr2 {3 c.) 1 .) Harry W. Sauers A full line of men's furnishings Custom made clothing by the Royal tailors V Pennants and cushion tops— a fine assortment 3 Suits Pressed for One Dollar Cleaning and Pressing Tickets $1.50 worth of work for $l.OO Rof;isoi2 13 Coc , R- . fl C'P.-17 5 ri-glel B 5c 114 Admission always the same 5c # g g g 9.v g Pv g g g g g g __..............._ g gm 1 - 1 IF ° _ - t-i_ Ii I Mkrb g g COQ fa 419 w gi 5c Admission always the same 5c i6,Cil c..t,?'*'-**•gi*i..iDY,V. - NI Co II I E S Steamship Tickets Schedules, rates and itinerary of trips quoted to Europe, Bermuda, Panama and other points W. S. HICKS Insurance and Steamship Agency Penu'a ___ Altoona S I - 1 0 E -- Our Fall line of Shoes just in THE RALSTON L. D. FVE'S SHEASLY & GENTZEL Dry goods, groceries, notions, fur niture, carpets, curtains, drapings. Tlattra Irma Aug a Svankaktoa Nos. 200-206 East College Avenue The ,Leading Restaurant Ice Cream and Confectionery Short Orders a Specialty R. C. L.cmgees 106 EAST COLLEGE AVENUE The Tobacco Store B. Jackson Geo. Holmes Bldg , Allen Street The First National Bank State College, Pa. interest on time deposits, payable semi-annually Accounts solicited Harveyßrothers can now supply you with Fuller-Greene Chocolates choice cigars, cigarettes Ice cream and fruit sodas at the old store THelNittanylnn Building next to postoffice J. C. Smith & Son Dealers in General : Hardware Builders Material Oils, paints, glass, cement, stoves and electrical supplies Roofing and spouting Houseturnlshing Goods, Etc. lattan sight, - kt-ealt and I 3 olnfrx Company State, COlege, 'Fienn'a e. 'R. 16.10 re e . 3 OIN. S 0 TVA • ?& TkOr 112 East CAM so "Ms Every tool sterilized for each man. Particular work done for particular people J. B. MARTIN SOLE AGENT FOR SEALSHIPT OYSTERS CHOICE FRUIT South Allen Street, opposite the Postofficc James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street