Interclass Basketball. The sophomore quintet experi enced little difficulty in defeating the juniors in a loosely played game, Wednesday evening, by the score 33 to 12. Gockley played a good game for the juniors while the floor work of Metzger and the shooting of Hart man featured for the sophomores The lineup 1915-33 Hartman Horner MacDonald c. Peters (Leyden) Metzger (Miller)g. Trimble (Moore) Spangler g. Warr Field goals—Hartman 6, Horner 4, Spangler, Warr 3, MacDonald 2, Moore, Gockley 1. Referee, Arms by. Time, two 20 minute halves. Below is given the standing of the teams in the interclass league. The sophomores have played their full quota of games and at present lead in the contest. The freshmen have two more games to play while the two upper classes have one each. Won Lost 'l5 2 1 'l3 1 1 'l4 1 1 'l6 1 Wrestling Schedule Feb. 15. Toronto University at Penn State. Feb. 22. Chicago University at Penn State. Pending. Mar. 1. Cornell University at Mar. 8. Indiana University at Penn State. Mar. 13. Yale University at New Haven. Pending. Mar. 15. Lehigh University at South Bethlehem. Half Holiday Today No classes will be held this after noon, the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday. Mr. G. M. Bosford, of the Ameri can Locomotive Co., will speak be fore the Motive Power Club, and We are now showing the approved styles in men's apparel for Spring and Summer, 1913 Ready to wear suits especially made for us accord ing to our individual models—conservative and ex treme—by Hart Schaffner & Marx, Garson Meyer & Co., Peelham, all of exceptional merit, moderately priced $12.50, $l5, $lB, $2O, $22.50, $25 and upwards An attractive showing of Spring Overcoats, Rain coats and Dress Suits A large showing of handsome fabrics in made to order clothes $lB the Suit and upwards Hats, Imported and Domestic $1.50, $2, $3 and $4 Shirts of merit in madras, percale, cheviot, silk and linen mixtures and pure silk—ranging in price from $l, $1.50 and higher. An especially attractive showing of neckwear at 50 cents and $1 • •_•__ 0, St jk (Ilothier y A y/ Toreert alress , 1 BELLEFONTE -STATE COLLEGE - PA. Copy of a Page from Father's . Lette 1914-12 Harvey ME=M Weft's:shed husking yesterday. From the acre where we tried your Meaty about bone-meal and clover waling the Potash available, nue harvested 50 bushels of rather chaffy corn, and from the rest of the field, where nue used bone, clover and 50lbs. Mumate of Potash per acre, nue hauled out 70 bushels per acre of tip-top corn that is nearly all fit to sell on the ear for seed corn. I figure that a ton of Muriate of Potash on 40 acres of corn quill pay for a year's PSI graduate study for you and leave you a little spare change to chip in for athletics. Mother and the girls are going to male a few days' visit to Aunt Sarah's Gockley "Plant Food" is the title of a carefully compiled, comprehensive and scientifically accurate compendium of crop feeding, fertilizer mixing and conservation of soil fertility. Sent without charge upon application. GERMAN KALI WORKS. Inc.. 42 Broadway, New York Monadnock Block, Chicago, HI. Bank & Test Bldg„ Savannah, Ga, Whitney Bank Bldg , New Orleans, La Empire Bldg., Atlanta, Ca. Peerless : Steam : Laundry MODERN AND SANI'I'AY 3 A. M. B Agents H. G. Hall ttrron P. J. Gless others interested, on Friday even ing at 6:30 sharp, Room 202 Engi neering Building, on the important subject of the recent development of the modern locomotive. Mr. Bos ford was for many years, Editor in Chief of the American Engineer and Railroad Journal and is especially qualified to discuss the subject an nounced for the evening. This meeting will close in ample time for the Glee Club concert. As soon as the weather condi tions will permit, ground will be broken for an addition to the Wo man's Building, to be used for dor mitory purposes. The expenses of the Service Campaign amounted to over $6OO. To cover this, subscriptions have been made totalling to date $3OO. Spring 1913 PENN 4STATEACOLLEGIAN QUALITY WORK . Hughes G. F. Vosburg ler P. M. Prettr 11. 11. Wetzel 'lh'e Qqality Shop An ettablishment which is noted for its fine quality of letterpress printing ': Every order receives the personal attention of the manager thus insuring perfect satisfaction The Nitlany Printing and Publishing Company State College 9vBAra,m, On the COTTMT Always the newest latest and best in confections The Leading Smoke Shop and up to date news stand I. C. HOLMES STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE Pool Billiards Bowling TOBACCO CIGARS CIGARETTES Meek's Pool Room BUSH HOUSE BELLErONTE PENNA Rate por day $250 With bath $3 per day —W. L. DAGGETT— "Good Night" How the day's activities on the tennis court, at golf, or base ball, are all recounted in the evening—the plays made •or missed; the blame placed; the excuses offered If you use a Spalding implement you can afford to listen to the ether fellow's excuses. The Spalding 1913 Catalogue will aid you in selecting the hest implements for all Sports The Toggery Shop Men's Furnishings .4. A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Goods -4 The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing .; -4 A full assortment of @liege Pennants *4 N N . "e C. W. SMITH White Grotto Cafe Holmes Block Near Pastime Open 6 a. m. to 12 midnight Shell, Frying and Stewing Oysters We aim to render best and quickest service and request a report yf any failure on our part Get our menu Visit the State College Billiard Parlors Basement Robison Building The First National Bank BELLEFONTE Capital sloll.l*o Charles McCurdy President Surplus $125.0011 Jae K. Barnhart Cashter J. P. HAGMAN Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring High Grade Gents Furnishings 127 S. Allen Street It's A Nettleton The Nettleton Stands for What is Best in Men's Fine Shoes. The Man who has worn a Nettle ton Shoe knows this, and will wear no other make. The habit of wearing Nettleton Shoes begins with the first pair— Come in and get yours! The prices are exceedingly low, considering the quality. We are the ercl , isive agents. C. N. FISHER J. L. Mauthe, Student Agent South Allen Street always fresh Note specials RAY D. GILLII AND P.O ... , 1 Druggist Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Articles Students' Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Whitman and Huyler Chocolates Nittany Inn Block College Ave. Zork I'M. "ktotek C. A. Blanchard Manager Penn Avenue and Tenth Street Vtttalyankt, 'Pa.