Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 12, 1913, Image 1

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Penn State Experiences Difficulty in
Defeating Allegheny. Binder
Plays an Exceptionally Efficient
Offensive Game. Final Score
21 to 17.
The Allegheny College basket
ball five met its second defeat of
the season on the Armory floor last
Saturday night in a close and excit
ing game. Allegheny had pre
viously lost only to the Oberlin team
in an extra five-minute period
game. In Saturday's contest, Penn
State made no substitutions, and for
Allegheny. Thomas was replaced
by Ramsey after the former had
been disqualified for four personal
fouls. Allegheny failed to secure a
field goal during the first half, but
her captain shot five fouls, while
Penn State ended the half with nine
points to her credit. Several times
the students were wild with en
thusiasm and rose to their feet.
The cheering was excellent but
more care should be exercised in
passing remarks when a member of
an opposing team is shooting fouls.
Between halves there was a dispute
concerning the interpretation of the
rules and Penn State agreed to fol
low Allegheny's wishes. This re
sulted in the disqualification of
Thomas in the second half for four
personal fouls.
Captain Hartz started the point
scoring with a field goal early in
- We game, - and fiorn then on he and
Binder did the scoring for the locals
until Mauthe caged the ball near
the close of the game. "Billy"
Binder, the little forward, was
everywhere on the floor and scored
five goals from field in addition to
five foul goals. Hay excelled in
intercepting the opponent's passes.
Captain Hartz played a hard and
consistent game against Captain
Hawk of Allegheny while Nichols,
one of the forwards for the Mead
ville Collegians played a fast game
securing three field goals.
The victory over Allegheny was
well earned and gives Penn State
increased prestige as Allegheny is
rated high in basketball circles.
The line-up:
Penn State 21 Allegheny 17
Binder f Nichols
Park f Mates
Hartz (Capt.) c (Capt.) Hawk
Mauthe g Graham
Hay g Thomas.
Field goals—Binder, 5; Hartz, 2;
Mauthe, 1; Nichols, 3; Mates, 1.
Fouls—Binder, 5; Hawk, 9. Sub
stitutions—Ramsey for Thomas.
Referee— Putt, Juniata. Time of
halves-20 minutes.
Dr. P. 0. Ray Drafts a Bill to Al-
low Students to Vote
On every November election day,
probably no wish is more intense
with the student, than to cast his
ballot one way or another. A com
paratively small number of men are
able to satisfy this desire; but the
greater part of the men have to
forego the privileges of citizenship,
on account of the present election
This matter has aroused con
siderable interest of late, as might
be illustrated by the vigorous cam
paign recently instigated in New
York State. Dr. P. 0. Ray, head
of the Political Science department
at Penn State, has become so inter-
ested in the problem, that he has
drafted a bill, which if passed will
solve the existing difficulties.
This document is a proposed
amendment to the present election
laws of Pennsylvania. It provides
that any person, lawfully entitled
to a vote in a certain election dis
trict shall be able to cast his ballot,
while outside of this particular dis
trict, providing that he lives up to
certain provisions. Such a person
if properly registered, may present
himself to the judge of elections in
another district and there sign an
affidavit. Then he shall be pro
vided with a regular ballot, which
shall be sent with the affidavit to
the prothonotary of his own coun
ty. The prothonotary shall retain
the ballot and shall eventually add
its decision to the regular ballot
It is clear that such a provision, if
passed, would provide for the stu
dent and the traveling man, and
would allow them to take advantge
of their citizen's privileges. Space
will not permit a detailed discussion
of this matter, but it should at once
appear evident that the bill will be
of vital consequence to the student.
Every man should make it a
point to interest himself in this sub
ject, especially so as the measure
will probably be presented to the
legislature at this session. The
Penn State Civic Club is working
strong for the progressive move
ment, and with the co-operation of
the student body, something at
least should be accomplished.
Pennsylvania college papers are
urged to take up this matter, and
all Pennsylvania students and travel
ing men are called upon to support
the movement.
The county clubs at this college,
especially, can do efficient work by
communicating with local boards of
trade and representatives.
Assurance of an Interesting Pro
gram —Athletic Demonstration.
All students should note the
time and place of the coming glee
club concert—in the Auditorium, on
Friday evening, February 14, at
eight o'clock. The nature of the
program and the time and care
devoted by the club to rehearsals
insure a delightful evening's enter
The wrestling match between
Toronto and Penn State will take
place on the following night, and if
matters can be arranged, the con
cert on Friday night will be attend
ed by both teams. The period of
time between the first and second
parts of the program will be given
over to the student body and the
athletic teams representing two
great nations—a fitting tribute to
our visitors and an acknowledge
ment of our ever broadening inter
colleigate relations.
It is already well known that the
proceeds of this concert will be
used to help defray the expenses of
the western trip. To encourage
student support, a very low price of
admission will be charged to them;
this fact and the knowledge of the
purpose to which one contributes
should insure a crowded house.
General reserved seat sale at Co
op Wednesday night at seven;
student sale Thursday at seven.
During his present trip to western
colleges, Dean Holmes will speak
at Universities of Illinois, Missouri,
Kansas, lowa and Wisconsin and
also at the lowa State College.
Many Prominent Men Here As
Speakers and Advice Givers
Much Good Accomplished.
It would be of no avail to attempt
to cover the ground of the whole
"Service" campaign, which was in
stituted by the Y. M. C. A. in the
past week, as we take it for granted
that the majority of the Penn State
students have been so actively en
gaged as to know all of the facts.
It is however befitting to say that
the campaign was extremely suc
cessful, and that it was one of the
most distinct and unique enterprises
ever attempted at this institution.
Such men as Graham Taylor
clearly demonstrated how the think
ing men of the country can better
economic and social conditions, by
performing acts of service—that is
by educating the ignorant, by bet
tering social conditions, and by in
fluencing beneficial legislation. The
religious standpoint was taken up,
but this consideration differed so
appreciably from the methods of
some of the ancient reformers, that
it was probably better understood
by the average man, The leaders
in this movement emphasized the
application of Christian principles
in a practical manner.,
Especially in the conference
work, was an opportunity granted
to men to discuss questions with
some of the most expert sociolo
gists and progressive reformers
along certain Lirniches of humani
tarian lines. Not alone were these
men able to clear up doubts in
their minds regarding certain ob
scurities, but they were also led to
take a more definite and decisive
attitude concerning some of the
questions of the day.
This active campaign especially
brought out the pertinent question
of immigration, and one with which
every college man should concern
himself. As some would have it,
the present inflow of emigrants is
going to seriously affect the nation
al spirit of the country. In this
campaign it was demonstrated that
if we are to permit these foreign
people to come to our shores, it will
be our duty to instruct them and to
snake them conceive our national
spirit and our mode of thinking.
Whether this can be accomplished
is yet to be determined, but never
theless as conditions are at present,
the idea of service, as set forth, is
certainly a most admirable project.
To the Y. M. C. A. of this insti
tution, which had assumed the bur
den of the organization of this
movement, especial credit is due.
It is no easy task to arrange sched
ules and conferences, and the same
to provide for the visitors, and
from the experience behind us, we
can readily judge, that these
requisites were performed with
aforethought and practicability.
Considering the success of this
campaign, and of the good advice
and counsel administered to the
student, it is to be hoped that Penn
State will have the privilege in fu
ture years, to witness more such
Laymen's Missionary Movement
Altoona will be the center of a
Laymen's Missionary Movement to
be held February 23, 24 and 25.
Some of the most prominent speak
ers and leaders of America will at
tend this convention. Mr. J. Camp
bell will have charge.
our EGIA,,N.
Blue and White Matmen Win Open
ing Meet of the Season
Penn State opcned the wrestling
season by defeating McGill Uni
versity of Montreal Canada, lin Fri
day evening in an inteiesting meet.
The largest crowd that ever witness
ed a meet on the local floor turned
out to see the lit st meet of the sea
son. The meet was held uncle! a
compromise of the Canadian Inter
collegiate Rules and those of the
Eastern United States Intercol
legiate League. If a fall were
obtained within the nine minute
limit, the contestants were to begin
again and wrestle to the end of the
nine minute period unless the same
man succeeded in winning a second
fall. If his opponent secured a fall
an extra three minute bout was to
be called for after the regular suc
ceeding bout had been wrestled.
Captain Shollenbeiger and Lamb
distinguished themselves by being
the only men that were able to
secure two falls within the time
The meet opened with the bout
of the 115 pound class. Baird a
new man for Penn State, made a
good showing but lost on decision
to Ewart of McGill. Mendenhall
and Audette next put up one of the
most interesting bouts of the even
ing, the latter showing himself to
be one of the best men that has
ever visited Penn State in the 125
pound class. McGill again won on
Kirk another new men on the
Blue and White team won the first
point for his team by pinning Capt.
Hughes to the mat soon after the
bout started, but he could do noth
ing more than win a decision.
Fulkman and Ford put up one of
the best exhibitions of the evening,
the former securing the first fall of
the meet with a combination arm
lock and half nelson hold.
Captain Shollenbergei made short
work of his bouts in the 158 pound
class. He secured the first fall in
less than 3 minutes and followed it
with a second in 17 seconds.
Lamb showed to advantage in the
heavy weight class and secured two
falls in a little ovet 6 minutes
115 pound class- Ewart McGill,
won on decision from 13aiir1 Penn
State-9:00 min.
125 pouncl—Auclette, McGill won
on decision from Mendenhall-9 00
135 pound—Kirk, Penn State won
on decision from Capt. Hughes.
9:00 min.
145 pounds—Fulkman Penn State
won from Ford on a fall-7 min.
36 sec.-9:00 min.
158 pound—Capt. Shollenberger
Penn State won on falls from Tuck
er Time-2'32 and 2.49.
Heavy weight—Lamb, Penn State
won on falls horn McLean—Time
2.32 and 2.49.
Referee—Malcolm MacMillan,
U. of P.
Judges—Smith, McGill; Lewis
Penn State.
Timer--Dr. Stecker Penn State.
Recorder—Light, Penn State
Spring Re-Examinations
At a meeting of the Council of
Administration held February 10th
it was voted that the regular re-ex
aminations be held on Match 24th,
25th and 2tith. It was further
voted to allow special re-examina
tions to the men going on the %%est
ern glee club trip, the dates set be
ing March 14th and 15th.
Will Present "The Yankee Bri-
gands" Mardi 7. New and Ori-
ginal Music
The Thespians will stage their an
nual production on Friday evening,
March 7th, in the Auditolium.
This yea! the attraction will be
"The Yankee Brigands", by John
Stanley Cranclell and Victor Lecoq
of Harrisburg, a musical comedy in
two acts. The cast and chorus,
composed of 24 men, were picked
from 125 men who responded to
the summons
The cast is composed of H. G.
Miller 'l5, who plays the part of
Dorothy; F. G. Ashbrook 'l4, :is
Violletta, W C. Jimeson 'l6, as
Gwenclolin, L. H. Schultz 'l5, as
Mrs. Livingstone Cotes; Dan Welty
'l4, as Jack Henshaw; W. B. Brush
sp., as the King of the Mountains;
H. M. Black 'l6, as the Colonel; L.
S. Raynor 'l6, as Thomas Brooks.
The chorus is composed of
Messrs Hooven 'l3, James 'l3,
Munhall 'l5, Clarke, H. M. 'l3, Gra
ham 'l5, hotter 'l3, Clark, J. B.
'l4, Wilson sp., Darragh 'l3, Rog
ers 'l3, Gauthier 'l4, Townsend sp.,
Deane 'l3. Leibensbergcr 'IF, W.
Whetstone 'l5 and Patterson 'l3.
The Thespians are working hid
under the able direction of Cone h
Leon Downing of Philadelphia.
Prof. Crandell is also assisting at
the rehearsals. A new feature this
year will be the newly organized
Thespian orchestra of fourteen
pieces, directed by Prof. Crandell.
President Hooven and the managers
are doing all in their power to make
"The Yankee Brigands" a rousing
7.30 p m. Room K. Library
Socialistic Club.
8:00 p m. Armory. Football
7:00 p. m. Room 201 Engineer
ing Building. Civic Club.
Important Business.
8.30 p m. Hotel. Senior Civil
0.30 p. m. Room 202, Engineer
ing Building. Lecture by Mr.
G. M. Bosf ord. "Recent De
velopment of the Locomo
7:00 p. m. Room K, Library
Liberal Arts Society.
7.30 p. m. Room 226 Main Bldg
Cosmopolitan Club.
8:00 p. m. Auditorium. Glee
Club Conceit.
1.30 p. m. Armory. Baseball
8.00 p. m Auditorium Lecture.
"Russia, the Struggle Against
Autociacy," by Mr. J. H.
" Raymond.
10.00 a. m. Old Chapel. Fresh
man Service.
11:00 a. m. Auditorium. Sunday
Chapel. Rev. Rced, Speaker.
6:30 p. m. Auditorium. Y. M.
C. A. Meeting.
6:30 p m. Old Chapel. Y. M.
C. A. Prayer Meeting.
7.30 p. m. Old Chapel. Lecture
by Mr. 'E. B. Dilts, "Mine
Accidents and Their Preven