Winter Reduction On all Clothing Sale Starts Saturday, Jan. 18th Sale Ends Saturday Feb. Ist Prompted by our progressive business policy of disposing of each season's goods in that sea son and to afford room for incoming goods we reprice our entire line of men's clothes None reserved in these stores now at greatly reduced prices. The fulthet saving of dollars on clothes at their original prices lepiesenteil the utmost value making them now attractive All new and beautiful goods. Made in the exacting fashion which our patrons demand and invariably receive ft om us. Smartly tailored and built for Ils by Hart Schaffner & Marx, Gaison Meyci & Co , Pell halen Tailoring Co. 10, 12.50, 15, 18, 20, 22.50, 25, 30 and $35 Men's Suits, Oveicoats and Raincoats 'educed to $7.50, 9.50' 11 50, 13.50, 14.50, 16, 18.75, 22 50 and 25.50. Alterations made without charge 13 "RUT/ ki' l- 1,0 • 1 0,g• 0" k0,1, t / Wlrrt - c4-t T)ress R • LJ ELLEFONTE -STATE COLLEGE F. (() Vn. , •-• Peerless : Steam : Laundry MODERN AND SANITAY .1. R 1 +lv , . Agents 3 ( H.( V 3 1 ,.. 11: 1 111 ren P.. 1 (;1e..,...n . 0r 1n f "P M. Ft ottl 9 F HV.7ll"'Wetzel ENGINEERING NOTES A meeting was held in New York last Friday composed of representa tives of the Societies for the Promo tion of Industrial and Engineering Education, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Association of Corporation Schools, a number of technical colleges and other or ganizations. The meeting was call ed for the purpose of taking iteps toward bringing together and coor dinating the activity of all these in stitutions so far as their educational work is concerned, with the view of more effectively promoting the introduction of practical and voca tional courses into our school sys tems. Dean Jackson attended this meeting. The Mechanical Engineering De partment hai just received two fine ly finished sectionigl models of air machinery from the Chicago Pneu matic Tool Company. These ale sectioned so as to show the working of the valves and other details which make up this complicated hammer and drill. The apparatus shows exceptionally fine work in design and construction. A study of these sections will give the stu dent a clear idea of the exacting requirements in the design of this class of air apparatus. The Engineering Experiment Sta tion is at present conducting a spectrophotometric investigation of a Cooper Hewitt, 220 volt, mer cury-vapor, quartz tube lamp. The results of this investigation should be of particular interest in view of the fact that such a source of light is especially rich in the ultra-violet rays, which are known to have a Every Suit Every Raincoat Every Overcoat QUALITY W(II:k harmful effect on the eyes. lhe ultimate purpose is io determine whether or not glass.globes can be obtained for the lamp which will afford ample DI otection to the eyes. This work is being carried on by Dr. W. R. Ham and Mr. Roy B Fehr. Mi. Paul I. Pieison is also giving assistance in this woi k COLLEGE NOTES February Ist is reserved foi the taking of conflicting examinations. Daily chapel will be omitted, be ginning January 24th, until February 3rd. Sunday chapel will, however, be held on January 25th and Feb ruary 2nd. The speaker for the opening chapel service of the second semes ter, February 3, will probably be Senator Sproul of Chester, Pa. Senator Sproul played football against Penn State years ago, while a member of the stfong Haver ford eleven. Eta Kappa Nu Initiates The following Electrical students were initiated in Eta Kappa Nu on December 14, 1912: W. E. Gaines, 'l3; .1. H. Butgess, 'l3; W. I. Woodcock, 'l3, F. L Gayton, 'l3; J. W. Cmpentel, S. R. Sellers, 'l4; F. 'N. Cramer, 'l4; F. H. Graham, 'l4. An Apology Because of the fact that the Col legian Office was literally swamped with news Tuesday morning, several important articles were not publish ed in this issue. Football Games Games for next fall have already been closed with Carnegie Tech, Gettysburg, Penn, Navy and Pitt. PENN STATE COLLEGIAN The Quality Shop An eitablialtment whiLlt is noted (or is line quality of letterprens printing Every order receitte. the per , onal attention of the manager slim Insuring perfect miminetinn The Niltally Printing and Publishing Company tz•-. State College I. C. O.L ivi S STAPLE and PAM ROCHES. FRUITS Best Quality Best Servtcc Your patronage schen( d ALLEN ST. STATL• COLLL•GI{ ( P.ool Billiards Cowling TOBACCO CKW,RS CIGARETTES Meek's Pool Room BUSH HOUSE PI.NN till I 114, .Z": 50 l;.'‘1.11 hall; ,; 01 , 1- dai -W f,. DAGG - - Cbc lilll tat,: Collcoc P Prupt letor L3pec 'al 1 , -;11 , ..25 to Slucipid-. Slieffler's Restaurant 0 pposlt.! loot.' Pies Sandwich es Soups 9rA,M, on \he, Cornov Always the newest latest and best in confections the Leading Smoke Shop and up to date news stand State College Meat Market I? ESI 1 - )E8 Wholesale & Retail Dealers SOUTH ALLEN STREET Visit the State College Billiard. Parlors Basement Robison Building Expert Picture Framing (;I;',NI IL\I. IvIJRCIIAN DISP; Our friers are Right FL M, Myers E College Av The Toggery Shop Men's Furnishings c A. G. Spalding & Bro's Athletic Goods "s The Heidcap and Tailormade Clothing A full assortment of 011ege Pennants - 4* C. W. SMITH Snuth Allen Street flits Cr s-c)ttG 4Calfe-- Holmes Block Near Pastime Open 6a. m. In 12 midnight Shell, Frying and Stewing Oysters We aim to lender best and quickest service and request a report yf any failure on our part Get our menu it o,DINO 13 SPALI3I4 s ? ' 1 1,p Ze , IN ti< 0- Paint Often Works Wonders In tOvertng del eels-- ail :it Wel ie imp lenient 'nay look in iffy, anil ihr eheap or it is, generally the pre( tier it looks. All Spalding athletic innilenientc an made pi hum tly for use- good look, al( ,evonilary. Catalogue free A G. SPA LDING 8 BROS 121 n Chestnut Street, Phil.ulelninn, Pn. The First National. Bank BELLEFONTE tni1,00(1 ti Chlrlts MrCurdt President S•i•t•los $1 , 5 000 Ida it' Baulk trt 1. P. HAGAI A N Strictly : Firstclass : Tailoring iigh Grade Gents Flirtnhtngs 127 S. Allon Strut HENRY GRIMM FINE TAILORING Fsiabllsho d 1811 01.rANiNr3 FWESS/NO F,'EPAIRINO FZ . Vir — rPktrallVtol6•4 - uxolThazar-bmwe:ntima,caaram its A Nettleton The Nettle :on Stands for What is Best in Fine ShoPc, The Mau who h as worn a If ottle ton Shoe knows this, and will wear no other make- The hat of ,F47W wearing Net 'deton Shoes begins with ne, first pair- Come in and got yours y The prices prr3 exceedingly low, considerinz We are agents. C. N. IF I.SII-11E, IR .1 L. Mnuthe, Student Agent always fresh Note specials RAY 0, GUANO P. O _ D. uggist Drugs Sundries Stationery Toilet Ai ticles Students' Supplies Prescriptions a Specialty STATE JEWELRY Whitman and Huyler Chocolates Nittany Inn Block College Ave. 3 °NA Tkkt Ak_okek C A. Blanchard Manng or Penn A venni , and Tort h S rPet. VkttshurA, Vtt , 1