PENN STATE VOLUME 9 NUMBER 14 BASKET BALL TONIGHT Penn Slate Quintette Will Open Season at Home This Evening With Pittsburgh Collegians as Initial Opponents —Many Class Players Advanced to Varsity Everybody should be in the Ar mory tonight to see Captain Hartz's team meet Dick Guy's Pittsburgh Collegians in the opening basket ball game of the season. The Pittsburgh Five has always played a clean, interesting game here and is one of the leading attractions of our basket ball schedule. Last winter the game between tonight's opponents resulted in a 37 to 17 victory for the Blue and White team. The Penn State line-up for to-night is a little uncertain but the game will probably start with Cap tain Hartz 'l3 at center, Bindei 'l4 and Park 'l5 at forwards and Craig 'l4 and Hay 'l5 at guards. The basket ball training table is composed of fifteen men—Captain Hartz, Craig, Binder, Savery, Metz gel, Smith, Gockley, Park, Wilson, Hay, Walton, Willard, Davidson, Tinge' and Jeffrey. Ole Ski Jarscn, who catered for the Penn State football eleven is acting in the same capacity for the basket ball team. All the training table men and a tew others have been coached daily since the earlier part of Decembei by Coaches Lewis and Hacldow. Five, or one third of the entire var sity basket ball squad, are made up ni last.! , ear's class hasket hall play- Ot these Binder has shown up best. The bSb men remaining in college ate Hartz, Craig, Mauthe and Ex-captain Shore but sickness will prevent the latter from partici pating in this year's games. Shore was a popular member of last year's team, played excellent ball and his services this year will be missed. All the other candidates ' for the team were members of last year's squad with the exception of the four freshmen, Ungei, Wil laid, Davidson and Jeffiey. This yea' may be teimed the "Experimental" yew as fat as bas ket ball is concerned at this institu tion as the interest shown at the! games will prophesy the future of the indoor fioor game here. Last year the student body voted to drop basket ball back to the Minor Sports' Department thus requiring it to be self-supporting. The nominal sum of fifteen cents which will be the admission fee for tonight's game should prevent no one from attending. This charge is made not for the purpose of secur ing a profit but merely to meet ex penses and the admission to future home games will be determined largely by tonight's attendance. So everybody out to cheer for Penn State, Manager Bevan experienced some difficulty in arranging his schedule. Attempts were made to secure games at home with some of the prominent Eastern teams but the Intercollegiate League schedule in teiferred. Penn State will play eleven games in all, fivr and six on foreign floors. Pitt, Allegheny and S' have strong teams whi make out varsity play hat The following basketbi ule has been arranged Home Games. Jan. S Pittsburgh Collegians Jan. 22 Lehigh University Jan. 25 Carnegie Tech. School Feb. 8 Allegheny College Feb. 22 University of Pittsburgh Western Trip Jan. 16 Westinghouse Club at Pittsburgh. Jan. 17 University 01 Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh. Jan. 18 Carnegie Tech Schook at Pittsburgh. Eastern Trip. Feb. 13 Lehigh University nt So Bethlehem Feb 14 Swarthmore College at Swarthmore Feb. 15 Franklin & Marshall at Lancaster. National Collegiate Association The seventh annual convention of the National Colkgiate Athletic Association was held at the Hotel Astor in New Yolk City on Decem ber 27th, Penn State was repre sented in this meeting be Graduate Manager Smith The influence of this Association in college athletics is shown by its rapid development. At the Decem ber. meeting a number of additional colleges were accepted into mem bei ship, biirging the enrollment to over 105, and representing colleges from every section of the United Stares the Association cannot bind its members to any action it may take but can only bring its in fluence to bear through educational methods The - pturclpal addresses were made by Professor Wm. L. Dudley ": Univcnity, a.nd Dr. Geo. E. Meylan of Columbia Uni- N ersity Professor Dudley took as hts cubiect the "The Proper Control of College Athletics - , in ;]rich he encleavozecl to show that the ideal in amateur spert could only be reached through .baculty control. Meylan took the subject of "Athletic Training" and dealt with its history from the beginning of athletics to the present time. Reports from the Committees on the various branches of sport con tained nothing particularly new. The report of Dr. H. L. Williams, University of Wisconsin, of the Football Rules Committee was very interesting in that it showed almost universal satisfaction with the rules as used duting the past year. Dr. J. A. Babbitt, Chairman of the Committee on Soccer football re ports a very healthy growth of interest in this game. Probably one of the most valu able reports was made by Professor Nicholson, Secretary of the Association giving the result of the questionnaire which had been submitted to all colleges in the country covering eligibility rules, methods of finance and methods of training and maintain ing the physical condition of teams. A detailed copy of this report is to be printed and submitted to all the colleges, which will be very valu able in that it will show the eligi bility rules throughout the country An open discussion in the even ing session brought out the growing improvement made by the colleges :lity and athletic ration of ath lctics. ) .-, : i;',. I 4 , -7 .4,. , '.LA,4 sr. iPi , a - 41.0k) , ,P .),..4-i.„4.0,,,f; 1 ., :.... - - - _-_-_ -. 3,4' 4,43k,0, STATE COLLEGE, PA., Ji•LNLIARY 8, 1913 THE SOCCER TRIP Penn State Played Well Against Eastern Teams—Havt,rford Game Resulted in a Tie Sew e The varsity soccer team comple ted its holidays' scheclu e by hold ing the strong Haverfrid College eleven to a tie score of and de feating Westtown 2-0. Havei ford was outdlayed by Penn State at all times (xcept for a few moments at the b.Tinning of the second half. Hay.irfoid was the first to score, doing so on a poorly executed corner Pick. State tied the score soon afterwards. These were the only s< oresof the game but our team was ,he aggress or throughout the conl'est Black and Savery starred foriState. An extra five minute perioi, was play ed out no scores were made. The Westtown game vai - , played on a foggy day with a r'iuddy field, but State played by :ar the best game of the trip. Wi'sttown was light but had excellent; team woilt and made our lads plAy the best game to win Saver 3, Gneg and Allinson were the inch !dual stars. A summary of game. played and respective scores follow Dec. 16 State 4 i. and NI 1 Dec. 17 State 1 ilavertorcl 1 Dec. 18 State 2 Westtown 0 CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, JAI- :, Toggery Shop. Collegian Directories. 715 P. M. Armory. Basket ball Pittsburgh C011er , , , 4,5 vs. Penn State. E=ll 7.00 P. M. Orchestra Rooms. Orchestra Rehearsal. Im poi t! ant. FRIDAY, DEc 111 7.30 P. M. 226 Main. Cosmopol itan Club Meeting. Report from Delegates. SATURDAN , lAN. 11 S• 00 P M. Armory. Senior Dance SUNDAI , JAN 12 Regular Sunday Meetings TUESDAY lAN 14 0.30 P. M. Old Chapel. Y M. C A. Prayer Meetmg Mrs. Semple a College Visitor Mrs. Samuel Semple of Titus ville, Penna., President of the Fed elation of Women's Clubs of Penn sylvania, is a guest of the Depart m,erit of Home Economics, at the Woman's Building She adds essed a meeting held there last night. Mr. Semple was one of out Sunday preachers during the last college year Water Color Pamtings. The collection of Water Color Paint ings, which has been on display in the Architectural Engineering Dc paitment January 3 to 7, has creat ed a great deal of interest from town people, the faculty and the student body The department is to be highly commended toi the display. Frank Higgins, the "Sky Pilot of the Lumber Jacks" 01 the Mimic sota woods will be here over the coming weekend. His work among the lumbermen of Minnesota has made him known all over the coun try Yale and Princeton consider him as one oh then best yeatly visi tors He comes from Minnesota especially fot this visit and a tare treat is promised. Jane Addams will be lieu. on the 18th and 16th. bracelet. ry Dept. , tie. Re- trend the COLLEGIAN. Penn State's Xmas in Pittsburgh. On Saturday night Dec. 23 in the Dutch Room of the Fort Pitt Hotel there was a gathering of Penn State alumni and students of the Pitts burgh district which was unpreced ented. Many prospective students were present and also s isitors from the University of Michi gan, University of Chicago, and University of Pittsburgh. In all about seventy five took part in the festivities. "Eats" and "snok-.!s" were alike enjoyed by all. During the early part of the even ing "Pop" Golden and Jimmie Keister with "Professor" Weber at the piano broke in with some music, Then the whole bunch joined in and the old place shook at times. Ar hur, President of the Pittsburgh Club presided. Graduate Manager Ray Smith was the first speaker, Ray had just returned from the Annual Collegiate Athletic Conven tion in New York He said that the tendency was now very strong among all colleges to put into effect the three year residence rule which debars freshmen from play ing on all varsity teams. In view of this glowing tendency would it not be advisable for the students and alumni of Penn State to give this matter very serious attention in the near future ? The time has come when we must think of it very seriously as it is the general con sensus of opinion among athletic authorities that that is the reason our college does not receive univer sal recognition throughout the East. Smith then explained the delay in securing Bill Hollenback as coach fociicAL - yea - 1. - 5. Or I J AC." fact that Hollenback desires to en ter into some permanent business, he would have signed his c mtract at Thanksgivmg time in Pittsburgh. Bill is at present considering some propositions which may necessitate his giving up coaching altogether, hence the delay. However, Man age! Smith will know definitely very soon, and we can rest assured that if Bill coaches at all, it will be here at Penn State. Pop Golden next spoke. Pre viously Pop had been making the night hideous with his vocal efforts, but he subsided long enough to dis course on the old State "spirit" and incidentally expressed his opinion oil the three year rule which he evidently does not favor for Penn State. Jim Coibett, an old State man who never misses a Penn State function unless he is in the hospital , gave the undergraduates an idea of how much some of the old men think of our college. Lester Mauthe spoke briefly of next year's football prospects which he declared to be very good. "Burly" Watson 'll, our star 1910 center, spoke of all branches of sport, particularly wrestling. Ben Bart, the heart and soul of the Pittsburgh Alumni Asso ciation, told what the associa tion was doing and intended to do in the future. John Clarke "told" a sweet but short "tale". Mal Ross another "old" man who is still young gave us an exhibition of fancy dancing that would have put to shame any professional toe danc er in the business. Other promi ment alumni spoke, and the even ing ended with singing and piano selections. It was indeed a merry and at the same time serious affair and was a huge success Pittsburgh Collegians versus Penn State at 7:15 tonight. Armory. PRICE FIVE CENTS A SUCCESSFUL FARMERS WEEK 817 Interested Persons Attend Lec- tures. The Visitors Resolve to Help Penn State in Coming Meet- ing of the Legislature All who attended the course of lectures presented here during the week from December 26 to January 2 are convinced that this Seventh Annual "Farmer's Week" was the most successful of all that have been held. Besides the 137 regular short course men, there were registered 680 men from all parts of this state; and instructive lectures were delivered before them by the best of agricultural authorities. Especially noticeable this year was the interest and enthusiasm toward the wellfare of the college shown by the visitors. Taking into their discussion the financial requirements, the lack of agricultural investigations, the spreading of information to the farmers of the state and the fact that the industries of the state could be served to a much greater degree, this assemblage in attendance at the Seventh Annual Farmers Week pleged itself, individually and col lectively, to urge our several representatives to activelly support the entire budget which is being submitted to the legislature by the trustees of the Pennsylvania State College. Thespian Trials Trials for positions in the cast or chorus of year's__ Thespian production will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 16th, 17Th, and 18th of January. These trials are open to men of all classes and as former experience in this line of work is by no means neces sary it is hoped that a goodly num ber will respond to the call. Those intending to compete for positions in the cast may obtain copies of the play from A. M. Hooven at the S. A. E. House on or after Saturday, Jan. 11. The exact time and place of these trials will be announced later. All applicants for the position of pianist in the Thespian orchestra will report to Prof. J. S. Crandell at the Nittany Inn, Saturday Janu ary 11th at 1:30 o'clock. The Directories Ready. The Faculty aid Student Direc tory for the Coll ge Year 'l2-'l3 will be distributed free to all those who present receipts for paid subscrip tions for this year's "Collegian" on Wednesday and the following days of this week, at the Toggery Shop. An opportunity will be given at the same time to pay subscriptions, and thereby secure Directories. A can vas will also be made for additional subscriptions. Remember a Direc tory will be given free with each paid subscription. Wrestling Candidates The regular times for varsity wrestling practice are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings. All candidates should report on these nights to cake ad vantage of the coaching to be re ceived then from coaches and members of the varsity team. Senior Dance Saturday The second of the series of senior dances will be held in the Armory this coming Saturday evening. The dance will start at 8 o'clock.